By SirBoring

22.7K 1K 2.2K

After Shuichi had been killed during the 53rd killing game, he was informed that everything that had taken pl... More

[008] A GAME OF UNO.
[009] FAMILY REUNION. (PT, 1.)
[010] FAMILY REUNION. (PT, 2.)
[011] EMOTIONS 101 : LOVE.
[012] IT'S A DATE!
[017] COMFORT.
hi! an update!!


3.9K 131 425
By SirBoring

TW :: blood/death.

Shuichi's body instinctively dove under a rock, along with the short red-headed girl beside him. His breath heaved out into wisps, as Himiko held onto the detective's arm. Her breath was ragged and raspy, as her entire body was overcome with a chilling coldness. Himiko's shaking frame held tightly against Shuichi, as he gripped back at her, trying his best to reassure the small magician. Maki scurried under a few of the rocks beside them, but not close enough to where she could hear them talking. Kiibo's deafening roars of explosions pounded against the school, as rubble clashed against the ground in a heap of fire.

"S—Saihara-Kun..." Himiko whispered, making Shuichi tighten the comforting hug further. She shook against his chest, her clammy hands gripping onto his shirt for support. "I—I'm scared.., I don't w—want to die..."

Shuichi audibly sighed, pulling the wobbly girl into his arms. He brushed through her hair, feeling a clambered wetness soak into his shirt. Himiko's shoulders shook against the detective, as he continued to run a hand through her hair. "Shhhh...I won't let anything happen to you, it's okay."

As if things couldn't get any worse, a large boulder—as which belonged to the school's logo—fell on top of Tsumugi, her blood splattering against the rock they laid underneath. Discarded robotic parts sprung into the air, clattering against the clumps of concrete. Splotches of crimson red smudged against the rocks, eerily painting them with an evil aroma. Their heavy breathing increased, as heat soon cluttered them in an overwhelming sensation. Shuichi slightly perked his head from under the rock, as he saw large debris piling near the rock, along with rubble about to file onto them.

"Yumeno-San, you need to go to Maki," Shuichi murmured, Himiko looking at him with her swelled eyes, tears streaming down her face.

Before she was able to answer, a piece of debris clashed into their rock, as he pushed Himiko off of him, her entire body trudged out from under it. "Saihara-Kun!"

She screamed frantically, tears balling up and bursting down her face as he felt another fiery rock of debris crash into the boulder he was underneath. His pant leg immediately ignited into flames, pricking at his skin agonizingly.

"Y—Yumeno-San run!" Shuichi's voice hoarsed into a grueling and frantic plead, as he saw the magician shift forward. "Don't you even dare come near me, Yumeno-San!"

She halted, her entire body trembling as she clutched her hands together. The blaring fire continued to spread up his leg, weighted rocks scowling on top of him. Shuichi couldn't help but scream in pain, his skin practically melting off of his bone. Agonizing pain coursed throughout his entire body, nerves setting ablaze, as he laid underneath the rock helplessly.

"Saihara-Kun..! Y-you—!"

Shuichi screamed out in pain, as he felt a large rock crack into his leg, seizing it into a clutter of mush and bones. The fire spreading further up his leg as all he could do was scream out of absolute and utter pain.

Maki's swift steps scurried over to the other two, her movements calculated with each foot as she wrapped an arm around the short female. Maki and Shuichi's eyes locked, a flash of pain flushing through the red-tint as she wrapped her hands around Himiko. She picked the magician into her hands, clocking her body around before turning her head to Shuichi.

"I won't let you die, Shuichi."

Maki carried the red-head in her hands, her focused stare glueing onto the rock as she sprawled over to another boulder. She placed down Himiko, the magician's entire body clattering against the rock in fear. As Maki turned around to start for Shuichi—her mission to save him—Kiibo crashed into the glass dome.

Shards shattered from the dome, skimming through the air and crashing against the ground. Maki's eyes widened, as she grabbed Himiko and dove under a rock. Shuichi felt pressure against his ribs, pain clouding his vision as a louder scream pulsated through the shatters of glass. A large rock had fallen onto his back, as he felt his stomach dig into the ground. His ribs cracked as they adjusted to the weight, making his eyes completely swell with tears.

His mouth grew metallic, as he felt his taste buds pile into the musty-liquid. Shuichi coughed up the dark-red chunks, as it continued to plunge into his mouth in handfuls. He tried coughing it out, forcing his lungs full of air until the blood covered his windpipe. The fire continued to spread, as it surrounded his back, blazing into bigger bursts of flames.

Shuichi looked up, just before his head was directly met with a sharp shard of glass. It prowled into his skull, before he fell completely limp against the ground. For a split second, he felt the pain of the glass impaling with his brain. It mushed around the lump of grey, blood pouring out of the wound before it went completely black.

That's how he expected death to be, anyway. Nothing more than an empty void. No god, no devil, no hell nor heaven.  He looked around at the vast pit of black, succumbing him in fear as it surrounded him, clawing out the anticipation from him body.

All he could hope for was that Himiko and Maki at least survived.

Shuichi crawled into himself, wrapping his arms around his legs as he looked down at his feet desperately. So, this was the afterlife. He couldn't believe it. This is what he sent everyone to, this empty never-ending pit of darkness.

Shuichi's body was overcome with a fiery sensation, as he felt his entire body shake uncontrollably. His head pounding, the creeping migraine drilling its way into his skull.


He opened his eyes, darkness flooding into his vision. As he was about to close his eyes again, he felt a twinging pain pinch at his arm. Shuichi looked over to where the pain originated, but was only blinded by light seeping into his vision.

"H-s de--h w---'t wr---en in -he sc--pt..."

Honestly, the voice snatched his ears by surprise as he perked his head up in terror. The glowing light dug further into his eyes, blinding him as he attempted to adjust his eyes to the sudden brightness. Shuichi had trouble deciphering what the voice had said, as it morphed into a mush of disoriented white noise.

Figures started to imprint through his vision, pain bouncing around his nerves as he gripped onto the sheets for support.

"Shuichi Saihara."

Shuichi's vision immediately snapped at the voice, his eyes sensitive to any sense of bright light as their shadow illuminated their figure. He could now fully hear the voice, his name rolling out of their mouth and into his ears.

"Hnguu..." Shuichi croaked, his voice raspy as it scratched against his throat. He tried to say 'yes?' again, but it came out as incoherent mumbling instead.

"Ah, you mustn't strain your voice," One of the cloaked-figures mumbled, adjusting the uncomfortable I.V. that had been sitting in the detective's arm. "It's sore from not talking for awhile."

"Arngh...?" Shuichi questioned, remembering he couldn't speak nothing but gibberish shortly after he spurted out the sentence. A lively-smile spread across one of the doctor's faces, as they nodded their head reassuringly. "You aren't dead, if that's what you were wondering."

They tapped their pen anxiously across the clipboard, trying to gather the right words to say their next claim.

Suddenly, their eyes lit up, as they flung their head up to stare into Shuichi's eyes. "This isn't hell, heaven, or any of those silly're still fully alive and awake! Danganronpa, as you heard, was completely fiction."

The companying doctor nudged the other's arm, insinuating to be quiet. "Nevermind-Sama, that was too much. He just woke up after—y'know..."

The excitement of the doctor plummeted, as they sighed, nodding their head and walking closer to the detective. He backed up against the wall, wires clinging from his sides and clanking against the medal of the bed.

"Saihara-Kun, please do not be startled. We are not here to hurt you," They cooed as the calming doctor stepped into Shuichi's view, his eyes skimming across the seemingly-excited blonde.

She had long blonde hair that draped down to her waist, naturally curling at the bottom, facing upward. Soft locks piling on top of each other, blonde soft waves glistening elegantly off of the lighting. Her eyes glittered with blue; a sea washing inside the navy the longer he stared. The woman's skin completely pale and clean, as if having no imperfections.

"It's alright, Saihara-Kun. You aren't dead. That was all apart of the simulation," She reassured, making Shuichi back further into the bed. "If you need time alone, we will gladly let you have it."

Shuichi stayed still, making sure to be as far as he could be away from the woman. He observed her, questions racing through his head as they quickly succumbed the little thoughts he had.

Shuichi had brought death upon half of the students of the 53rd killing game. All of them surely hated him and them being alive...wasn't helping the crippling anxiety overcoming his bodily functions. Though, yes, he was ecstatic to hear his friends were still alive, he was also petrified to face all the ones he had sent to their executions. Especially Kaede and Kaito.

"Saihara-Kun, please do not be frightened," The female reassured, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed next to Shuichi. "We just want to make sure you'll be able to mentally recover after the killing game."

"Listen," She scoot closer to Shuichi, his position tensing, sprawling against the backboard in an abnormal stance. "I know it's hard to recover, believe me. But, you have everyone here to comfort you. Your friends, doctors,'ll be okay. We want you to get better."

Silence. Absolute and utter silence scratched at the room, tearing itself into his ears as he tried to recollect himself. Process everything that had just been pushed into his brain.

The pain of dying was excruciating, even if it was just a simulation. He was burned alive, crushed, and choked with his own blood. Not to mention impaled in the middle of his head. Images and flashes of pain scorched through his memory, as he curled his arms against him.

He couldn't get that damn taste out of his mouth.

The taste of desperation, despair, the will of wanting to live. All mixed will the murky blood that came straight from his stomach. That acidic taste piling out of his throat heavily, to the point he couldn't breathe.

"Now, the damage the simulation did to your legs was...well, it's a situation. We'd like to see if you're able to feel them at all."

The woman moved her hand down to his legs, getting a needle as Shuichi shifted further backward. Believe it or not, he had a rational fear a needles, and the one sticking out of his arm pumping water into his body was not helping.

She seemed to notice, disconnecting the I.V. and moving back down to his legs with the needle.

"Don't be afraid, just tell me if you feel this, alright? It's perfectly safe."

Shuichi clenched his eyes shut, dreading every moment the needle got closer into his skin. He braced himself for the tool to stab into his skin, waiting for it to send a shiver of pain through his entire body.

But, it didn't happen.

Shuichi looked down at his leg, the needle halfway through his skin. His face grew pale with shock, vomit threatening to spill out of his mouth. He resisted the tempting urge to do so, worried he was going to have that same taste in his mouth. The taste right before he died. He dreaded ever feeling that burning sensation in his throat again, swelling it up as blood coated his windpipe.

"Do you feel it?" The woman gestured to the needle, moving it around his skin as his stomach grew nauseous. He shook his head, a disappointed frown plucking at the doctor's lips.

"We should test if he's able to move them," The doctor on the left suggested, putting their hand on the other's shoulder.

With closer inspection, he could see that the other doctor was positively a male. He had a light-pink mask covering his mouth; an upturned-round nose sticking out from the fabric. The male had pink hair, wrapped into a ponytail which reached the edge of his shoulders. Hot-pink eyes gleaming toward the woman in fascination.

The doctor nodded, her hair following her head's movement. "You're right."

"Now, Saihara. Can you move your legs?" She asked, making Shuichi look down at the ground. He hadn't even thought of trying.

Shuichi urged his legs up, his right one moving slightly but halting immediately in the air. His other not moving at all, despite all his muscles working together to pull it up. Nothing was making them move, both freezing as if he was paralyzed.

He tried harder, his face swelling into a reddening-purple. His cheeks puffed into circles, desperately trying to lift his legs as his gut tightened.

Shuichi's pending migraine hardened around his head, his breathing heaving into a lower pace. The boulder which crushed his entire spine made his back ache, breathing becoming an issue even if he was just laying down.

"We know you were good friends with Kaito Momota back in the simulation," The woman suggested, scooting closer to the panicked detective. "We could see if he'd like to schedule a visit with you. It'd most likely calm your nerves."

Shuichi nodded cautiously, a smile spreading across her face. The male doctor walking toward the door, gesturing his clipboard in a way to fasten the woman's pace.

"I'm going to get the wheelchair, alright? We'll show you around the hospital," Suggested the blonde, as the male formed a smile.

Shuichi could only nod, as she made her way to a wheelchair in the corner of the room. Not like he could object anyway, he had no voice to.

"Oh, and also; my actual name is Sonia Nevermind. But please, feel free to address me as Dr. Nevermind-Sama."

Her blonde hair wavered as she reached out for the folded wheelchair, carefully retracting it into the normal state it should have been in. Shuichi nodded respectfully, as the pink-haired male strutted over to him.

"My name is Kazuichi Souda, but just call me Doctor Souda. I'm Miss Sonia's assistant," He leaned closer into the detective, pulling down his mask to reveal almost razor-sharp shark-like teeth. "And if you ever think about flirting with Miss Sonia, you won't see the end of it."

Shuichi blinked hesitantly, afraid of the intense glare staring directly into his eyes. Kazuichi's hot-pink pupils swarming with threat, clashing against the sea of welcoming highlights. The male's pink ponytail swooning over his shoulder as the light bounced off the outskirts of his hair.

"Kazuichi! Don't scare our patient, we've been over this! I'd never leave you nor Gundham."

Sonia wheeled over the chair, skimming her hand across Shuichi's limp leg whilst sharing an intimidating staring contest with Kazuichi. He immediately pulled up his mask, clasping his hand over his heart.

"I—I'm sorry Miss Sonia! I just don't want anyone flirting with you other than Gundham and I!" He pleaded frantically, making a welcoming smile itch at her face. She just chuckled, heaving Shuichi's two legs into the air.

"It's okay, Kazuichi. Now, please help me lift Saihara into the wheelchair."

Kazuichi's hands rummaged around Shuichi's back, as they started to countdown the moment they lifted him in unison. Shuichi pushed his hands against the bed, in an attempt to somewhat help the two doctors in lifting him into the wheelchair.

Despite Shuichi's attempts, he was heaved into the air by four pale arms. His back tightened with a grasp by Kazuichi, whilst his legs were draped over Sonia's shoulder. He felt absolutely helpless. Two strangers were taking care of him, a fully-capable teen. It made him want to breakdown and cry until his eyeballs stung from the amount of tears he was producing.

Yet, he couldn't speak. Nor could he walk, properly feel his legs, or even comprehend how he was still alive.

What a detective he was.

Shuichi's black slouched against the chair, his hands resting at his sides awkwardly. His feet were put over the edge, dangling down from the leather seat.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Sonia scampered to the opposite side of the bed, opening one of the drawers and grabbing—what looked like—a black lump of cloth.

She shifted the fabric around a bit, stiffening the original position as she proudly shone it in front of her. "And here it is! We made sure to keep your hat safe, making sure nobody stole it."

Sonia winked at the end of her sentence, as she tossed the hat into Shuichi's lap. It landed almost perfectly, whistling down in the air and landing against his thighs. He carefully traced his hands over the rim, a smile etching at his dimples.  Shuichi shoved the hat over his straight and blaring ahoge.

Shuichi wanted to thank her, but couldn't due to the blabbing gibberish that would have piled out of his mouth. He'd have to hope a smile would be enough.

"Now, Kazuichi, we're going to head over to the cafeteria," Sonia turned her gaze toward the detective, as she kneeled in front of him.

"I know you can't talk now, sooooo..," The woman turned around, before sliding her hands in front of her and shuffling forward. "Tada~! A notebook you can use to talk! Just write down what you want to say, simple, right?"

Shuichi's heart started to race at an abnormal pace, as she slowly itched forward to the detective. She slipped a pen in the slit of the notebook, before handing it to the male. He grabbed it, putting it in his lap and looking back up at the doctor. Her smile didn't fail to falter, as she clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Alrighty, let's get a move on! Want me to peek in and see who's eating before I bring you in?"

Shuichi shook his head, despite how petrified she was. Sonia then spun around on her heels, the doctor's dress twirling around her legs as she gripped onto the handles of the wheelchair.

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