By Amnarhhhh

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Asmau's life takes a huge turn when her father arranges her marriage to Abubakar Sadeeq Saleem, a doting fath... More



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By Amnarhhhh


After Abubakar returned from work and we had dinner, we went up to our room. I couldn't hold back myself anymore, so I decided to bring up the topic.

"You guys finished work early today?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Yeah, there wasn't much to do," he replied.

"I have a question for you," I began, my tone serious. He looked surprised but nodded for me to continue.

"Is it true that you had dinner with Iman last week?" I asked.

He hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes, but--"

"Why wasn't I informed?" I interjected, with a straight look.

"It was a business dinner," he responded, with a guilty expression. Yes, you should feel bad.

"Are you partners with her company?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yes, her father's company. It wasn't just the two of us. My workers and our other partners were there too. But how did you find out?" he inquired, genuinely surprised.

"I found out from Iman herself. You should have trusted me enough to tell me about your partnership with her company. Instead, I had to hear it from her," I smiled bitterly, my voice filled with disappointment.

"I knew you would react like this, Asmau. That's why I didn't tell you. And where did you meet up with her?" he questioned, curiously.

"I went to her house to confront her, to set her limits because apparently, you couldn't do that! And you know what? She finally confessed that she still loves you and wants you back. Do you believe me now?" I asked, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Please, Asmau, don't go to her house again. I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby. And just know that you're the only woman I love on this earth. Trust me," he pleaded, coming closer to comfort me.

"How can I trust you if you don't trust me enough to share all your secrets?" I questioned.

"Don't say that, my love. I trust you with everything in me. I just don't want you to get hurt, Hayatie," he reassured me.

"Abubakar, I'm so tired. You always say you trust me, but you don't show it. I'm tired, so, so tired," I expressed, feeling exhausted.

As we continued talking, a sudden sharp pain shot through my stomach, causing me to cry out in pain.

"What is it?" Abubakar rushed to my side, his concern evident.

"Ouch! It hurts!" I clutched my stomach, feeling a wet sensation between my legs. My heart sank as I looked down and saw blood.

"Blood," I whispered, looking up at him and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"What blood?" he asked, panic creeping into his voice.

"My baby, Abubakar. My baby," I sobbed.

"Calm down. We have to get to the hospital," he said, his voice filled with urgency. He lifted me in his arms, carrying me in a bridal style.

"It hurts so much, Innalillahi," I repeated, as we hurried downstairs to the car.


When I saw blood on Asmau's gown, fear gripped me. I carefully carried her and we hurried downstairs, her cries and moans of pain echoing through the house.

"Daddy, what's wrong with mommy?" the kids asked, their faces filled with worry.

"Don't worry, babies. Mommy will be fine. Saratu, please take care of the kids and call Maryam. Let her know that I'm taking Asmau to the hospital," I instructed quickly. I rushed to the car, gently placing Asmau in the backseat, and drove off to the hospital.

Upon our arrival, Asmau was swiftly taken by wheelchair into the emergency ward. Anxiety and fear consumed me as I tried to remain calm. I reached for my phone to inform our family; moments later, Mami, Maryam, Layla, and Abba arrived.

"My son," Mami embraced me tightly.

"Mami, I'm scared... so, so scared... Asmau and the baby," I said, my voice filled with worry.

"Abubakar, have faith. Asmau is a fighter. She will fight for her life and the baby's. We just have to keep praying," Mami reassured me, her voice soothing.

"Yes, Yaya. Aunty Ma'u is a fighter. Just calm down and trust her," Maryam added.

"Thank you," I managed to say, offering a small smile. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have argued with her about Iman.

"Have you informed her parents?" Mami asked.

"No, let me call them now," I replied, frantically searching for my phone.

"Don't worry, my son. I have already informed them," Abba announced, coming to us.

"Thank you, Dad," I said.

Minutes later, the Muhammad family arrived at the hospital. After exchanging pleasantries, everyone settled down, lost in their own thoughts and prayers.

When it was time for prayer, the men went to the hospital mosque, while the women headed to the female mosque. I prayed to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for the safety of my wife and unborn child, prolonging my prostration as I poured out my fears and hopes.

After prayers, we gathered back at the hospital. Layla approached me, concern evident in her eyes.

"Yaya, aren't you hungry?" she asked.

"No, Layla, thank you," I replied, my appetite diminished by worry.

"Okay, but please try not to worry too much. Aunty Asmau will come out fine,"

"Yes, I know," I managed to muster a small smile.

"Where is Maryam?" I inquired, wondering about my sister's whereabouts.

"She went to your house to check on the kids," Layla informed me.

"Okay," I nodded.

An hour later, the doctor emerged from Asmau's room, and I rushed to her side, my heart pounding with anticipation.

"Doctor, how is my wife?" I asked anxiously, desperately seeking good news.

"Well..." she began, pausing and removing her glasses, her expression grave.


I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by the brightness of the room, causing my vision to blur for a moment. I blinked and focused, realizing I was lying on a hospital bed.

Turning my head to the left, I saw Abubakar with a small smile on his face.

"Welcome back, my love," he said, warmly.

"Thank you. Wait, my baby," I exclaimed, reaching for my stomach and feeling the presence of my baby bump.

"Calm down, hayatie. The baby is fine," he reassured me, and I let out a soft sigh.

"Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah," I whispered gratefully.

"Guess what?" he exclaimed.

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

"We're having twins, habibty! Twins!" he exclaimed joyfully.

"Are you serious?" I asked, my eyes widening in surprise.

"Yes!" He embraced me tightly.

"Alhamdulillah. Ya Allah, thank you," I squealed. I attempted to get off the bed in my excitement.

"Not so fast, hayatie. Wait until the doctor checks you before you get up," he cautioned, gently holding me back.

Just then, the doctor entered the room.

"Well, I can see she's awake," the doctor smiled and approached me.

"Yes, doc," Abubakar replied.

"Mrs. Abubakar, you will need to be extra careful now and avoid stressing yourself because of the twins you're carrying," the doctor advised.

"Yes, doc, inshaAllah," I replied with a smile, this is the best news ever.

After the doctors left, Maryam, Summaya, and Rukayya entered the room, rushing to hug me.

"Oh, Yaya ma'u, we were so worried," Summaya said with concern.

"Don't worry, I'm alright. Where are Aunty and Umma?" I asked, referring to my mother and mother-in-law.

"They will be here soon. They went home to rest," Rukayya answered.

A few minutes later, Mami and Layla entered the room.

"My daughter, how are you feeling?" Mami asked, enveloping me in a warm embrace.

"Alhamdulillah, Mami, I feel much better," I replied, a smile spreading across my face.

"Toh, MashaAllah! You and the babies are alright. Have you eaten?" Mami inquired.

"No, Mami, she hasn't," Maryam responded.

"Yakamata, kici abinci. You have two babies inside you. We brought food. Layla, pass me that food basket next to you," Mami ordered, her voice filled with concern.

"Mami, this one?" Layla asked, a frown etching her face.

"No, the one on my head," Mami replied sarcastically, drawing laughter from the rest of us, except for Layla, who deepened her frown.

A few minutes later, my parents arrived, and we engaged in lively conversation. Maryam narrated how Noorie had cried all night because I was at the hospital, my chest tightened at the thought of my baby.

I placed my palm on my baby bump, feeling  alot of joy inside of me and at the same time I feel so scared, because I just hope I can be a perfect mother to the twins and their siblings; Safeeya, Ansar, and Noorie.


A day later, we were discharged from the hospital, and we returned home. As soon as I entered the house, the kids rushed towards me, wrapping their arms around me in a tight embrace. "My babies, I missed you so, so much," I said, showering them with kisses, one after the other.

"Mummy, we were so worried about you," they expressed their concerns.

"Don't worry, my darlings. I'm alright now, so there's no need to worry anymore," I reassured them with a smile.

"Promise you will never leave us?" Noorie asked, with a pout.

"Yes, baby, I promise, In shaa Allah," I said, pulling her into a hug.

"Auntyyy, we missed you!" Saratu exclaimed happily.

"I missed you too, Saratu," I replied, returning her smile.

We made our way to the living room, and to my surprise, I saw Iman sitting on the sofa. As she noticed our arrival, she stood up and approached us.

"Oh, Asmau, welcome back. You look..." she paused, studying me carefully, "...tired. I'm sure you need some rest," she said, a hint of mockery in her tone.

"Thank you, Iman, and yes, I do need some rest. I spent the night at the hospital. By the way, may I ask what you're doing in my house?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I came to see the kids, and I also heard that you had a miscarriage?" she asked, her words dripping with a twisted sense of satisfaction.

"No, no, don't go there, Iman. Mind your words. I didn't have a miscarriage. In fact, I have more good news. I'm expecting twins—a girl and a boy," I announced, with a grin. I watched as her smirk turned into a deep frown.

"Oh, I-I am happy for you. Congratulations," she forced a smile, clearly affected by the news.

"Thank you," I responded, this time around with a smirk on my face. Just then, Abubakar entered the room.

"Iman, what are you doing here?" he questioned. 

"I came to pay you guys a visit, and now I have to go. Kids, it was nice seeing you, and Asmau, take care of yourself and the babies," she said, rolling her eyes before turning and walking away. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.

"Mummy, are you really expecting twins?" the kids asked, their faces filled with excitement.

"Yes, my darlings," I answered, beaming with joy.

"Yeyyyyy!" they shouted, their excitement as they began running around the house, due to happiness. I laughed at their excitement.

"Kids, will you please stop running?" Abubakar raised his voice, and they immediately halted.

"Daddy, when it's just Mummy at home, we get to have fun, but you, you never allow us," Noorie pouted, playfully feigning anger. We all laughed.

"Oh Noorie, do you think so? Then I won't let you guys have fun anymore," I teased, and she pouted even more.

"Sorry, Mummy," she apologized, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Mumu, just shush," Safeeya playfully scolded.

"Mummy, you see, she's calling me 'mumu,'" Noorie reported.

"Safeeya, don't call my girl 'mumu' again," I interjected, giving Safeeya a stern glare.

"Sorry, Noorie. I meant 'Mumu Ansar'," Safeeya quickly corrected herself, causing Ansar to shoot her a glare.

"Safeeya, you're not okay. If I give you a blow, you call forget your name" Ansar threatened, glaring at her.

"Daddy, Ansar is disrespecting me!" Safeeya whined, returning the glare.

"It's your fault. Don't insult them again. I don't ever want to hear any insults in this house again. Am I clear?" Abubakar warned strictly.

"Yes, Daddy. Sorry," they apologized in unison.

"Hayatie, let's go upstairs. You need to rest," Abubakar suggested, taking my hand in his.

"No, habiby, I'm okay," I protested, playfully whining.

"But you have to shower. You stink," he joked, earning a playful smack on his hands from me.

"Heyyy! I don't stink, habiby," I pouted in annoyance.

"It doesn't matter whether you stink or not. I love you that way," he said affectionately, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you too," I whispered, as he placed a soft kiss on my cheeks.

Written: 25/9/2020
Edited: 16/9/2023

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