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"Abubakar, here are the results," the private investigator handed me the pictures. "Yes, your wife and that man did meet the other day, but the picture here showed the wrong thing. Through the investigation, I found out that your wife was actually about to fall, and the man in this picture held her to prevent that. They didn't actually do anything wrong."

"I see," I sighed with a mix of relief and frustration. "I even checked the CCTV camera, and it really showed the right thing. I can assure you that your wife is innocent, Abubakar. It seems someone just manipulated the picture," he explained.

"Do you have any idea who that person might be?" I inquired.

"No, Abubakar, I don't know yet. But I assure you that I will find out who that person is."

"No problem, at least the truth is out now. Thank you so much, Hamza. I'm truly grateful for your service."

"You're welcome, Abubakar. Anytime," Hamza smiled, and we shook hands.


I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when Safeeya entered. "Mummy," she called.

"Yes, Feeyah, dear," I responded.

"Mummy, stop adding 'baby' to my name. I'm not a baby. I'll soon be 12."

"Alright, granny," I teased, and she pouted.


"Well, you said you're not a baby, so that means you're a grown-up, right?" I chuckled.

"Oh, mummy," she sat on the kitchen counter.

"Yes, what's on your mind, Feeyah?"

"Mummy, you know I love you, right?"

"Yes, darling, I know. Is there a problem?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you and Daddy fighting?"

I paused, managing a small smile, "No, sweetheart, we're not."

"Mummy, tell me the truth. Or are you guys fighting because of Ammi?"

"No, Feeyah, it's not a big deal. We're just having a little disagreement, and we'll get past it, In sha Allah. So, don't worry yourself," I reassured her, holding her hands.

"Mummy, I'm scared," she confessed.

"Scared of what, darling?" I asked.

"Our family breaking apart again. I don't want you to leave us like how Ammi did," she said, a tear rolling down her cheek.

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"Darling, don't say that. I'll never leave you."

"Mummy, I, Ansar, and Noorie need you so much. I know Daddy loves you so much too. He always says it to us, even when you're not around, Mummy. Daddy really loves you."

"Feeyah, I know, darling, and I love you guys too. Just remove the idea that I will leave you, okay?" I wiped away a tear that had escaped her eye.

"Okay, but do you promise you won't ever leave us?" she asked, her eyes searching mine.

I leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "I promise."

"Thank you," she embraced me tightly.


I returned home from work and found the living room empty. I walked upstairs to Asmau's room and saw her lying on the bed, hugging a pillow, tears streaming down her face. I had truly hurt her, and in that moment, I realized what a fool I had been.

"Asmau," I stepped cautiously into the room.

"Welcome," she quickly wiped her tears. "I didn't know you were back. I didn't hear the sound of your car. Are you hungry? Or do you want to take a shower first?" She asked, trying to seem strong.

But what I needed to do was clear in my mind, and it wasn't about food or a shower. I went down on my knees,  something that seemed to surprise her.

"Asmau, I don't even know where to begin asking for your forgiveness," I started, my voice heavy with remorse. "I'm fully aware of the pain I've caused you, the lack of trust I have showed, and the heartache I've brought into our lives. I'm certain you might hate me right now, and I can't blame you. But please, my love, find it in your heart to forgive me. I am truly, deeply sorry."


"Abubakar, what are you doing? Please, stop this and stand up." I pulled him gently from the floor. "I've already forgiven you even before you asked for my forgiveness, so please, don't do this. Please, habiby," I pleaded.

"I was so stupid. I was such an idiot to believe that. I hate myself so much. Damn," he whispered, his hands on his head.

"Please, calm down, Habiby. Come, let's sit," I urged, leading him to the bed. We sat down, and I started explaining everything that had transpired that day.

"Do you believe me now?" I smiled, a touch of bitterness in my voice.

"I do. I am sorry," he apologized.

"It's okay, Habiby. Allah forgives our sins, so who am I to say I won't forgive you? May Allah forgive us all," I said, and he muttered an "Ameen" then brought my hands to his lips and placed kisses on my knuckles.

"I love you, Hayatie," he confessed.

"Gosh, how I missed you calling me that," I sniffed, a tear escaping my eye. Alhamdulillah..

"I am sorry, and please stop crying," he pleaded.

"Tears of joy, Habiby. Allah answered my prayers. My husband is back," I smiled.

"Yes, darling. Now come here, I want to feel you close to me," he stretched his arms for a cuddle, and I gladly embraced him.

"So, how are my twins behaving? I hope they're not troubling you?" he asked, his hand gently rubbing my tummy.

"They're behaving quite well, Habiby, but they make me eat too much," I pouted playfully.

"Well, it's very good that you eat well. And if you need anything, Hayatie, don't hesitate to tell me," he reassured me.

"Okay, Habiby," I replied with a smile, a sense of contentment washing over me.


Edited version
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