Dead and Not Buried

By makeandoffer

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Leah Preston was a normal 17 year old girl, until she wakes up and finds herself staring at her own lifeless... More

Dead and Not Buried
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The day i died.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- My lifeless body.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Parties, Ghosts & Ex-Lax.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Misleading text messages.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- 'Nothing about me is pea sized'
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The boyfriend.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- 'You don't have to touch me'
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Feeling my presence.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Little white lies?
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The Haunted Cafeteria.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Naked arguments.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The night it changed.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The morning after
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Invasion of privacy
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Laughing fits.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The ride home.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Psychic Ruth.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Talking it through.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Not playing fair.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The best friend.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- A slut, or a murdering hoe?
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Didn't know she had it in her.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Pool parties and the killer.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Denial.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Slip of the tongue confessions.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Oakley Lake.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Watching my death.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk-To pull this off, you need to be crazy..
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Under questioning.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Final Goodbyes.
I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The Light (FINAL CHAPTER)

I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Getting the plan together.

452K 15.9K 4.9K
By makeandoffer


“I need to go out” I told her.

“What? Why?” she asked, confusion lining her face.

“There are a few things I need to sort out.” I replied. I needed to keep it as vague as possible. If she knew what I had planned, she would never let me go through with it.

“I'm coming with you then.” She told me stubbornly. I rolled my eyes. I had forgotten who I was dealing with for a second. I walked up to her and stared at her little determined face.

“Leah, I just need to do something. Please, just stay here and wait for me okay?” I almost begged. I think she could tell this was serious. She unwillingly nodded. Wow, maybe that was easier than I thought it would be. I lowered my head and kissed her.

I walked out to my car, and started the engine.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” her voice made me jump. I looked at her in the passenger seat smiling sweetly at me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Leah, I'm serious. Just wait for me in the car, I’ll be back soon.” I told her, trying to stay calm.

The persistent bitch.

She huffed like a child, then apparated out of the car and hopefully back into my room. Let’s hope she listens to me and that’s where she stays.

I drove back to Tyler’s house and parked outside. I got out and leaned on the bonnet of my car, taking my phone out and dialling a number.

“Hello?” Eve answered after a few rings.

“Say your goodbyes and come outside. We need to talk.” I simply told her, and hung the phone up.

Around 5 minutes later, I saw the front door open and Eve walk towards me. I guess by the sound of my voice, she knew this was serious.

“Care to explain why you went fight club in there earlier?” She inquired, looking slightly amused. Of course she would enjoy watching a fight.

“Eve, I need to tell you something. I know what you’re like so before I do make me one promise okay?” I requested.

She looked at me wearingly. “Okay, I promise.”

I looked at her seriously. “When I tell you, don’t you go all fight club.”

She raised her eyebrows at me, giving me the look that told me she thought I was acting like a freak.”Okay, I promise.”

“No, seriously, you can’t do anything. You just have to shut up, stay calm and listen to me after I tell you?” I went over it again. Like I said, this girl was unpredictable.

“Jesus Jared you make me sound like Satan, I promise I won’t ‘go fight club’” she mocked my voice.

I took a deep breath “Seth killed her.”

She froze as she took in what I said. She remained silent, and I was amazed that she had actually listened to me.

Spoke too soon.

“I'm going to choke the bastard!” she screamed, turning around and charging back to the house. I ran after her, and picked her up by the waist. Jesus, she was hard to tame I’ll tell you that. She was kicking and struggling to get out of my grasp, and she almost did at one point.

“Let go of me! His balls are coming off. I'm going to shove them down his throat!” she continued screaming. I carried her back to the car, and set her down on her feet. I quickly pinned her up against the side of the car to stop her from running back in there to follow through with what she was saying. Not that I wouldn’t have liked to see that, but it wasn’t part of the plan.

“Eve stop!” I demanded. “You promised remember?!”

“And you believed me?” she looked at me like I was an idiot. She had a point.

“Look, believe me there is nothing I would like more than to rip his head off his shoulders right now, but we can’t.” I told her calmly.

“Why the fuck not?!” she ordered.

“Because Leah doesn’t want that” I stated. She immediately stopped struggling and looked at me, her face instantly calming down at the mention of her best friend. With a little hesitation, she nodded her head and I let go of her.

“So what the hell are we meant do? Call the police?” she asked. I shook my head.

“No, we can’t. We’ve got no solid proof that he did it. He would walk free.”

“So the only option is to kill him.” she took a step forward, obviously going for the house again. I put my hand up to stop her, and to my surprise she did.

“Leah wants him to pay for what he did. Properly.” I informed her “She wants him to go to prison, according to her apparently that’s the worst thing that could happen to him.”

She thought about it for a minute, the nodded her head. “She’s got a point. Seth’s dad went to prison a few years back, and from the stories his dad told him, Seth is shit scared of prison. He has told us before he would rather die than get locked up. Ironic how things turn out hey?” she scoffed bitterly.

That made sense. If that’s the thing he’s scared of most, then this plan is definitely going ahead. Like Leah said, death would be too much of an easy option for Seth. The little shit is going to pay for what he did to her, properly.

“In that case, I have a plan” I told her. She raised her brows in curiosity.

“Does it end with him getting raped by a fat bloke called Tiny?”

“If we do it right, then yes.” I replied confidently. Her face turned into a smirk.

“Then I’m in, what do you need me to do?” she asked eagerly. If there was anyone who I could rely on when it comes to revenge, It’s this girl right here.


I explained the plan to Eve, and to my surprise she did not seem too happy with it. She told me we couldn’t do this, it was too risky. I did not expect that reaction from her. I reassured her that it was for the best, and after a lot of hesitation she agreed.

Of course she still wanted to add going back into the house and smashing his face against one of the sides of the pool into the plan. As appealing as that would be, I had to brush the offer off.

So it was sorted. She knew what she had to do, which included going back into the house and facing Seth, acting normally. That was the riskiest part, her having to look at him in the face without punching it.

“Eve!” I called to her as she went to walk back into the house.

“Yeah?” she turned to look at me.

“Um, if this goes badly and worst comes to worse, can you explain the whole thing to Max and Tyler? Their decent lads...just let them know that okay?” I felt a little awkward asking her this. Her eyes softened at my request.

“Jared, we don’t have to do this.” she said, sounding a little like a plea.

“Yeah we do.” I stated.

She smiled slightly. “Never thought I’d say this, but she’s lucky to have you.”

I smiled back at her. “Keep your phone on.”

And with that, I turned around and go in my car.

I got back to the house, and took my phone out once again, calling his number. I took a deep breath 

Keep your cool Jared.


“What do you want?” Seth hissed on the other end of the phone.

“Look...” I began, realising how much his voice made my skin crawl “I wanted to apologise for earlier. I snapped and I took it out on you for no reason.”

“You snapped? You almost broke my nose!” he exclaimed.


I felt a little disappointed in myself; I thought I actually broke it.

“I know, I was an asshole. Look I can’t be asked to go back to the party, fancy meeting me at mine? We can go out and have a few beers? I'm buying” I lied. Like fuck would I buy him anything.

I heard him sigh “Yeah alright man, I’ll be over in 20 minutes?” he confirmed. I smiled at the response.

“20 minutes is perfect” I told him, and hung up the phone. It was just gone 9pm, so far so good.

I went to walk to the stairs, but before I could Leah was in front of me.

“What the hell are you playing at Jared?” she demanded, obviously she had been listening to my previous phone call. I sighed.

“I'm sorting this out.” I simply told her. She screamed in annoyance.

“Enough with the cryptic shit! Tell me what’s going on!” she yelled.

“Look, Seth is coming round; I'm going to talk to him.” I informed her calmly. She looked at me suspiciously.

“You’re not going to kill him are you?” she question.

I gazed up the ceiling with a smile on my face as I thought about how intriguing that sounded.

Her punching me in the arm knocked me out of my daydream.

“OW! What the hell, are you on steroids?!” I shrieked, rubbing my arm. She rolled her eyes.

“I'm telling you this now, whatever you’re planning on doing, I'm coming with you.” She said firmly. I thought about it for a minute.

“One condition.” I told her.

“You and your conditions...” she muttered, causing me to smirk.

“You do not interfere. Whatever I do, which before you say it does not involve killing him unfortunately, you stay in the sidelines and stay out of it. Okay?” I told her, like she was a child who found it hard to cope with big words.

“Fine.” She huffed. I smiled; pleased that she has actually agreed to something I’ve asked her.

“Now, wait here. I just need to grab a knife.” I told her seriously, and she chuckled.

I don’t know why she thought that was funny.

I really was going to grab a knife.

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