Lost (in Your Emerald Eyes)

By Rivernugget

199K 12.8K 10.3K

"They said opposites attract. Like the Sun and the moon, they draw to one another. Then why, now that I know... More

T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
T W E N T Y - E I G H T
T W E N T Y - N I N E
T H I R T Y - O N E
T H I R T Y - T H R E E
T H I R T Y - F O U R
T H I R T Y - F I V E
T H I R T Y - S I X
T H I R T Y - S E V E N
T H I R T Y - E I G H T
T H I R T Y - N I N E
F O R T Y - O N E
F O R T Y - T W O
F O R T Y - T H R E E
F O R T Y - F O U R
F O U R T Y - F I V E
F O R T Y - S I X

T H I R T Y - T W O

4.3K 259 333
By Rivernugget

So this chapter is basically just sex (I refuse to call it "smut" because the word sounds kinda dirty for me and even though it is a bit kinky, it's sensual sex, not "smut"). Anyway, I'd say that if you're not into that, skip the chapter, but it also reveals quite a few qualities about both Betty and Jughead, so I wouldn't.

Oh, also... This chapter is almost 5K words, so enjoy, fellow kinky bastards.


It was already pitch-dark outside when Jughead knocked on Betty's door.

He waited for a few minutes until the girl swung it open with an apologetic face. "Sorry, I was..."

"...late, a meeting..."

"...couldn't find the towel..."

"...go to the trailer..."


"Sorry," they both finished together, and after a second of silence chuckled together.

"Hi," Betty started over, waving awkwardly.

"Hi," Jughead grinned and stepped inside, arm wrapping around her waist as he closed the door behind himself. Without further ado, he pressed his lips against hers, both of them melting into the kiss.

After a few moments of standing there, lips moving in unison, they pulled away, eyes closed and foreheads rested together. With a smile lingering on Betty's lips, she whispered another, "Hi."

"Hello," Jughead mumbled and pecked her lips, once, twice, and once more, before stepping away and taking a look at her.

Her hair was dripping wet, making the white t-shirt she was wearing damp as well, and leaving little imagination about the bra that was under. The shirt was tucked into a black button-up jean skirt that went well with the no-makeup look she was sporting.

With a smirk, Jughead met her eyes again. "You dressed up for me."

The fact that he seemed to state it and not ask was what made Betty roll her eyes. "I did not."

With a slight chuckle, Jughead's arms went back around her torso, pulling her against him, and the boy tilted his head downward, kissing her forehead. "You dressed up for me," he whispered.

Betty bit her lip, resting against his shoulder. "I didn't dress up, I just didn't want to wear my usual sweats."

"You don't own sweats."

With her eyes narrowing, she pushed him away a bit and turned around, walking away. Jughead chuckled, looking after her, and pushed off his shoes, leaving them by the door. The skirt of hers ended mid-thigh and he couldn't help but smirk at the way his hand could slide right under it.

"I made you dinner," the girl said when she heard his steps coming toward her in the kitchen.

"Smells amazing."

With a small chuckle, she nodded. "Take a seat."

Jughead did as requested and rested his chin in his hand, admiring her long legs, the visible bra clasping together under the shirt, and the way her hair fell onto her back, loosely.

She seemed relaxed as she turned around, placing a plate in front of him and a bowl on her side of the table, sitting right across from him.

Jughead eyed the ingredients on both of their plates, a huge grin taking over. "You made me a burger?"

"And wedges," she nodded with a smile. There was also a side of salad on his plate that looked surprisingly good, and when he looked over at hers, he couldn't help but smile again.

She was already nibbling on one of the wedges on her plate, and so even though most of it was salad, a strange feeling of proudness crept into his heart. She was eating without being asked to. He didn't know if it was because of him or she had a good day, or anything else, but it made him happy.

Since Betty was eating the potatoes with her fork, Jughead made an effort for her and didn't dig in with his hands either. He poked the fork through one of the wedges just as Betty did the same with a second one and lifted it.

The girl arched her eyebrows at him but clinked her fork against his when he managed a solemn look. "Cheers," he said, making her giggle, a piece of the potato already in her mouth.

"Cheers," she said through it and looked down at her plate with a smile.

They ate in silence, enjoying each other's company, until Betty lowered her leg that had been crossed over the other, accidentally bumping into his feet with hers. Sharing a grin over the table, the couple moved their feet to the middle of the table, attempting to have theirs rest on the top.

Laughing together while eating, they wrestled until their plates were empty and Jughead had wiped his hands into a napkin. That was when he stood from his seat and practically ran around the table, arms wrapping around her as he threw her over his shoulder.

Giggling, Betty clung to him as he took her upstairs. "You done waiting now?" she teased.

"Oh, you're gonna do a lot more waiting," he said and playfully slapped her ass, making her laugh even more.

When Jughead waltzed into her bedroom and gently laid her on her bed, Betty grinned, shifting upward until the soft pillows touched her head and neck, sinking into them. The guy smiled at her slightly flushed cheeks before moving to the window.

He observed the scene in front of him while staying halfway hidden behind the curtains. Humming softly, he looked back at Betty. "Seems like your friends are having some fun."

The girl made a face at that. "Yeah, they tend to do that... At first, I thought maybe they were doing it on purpose to annoy me, but when I asked it from V the next day, her bewildered expression was enough to tell me I was wrong."

With a slight chuckle, Jughead closed the curtains and turned back to look at her in the darkness. "I think we're gonna have to have a little bit more fun than they are, you know, just for the measure?"

Betty eagerly nodded while attempting to hold back her smirk. "I think you're right." She switched on the lamp that stood on her nightstand.

With a smile, Jughead sat down next to her and let his knees sink into the mattress as he leaned down to kiss her breath away. With their lips and tongues moving together, his hands went to part Betty's legs that were already clenched together, one crossed over the other.

"There you go," he whispered, more for Betty than himself, and situated himself in between her thighs.

With their eyes meeting, the girl's hands wrapped around the back of his neck, tugging her down on her. After a release of her breath, his lips met hers again, hands tugging on the hem of her shirt, pulling it out of the skirt of hers.

Just as Betty's tongue slid against his lower lip, impatiently waiting for his to enter her mouth, he moved his lips off hers, pressing small kisses on her jaw while moving toward her right ear.

He nibbled on in for a while as his fingers toyed with the edge of her shirt, only stopping both motions when the girl moaned at the flick of his tongue on her earlobe. "Can you be a good girl and take your shirt off for me?"

He didn't need to ask twice. Betty's hands already moved to his, only to have them be stopped. The girl tilted her head against the pillow a bit, meeting his eyes in a haze.

Jughead sucked in a sharp breath, seeing the color of them. They were vibrant, and the emerald green in them made his gut clench at the sight. Her skin was pale in the dim light of the room, and the rosy cheeks and brilliant green eyes made him almost forget where he was going with this.

"What?" Betty silently said, eyes getting wider.

Swallowing down his nerves and getting back into the role he loved to play in bed but never had the chance to, he arched his eyebrows. "I asked you a question."

"I'm trying to take my shirt off," she explained, shrinking back into the bed a bit at his stern look. She thought it over for a moment, and the realization hit her eyes just a second after. "Oh."

Jughead's long fingers wrapped around her wrists, holding them in one hand, and he moved them to rest over her head on the pillows. "Oh," he repeated, clearly amused by her reaction. He could tell she hadn't thought he'd go that far.

"Yes," she finally answered, earning a gentle approving smile from him, but frowned when he still kept holding her wrists on the place.

Jughead's hand gripped the edge of her shirt, tugging it up toward her head, and Betty immediately answered it by arching her back, obeying with his thoughts. Oh, she repeated in her head. 'Take off your shirt' must've meant 'let me take it off' in his head.

She didn't mind. She didn't mind at all.

Jughead's breathing stopped after he had thrown her shirt onto the floor. He admired the skin of hers and the white bra that covered her boobs, lace all over it. Bringing his warm hand to rest on her stomach, he moved his eyes down her body, grinning at the sight of three of the lowest buttons of her skirt already opened.

"Did you do this?" he asked, tsking his tongue once disapprovingly.

Betty's cheeks added some color. "The skirt isn't as flexible as you think," she whispered.

Jughead smirked a bit, now understanding it had been necessary for parting her legs the way he had, but still shook his head for the sake of it. "Well, next time you have to tell me," he said and leaned down to her ear. "You're mine," he whispered and let his gut clench and pants tighten at the way she shuddered under him, "and I want to undress you all by myself."

The girl's shattered breathing made him smile a bit as he pressed a kiss to her temple.

"Understood?" he added with a stern tone, receiving a moan in response.



His free hand moved on her flat stomach for a moment, feeling it harden under his touch, and the other one released her wrists from the gentle hold. "Keep those here, okay?"

"Well, what if I want to undress you all by myself, too?" she asked.

Jughead had to lean away to see her eyes, smirking a little at the determined look in them. "Then you have to wait," he whispered and leaned down to press his lips onto her eager ones for a moment. "I have you all to myself for tonight, and I'm gonna take my time. Is that okay?"

"No," she whined. "Leave that for another time. I need you, Jug."

"You're gonna have to wait for a little longer." The hand on her stomach moved to rest over her hip, seducing her into agreeing. "Keep your hands up there, yes?"

"Yes," she sighed in defeat.

"Good girl."

The praise made her body buzz in excitement, and Jughead watched the way a satisfied smile took over her face as her eyes fell shut. With a smile of his own, he gave her a kiss as a reward before moving his lips down her neck, sucking a little harder on the places she wasn't as sensitive, and making sure to be soft and careful at the ones she felt more pressure and lust than usual.

When his mouth reached her boobs, his hands stroked the soft lace pattern on her bra, and slid behind her, resting in between her back and the soft duvet she was lying on. Her back arched up like a bow, and Jughead knew it was an invitation to undo the clasp, but he needed literal, real permission before he'd do that.

"May I?" he asked.

"Yes," she breathlessly said, the bra opening just a second after.

Jughead took his time removing it, helping her with one arm, then the other and made sure to praise her by kissing her for a while when she hadn't moved her hands from their place over her head through the whole process.

"Being so good for me, aren't you?" he whispered against her neck, and when he only received a soft whine, his mouth latched onto her nipple, getting a loud moan out of her as well.

His tongue circled the nipple, waiting for it to grow hard, but when it didn't, moved over to the other one. He tried the same thing, sucking on it to see if it worked, but yet again, he got no physical answer.

Of course, Betty was moaning at his every move, already overly sensitive, but Jughead's insecurities surfaced when he understood he couldn't make her nipples hard and ready for him.

She seemed to be incredibly into everything he was doing, but his mind went blank as he simply stared down at her angelic form. His hands were still on her hips, and he smiled slightly when Betty wiggled them a little to fall into another pillow that she preferred over the first one, her eyes closed as she patiently waited for him to keep going.

Jughead's hand slid up her thigh, earning a quiet gasp, and his fingertips brushed her panties, relief taking over him when he found them damp. When he removed his hand, Betty whined, bucking her hips a little, and opened her eyes to give him a pout.

The boy smirked at her eagerness and leaned down, giving her a simple kiss before pulling away and finding her eyes closed again. "Betts?"

"Hm?" she hummed, bucking her hips up in case he had changed his mind and wanted to be faster. Jughead smiled, firmly holding them on the place, and her eyes opened again, offering him the same wide-eyed pout as before. "What?"

The slightly annoyed tone of hers was enough to lose the smile on his face, raising his eyebrows sharply. "Excuse me?"

She huffed and relaxed on the bed, intimidated, and turned on by his dominance enough to be scared to turn her eyes away. "Sorry," she whispered.

Jughead seemed to be satisfied with her apology. "Do you like it when my mouth's on your tits?"

Her face turned strawberry red, but she still couldn't turn away as she shyly gave him a nod.

"Yeah? Then why aren't you reacting to it?" he asked, deeply sighing after.

"Oh," Betty mumbled. "You have to..." Her hands started moving down before she caught his hard glare, causing her to freeze. "Um," she said, understanding he couldn't show and had to tell him. "If you move your fingers over my sides..."

"Oh," Jughead sighed, remembering the way her nipples had popped when they were swimming together and he did it. "Yeah," he breathed, mostly to himself, and let his fingers caress her waist and sides, running them up and down and making her squirm.

She got hard just a second after he had started, and there was a satisfied grin on his face that made her happy and smile too. He watched her body react to his hands and chuckled a little when she squealed or muffled a giggle every now and then.

"Thanks, baby," he finally said as he looked over at the happy but hot and bothered Betty. His mouth found hers, and she relaxed into the kiss.

To her surprise, he didn't pull away anymore.

Their lips got heated against each other, but Betty's stilled against his when his hands unbuttoned her whole skirt, sliding it off from under her and letting it tumble on the ground.

"Can I move my hands?" she whispered against his lips and nudged his nose with hers. "Please, Jug?"

"Sure," he gruffly said, pulling away slightly to help her pull off his shirt. When her hands moved to undo the buckle on his jeans though, he leaned away, grabbing her wrists back into his hands gently.

He arched his eyebrow at her when their eyes met, hers pouting. "I didn't say anything about my pants," he reminded her.

"Please?" she whispered, giving him her best puppy eyes.

"We'll see how good of a girl you can be, first."

"Please, please, please?" she kept bothering him, only to be silenced by a kiss and a groan of his.

"You're so pretty when you beg," he complained, sounding almost angry, but certainly not disappointed.

"Can I?"



"No," he said, meeting her eyes in a stern look. The pout on her lips immediately disappeared when his hands parted her legs, even more, fingers running up and down her inner thighs. "You're so beautiful," he whispered after she had moaned at the sensation of his hands physically close to her throbbing pulse.

"You're too," she moaned, making him chuckle slightly.

Jughead moved one of his hands onto her panties, letting his palm rest flatly against it. Betty groaned at the feeling, throwing her head back.

With a smirk, the boy toyed with the fabric close to her slit. "Look at that," he quietly teased, voice ringing of approval. "So wet for me already, aren't you, baby?"

Betty only moaned at the teasing of his fingers that had started moving up and down her slit over the soggy panties. Her hands grabbed onto his bare shoulders, feeling them up, and then slid to his upper arms, gripping onto his biceps.

Jughead's face got soft as he watched her face: eyes squeezed shut and lips parted, the expression of it similar to being tortured.

Suddenly, all the playfulness and taking-it-slow were gone from his soul, realizing she was trying not to clench her hands and hurt herself.

His hands stayed where they were over her panties as he opened his mouth. "Baby, do you wanna take my pants off now?"

Her eyes shot open, nodding eagerly, and he watched the way she concentrated on unbuckling his belt and then zipping his jeans open, pushing them down his thighs. She couldn't reach to push them down entirely though, so Jughead quickly stood up, pushing them off and pulling his socks off as well while doing so.

Betty was smiling when he settled between her legs again, her hand reaching for the huge bulk in his boxers, but Jughead couldn't ignore the tear streaming down her face.

"You okay?" he asked, reaching for her cheek to wipe it away.

"Yeah, just a release of emotions, I guess," she said and met his eyes with a small smile. Jughead mirrored her reaction and leaned down to give her a kiss.

He almost choked on her lips when her hand gave his pants a light squeeze, his guiding it away from there, causing her to pout. "Who said you could touch that?" he suddenly asked, back to being stern, eyes a bit playful.

"No one," she said and bit her lip with a cheeky expression when her hands rested on either side of her, just gripping the sheets.

He tsked his tongue and shook his head a bit, but let it be, her panties catching his attention. Jughead moved his hand onto the damp white fabric, finding the place her clit should be through it, and pressing down on it carefully while watching her face.

Betty's breathing was getting faster, eyes drilling into his, and her hands hooked into the waistband of her panties in the attempt to pull them down herself.

Jughead caught her wrists, tugging them away and making the girl huff. He raised his eyebrow at her. "You wanna keep using your hands?"

She nodded.

"Then behave," he almost growled, her body stilling as she tried to clench her thighs together.

"Nuh-uh," Jughead said, his body enough to keep them parted, but his hands making sure they opened wider for him. The girl whined, but when his eyes moved up to her face sternly, fell silent.

"Please," she just breathed.

"Please, what?"

Betty whimpered. "Touch me."

With an almost arrogant smirk, Jughead kept looking at her, waiting for her to continue, his hands still.

"Touch me," she repeated with a small whine while squirming a little, only to have his palms press her hips back into the bed and bring her movements to an end, "please."

"Where, baby?" he asked.

The girl sighed and turned her head away, ears and neck adding color along with her face. He could see the embarrassment in her eyes that were staring into the dark corner of the room and frowned.

He didn't want to make it hard for her. He knew she enjoyed being told what to do (by him, in bed), and being praised, but she didn't like pain or uncomfortableness, so he reached for her hand himself.

"Show me, baby," he said with a soft tone and heard the small amount of air that was released from her mouth as her eyes fell shut.

Betty's hand rested on his, guiding it down her stomach and into her panties, slowly. At the sensation of his skin against her slit, her hips bucked more aggressively than before, almost looking sorry.

"Please," she whispered and relaxed further into the pillow when his finger ran through her slit while his lips tenderly kissed her cheek.

His touch made her whine, needing to feel him inside her already, and Jughead took her hand the way she had taken his, guiding it into his boxer briefs. Betty's eyes opened, meeting his while she touched him, and both of their lips pulsated, turning into smiles.

They kept watching each other's reactions while they touched each other, Jughead's fingers exploring her all over, touching her clit in different ways, every once in awhile sliding a finger inside her, and hers moving along the tip of his hardened penis, stroking it in every different pattern she could remember.

"Can I take them off?" he whispered, toying with the waistband.

"Thought you'd never ask," she said the same way, only to earn a look from him. Betty rolled her eyes. "Yes."

His free hand slapped her thigh in a careful manner while giving her a look and making the girl wince in surprise. "Don't roll your eyes at me."

"Oh," she whispered, unable to keep her smile away. "Okay."

He nodded, satisfied, and slid off her panties, standing up to get them off her ankles. Betty's eyes widened when he removed his boxers as well, eyes drawn to his penis.

"Wow," she breathed, making the boy chuckle as he reached for his pants next to the bed, grabbing a condom from his pocket.

Betty bit her lip when he opened it, liking that he didn't do it with his teeth like people in movies. She had always been scared about it breaking, and he seemed to be just as careful as he slid it on himself, settling back in between her legs, pushing them apart.

"What did I tell you about keeping your legs wide for me?" he asked sternly.

"Uh..." She hadn't even noticed that they had been clenched together.

Sighing, Jughead shook her head a bit. "Do you want lube? I've got it." Then, as he leaned down to kiss her for a few minutes, he whispered. "I want to make this as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for you."

"No," she said. "Don't you think I'm wet enough?"

Her voice was teasing and Jughead smirked, about to reach his hand to mock-check, eyes growing wide when he saw her doing it herself. As much as he wanted and tried to be dominant at that moment, he couldn't. He just stared in awe at her hand touching herself, eyes moving to her face when a quiet sigh of pleasure escaped her lips.

That was when he gently pulled her hand away and raised his eyebrows when she met his eyes in an innocent look. "Who said you can touch yourself?" he asked.

"No one," she innocently said, his eyes narrowing.

Betty waited for his next move, playfully smiling at him as happy as possible. When Jughead brought her hand to his mouth though, licking her fingers, she stared at him with wide eyes.

"Oh," she exhaled when he was done, placing her hand back onto the mattress tenderly.

"Oh, indeed. You're mine. Do not touch yourself without my permission," he growled.

Betty could only rapidly nod, still too shaken up to answer.


His stern voice made her jump a bit. "Yes."

"Good girl."

With her body experiencing the reaction for the intensity in his eyes and the tenderness in his voice, she was unable to do anything than buck her hips when the tip of his cock touched her. That caused him sliding inside her a bit though, making her gasp.

He was far bigger than the first and last guy she had been with.

"You okay?" Jughead asked.

Betty eagerly nodded, her hands moving to his shoulders. "Move, please." She was already so familiar with adding the word to every sentence while intimate with him and didn't even notice that she had, indeed, begged for him to move.

Jughead did though and he couldn't keep the grin away as he carefully slid inside. "Fuck," he groaned. "You're so tight and hot, Betts."

The girl could only gasp when he was fully inside her, closing her eyes. Their breathing became one as he leaned down to kiss her, asking if he could move. She nodded at the question and he gently rocked himself up and down, using every muscle of his body to do so.

At first, it was a bit off, since Betty wasn't as experienced, and didn't know how to help him with it, but soon they found a rhythm, her hips bucking up and down to help him. He gently guided her hands back to his biceps when he could feel and see her starting to hurt herself, and the girl quickly grasped onto him, the tight grip leaving bruises onto his arms.

By the time they were only a few minutes in, Jughead's forehead dropped against hers, groaning.

"Baby, I'm not gonna last long."

"Touch me, please," she moaned, and he did as she asked, moving his hand in between them to circle her clit in a way that left her gasping for air.

Their voices were too loud for the quiet room, Jughead's breathing suffering when he reached his high, Betty still moaning under him. He couldn't keep going anymore, about to collapse on his girl, but he also couldn't find the strength to stop pleasuring her while she still needed him. So, what he did left both of them in shock. He pulled out of her, shifting down on the bed, and with his fingers still rubbing her clit in the gentle way she liked, his tongue moved up and down her slit, entering her a second later.

It didn't take over a few moments until Betty's eyes rolled back, seeing scars while sobbing. Jughead fell down next to her, both of them staring at the ceiling for a while until their energy seemed to return.

That was when the girl reached for him and slid off the condom, forcing herself to stand with a groan. "Baby, I can do this. You lie back down," Jughead said with a slight frown.

"It's okay," she said and sniffled with a smile. "I need to go pee anyway."

The boy nodded, happy that she remembered to do that because he certainly hadn't. When she returned from the bathroom, he took his turn, and once he was done as well, they found themselves on the bed, in each other's arms.

Betty's nose was nuzzled into Jughead's hair, his head resting against her chest, enjoying the feeling of her bare boobs against his face. It was such an intimate thing to do, and an intimate position to be in, and they were both adored it. Very much so.

"I love you," Betty whispered.

"I love you," Jughead answered the same way and pressed a kiss against her collarbone.

The silence lasted for a while, simply enjoying each other's company, and reliving the previous experience in their heads, smiles lingering on both of their lips. That was until Jughead shifted upward to rest his head on a pillow as well, facing her.

"Do you wanna take a bath with me?"

The girl's face broke out to a grin as she nodded. "Are you gonna take advantage of my bathtub?"

"I might as well do that before we go again. Slow, this time."

With a frown, Betty scoffed. "This time?"

"Oh please, that was not slow what we just did," Jughead said as they walked to her bathroom together, hand in hand.

"Yes it was," she whined. "Juggie, come on."

"Well, did you enjoy it?"

With a huff, she turned to start the water in the tub, and Jughead grinned to himself, the lack of answer telling him that, yes, she did indeed.

He eyed her ass as she bent over to pour fancy things that he had never seen into the bath, a smirk on his lips. Until she turned around and caught him, of course.

"What do you think you're doing?" Betty smirked, taking a step closer to him.

"Admiring my girlfriend."

With a smile on her lips, she raised onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips on his. When they pulled away, he turned off the water and pointed at the tub. "Get inside."

"Bossy," Jughead grinned but did as she asked, sitting down in the full tub with a content sigh.

Life couldn't get any better.

Or maybe it could, he thought when Betty was sitting between his legs, leaning into his chest. His arms moved around her, hugging her to himself, and Jughead closed his eyes, smiling at the small talk they were making in the wonderfully comfortable silence of the room.


This chapter makes me happy (and horny, but we're not talking about that).

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