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"Where the hell is Abubakar?!" I yelled as I felt another, even stronger contraction.

"Ya ma'u, I have called him. He will be here soon, please calm down," Maryam reassured me, her hand rubbing my back.

I hunched over and continued blowing out air, trying to manage the pain. Another contraction hit, more intense this time.

"I'm here," Abubakar's voice cut through the tension as he walked into the house.

"Hayatie, how are you doing?" he asked, concern etched across his face.

"Abubakar, I'm in labor, what do you think? Just take me to the hospital, please!" I cried out, clutching his shirt tightly.

"Okay, my love, calm down," he responded, swiftly scooping me up in his arms and gently placing me in the car. He rushed to the driver's seat and we sped off to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital shortly. As we pulled up, two nurses hurried over with a wheelchair. They carefully helped me onto it, and Abubakar held my hand firmly as they wheeled me toward the labor room.

"Calm down, Hayatie, everything will be fine," he whispered reassuringly.

"You can't come inside, sir. You'll have to wait here, please," one of the nurses directed to Abubakar, and with a last squeeze of my hand, he watched as they wheeled me into the labor room.


I paced back and forth in front of the labor room, wiping the sweat that gathered on my forehead.

"My son," Mami called.

"Yes, Mami?"

"Please, come and sit down. Asmau will be alright, In shaa Allah. So please stop worrying. It's normal for a first-timer. Just pray for them," she added, and I nodded then approached her and took a seat.

Two hours later.

"What's happening, for God's sake? It's been three hours, and still no news," I stood up, growing increasingly impatient.

"Abubakar, calm down, son, please," Aunty said, attempting to soothe me.

"Abubakar, come and sit down. Everything will be fine, In shaa Allah," Abba reassured me, but my attention remained fixed on the nurse rushing out of the labor room, her white uniform stained with blood. I hurried over to her.

"Nurse, how's my wife?" I inquired urgently.

"Please, where are the babies' clothes?" she asked, brushing aside my question.

"Here," Maryam said, handing her the bag with the babies' clothes.

"Has she given birth?" Aunty inquired, worriedly.

"Just be patient, please," the nurse responded before disappearing back into the labor room. Fifteen minutes later, another nurse emerged, wearing a wide smile.

"Congratulations, sir, you are now a dad," she announced.

I gasped, and I could hear Mami repeatedly saying "Alhamdulillah" behind me. I faced the Qibla, gently placed my forehead on the ground, and thanked my Lord. When I stood up, I was overwhelmed with happiness. It felt like the moment when Safeeya, Ansar, and Noorie had come into the world.

"Can we go inside and see her?" Umma asked.

"Yes, please, go ahead," the nurse replied, and we entered the room.

Once inside, my eyes found Asmau, while everyone rushed to the cribs holding the twins.

"Hayatie, how are you feeling?" I asked her.

MY LIFE AS A STEPMOM🖤✅|COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن