YouTube Madness

By percyswhore

848 152 548

**short story** ||COMPLETED|| Peyton just wants to entertain people with her YouTube channel. It's quarantine... More

Olivia controls me for a day!! **i am never doing this again**
WE GOT A DOG!!! *Mason's sacred**
Mason and I answer questions about us!
The boys suprised Olivia and I with a DOUBLE DATE NIGHT?!
I told Mason I was pregnant... *i started a prank wars*
Girls night vlog **i lost $100** | IMPORTANT NOTICE

My cousin flirts with my boyfriend!! (PRANK) **this was fun**

131 27 121
By percyswhore

I genuinely don't like coffee, but it's whatever.

lol, I don't know why I told you that. But i did.


I tilted my head to the side, looking at the camera. Then I stuck my tongue out. Because I can. And could.

"Hey guys, it's Peyton here," I took my phone off the bathroom sink. I quickly shut the bathroom door, and focused the camera on sleeping Mason.

"So, I hope y'all are doing great, because I am." I started. My stupid duck slippers made a quack. I stopped dead in my tracks. Mason shifted in his sleep. He made a few grumbling noises, and the place went dead quiet again.

I exhaled. "So, now that we're in the cool, I'm going to do a quick transition. I hope I don't mess this up. I probably will."


"Okay, I'm back! With, my cup of coffee," I added, taking a sip of it. I was holding a cup of black coffee. I loved coffee. Though, I wasn't like-addicted to it. "And I didn't mess up the transition. That's an achievement!"

I grinned. My hair was no longer in the mess it was in earlier. I was now dressed up in a white shirt, and simple black leggings.

"Okay, so Mason has literally no idea what we're doing. Lucas and Olivia just left to go get Mel-she's my cousin. We discussed this over the night, and she was cool with it. This prank could go wrong in so many ways. Mason could flirt back, and our relationship would be ruined. But, I trust him completely, so I'm confident over the fact that he'll won't. Mason's never met her, before. So this is going to be good."

Once I finally got down the stairs, I called up Lucas and Olivia. They said they had just picked her up, which means it's time for me to go wake up Mason. I walked back up the stairs, and opened the door slightly, so it wouldn't make any noise.

I set my coffee down, and positioned my phone properly, on my dressing table so you could get a perfect view of what I was going to do. Then I yelled at top of my lungs.

"Mason you hibernating baboon get the hell out of bed!" And with that, I jumped on him. I was a little worried that I'd ended up killing my boyfriend, but then he let out a little groan, in pain.

"The hell is wrong with you, Pey?" I moved off him, and pulled out of bed by his legs. He hit the ground with a loud thud. He groaned, rubbing his face as he looked up at me.

"Get up, you lazy hazel," I scolded. He snorted. It was a little inside joke. I smiled at him.

He got up, still shirtless, and squinted his eyes at me. "Why did you wake me up so early? Am I meant to be filming a video or something?" He rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out of them. His eyes scanned the room, trying to decipher his surroundings.

"Nope. I woke you up, 'cause I wanted to." I grinned at him. "Okay, I'm just kidding. I woke you up, because I have a friend coming over. She's a YouTuber like us, she's coming to here to interview my boyfriend-which is you, Mason-"

"No shit."

"-shut up. So, please get dressed and ready, she'll be here any minute, with Lucas and Liv. Her name's Mel, and she's very friendly."

"Ugh, people." Mason groaned, running a hand through his hair. "Do I have to shower?"

"Yes, you do, Mason. Okay, bye!"


I basically ran to the door in excitement. I flung the door open. Lucas was standing there, with an arm around Olivia. Mel was looking at me with the exact same excitement that I held in my own eyes. Safe to say, we were related.

"Oh my gosh, Peyton! I haven't seen you in months!" Mel exclaims. I grinned at her, as I pulled her into a hug.

Mason was currently in the shower, and he took ages in the shower, so we had a lot of time left before he came down stairs. We had agreed that I would be the one to call him down, for the video.

Mel pulled away, smiling brightly. She wore a green sweater and some sweats, with of course; sneakers. She had them in abundance. Mel weighed more than me, and hell, I wished I had a body like hers.

She had recently just gotten out of a relationship with her abusive boyfriend, Connor, who was now single and flirting with a bunch of girls. She looked even more happy than ever now. I was happy for her.

Yes, she was a YouTuber like me. And pretty much, everyone I know. She didn't have a boyfriend, and probably wouldn't be getting anyone soon. She had agreed to this under certain terms.

One: She gets to leave her hair down.

That was the only condition. I had a feeling that had something to do with Connor. When she was with him, her hair was always that way. I think Connor was obsessed with it, or had a fetish for ponytails.

We all walked into the living room, where my phone was situated, on the desk. That was the only place where you could get a proper view of the whole entire living room.

The chairs were set, so that, in the middle of the whole living room, you had two leather sofas opposite each other, with the coffee table in the middle.

Mel was going to ask Mason a bunch of questions. She was meant to do an interview with Mason. Mason doesn't know that she'll be asking a bunch of personal questions, after she gets comfortable. And then, she'll start all flirty and touchy with him. That was basically it. I was looking forward to his reaction. A lot.

"So, you guys are going to be seated here," I pointed to the couch. "Mason's currently taking a shower, so he has literally no idea what we're doing. Um, Mel, you do know what to do, right?" I asked.

Hell, was I kidding? She was like a human flirtation device. Of course she knew what she was expected to do.

Mel grinned. Her teeth were white. I remember when we were kids, we'd have this competition to see who's teeth were more sparkly. I would try to mean by all means, and she would, too. We made the mistake of making our moms the judges.

We were always tied.

"Definitely. Holy, what if he flirts back?" She exclaimed.

"If he flirts back, then-well-let's not go there." I smiled at her. She giggled as she plopped herself on the couch. "So, I told him you were a YouTuber, which is why, I switched my phone case, so he'd think it was your phone."

Mel nodded as her eyes scanned the living room. She was excited. I think everyone in this room was excited. I hadn't pulled a prank in what? Six months? And now, I was back at it again, except this was during quarantine. Her fingers tapped impatiently on the arm rest.

Lucas, was now holding my phone, taking in the full scene. He stood at the corner, smiling and making eye contact with Olivia, who seemed to be trapped.

Sorry. Frozen.

That moment when you realize girls can be just as whipped as guys.

"Okay, so, now, we wait. Hopefully he doesn't waste time doing this." I said, plopping myself on the couch.

I was wrong.


One hour.

One fucking hour, and Mason still wasn't here. Did he catch on and decide not to come downstairs? I doubted it, but it was still a possibility.

Mel was surprisingly still on her seat. In fact, she looked calm now. She hummed to the tune, she heard. She had her air pods on now, as she scrolled through her phone. She had to be the calmest out of all of us.

Lucas looked like he'd given up. He had taken off his jacket a long time ago, and was now sited on the counter. He had dropped my phone a little while back, and positioned it on the same desk it was on before.

Olivia was lying down, face to the ceiling on the counter. Her head was on Lucas' lap. He stroked her hair gently, as he stared at the stair case, waiting for Mason to come down.

I was sitting on the couch opposite Mel's. I was nibbling on my nails, in anticipation. I wondered if Mason would show up or not. My eyes darted around the room, looking for something else to focus on. I couldn't stop this video now. I had already gone too far.

Then at last, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Mason hurried down the stairs in a button-up shirt, and white Khakis. His brown hair was now curled up, practically calling my name. My hands were itching to rough it all up. Mason looked somewhat professional, as he sauntered down the stairs.

"Sorry, I'm late. I know," Mason said, as he walked up to us. He shoved his hands in his pockets. "I fell asleep."

Of course, he did.

"An hour late!" Liv snarled, as she got up from the counter. Lucas pouted, but gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She flushed slightly.

"I know, I know," Mason shrugged. I got up the couch, and motioned for him to sit there. "I'm tardy, don't remind me."

"Okay, so, Lucas, Liv and I, will be in the kitchen. Mel will just ask you a few questions, and you're good to go." I said, with a smile.

"Did anyone say threesome?" Mel muttered under her breath, snorting. I think I was the only one who heard that. I shot her look, telling her to shut up.

Mason nodded, sitting down carefully on the couch. Why was he acting so formal? It was probably paranoia. Ever since quarantine started, he hadn't been around another girl, except from me and Olivia.

I didn't even know he owned Khakis.

"Okay, so let's get started." Mel spoke up, putting her phone away. I don't think Mason payed attention to that, because his attention was on me, solely. More specifically, my pants.

I was literally just in leggings, but he supposedly found that sexy. I would'nt complain. You get used to it at some point.

Olivia, Lucas and I, walked to the kitchen in order. Lucas and Olivia resumed their origins positions, while I took a stool and dragged it all the way to the entrance, so I had a view of what was happening.

Mason's back was facing me, so I didn't have to worry. Mel sent me a smug look, that I returned. We had our own way of communicating to each other.

Mel was like my twin sister. We could literally wear the same thing. We would pass as best friends to anyone, but no. We weren't best friends. We were just close relatives.

Mason was my best friend. But, I'm not going to friend zone him. He's also my boyfriend.

"So, Mason, Peyton's told me quite a lot about you," Mel started, chuckling. Mason nodded. I could see his smile from my peripheral vision. "I hear you sing?"

"Yup." He said, popping the 'p'.

"Do you have any new projects you're working on?" Mel asked, genuinely interested.

"No, not quite. Well, none that I can tell you of." Mason leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees.

"You must be really hard working," Mel told him, letting out a breathless sigh. Olivia snorted from behind me. "I really dig hard working guys." Mel said, with a suggestive tone.

Mason didn't seem to get the hint. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I know a few, if you would want that,"

I pursed my lips together. This might take a lot longer than expected. I forgot how oblivious Mason could be when he wanted to.

Mel frowned. "No. Did you know I sing, too? Maybe we could make a collab sometime? I think we'd make a great duo." She grinned. This time, both Lucas and Olivia snorted from behind me. I shot them both the look.

"I'm down for it." He then turned to the camera. "You heard it first here guys, Mel and Mason will be making a song together." He announced proudly.

Mel didn't even sing. We both sounded like wheezing donkeys when we sang. She was starting off with the little hints, that she was flirting.

Mel looked like she wanted to let out a groan, but she didn't. "Yeah, you did. Mason and I, yada yada yada, I heard you're a great kisser." Oh God, save these poor souls.

I could practically feel Mason's smirk. It was radiating off of him in waves. "Peyton told you that?"

"Of course! I'm sure you'd be down for an experiment sometime. The fans would love it."

Mason hesitated. He cleared his throat and shifted, uncomfortably in his seat. Finally. "Actually, I think I'm busy."

"With who?"

"Peyton." He responded casually. I bit my lip, causing me to flinch at the impact.

Mel jotted out her bottom lip. "Don't you think you'll get tired of her sometime soon?"

I straightened, waiting for his answer. My feet were tapping repeatedly, on the floor, with anxiety. This felt like one of those moments when you're waiting for your report sheet.

"Nah, I'm madly in love with her. I won't be getting tired of her, at all." He said, with emphasis on each word. He was trying to pass a message.

"I doubt it, you'll probably break up soon." Mel shrugged, casually. Mason looked down. Mel immediately shot me a thumbs up, to which I returned.

"We won't." Mason said firmly.

Mel was sent in hysterics. She flew her arms around, before they landed on Mason's thigh. "Oh God, you're so funny. I can't, right now." She wiped the fake tears off.

Mason stared at her hand on his thigh.

"Okay, next question." Mel said, removing her hand from his thigh. "How long have you and Peyton been dating?"

"Three years." Mason replied, nodding slowly, as he assessed her movements. I noticed he had a fist by his side, it was clenched.

"Don't you think that's too long,? I mean, relationships are bound to end-"

"Okay, I've had enough of this." Mason said, standing up abruptly. "I don't care if this is a fucking YouTube video. I don't give a flying fuck, to be honest. I only agreed to this because Peyton asked me to. She's my girlfriend, and I'll love her always. Our relationship won't be ending time soon, and hell, you're not even my type. So please just shut up, and leave our fucking house, thank you very very much."

Lucas, Olivia, Mel, and I gasped. It took a while for all of us to recover from Mason's outburst. Mason was always so calm and collected, I hadn't seem him this ticked off before.

"Damn, you went off," Mel said, looking at him with pride. "My cousin has a keeper."

I took that as my cue to run out and hug him. I was sure he couldn't breathe, but I just wanted to hug him.

"I'll always love you, too, Mason." I sniffed. Mason looked at me like I'd just grown three heads.

Olivia and Lucas came out of the kitchen. Once Olivia got a look at Mason, she barked out in laughter. His expression was funny.

At the same time, we all chorused, "You've been pranked!"

Mason's jaw might have as well hit the ground. "What?"

"Well, I think it's time you met my cousin Mel. We got her to come here and do this." I explained.

Mason looked between me and a grinning Mel. "Holy shit. How could I not see this? I basically dressed up in khakis to get you to go away!"

"For the record, you look hot." I compliment him.

"I should've gotten that on tape." Mason grinned down at me. "So, you're trying to say, that, Mel's your cousin, whom you hired to flirt with me-you're sick."

I laughed, patting him on the shoulder. "Took you long enough to figure that out."

"Why haven't I met Mel before?" He turned to Mel. "And do you actually sing?" Mason asked her, narrowing his eyes.

"Well, I moved from New York to LA two months ago, so yeah, she probably never told you about me, because we weren't talking for four years straight, because we were we busy and all that." Mel explained. "And no, I don't sing. I sound like a yodelling dolphin, when I do."

Mason, chuckled, pulling her in for a hug.

"I missed you," I told her, pulling her in for another hug.

We pulled away, with Mel still grinning. "I know you did."

"Okay guys! Don't forget to hit that subscribe button! Hit the big thumbs up, and turn on your post notifications, so you can get notified any time Peyton posts a video!" Mel yelled, at the top of her voice.

I chuckled. "You heard her. I'll link everyone's channel down in the description, and all their socials. Also, go check out Mason's songs. You'll probably like them. I'll link them, too. And that's a rap! Bye!"


Y'all owe me. I have exams and here I am writing a new chapter. And like I said, this is basically going to determine if I'm moving FORWARD in life.

And here I am writing this.

Y'all owe me. Big time.

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