By Amnarhhhh

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Asmau's life takes a huge turn when her father arranges her marriage to Abubakar Sadeeq Saleem, a doting fath... More



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By Amnarhhhh


It had been two weeks since the incident with Safeeya, and today Abubakar went with the kids to pick her up. They would visit their grandma's house and then come home. I hoped that Safeeya had changed for the better.

I picked up my car keys and headed to the parking lot. I planned to visit some of my siblings and then go to Mimi's house to check on the wedding preparations.

After visiting my siblings, I arrived at Mimi's home. Her mother and some relatives were already there, probably for the wedding. After exchanging pleasantries, I made my way to Mimi's room where I found Ibty and Farhan.

"Look who came to visit!" they all exclaimed, and I laughed settling down on the bed.

"I don't owe any of you an apology except for our dear bride here," I said, hugging Mimi.

"Thank you, Ma'u, but I'm still mad at you," she replied playfully.

"Come on, Mimi, I said I'm sorry," I pouted, pretending to be hurt.

"I'll accept your apology only if you promise to make me the godmother to your baby," she teased.

"What? Okay, In shaa Allah, you'll be the godmother of my baby," I agreed, chuckling.

"That's great! So, I heard that your husband's ex is back," she said, trying to get the latest gossip.

"Who told you?" I asked, slightly surprised, and she pointed at Ibty, who pretended to be innocent.

"Ibty, why did you tell them?" I playfully threw a pillow at her.

"I'm glad she told us since you couldn't. I was hurt, Asmau. Aren't we best friends anymore?" Farhan asked, feigning hurt.

"No, Farhan, it's not like that. It's just not easy for me to talk about it. It wasn't even easy telling Ibty, I swear. It hurts. So, I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys," I explained, my chest tightening.

"No, it's okay. We understand, Asmau. Don't worry, we're here for you. We're all here to help solve your problems," Farhan reassured me.

"Thank you. I appreciate it a lot," I said, taking in a deep breath.

We chatted for another hour before I decided to leave. When I arrived home, Abubakar and the kids hadn't returned yet, so I decided to cook dinner with Saratu keeping me company. After the food was done, I went upstairs and took a shower.

As I emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, I heard noises coming from downstairs. They were back.

I quickly got dressed in a simple gown and hurried downstairs. Noorie and Ansar rushed to hug me.

"Yes, my babies," I said, kissing them.

"Mami said we should greet you," they grinned.

"Aww, that's so nice," I replied.

I turned to Safeeya, and she smiled at me. I smiled back, feeling relieved. "Safeeya, how are you?" I asked, reaching out to her.

"I'm fine. You?" she replied, somewhat hesitantly.

"Same, dear. We missed you," I stated, hoping to mend things between us.

"Me too," she said softly.

"Am I invisible that my wife can't welcome me?" Abubakar joked, coming over to me.

"Oh, come on, don't be a baby," I playfully hit his arm.

"Kids, you see, your mom bullies me," Abubakar joked, pretending to be hurt.

"What? Abubakar!" I laughed and playfully smacked his arm again. The kids joined too, laughing at the drama between Abubakar and I.

"Alright, alright, let's go upstairs, you guys can freshen up," I said, taking Noorie's hand and leading her upstairs to change her clothes. After that, I made my way to our room.

I took out the clothes for Abubakar and laid them out on the bed, then sat down and waited for him to come out.

A few minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom, towel wrapped around him. After wearing his outfit, I stood up and walked towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck while he enveloped me in his arms, feeling his warmth.

"I missed you, my Hayatie," he whispered.

"Missed you more, Habiby," I replied.

"Hope my princess behaved," he said, rubbing my little baby bump gently.

"Yes, she behaved very well, Habiby. So, how is Mamii?" I asked.

"She's fine, she sends her regards,"

"Ina amsawa. So, let's go eat dinner because I'm tired, and I want to sleep early tonight," I stated, feeling the exhaustion of the day weighing on me.

"Okay baby, let's go," Abubakar said, intertwining his fingers with mine as we made our way downstairs.


After dinner, they went upstairs, and I began clearing the plates in the kitchen. As I finished, I walked out and noticed Safeeya sitting alone in the living room.

"Safeeya, I think it's time for you to go to bed," I suggested gently, approaching her.

"Um, yes, Mommy. I wanted to talk to you," she said softly.

"Yes, dear. What is it?" I asked, concerned.

"Please forgive me," she blurted, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Feeyah, you don't have to ask for my forgiveness because I was never mad at what you did. I understand you," I reassured her, cupping her cheeks.

"But I was so rude to you. I said hurtful words that I didn't mean to say. I'm a bad kid, Mommy. Please, I'm sorry. I promise never to do that again," she cried, her voice trembling.

"Princess, I forgive you with all my heart and soul, but I'm confused. Why did you say that you didn't mean it? I know you want your Ammi and Daddy to be together again, right?" I asked, trying to understand her better.

"Well, I don't really care," she looked down, her voice barely audible.

"Safeeya, is there something wrong?" I asked.

"A-Ammi made me say all those hurtful words to you," she whispered, but I could still hear her words clearly.

"What? So, Iman made you say all those things?" I asked, dismayed.

"Yes, because she said that was the only way I could follow her to her house. I'm sorry," she apologized.

"It's okay, Feeyah. Come here, let me give you a hug," I said, opening my arms and embracing her tightly.

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I feel so ashamed of myself," she said, with remorse.

"Please, Feeya, don't say that. You know I love you so, so much, right?"

"Yes, I love you too, Mommy," she said, her voice softening.

"How is my baby sister?" she asked, as we broke out of the hug.

"Who told you it's a girl?" I asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"Daddy always says it's his princess," she giggled, lightening the mood.

"Tohm shikenan, your baby sister is fine, Alhamdulillah, but she missed you," I said, rubbing my tummy.

"I missed her too," she beamed.

"Okay, it's past bedtime. Let's go tuck you in," I said, taking her hand as we made our way upstairs together.

After I tucked Safeeya into bed and kissed her goodnight, I returned to my room. Abubakar was sitting on the bed, engrossed in his phone. I went over to my closet and changed into my pajamas.

"Safeeya apologized to me," I said, breaking the silence.

"Well, that's good, very good. Iman did a great job talking to her," he responded, looking up briefly before returning his gaze to his phone.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Iman had done. How could she take advantage of her own daughter? What kind of a mother does that? I felt the need to talk to Abubakar about it.

"From now on, the kids will be spending their weekends at Iman's place," he said suddenly, bringing me out of my reverie

"I don't think it's a good idea," I said.

"Why? As far as I know, Iman made Safeeya apologize to you, Asmau. Wouldn't it be fair for them to spend their weekends with her?" he questioned.

"But you see—" I began, only to be cut off before I could explain myself.

"Asmau, come on, don't be selfish. After everything Iman did to make Safeeya apologize to you, you still don't want her to bond with the kids? That's so unfair. I didn't say they should spend a whole week with her, just their weekends. But even that seems to make you act jealous again. What is wrong with you?" he exclaimed with annoyance, leaving me almost speechless.

"You're calling me selfish? Why don't you wait and hear my reasons, Abubakar? Yes, she's their mother, and of course, she has the right to see them. But for me, she's a bad example to them, especially Feeyah because—"

"And you're a good example, right, Asmau? Look, they will spend their weekends there, and that's it. I'm not asking for your permission or anything. I'm just telling you because you're my wife, and you need to know, Asmau," he asserted, and at that moment, tears began welling up in my eyes.

"Oh, yes, of course, my opinion is not needed since I'm nothing. I'm not anything in the kids' life, right? Iman is their mother, right? While I'm just the STEPMOM... you've made it clear," I choked out, feeling so much hurt and unappreciated. I turned to leave the room, but he stopped me.

"You know I didn't mean it that way, Asmau," he said, his voice softening.

"So, how did you mean it, Abubakar? You've shown me my place in this house, and I need to tell you something. Can't you see that Iman wants you back? She still loves you and wants to get you back. Can't you see that?" I cried, pouring out my frustration. I've had enough. I can't keep hiding how I feel.

"Asmau, come on, don't be childish. Iman is here for the kids, not me. Please, don't start with this," he sighed, trying to wave off my concerns.

"Abubakar, stop avoiding it. You know it's true. Can't you see the way she talks to you, the way she talks about your past? Why don't you want to admit that she still loves you?" I asked, desperately.

"Why? It doesn't matter. I don't love her, Asmau. I feel nothing for her. The only person I love is you," he snapped, his frustration evident.

"But at least give her some space, show her that you're never going to get back with her. Let her understand that she's only your ex and tell her to stop trying to ruin the relationship between me and the kids,"

"What are you saying?" he asked, in confusion.

"Safeeya told me that Iman ordered her to say all those hurtful things to me," I revealed, hoping he would believe his own daughter's words.

"And what would she gain from that?" he questioned, seemingly skeptical.

"So that Feeyah would follow her to Iman's house," I explained.

"I don't think she'd stoop so low," he stated, defending her.

"Why do you keep defending that woman? Is it that you don't believe your own daughter, or don't you trust me? Would I lie to you?" I asked, feeling extremely stressed "Look, I'm tired. I'm stressing myself out. I need to sleep and take some time to clear my mind," I added, my voice trembling.

Without waiting for him to respond, I walked downstairs, grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, and made my way to the balcony. The cool evening breeze brushed against my face. I took deep breaths, trying to calm my racing thoughts. Tomorrow, I would talk to Iman and address these issues. She needed to understand her boundaries as the kids' mother.

After spending a few minutes alone, I returned to our room to find Abubakar fast asleep; his lingering words still hurt my heart. I wish he would trust me more. I climbed into bed, said my du'as, and pulled the duvet up to my chest. I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to carry me away from my problems.

Edited version
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