Briarfeather and Cinderblaze...

By tigercry

931 13 0

For those who want more human Briarfeather and Cinderblaze in the WHSS collection! Collection of of 18 chapte... More

Let Me Help You This Once... Or Many Times.
Secrets and Lazy Competition
Fighting and The Freezing cold
Silent suffering.
Protecting Him And Receiving An Amazing Reward
What're You Grateful For When You're in a Hopeless Situation
What to Be Grateful For Part 2
Putting Differences Aside
Pouting, Tree Climbing, and Ice cream
Don't let me Fall!
AU Go! I'll find you and I'll come back! I promise!
Meeting Each other as Friends and not Rivals
Jealousy...Wait What?!
Her Parent's Daughter
An Emotional Roller Coaster
Uh... Jay? You Alright? You Kinda Passed out...
The Story Of The HoloWatch

I can see! AU

40 0 0
By tigercry

"Jay! Let's go!" Holly yelled up the stairs, frustrated with her brother's grumpy attitude that had been going on for the past few years. "We need to go!"

Leon sighed and softly shook his head in exasperation, going places with his grump of an older brother had gotten harder after high school, when his best friend and their close friend, Breanna Grayas had left the country to go to an extremely good college six years ago, and Jay had been more grumpy ever since. "I'll go get him." he sighed and handed Lixa to Cynthia who wasn't going with them, busy with their baby girl and tired enough to fall asleep standing up. Leon ran up the stairs and nearly ran into his brother who scowled and barely dodged out of the way.

"I'm coming already, stop panicking and get out of the way."

"Jeez," Leon muttered as he turned and went back down the stairs, going over to Cynthia and sitting next to her on the couch, waiting for Jay. "He's coming," Leon told Holly before he pressed a kiss to Cynthia's temple.

"I'm right here," Jay grunted, stomping down the stairs and acting like a child. "Where are we going now?"

"We're visiting someone," Holly replied cheerfully, "now let's go already!"

"Hi, guys!" Jay heard Bree's voice and nearly did a double take, he hadn't heard her voice is many years, long enough for it to be nearly unfamiliar. "It's been so long! Come here! Give me a hug!"

"Is that really Bree?" He asked his brother in a hushed voice.

"Hi, Holly! Where's Cindy?" Bree inquired, hugging Holly.

"Yeah," Leon replied in the same hushed tone before jogging over to the woman and letting her envelop him in a bear hug, "Hey Bree, long time no see right? Cyndy's at home with Lixa at the moment, you should come visit sometime."

"Ooh! Isn't Lixa your daughter?! I bet she's really cute!" Bree chirped happily, smiling widely.

"Hey, Bree," Jay said curtly, blind blue eyes gazing vaguely in her direction.

Almost immediately the cheerful atmosphere changed from cheerful and excited to apprehensive and cheerful -the latter was from Bree.-"Hi, Jay!" Bree chirped, looking at him a bit apprehensively, "did you have fun with college?"

"Yes," Jay replied stiffly, "It was fun doing it all alone."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there," Bree apologized sincerely, "it was a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Jay didn't reply, gazing stonily in her direction. "Jay-"

"I don't want to hear it."

"Let me explain!-"


"Jay cut it out! Let me explain why I did it!-"

"I don't want to hear it."

"I can fix your vision!" Bree exclaimed in frustration and Jay froze, all four of them froze.

"W-what?" Jay breathed, taking a few steps away from her in surprise.

"It's a long story, but I can fix your vision, Jay!"

"Yeah," Bree finished explaining why she went to E.M.U (Engineering Master University) rather than W.E.(Warriors In Excellence) "I got a scholarship and initially said no, but they managed to get a hold of my blueprints for the VH, Vision Healer." She added at the blank look she was getting from the other four adults, "I only went there because they said they would help me build it it I went to the school."

"So you went so you could help Jay?" Holly asked her friend, looking at her twin brother who was quiet, he hadn't spoken since Bree had started explaining what had happened.

"Yeah," Bree confirmed with a small nod, "I've been working on it since high school. It's a device that hopefully can fix his sight!"

"I want to try it," Jay grunted, speaking up finally, locking blind blue eyes on his friend. "I want to try your device."

"I can't promise it'll work Jay," Bree said slowly, "It hasn't been tested yet and I don't know if it'll work-"

"It'll work, I know it will." Jay interrupted her, showing rare confidence toward his best friend, "your devices always work."

Bree's amber eyes flash nervously, "well I hope it works, it hasn't been tested yet."

"It'll work."

"Jay, do you trust me?" Bree asked him softly, sitting in her wheelchair in front of his chair and looking at him while taking his hands in her own, amber eyes curious and apprehensive. "If you're going to go through with this, I need you to trust me."

"I trust you, Bree. I trust you with my life." Jay replied, his usually curt voice shaky and determined.

"It'll be okay," Bree said, leaning forward and pressing a comforting kiss to his forehead, "I'll be there the entire time."

"Promise?" Jay asked a bit timidly, blind blue eyes gazing vacantly at his best friend.

"I promise Jay," Bree promised in a determined voice, her amber eyes gentle and confident.

"You ready?" Bree asked Jay, it was time to test and see if Bree's device had healed the birth defect that had resulted in Jay's blindness, his siblings stood near the hospital bed, waiting anxiously.

"I'm ready," Jay affirmed, his voice back to being gruff and curt, but his voice held that same anxiousness as everyone else. His eyes were covered by a thin specially designed light dampening bandana with Bree's visor-like device currently on top, the silver visor looking device not on at the moment, the LED was off, signaling that the device had done as much as it could.

"Are you sure?" Bree asked she was sitting in front of him on her knees, barely a foot and a half away from him, still wearing a white lab coat and her hair was still up in a messy braid, having been constantly monitoring Jay and the device for the past three days.

"Yes," Jay confirmed his previous answer, his hands fiddling nervously with the blankets.

"Okay, I'm going to take the device off, tell me if you see any traces of light okay?"


Bree reached up and carefully unclipped the strap that went around the back of Jay's head before pressing a button and carefully taking it off, leaving him with just the blindfold. Taking a flashlight out of her pocket, she clicked it on and dragged the beam across the blindfold, holding her breath and waiting for Jay to say he saw something.

"I see it," Jay said, his voice wavering, "I can see the light your shining on my face."

"Close your eyes okay?" Bree asked him, her amber eyes gleaming with hope, "I'm going to take the blindfold off and don't open them until I say so okay?"


Bree then carefully untied the blindfold and gestured for Holly to turn the lights down, which she did before she took a deep breath and spoke, her voice shaky, "Okay, open your eyes, Jay."

Jay tentatively opened his eyes, before he hissed and shut them again. "Ow," he grunted.

Bree giggled a little, "Well let your eyes adjust silly, your eyes haven't seen light in over sixteen years, Jay." Jay slowly opened his eyes again, blinking a few times to focus. Bree then drew in a sharp breath as the distance in his eyes vanished and they focused on her, the blue that had been dulled because of his blindness was bright and vibrant, a soft baby blue color. "C-can you see me?" She breathed, her amber eyes locked on his own.

Jay was stunned, he could see! He could see things! he could see the beautiful woman sitting in front of him who had given his sight back to him! "I can see you," Jay spoke, his voice shaky and emotional, "I can see you, Bree," it was sinking in and he smiled, "I can see you." He watched his best friend, taking in her ruffled and tired appearance like she had been sitting in that room without doing anything else for hours. Her dark brown hair was up in a messy french braid, ink smudged her fingertips, and the white lab coat was splattered with bright blue ink.

He watched as Bree's amber eyes lit up at his smile and his words, "I can tell!" She grinned, "you're looking right at me!"

"Leon! Jay can see!" Holly exclaimed giddily, hugging her younger brother tightly, "he can see again!"

Leon grinned and hugged his sister back, laughing with relief, "he can see us!"

Jay turned his head toward their direction and drank in the sight of his two siblings, his blue eyes gleaming with joy. After the three siblings just looked at each other for a few moments, Jay did something unexpected, he leaned toward Bree and hugged her tightly, burying his face into the crook of her neck, "Thank you, Bree, thank you so much."

Bree got over the shock and returned the tight embrace, her amber eyes sliding shut as she spoke warmly, "You're welcome Jay, I'm glad this makes you happy."

"Why're you looking at me like that?" Bree laughed nervously, they were sitting in Jay's hospital room, waiting for Holly and Leon to return with Cynthia and their parents, Bree had been cleaning the device that had brought back Jay's vision.

"Like what?" Jay asked her innocently, his gruff voice warmer than usual.

"I don't know! You're the one looking at me!" Bree snorted fidgeting under his piercing gaze.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Jay!" Bree fidgeted some more, "quit it!"

Jay flashed a brief smirk, "I'm just looking at you."

"Yeah, like I'm something super special!" Bree whined, "It's discerning!" A blush was spreading across her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, making Jay watch her in fascination.

"You're blushing." He stated simply, watching the spreading pink color with fascination.

"You're the one making me blush!" Bree retorted, turning her head away from him to hide the blush. "Stop staring at me!"

Jay got to his feet and approached her, sitting in the chair next to her, "It's cute." He admitted and Bree turned sharply towards him, her face still warm, but his admission surprised her.


"The blush, it's cute," Jay repeated patiently, his blue eyes locked on her face.

"Um... okay?" Bree said, "Did my device scramble your brain or something?"

Jay shrugged, "Maybe." He leaned closer to her, "but I don't really mind at the moment," and with those words, he kissed her.

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