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"I'm really angry because just a week before the wedding and they decided to postpone it," Mimi hissed, frustration evident in her voice. Amirah chuckled in response.

"I don't like this, Amirah," Mimi added, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

I asked, curiously, taking a bite of my delicious burger, "Why did they even postpone it?"

Mimi sighed, "Because he's traveling for a business trip for four months, so our parents decided it would be best to delay the wedding until he returns. When they called me yesterday, I thought it was good news, but they broke my heart. And to make matters worse, he had the audacity to ask me what he should buy for me while he's away."

"I'm so sorry, my friend," Farhan sympathized.

"Be patient, my friend. It's like tomorrow when he'll be back, and you two can get married. Just calm down and relax," I reassured her, taking a sip of my apple juice.

"You guys are right, thank you," Mimi smiled, calming down.

"Um, Mimi, if you won't finish that meat pie, please pass it to me," I gestured.

"Goodness, Asmau, you already ate three burgers. Isn't that enough?" Amirah asked, with widened eyes.

"Excuse me, I'm carrying twins for God's sake. Don't blame me," I playfully rolled my eyes.

Amirah shook her head in disbelief, then I noticed a missed call from Abubakar on my phone. I quickly dialed his number and he answered.

"Hello, habiby," I greeted.

"Hello, hayatie. How are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Alhamdulillah. How are you doing? How's work?" I inquired.

"Stressful, but Alhamdulillah. How are the kids?"

"They're fine. They've gone to islamiyya."

"I wanted to tell you that I'll visit Mami's place before coming home," he informed me.

"But habiby, I want corn," I whined.

"Corn, really?" he asked with amusement.

"Yes, I want roasted corn, but you're not coming home early, and I can't wait," I pouted.

"Okay, I will send Hamza to buy and deliver it to you," he agreed, making me squeal with joy.

"Aww, thank you my habiby. I love you so much," I gushed.

"I love you too," he replied, and we ended the call.

The girls looked at me and burst into fits of laughter. "What?" I blushed, feeling slightly shy.

"Asmau, you're making us jealous. We're still single, remember?" Farhan joked, fanning herself dramatically.

"Yes, pity us and stop with the oppression," Ibty chimed in.

Suddenly, Mimi let out a groan, expressing her disappointment. "Oh my God, why did they postpone the wedding by another week? I would have been Mrs. Omar Khalid,"

"I'm really sorry, Mimi, but why don't you two get married and go abroad together?" Ibty suggested.

"We tried that, but his parents said we should be patient and not rush things," Mimi explained.

"I'm sure it will happen soon, maybe even close to my delivery date," I chimed in with a smile.

"Yay, that's good news. I can't wait," Ibty exclaimed.

"Same here," we all cheered.

"So, where's the witch?" Mimi suddenly asked.

"The witch?" I questioned, puzzled.

MY LIFE AS A STEPMOM🖤✅|COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now