What to Be Grateful For Part 2

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Cynthia didn't react to the CPR at all and Leon was about to lose hope before he remembered something. 'The link! I can save her! If I can kickstart her breathing and heart she won't die!' He knocked Holly out of the way and knelt next to Cynthia, focusing on the sound of his heart beating in his ears, placing his hands on either side of Cynthia's face and breathed soft puffs of air on her face at the pace he was breathing while tapping his pulse rate on her right temple, focusing on the link which had temporarily stabilized to be weak and briefly flickering.

"I'm not letting you leave me!" He whispered to her, amber eyes roaming over her blood-streaked face, "You can't!" The determination washed over all his senses and he leaned closer, thinking he was imagining the small furrowing of her eyebrows and the faint flaring of her nose. He sent waves of affection and hope across the link at the movements in hope that he wasn't imagining anything and she were moving. Leaning closer he noticed her lips part and she breathed a rattled breath over his face, her breath washing over his face, "You can do it, Cindy, keep going. You're almost there." He could feel the link strengthening the more she struggled to regain consciousness and breathe completely on her own, right now Leon was helping her, breathing at a steady rate to help get her to react and breathe at the same rate. "Keep going Cindy, I want to see your beautiful blue eyes." He was hiding her face from the others, leaning close enough to make sure he could feel her breath on his face. Cynthia made a faint noise before her blue eyes half opened, glassy and glazed over with pain but alive and glittering with the usual kind spark her eyes always held. "Hi," He smiled at her, not budging when Holly tried to shove him out of the way.

"Hi." Cynthia gasped weakly, looking half dead and full of pain.

"Hold on," He moved and gently pressed his hand to her leg, with the link working correctly and her not blocking the pain she was feeling he couldn't heal a wound that severe but he could stop her from bleeding to death again. The pain she was feeling didn't go away at all but Leon didn't want her to die in his arms again, "You aren't leaving me," He whispered before Holly shoved him out of the way, "I love you so much, thank you Cyn."

Cynthia's blue eyes sparkled as she understood but didn't speak, probably too tired to do so as she breathed in and out at a steady pace, each inhale rattling, her blue eyes slipped mostly closed as her exhaustion pulled at her body.

Leon leaned back against the headboard sitting in the hospital bed where Cynthia was safely sleeping, they were in the clinic in the base, safe and sound. After a long surgery where they removed the broken shards, splinters, and severed muscles of her mangled leg and put a temporary rod from her hip all the way to her ankle with a ball joint so she could have her knee bent she was resting with no chance of slipping into a coma or anything like that. He was up on the bed with her because he didn't like the visitor's chairs despite being padded leather, and preferred to be up with her to make sure nothing was going to go wrong or to give her an alternate pillow.

Right now she was lying on her back with Leon's arm over her face, one of her arms above her head and keeping his arm there to block all traces of light that had a chance of waking her up; her damp black hair spread out on the white pillow, the rough uneven cut the interrogator had made was visible by the difference in the shorter and longer strands. Her other arm was lying on her stomach with her palm on Leon's side, knowing he was there by the link's GPS system.

The door creaked open and Jay slipped into the room, blind blue eyes gazing vacantly at his brother, "I'm not even going to tell you to get down from there." The last time he told Leon that the teen had obeyed but it had woken up Cynthia who had rolled off and hit the ground with a pained thump. He checked everything over to make sure everything was functioning and asked Leon, "Has she woken up yet?"

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