Deny The Destiny ✔️

By feynnrhyzz

787 114 50

Who said that life is boring? .. I would rather say it's full of new surprises and turns, that one could not... More

Chapter- 3
Chapter- 4
chapter- 5
chapter- 6
chapter -7
chapter- 8
chapter- 9
chapter- 10
chapter- 11
chapter- 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter- 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter- 22
Chapter - 23

Chapter - 17

24 5 1
By feynnrhyzz

Morning guys!!!!
Today is the day when we will finally go to school. Whoops! I'm so excited.
We all quickly did breakfast and went to the school on same car. It seemed more like a trip than a ride to school. Em and David were on the backseat and William was driving. I sat on the passenger seat.

"Slow down...... Otherwise we're gonna fly dude." David patted William's shoulder as he was literally paving the car too fast.
" No it's adventurous." He replied.

Seriously, speeding the car seemed him interesting?!
"Yeah, only to you." I spoke in between.
David laughed while Em was checking in her emails and Instagram feeds barely listening to our talks.
William growled at David.

"Calm down dude...... By the way, Rose would you like to team up with me?" David asked me all of a sudden.
"For what?" I didn't knew what he was talking about.

"For teasing our sweet prince and to keep him in check." He replied...... Sarcastically enough so that William would piss off.
Whatever..... I was totally enjoying the scene.
"Yeah sure...... I'd love to." I replied back to David, and then we shake hands as a confirmation of our newly formed team.
"Rose...... You too." He sighed.

Yes of course. Me also.

Then David's phone rang and he picked it up...... Busy talking.
Now it's only the two of us left to talk. His one hand on the steering wheel and other on the gear.
"We will reach school in 15 minutes." William informed.
" Yeah..... It's gonna be fun." I smiled at him.
"Excited?" He asked noticing my smile.
" To moon and back." I replied but I think it was a little bit loud.

He smiled back at me.
"Rose.... I'm going only because of you otherwise I don't have any special interest in the high school thing." Em spoke.
"Why? You don't like it." I asked curiously. Which idiot would hate high school?
"Of course ....... Not. If  you're doing it a 1001th time then it's not." She made a fake pout indicating that she's angry.

"Oh  girl! Trust me it's the last time." I smiled at her through the middle view mirror. She still maintained her fake face struggling with the urge to laugh. I sighed.

Who can say that these guys are supernatural and that too this old?
I seriously doubt that.....

We spent another 10 minutes in the car before clearly seeing the gate that I saw a whole of one and  a half months back. As soon as we entered the driveway, stares were directed towards us. I could hear gossips and murmurs all around.
I wonder what new have they noticed in us??

David aborted the call and the Em was now all excited again. William's face had a proud expression and he smiled all along his way to the parking. I scanned the whole path. The same view..... Boys and girls in groups..... Short dresses, skaters, selfie experts..... A small husky.....

Wait....did I just said a small husky?!
Omg! There is a dog in there.

"Stop." I said in excitement. William immediately pulled off the breaks. Em jerked forward but David was stuff at his seat as if he was stuck with some adhesive like fevicol.
"What happened?" William asked and Em also stared at me for answer.
I pointed out of the the at that little dog."There...."
They all looked in that direction and Em's face gleamed up just like me. William had an 'are you serious' look on his face and David seemed as if he was about to lose his laugh.

"You like dogs?" William asked with a hint of doubt in his voice.
"Like???....... No. I love them."

"More than me?" He asked.
"Of course..... Just look at them. They're are just so cute. Omg. I also want one." I replied while my gaze is fixed on that puppy.
"You have 3." David spoke with a hint of laughter. I turned towards the backseat facing him.

3?! But I had none....... 
"How? I didn't pet any dog back at my parents house also." I was confused.
" Love, you explain ..... It's just so hilarious." David pointed towards Em. And he broke into a loud laugh.

Why so?
Did I say something funny?
Or Am I behaving like Mr.Bean ?

"We're werewolves and wolves are genetically a distinct relative of dogs." Em also tried to constrain her laughter.

Yeah! I knew that but are they seriously considering themselves as dogs?
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Em come on let's just touch it once." I grabbed her hand.
"Ok girl you win." She quickly got off the car and so me.
" Hey! just wait for us to park the car. We're still on the main gate." William said from in the car.
"You both do that and come. We'll be right there." Em said quickly while I was still pacing towards that cute dog grabbing her hand.
"Rose... I thought we were in the same team." David shouted from inside the car.....
"We're not deaf....... We can listen in low voice." Em groaned in frustration.
"Yeah we're. But you know team Rose and Em come first." I winked at him.
"Whatever." He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.
"See yaa" and then we barged straight towards that cutie.

We near him and sat on our knees. Many students were staring at us surprisingly.

There was chain around his neck which was again tied to a tree.  I ran my hands over his soft white fur. It was small puppy around the age of 2 or 3. It was damn cute. It waved it's tail.
Of all the dog breed I loved Golden retriever, husky and Pomeranian. And my love for Golden retriever increased after it was used in a recent music video in which my favourite Selena Gomez was also there. The song titled ' Ice cream'. Yeah it was not global song but I loved it as much of its lines were in English. And also there were my favourite girls of Blackpink group.

I ran down my hand through his soft fur and pulled Em also to do so.
"It's so cute. I love it." I said to Em.
"Yeah.... But I wonder whose dog it is?" She seemed a little concerned.
" Oh don't think about that now. The owner won't mind if we play with his dog a little. Will he?" I was also a little doubtful now because who would bring a dog in school premises.

" Of course not, Gorgeous ladies. Why will I mind?" A manly voice came from behind us.
We turned back and stood. He was around 20-21 in age. Sharp jawline, caramel coloured messy hair, intimidating gaze and a wicked smile.
He wore a blue denim hung low to his waist, a t-shirt which stated ' I'm a beast in bed... Wanna try out ladies?'
And  a leather jacket.  Behind him his whole group was standing. Around 15-16 more boys and they all stared at us in disgust?

I didn't realized that I was staring at him.
"Like what you see?" He said in a husky and hoarse voice.
Before even I could give him a better sarcastic answer, Em came in front of me as if hiding me.

"Alpha Kaden of the River moon pack. It's pleasure to meet you. Did you shifted here with your pack?" Em spoke in a stern tone. He checked out Em from top to toe as if measuring her body with his eyes. She shifted uncomfortably.

" Yes beautiful. I'm here and I'll available anytime you want. My pack is just right next to yours. May I ask you for your introduction?" He came forward towards Em and held her hand.
What the fuck is he doing?

She forced a smile on her face. " I'm Emilia Carl. The second beta of Noctis Luna."
She said with  proud on her face.
"And this beauty beside you. Who's she?" He peeked at me from her shoulder.
"I'm Rosella parker. Now if you please excuse us....." I grabbed Em's hand and started going forward. But she was halted. I turned back a saw that her other hand was still in that man's grip.
"Did I gave you permission to go?" Authority reflected from his voice. He was bit pissed.
I liked it.
His so called gang made a circle around us.
"And why the hell do you think we need your permission?" I spatted on his face. His body tensed and he let go Em's hand. She covered me.

"Because, I'm the one who control's everything over here." He said in a more loud and authoratative tone.

Come on dude! It's not a dictatorship. We live in a democratic country.
He came dangerously close towards me, yet I didn't even flinched.
"In your dreams...." I smirked.

His face was only 30 Centimetres away from me and I felt a kind of repulsion in my body. As if my body is saying me to step away from him. Em held my hand and pulled me towards her.

"Alpha I think we MUST leave." And she pulled me with her. But our way was blocked by his gang mates. Her grip on my hand tightened and her eyes went pitch black.
"Ladies I think we must spend some time together. Your alpha won't be bothering us besides this sexy girl is a human so no pack. I guess. "  He again came near me and placed his hand his hand on my waist.

Our alpha? Is he talking about William??
I couldn't withstand his fucking dumb behaviour. I don't know how Em is controlling herself. I swear if I was a werewolf I would rip his head apart from his body.

" Don't you have any other business? Why the hell are you irritating us?" I said while trying to free from his grip. He smirked.
"Not anything else is important than taming a wild human like you. Tonight you will know in which business I'm perfect in." His grip tightened.
My heart pounded hard against my chest.

"Are you fucking crazy? Leave me you bastard!" He let go of my waist and a growl erupted from his chest. Em covered me.

"Beware. She's the Luna of Noctis Luna." And with that that man shifted in his wolf form.
I was terrified. It was the first time I saw any werewolf shifting.
First came the sound of breaking bones and then the ripping if clothes. In a wink of eye a huge wolf stood in front of us.  It was of dark brown colour.

A growl erupted from Em. And she also shifted. Her wolf was of grey colour. Her fur was beautiful. All his gang members positioned in a attacking position towards me. It was as if the moment Em will go they will attack me. One of his gang mates brought a rod and was ready to attack at me.
Little did they knew that I was a black  belt.
"You're gonna regret it." I said to them. "Em you take care of this bastard, I will see them."
She turned her head as if she was saying 'no'.

And before I could retreat one came towards me with that rod in his hand. I held his hand and twisted it. Rod fell from his hand and he was groaning in pain. I kicked him in his balls and held his head and flied in air to kick him in his back. He fell on the floor.

"Wtf! He was the omega!"one of them shouted and then another 3 barged at me.
Huh! What the hell are they trying to do?
My hair style was still the same.
I noticed that one of them had picked up the rod that I just let that so called omega drop.
I mean?
Why are they so obsessed with that rod? Random thoughts came in my mind where I could imagine them taking the advantage of that Rod. I laughed mentally.  
I grabbed the arm on one and threw him like a sack of potatoes over the two. They all fell.

In the meantime when they all were shouting and groaning I saw that the brown wolf lunged over the Em's wolf. She retreated and the brown wolf had a great thud with the ground. It was damn funny. Then she leaped onto his back and held his neck in between his teeth till he was bleeding and groaning.

I returned my gaze back to the gang members and now they all were holding some or the other kind of rod.
I laughed.
"I swear one more men and I'm gonna fuck your ass with that rod." I basically roared. And they all steped back.
I saw back again. Now Em was also bleeding and the brown wolf was about to jump over her.
How much I wished that I would be also a wolf so that I can teach the brownie a good lesson.....

He jumped but before he could even touch Em another grey wolf took him down. He was growling loudly. Brownie fought but couldn't stood the attack of the other wolf.
I rushed towards Em and again glanced at the gang mates. They were still determined to attack.
"What the fuck are you waiting for??!! Your death? If yes then I would like to have to honour to grant you that." I shouted at my highest tone at them. That all were now literally scared and started running of.
" Take your filth with you!" I again shouted and pointed to the bodies of men who were just knocked down by me.
Surprisingly my voice held authority and power. But I shaked off all those thoughts and went back to Em.
"Shift." I heard William's voice. His eyes were blood red and body was shaking as if he was controlling himself from doing something severe or very harmful. The grey wolf nodded and brought a cloth and covered Em's wolf. She shifted and under that cloth she was naked. The grey wolf sighed in relief and went behind the tree to shift. Is it David?!
Brownie layed on the ground unconscious, I guess. William came towards me and took out a bottle out from his pocket. And gave it to me.
His face was more stern and serious.
"Make her drink it." He said handling me the bottle.
"What's this purple thing?" I asked him examine the bottle.
"The healing potion." He patted my shoulder. I don't know why his face had a shocked expression too.

"Ok" I quickly opened the bottle and made Em gulp it down. She drank it and her wounds were visibly healing with not even a scratch.
David came from behind the tree in his full clothes and also holding Em's clothes.

He kneeled down and rested her on his lap. A tear prickled down his eyes.
William turned and barged toward the brownie.

"Kaden. It's not anyone's territory. It's a common place where people from every pack can visit." Brownie squealed in pain.
"Shift." William growled at him. Brownie did as he was told to. He was also naked. I turned my head around.

He quickly picked his clothes and dressed.
"How dare you attack the Luna and beta of Noctis Luna?" He growled at his full potential.

"I didn't knew." Kaden's voice was dim but loud enough so that I can hear.
"You fucking lier. You knew. Did you thought that we were some helpless beings who you can tame easily?" William held me so that I don't go again beating him. Kaden was already on his knees bleeding.
He did not replied.

"What are you?" He said only this line.
What?! What am I?
"Obviously I'm a human you dumbass." I snapped back at him.
"No you're not. No human can take down a beta and omega like that." He said.
I was shocked. Yes it's true. I kicked his balls. But it seemed very easy to tackled them. It was not much draining.
"What?" I managed to say this. William loosed his grip. I took a step back still in shock.
"Yes it's true. If a normal human would have  fought a pup then he could die easily. But you tackled beta and omega with not much force. The way you fought is flawless and still David also lacked that. He also sometimes become hurt even after being my second in command."  William said while turning towards me.

I could not understand what was happening.
What are they saying?
What am I?
Who am I?
How did I do that?
Am I not a human?

I took steps back. My thoughts were blocked. I could not hear anymore what are they all saying.

Darkness surrounded me and I felt dizzy. Atleast afte much fighting a blanket of darkness surrounded me. And I fell. But even before my body could touch the ground I felt someone's arms coiling around me. I opened my eyes and saw William.
I smiled weekly and fell unconscious.


That's all for this chapter guy's ♥️

Do comment. I would like to know your views on this story.

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