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"Where's Iman?" I demanded as soon as their maid opened the door.

"She's ins-" I didn't wait for her to finish as I stormed inside. "Ma'am, please stop; I have to inform her first," she pleaded, but I paid no heed and made my way upstairs.

"Ma'am, stop, please!" she yelled, following me inside. I reached the door of their living room upstairs, turned the doorknob, and barged in.

"IMAN YOU-!" My words got stuck in my throat, and my eyes widened at who I saw. "Ya Salma," I whispered in confusion.

"Asmau!" she whispered back, standing up from the couch.

"Asmau, what the hell are you doing in my house?!" Iman demanded.

"Ya Salma, why are you here?" I asked, ignoring Iman's question.

"I-I a-" she stammered.

"Go ahead, Salma, tell her why you are here," Iman said, a wicked smirk playing on her lips.

"Asmau, the truth is, I'm here to ask Iman for a job."

"Job?" I whispered in disbelief.

"Yes, I really need one," Salma replied.

"Hey, hey, hey, if you want to have your family discussion, you better not have it here. Now, Asmau, tell me why the hell you are here because I'm not happy seeing you, honestly," Iman said. Suddenly, it clicked in my mind why I was here. I walked over to her and landed a hot slap on her right cheek.

"How dare youu!!" She yelled and raised a hand to slap me back, but Ya Salma held her by the arm.

"Don't you dare slap my sister," she said, glaring at Iman.

"Let go of me," Iman demanded, wrenching her arm from Ya Salma's hold.

"Iman, you deserve something much worse than a slap. You are a heartless monster, so full of hatred and jealousy; it's pitiful," I spat.

"Can you stop blabbering and tell me what I did now!?" Iman yelled.

"Don't play dumb with me, Iman. You stooped so low as to pay someone to poison me so I could lose my life, right? And I lost my baby because of what you did. How wicked are you?!" I yelled.

"Asmau, so now you are blaming me for your mistakes? You were careless; you weren't careful enough. Don't blame your mistakes on me just because you were a bad mother who couldn't take care of her baby. What a shame."

"Say what you want, but you won't deceive me. The waiter at the dinner party told me everything. He told me that you paid him to poison me. Iman, are you that wicked? You are a mother; you are supposed to understand the pain of losing a child. But what can I expect from a mother who left her own kids for another man?"

The next thing I felt was a stinging sensation on my cheek. I took deep breaths to calm myself down.

"How dare you!" She yelled.

"The truth hurts, right?" I chuckled, satisfied at how angry I had made her.

"Listen, Asmau, I'm going to give you a little advice. If you want to live long and in peace, you better leave Abubakar because he is mine. I will make sure I get my family back, the family you stole away from me!"

"I didn't steal anything away from you, Iman, and you know it's true! You love hurting me, and you don't care about your kids. You are so selfish, and that's why you want to get Abubakar back. You don't care about your kids; you are just obsessed with getting Abubakar back, and that's not going to happen!"

MY LIFE AS A STEPMOM🖤✅|COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now