Tough Times (Choni)

By briisk_333

71.2K 1.2K 985

Toni and Cheryl have been together for a while until Toni finds out something she wasn't supposed to. Toni an... More

I Want You
Together Again
Pure Anger
Let's make a deal
Fuck You
Its Over
Free or not free?
Talking it out
New Story
Coming Out
Are U Cheating On Me
Issue(please read)
I Can't Believe She Did It Again
Next Update
I've Been Thinking
Best Day
Too Hard
Hang Out
The Start
Oh My God
Let's Settle This
I Love Them
The News
Believe Me
Baby Shower
She's Here!
Moving On

My Heart

1.1K 24 11
By briisk_333

Cheryl's P.O.V
I stirred in my sleep and tried turning on my side but Toni groaned and wrapped her arms around me tighter. I opened one eye and looked at Toni laying on me, and then opened the other to make sure I was seeing right. I rubbed my eyes and looked at Toni again. She had my nipple right in her mouth and she was sucking on it while sleeping.

These past few days I always woke up to Toni having my nipple in her mouth, or one of her hands grabbing my boob.  I sat up a bit and wrapped an arm around Toni and grabbed my phone. I opened Insta and saw that horny guys and some girls were in my DM's as usual, but one stood out to me. It was Nick.St Dickface.

I was about to start busting out laughing but I remembered Toni was laying on me so I chuckled lightly. He really must be dumb if he thinks I want him. For crying out loud I'm a fucking lesbian, pussy only please and thank you. I looked down at my phone and saw that he sent another text which made me roll my eyes again.

I laughed at the thought of him trying to do anything to me. If he even comes near me, I know Toni will beat the fuck out of him for me. Toni groaned and lifted my shirt up even more to switch to my other nipple in her mouth and started sucking softly. I rolled my eyes but ran my hand through her wavy hair and continued entertaining this man whore.

I turned off my phone getting tired of this boy even though I've been tired of him since I saw his first message.I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was now 7:06. I really gave that boy 19 minutes of my morning. I groaned and tried stretching, but Toni was on me. I tried waking her up but no movement from her. I was annoyed from the conversation with Nick, so I grabbed her hair and pulled her off of my nipple.

She hissed and groaned, but at least she was awake now. "Mmm baby why'd you do that" she asked me with her eyes slightly open. I shrugged and got off the bed to go to the bathroom, but Toni grabbed me by the arm. She pulled me towards her and she stared deeply into my eyes saying "You could've woken me up another way you know".

I rolled my eyes and then grabbed the back of her neck and smashed my lips against hers. I added some tongue into it and so did she, which made the both of us moan. Then I let go of her and made my way to the bathroom while she was stuck in a daze.

Toni's P.O.V
I was smiling like I was high from drugs when really I was high from Cheryl's lips. I touched my lips and then smirked to myself and made my way to the bathroom. When I tried opening the door, I realized that it was locked, which made me frown. I didn't hear the shower running yet, so I knocked on the door yelling "Cheryl why's the door locked".

I didn't hear anything, so I pressed my ear against the door to hear shuffling and then the shower turning on. I groaned knowing that she must've been in one of her moods today, so she was going to have a big ass attitude. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and then sat on the floor at the bathroom door. Tehe that rhymed.

I sat and played games on my phone, waiting for Cheryl to be done in the bathroom. 35 minutes later she was finally done and opened the door which made me get up quickly. I looked her over and said "You look gorgeous as usual today princess".

Cheryl's outfit

She looked at me, rolled her eyes, and looked back at herself in the mirror. I leaned against the door and said "Damn girll I don't even get a thank you". "Mhm yeah thanks" she said without even looking at me. I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"Why you have an attitude babe" I whispered in her ear, biting it slightly . She shuddered a bit and then shrugged, saying "Don't know what you're talking about, because I don't have one". I shrugged and then unwrapped my arms from her and said "Okay if you say so".

I took off my clothes and then stepped in the shower, and washed my body and hair. I got out, dried myself off, and then brushed my teeth. I put on my outfit for school, and then dried my hair and styled it.

Toni's outfit

I went downstairs, and saw Cheryl making some breakfast. I sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen and waited for her to finish. About 10 minutes later she was done, so I took a plate and chose what food I wanted. We both went to the living room and watched some TV while eating our breakfast. After we ate, we cleaned up, and decided that we would take my motorcycle to school.

While driving I felt warmth in my stomach just from feeling Cheryl's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. Few minutes later we were at school, and I turned off my motorcycle, and got off. I then held my hand out to help Cheryl off, and she took it, which made me kiss her hand gently. She rolled her eyes at me but still smiled. I threw my arm around her shoulder and we went inside the school to start our day.

Cheryl's P.O.V
I was getting aggravated by all these dumbass kids that are called High-Schoolers. It has only been 3 periods so far and I've yelled at about 26 students so far. When Toni said I had an attitude this morning, she was right but I didn't want her to know that because I hate when she's right.

As I was in my thoughts, someone bumped into me, which made me glare at them. "Watch where your fucking going or else I'll make sure you have no legs to fucking walk with next time you imbecile" I yelled at the girl. The girl was trembling in fear which made me smile. "Do you understand what I'm saying" I asked her. The short girl nodded her head quickly and said "Yes Cheryl, I understand".

I smiled saying "Good" and when I saw that she was still there, I yelled "TOODLES". She ran away quickly which made me smirk at the amount of power I had on these kids here. As I was near my next class, I saw Toni's ex Christine in the hallway coming my way. I rolled my eyes and decided to pretend I didn't see her. As I passed her, I heard from behind me "Hey Cheryl".

I groaned and turned around with a fake smile plastered on my face. "Heyy Christine" I said in fake excitement. When the halls were empty she said "Let's cut the bullshit. I want Toni back, but you're in the way of things". I put my hand over my mouth pretending to yawn and said "Okay and?". She crossed her arms over her chest and said "I want you gone. Breakup with Toni, leave the town, anything for her to be mines".

I laughed and said "Oh honey I want you gone too in a coffin buried underground, but here you are right now". She mugged me and said "You know what, fuck you.This is why no one likes you here". I rolled my eyes and said "First off, Toni does an excellent job at fucking my brains out. Second, I'm getting annoyed by you, so if you have a problem with me, write it on a piece of paper for me and shove it so far up your ass it reaches that big dumb brain of yours". With that I turned around and strutted down the hall towards my class.

I was on my way to lunch putting a bit of speed into my walk cause I was hungry as fuck. As soon as I reached the cafeteria, I dashed to the front of the line. I know you may think what the fuck are you doing, but remember, at this school I do whatever the fuck I want. "Babygirl you can't do that noww" a voice said from behind me.

I turned around and saw that it was Hope, and I turned back around to grab a tray. I started walking towards the table to where the others were until I heard Hope again saying "Hey Cheryl wait up". I continued walking but said "Yes Hope. What is it that you want". She was now beside me and said "Jeez girl, I just wanted to ask if you know where Toni is, I haven't seen her since 2nd period".

I made a confused expression and wondered where Toni could be, but then remembered I hadn't answered Hope. I shook my head no and said "No I don't but let me text her when I sit down". She nodded and then we both reached the table and sat down. I pulled out my phone and texted Toni, but got no response from her. That's really weird I said in my head. I'll just text her again in a few minutes if she doesn't respond yet.

I was eating bits of my salad, when I saw Toni coming through the cafeteria doors with Buffalo Wild Wings, Chanel bags, heart shaped balloons, and other stuff in her hand. She walked up to me smiling really hard and then stopped where I was seated. By now the whole cafeteria was watching us and it was quiet.

Some kids pulled their phones and started recording even though they don't know what's going to happen. Nosey ass bitches I thought in my head. Toni gave all of the stuff to me and I said a small "thank you" out of shyness. Toni stood on the middle of the table and then let out a whistle with her mouth. Many boys with roses in their hands came into the cafeteria, and then there was one boy who gave a mic to Toni.

"Alright listen up everyone!! I just wanted to let y'all know that Cheryl is the most amazing and most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Yes I am taking about this gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, redhead girl sitting right here". I blushed at her words and held my head down slightly. "The last month I had hurt Cheryl way too many times and I was disappointed in myself. Now I am trying as hard as possible to make up for all of it because I love her with all my heart. People have hurted her way too many times and she didn't deserve it. I would even say that she is the most perfect girl I have ever met even though some may say no one is perfect. In my eyes she is and when I look at her, I see her having my kids one day and her becoming my future wife. I mean imagine little redheads running around and falling on their faces and shit".

Everyone in the cafeteria awed and then laughed at her joke including me. She cleared her throat and said "Anyway the point is I want all of you to know how special this girl is to me. She may be mean to you guys but deep down she has such a kind and sweet soul. Boys give her the roses". One by one boys gave me roses and it was going on and on.

"As most of you can see there is a lot of roses being given to her. It's just going on and on and that's how I want our love to be like. Never ending because I know that we were meant to be and we're in it for the long run. So Cheryl Marjorie Blossom I love with all my heart, mind, and soul, and I hope that you are forgiving me even more for that I did".

She ended and everyone started clapping and cheering while I was a sobbing mess. Toni jumped of the table and embraced me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and just cried tears of joy. "I love y-you so m-much T.T" I sobbed into her chest. "I love you more princess. Just thinking about not being with you breaks my heart" she whispered in my ear.

I pulled away and looked into her eyes seeing that they were a bit watery. I grabbed her face and pulled her down to connect my lips with hers. As soon as our lips connected I felt the flutter in my stomach and my heart speed up. I loved how she pulled me in softly by my hips while our lips were still attached. Our lips moved gracefully against one another as if it was our first passionate kiss.

I felt her soft and smooth hands glide up under my shirt to my stomach. I breathed through my nose and kissed her harder not wanting to let this moment end. She released herself from the kiss and just looked into my eyes pressing her forehead against mine. She bit her lip slightly and her hazel brown eyes looked into my dark brown eyes.

"I really love you more than my own life" she said softly. "I love you and will always love you. That's a promise" I said softly without breaking eye contact. We both shared a light kiss and then giggled. She poked my nose and said "You're cute you know that". I blushed and said "Well I think you're cuter" which also made her blush. We sat down with the others and I bombarded Toni with questions.

Toni's P.O.V
"What made you do this Toni" "How much money did you spend on all of this babe" "I know how much you love me but do you have to get this much" Cheryl said quickly. I held up my hand and said "Cher baby, calm down. It doesn't matter how much this cost. I wanted to do all of this myself cause I feel like I have to do all these things to show you how sorry I am truly. I got this amount because I felt that for know it should be enough and plus all these things have a special meaning to it".

She jumped onto my side and said "Awww T.T I didn't know you had this side to you". I smiled and pecked her cheek saying "I brought it out for you". We just smiled at each other warmly until we heard a cough. We both turned around and said "WHAT". Archie raised his hand and pointed to Veronica, Heather, Fangs, Sweetpea, and Kevin. I looked at them and saw that they were crying.

"Ay calm down with that crying shit" Hope yelled at them but they never stopped. "Why are you guys even crying" Jughead asked them. "They're just so cute, it warms my Choni heart" Veronica, Kevin, and Heather said together. I looked over at Fangs and Sweets and they said at the same time "It's just so beautiful to see our lil sis find the love of her life and do shit like this".

I widened my eyes and said "Why the fuck did y'all say that at the same time". They all shrugged and then I said "You all are too dramatic". They continued crying until Cheryl said "If you keep crying no more Choni affection for you all". They immediately became quiet and the rest of us bursted our laughing. After having a good laugh everyone went into a whole conversation while I turned to Cheryl.

"You can obviously have the wings now Cher, but can we open the gifts at home" I asked her. She nodded her head and said sure. Then she laid her head on my shoulder and listened to the others' convo. We ended our lunch and we all went to the rest of our classes for the day.

A/N: My WiFi kept connecting and disconnecting on my laptop so I had to write this on my phone. I hate writing on my phone cause it's hard to edit any mistakes, but it's whatever. At least I got a chapter out. Sorry y'all had to wait long for this though. I'm exhausted, I feel sleep deprived. Sorry for any mistakes

Vote and comment my loves!!!

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