Protecting Him And Receiving An Amazing Reward

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Bree gasped for breath, her arms scratched up and bleeding, her mind was foggy from a hit in the head and she couldn't tell what was going on. Forcing her eyes open she was startled to find her face pressed to the dirt, her wrists tied together. Breathing in she started coughing violently, getting soil up into her lungs, she struggled, half of her body flailing like a fish while the rest didn't move an inch. She felt someone stepping onto her back and she coughed more, feeling like she was choking.

"Let her up Dawn, you're causing her to choke." A deep male voice growled. Bree was then yanked up into a standing position by the shoulders, but she promptly crashed back to the ground, her nose smashing painfully into the ground; meanwhile, she was too busy hacking up her lungs to notice the pain. "She can't stand Dawn." The voice spoke again. Finally, Bree was hauled into a kneeling position, she coughed and wheezed, dazed and barely able to see. Someone smacked her on the back and she faceplanted back into the ground despite how much she tried to stay upright. Again she was hauled back up, "For heaven's sake Dawn!" She felt someone rubbing her upper back, carefully patting small areas and Bree coughed up some of the soil, the rest still stuck there and making her breathing raspy and weak. She barely reacted to a hand being waved in her face, idly wondering what the tan colored blob was. "Great, you probably gave her a concussion."

"Who cares?" I didn't promise Jay his friend would be unharmed, just alive."

"Because you nitwit, she won't scream, cry, yell or make any loud noises, she can barely see anything if I'm correct." Bree suddenly let out a squeak as the back of her neck was pinched and her vision cleared, she moved forward and bit the hand waving in front of her face. A higher pitched howl and a moment later Bree was sprawled on her back, the force of the slap to her cheek knocking her backward. A few voices made sounds of disgust, Bree remembered with an inward snort on how creepy it was when she fell backward on her knees, she was so flexible down there that her back was making contact with the ground. "Stop hitting her." The male voice spoke again, hauling her upright onto her knees again. "We need her conscious, remember, she's a hostage."

'Hostage?!' Bree yelled in her mind before calming down and listening intently.

"We need her conscious so she can do that pitiful 'Don't do it!' Most girls do."

Rage sparked in Bree's mind and she worked to pull her wrists apart, the strong muscles in her arms starting to slowly break the rope while listening to them.

"Eh, whatever, I just want him to agree to the terms, killing himself as revenge for my brother!"

Rage filled every corner and crevice in Bree's mind, snapping the ropes she shoved her head into the back of someone's knees, she saw stars but the person screamed and fell forward. Using a few techniques Cynthia had taught her Bree jabbed her fist against the girl's temple, knocking her out cold before managing to catch the other person's wrist. With a mighty heave, she managed to flip the other guy onto his back where he landed an uppercut to her jaw and her head snapped up as she slammed her fist into his gut and temple simultaneously. After a few more minutes and many other injuries, she was lying on her back on the ground, panting heavily, feeling beaten and bruised with the other people holding her hostage out cold nearby. Bree's eyes started sliding shut, her body beat up and the adrenaline from the anger of Jay possibly killing himself to save her life draining as the threat also vanished.

Jay ran into the clearing, the moment he got the call from Dawn using Bree's phone saying she'd kill her if he didn't get over there quickly. The silence greeting him was completely unexpected and worrisome. "Bree?!" He called frantically, "Bree?!"

"Jay?" He heard a faint voice, he rushed over and froze as his foot brushed against a human body.

"What happened here?!" He carefully navigated his way past the people lying on the ground to crouch next to a familiar person who's breathing was raspy and more of a wheeze.

Briarfeather and Cinderblaze - Complete 2017Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant