Forever (Imagine BTS 8th memb...

By chimmiiechimchim1013

95.6K 2.5K 320

A love and hate kinda story between Sammie and Jimin . A roller coaster ride kind of love story that makes th... More

Pt 39


771 24 3
By chimmiiechimchim1013

Sammie's POV:

I took a quick a shower and change to fresh comfortable clothes. Knowing the boys we will have chicken and booze tonight as we won't have any shows for the next day. Our flight will be in the evening going to Brazil so it's a good time for us to relax and unwind. I was almost done blowdrying my hair when I heard a knock from my door. I unplug my blowdry and grab my phone I am pretty sure who it is.

And I wasn't wrong as I open the door Jimin is at the hallway wearing red plaid polo. I smile at him and he smiled back. "Are you ready?" He ask me and I just nodded as I lock my room.

As we are walking Jimin wraps his arms around my shoulder. I don't pay much attention to it because all of the members do that to me. What I am wondering about is why are we walking so slowly like slow mo. I look at Jimin and he is just looking forward smiling.

I nudge his sides with my elbow and he look at me. "Why are we walking so slow?? At this pace we might arrive there next month?" I told him and he just laugh.

"I am just teasing you?" He said laughing and then we just continue walking on a normal pace now.  We are headed to one of the suites that was rented by the concert organizers. As we walk in all of our members are already there minus Jungkook of course as he needs to rest.

We are sitting around a round table full of chicken take out and other foods that I assume was prepared by our staff I saw several bottles of wine and soda's. I have a feeling that they will drink till they drop.

There is only limited chairs in the room all of the table chairs are occupied by the members so Jimin pull one of the single chair sofa which is big enough for the both of us and we both sat together.

The guys were talking about what happened earlier.

JH: "I was really worried about JK it never happened to him before.

SG: "I actually cried for like 10 minutes."

RM: " Did the camera capture?"

SG: " No, it didnt, I cried in the bathroom!"

JH: "I really got worried!"

JN: " Me too I was like looking at him and thinking what's going on in him!"

RM: "Me too I first notice it when we were performing Fire!"

JH: "I remember when we were starting we really do work realy hard!"

SG: "When we were still trainee I bet at the lottery every night then numbers were given to me by a pig who speaks Korean!"

JH: "Hahahahaha Jinjja?"

SG: " Yes, I wonder if I won the lottery then will I still be here!"

JM: "During that time we are on the verge of getting fired Suga hyung hahaha!"

JH: " I already left!"

JM: " Yeah I remember you and Jungkook were talking and he was like crying so hard."

V: "Jungkook cried a lot that day!"

JM: "I remember Namjoon hyung telling us that we wouldn't make it without you!"

RM: "It's in the past anyways so I'll tell it now that I really talk to the members to convince you that we need Hoseok I told them!"

JH: "And you guys are the reason why I came back. I went back because I trust you guys!"

SG: " That's why I was thinking what if I won then, then I wouldnt be here now. Like literally I bet on the lottery every single day at the basement of our building!"

JM: "Ay yeah remember you told me the time that you went to the basement building and fell and you broke you shoulder?"

SG: "That's what I told you before but I was actually in a car accident!"

V: "Yes I remember you told us that before!"

SG: " Yeah I did. I was out doing delivery to have some money. I was on my bike when car hit me. I was thrown on the road. And when I open my eyes literally the wheel is just inches on my face!"

JN: " Oh i remember that story now."

SG: "My shoulder fell off it was already dislocated and I am afraid to tell the agency because they might let me go. And I was going to school and my family cannot really afford the tuition fee. But after when I told them the truth they said that I could have said it earlier so they could have helped me."

JM: "Why are you so quiet Sammie?"

S:  " I am just listening, I mean this things happened when I wasn't part of the group yet so I never witnessed those."

SG: "Ahh yeah because you joined  the team a few months before our debut so you weren't familiar with the stories!"

And I just nodded. With that I continued to listen to their stories back in the days. I join in if I already know what happened but I really enjoy knowing their stories from the past. Like when the agency people follow him when he was eating ice cream which is prohibited that time. When they approach him he shove all the ice cream in his pocket but still ate it after going home. I witnessed those times when some of the members are very strict with their diet most specially Jimin he was so insecure then that he didn't realize that he only eat a full meal once in every 10 days.

They all look happy when we talk about our past. We have that sense of achievement, I mean we still have a far way to go but we also have gone far from where we started. We have grown closer , we have loved each other more. The 8 of us really has totally different personalities and when we were starting we clash most of the time. But as time goes by we learned to understand each other and know each other more better. We still argue but it's normal it's impossible for us not to have arguments we do. It just became more seldom as time goes by.

They all continued drinking. I don't feel like getting drunk today so I just drink soda and eat lots of fried chicken.

It's like 2:38 am when we all finally decided to rest. I can now feel how sore my body is from the concert. Most of my members are tipsy. Their voice a little louder than usual when talking. But I am glad that no one past out because it would be hard for me to take them all in their room  as Taehyung decided to drink tonight as well. So I am the only one sober in the room.

I clean the table up and throw all trash away as they sat there talking still about random staff.

"Guys let's go get some rest before our flight tomorrow!" I told them as I open the door of the suite. One by one they stood up and walk out the door towards their room except for Jimin he was just staring at me keenly.

"Why are you looking at me like that??Are you wasted now?" I asked him he just bite his lips seductively and looked away. "Wtf he looks like he is seducing me!! No!!"

What's wrong with this guy why is he acting all cute and sexy? "Gaja!! Are you gonna stay here? Because I'll be going back to my room now!" I told him I am feeling a little bit awkward because my mind is being dirty. My god my innocent brain is acting not so lady like.

"Let me walk to your room!" He said finally looking at me.

He stood up and walk towards where I am standing but I went ahead and walk out the door I am pretty sure he is following close by because I can sense his presence. I was brisk walking and I think I heard a faint chuckle from him but I didn't pay attention to it.

When I was near my room I pull out my keycard from my pocket and swiped it and it is not working, i tried again not working. Jimin then took the keycard from my hand. I am facing the door I can feel his chest at my back. His right arm is now holding my sholder and the other hand is holding the keycard.

I can feel his face inching closer to me. He put his chin on my shoulder. " Why are you such in a hurry? Are you running away from me princess??" He whisper in my ear. I can feel his breath in my ear and it gave me goosebumps all over my body.

He then use his two hands to make me face him. I then step back but of course my back just hit the wall. Both of his hands are at my sides. He was just staring at my face like he looks ready to devour me. I dunno if that's the right term. His eyes stared at my entire face and I am trying to fight his gaze but it is to intense.

"Oppa?? what are y-you d-doing?" I ask him and I am stuttering so badly. My heart is beating so fast and so loud.

"You don't have any idea what you do to me!! You don't have any idea how beautiful you are in my eyes!" He said in his husky voice.

He gently holds my neck as he stare at my lips. I fet my mouth dry because of his gesture. He  slowly lower his head to match my height. I know what he is about to do. I should stop it because I know he is just drunk but my body won't obey me. His lips is now centimeters away from my lips. I just closed my eyes as I wait to feel his lips touch mine.

It's a soft and gentle at first. Then his kiss became deep his tongue is trying to gain access in my mouth and I followed his lead. I slightly open my mouth and then his tongue worked wonders. It's my first kiss I thought it would be romantic but it happened in an empty hallway. But I don't regret it because I am kissing the man I love.

I didn't know he is this good. I tried to copy what he is doing and a small moan came from his throat. And I feel happy hearing that. The kiss went on for I dont know how long and our lips parted and we are both gasping for air..

He put his forehead against mine as we both try to calm down and go back breathing in a normal state.  Both of our eyes were still close that time.

I open my eyes when I felt him moving away. He is looking at me with pain in his eyes. I wasn't expecting that like how can he be looking at me like he want me earlier to looking like he is in pain. I am confuse now.

"Mianhe!" He whispered. He swipe the key card to my door and open it. He then gave my key card back and he just walk away.

"Wtf did just happen?" I ask myself. Was this another test. Is he missing his girlfriend again so he turned to me because I am the most convenient option? "Mianhe???" like that is all he have to say after our kiss??!!!  I am totally confuse!


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