Pouting, Tree Climbing, and Ice cream

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Jay sulked on a branch in the tree he was hiding in, he was sulking because Hadara was mad at him and refused to tell him why. 'Why are girls so complicated?! They're so confusing and emotional.'

"Jay?" He jumped and nearly fell off his branch hearing Bree's voice a foot or so to his right, "Are you sulking again?" She playfully teased, "This tree is now dubbed the Jay's Sulking Tree."

"Ha ha ha," he said dryly, rolling his blind blue eyes, "You're so funny, Bree. And no, I am not sulking. How did you get up here?"

"I climbed it myself!" Bree grinned, she was hanging off a branch a foot or so higher than him, the strong muscles in her arms letting her climb trees. "It's great up here! Now,tell me why you're sulking."

Jay reluctantly opened his mouth to explain but she interrupted him.

"Wait, give me a second." Moving up into a pull-up position she swung back and forth to get her feet over the branch next to Jay after her feet cleared it she careful lowered herself down onto the branch, wrapping her arms around the branch conveniently in front of her at chest height, she rested her chin on the bark. "Now tell me why you're sulking."

Hadara's mad at me again."

"Again?" Bree asked in surprise, "She seems to get mad at you at least five times a week."

"She does, and she never tells me why she's so mad and what I did to cause it." He says dully before abruptly getting angry, "How am I supposed to fix it if I don't know what I did! Why can't girls be like you?!" He complained, gesturing to the hyperactive bundle of joy that was his best friend, "Not constantly getting mad or offended at everything a guy like me does!"

"While I'm flattered you like my personality that much," Bree giggled, "I'm sure that if you had that many people like me you'd have a full head of gray hair and be grumpier than a drenched house cat." She grinned happily, "besides! If everyone's like me then I wouldn't be so special now would I?!"

"Your right, that would be complete chaos."

"Yup!" She smiled widely, "wanna start a tradition and get some ice cream?"

"Like you need any more sugar."

"Nope! But you need something cheery! And I've decided it going to be a hug and an ice cream cone!"

"Alright fine. Let's get down from here without breaking anything else before we can go do as you suggested."

"Okay!" Bree slithered off the branch like a snake and started climbing down, Jay following her path.

Bree grinned at him and opened her arms expectantly. Jay sighed but knelt down in front of her and reluctantly let her glomp him in a huge happy hug before they entered the ice cream parlor,Bree acting like a little kid and looking at everything, a wide smile on her face as she chirped a cheerful hello to absolutely everyone in the place, bringing a smile to everyone's face including Jay's.

Jay slouched off to the ice cream parlor, the place had grown on him over the past year. Right now he was upset, being friends with benefits with Bree was nice but he was still upset over the break up with Hadara. He heard tires rolling along beside him and heard Bree's cheerful happy voice, "Hey Jay! No tree climbing this time?" She asked him, opening the door for him to walk through before pushing it farther and darting in after him.

"No, I'm not in the mood for it today." He muttered.

"Okay, hey Grace, can we get what we usually get?" The paralyzed girl chirped, sliding the correct amount of money across the counter that nearly eye level with her.

"Of course Bree, we'll bring it over to your table. "

Jay moved to take out his wallet but Bree grasped his wrist, "It's my turn, I've got it handled. Come on," she led him to the table they usually occupied near the door. She studied his face for a moment before speaking, "Hadara again?"

"I don't know what I did wrong for that to happen to me."

"You didn't do anything wrong, Jay," Bree told him calmly, toning down the hyperactive happiness and revealing her a calm intelligence that most people didn't get a chance to see. "Sometimes people just don't get along, their personalities clash too much for them to get along, sometimes they don't agree enough or back down and let each other win."Jay sighed, listening to the sound of plastic being set down on the table.

"It still hurts."

"It does." Bree agreed, pushing his mint chocolate chip with M & M's container over to him and digging her spoon into her chocolate and vanilla swirl with hot fudge and caramel chunks ice cream. "But someone will come along and they, no matter who they are, will be the person who knows you best and gets along with you." She grinned at him, "They could even be underneath your nose." She hinted, her grin widening at his confusion.

"What?" His eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion.

"nothing. Want to go climb the tree after this? We can't just abandon the tradition!" Her hyperactive attitude returned and she grinned from ear to ear, "we're just doing it backward today!"

"Alright," he laughed licking up his spoon, "we can climb the tree after this. You need to burn off this sugar energy." Bree just smiled and put a spoon of her chosen treat into her mouth.

Briarfeather and Cinderblaze - Complete 2017حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن