Jealousy...Wait What?!

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Bree's heart was in her throat as she watched and listened to Jay and Hadara chat animatedly while holding hands. She was rolling behind them, lagging a few feet behind them, trying to be happy for her friend who she cared a lot about. The urge to interrupt them or leave was quite strong and tempting, she knew many other ways to their math class and could easily leave both her best friend and his girlfriend alone and all to themselves, but she didn't want to leave Jay who she knew was very awkward when he was completely alone with another girl beside herself and couldn't bear to leave her friend floundering without his confidence and make a fool of himself. Plus, she needed to protect him from Brendon who had learned not to bother Jay when she was around after she had purposely rolled over his foot many times two years ago. Luckily the hallway was mostly deserted so she didn't have to keep up the cheerful attitude when she felt glum and unhappy at the moment. 'I wonder if that nudge years ago was a good idea. It was at the time, but now... I can't help but wonder if it would be different.'

"Bree?" Jay's voice startled her out of her thoughts and she realized he was looking in her direction, eyebrows pinching together in slight worry, "Did you hear what Hadara asked you?"

"Oh! Sorry, was thinking!" Bree smiled wide teeth-filled smile at the couple, the smile not quite reaching her eyes at the moment, "Go ahead and ask again, I'm listening to you this time Hadara!" She chirped in a happy tone.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to come with Jay and me to the waterfall this weekend," Hadara smiled at the other girl, "Jay mentioned you like the sound of rushing water, so I was curious if you'd like to go."

Bree didn't hesitate in her answer, "Sure! I'd love to! But I'm busy this weekend!" She added, catching the flash of disappointment in the blue-eyed girl's eyes, "got lots of stuff to do!" She raked her brain for anything she needed to do that would give her a decent excuse so Hadara would get the alone time with Jay she wanted. Then she remembered that exams were coming up soon. "Like studying for my history exam Blegh!" She made a disgusted face, "I keep falling asleep and missing things!" She chirped, "so you two have fun together okay?!" She smiled, forcing away the reluctance she was feeling and masking the small amount of anger she was feeling towards Hadara. "Well, we're here Jay! Bye Hadara!" She chirped and started into the classroom, Jay right behind her.

"What's wrong with you?" Jay asked her in a hissing whisper as they took their seats near the front of the class, right next to each other. "I know you don't have to study for history, you've never studied for that subject in your life." He hissed.

"She wants to spend time with you alone!" Bree replied in an exasperated whisper, "and I'm doing a college level history class remember? It's a lot harder!"

"Maybe, but you've never had to study before," Jay grunted.

"Well, maybe it's time I do!" She chirped as she rolled her eyes, "Just be yourself and you'll be fine!"

"I'm not worried about being alone with her."

"Then we're good then!" Bree chirped, taking out her notebook and starting to answer the warm-up question on the board, 'Factor three x squared plus four x plus one, completely. Easy peasy!'

"... I just don't like her!" Bree complained to Cynthia as they walked together on the way home from school. "And I have no clue why!"

"Bree," Cynthia laughed, living with Holly, Leon, and Jay, meant she lived a few houses away from the paralyzed teen. "You might be feeling jealous." She told her, "What you're describing to me is just like how I don't really like Hannah or Isa, because why? I'm jealous of both of them."

"Jealous?!" Bree asked, amber eyes widening drastically, "What?! No, I can't be jealous of Hadara!"

"Why not?" Cynthia looked down at her, blue eyes a little amused, "Everyone feels jealousy sometimes, whether it's about someone beating you in something or someone getting to be with your crush while you can't or aren't."

"Because Hadara's a really nice person! And she makes Jay happy! So I can't be jealous of her!" Bree exclaimed, "so I can't be jealous!"

"Just take it into account Bree," Cynthia tells her she as they go their separate ways, "cause that's what it sounds like. Have fun, remember the whole movie thing we're doing with my sisters and Holly later today."

"I will! Have a good day Cindy! Good luck at your basketball game!" Bree chirped back to her, distracted with her thoughts as she wished her friend goodbye and continued towards her house. 'I can't be jealous... can I?'

Bree trailed behind Hadara and Jay once again, deep in thought. 'So I'm feeling jealous...' She thought gloomily, her gaze fixed distantly on Hadara and Jay's clasped hands. 'That's why I don't like her, but what can I do about it? The jealousy I mean, it's not Hadara's fault Jay likes her, and it's not his fault he likes her, so what can I do about it?'

"Bree?" Jay's voice startled her once again.

"Yes, Jay?!" Bree asked enthusiastically, as enthusiastic as ever and masking her turmoil.

"You alright? You're spacing out over there." Hadara said quietly.

"Just thinking about some stuff!" Bree smiles, "I'm all good!"

"Okay, only if you're sure."

"Bree." Jay's blind eyes were looking in her direction and Bree quickly made sure her mind was hidden from him, "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, showing rare concern for his friend.

"Yep! Just working some stuff out!" Bree smiles, "My brain is being annoying!"

"If you say so," He rolled his eyes, "I'll see you in art later." He promised before walking away with Hadara.

"Okay! Have fun!" Bree chirped happily before she turned down a hallway and started towards her history class, thinking once again. 'What should I do... Wait, that's it! I'm not going to think of missed chances or being jealous of her! I'm going to think of this as Jay is happy, so I'm happy! Cause that's what really matters!' She reached the classroom and rolled inside, smiling widely and greeting each of the students along with greeting the teacher and dropping a handful of candy bars on his desk along with an apple and a stick she had whittled into an old style flute just for her teacher. Fridays were her favorite day of the week she decided as she chatted with Holly about the civil war, she always had good ideas and found solutions to her problems on Fridays.

"Hey, Jay! Hadara!" Bree grinned as she rolled over to the couple on Monday, amber eyes twinkling merrily, "Did you two have fun at the waterfall Saturday? Jay! My blue jay crashed into the sofa again yesterday! He literally plunged straight into the couch and Ben and I had issues trying to get him out of it! He got his beak stuck in the couch itself!" She chirped happily, "but he's okay now! Chirping away and making my bedroom sound like a bird choir!"

Hadara looked a bit startled at the sudden mood change in the girl while Jay seemed completely unfazed as the paralyzed girl pulled her friend down to her level by the shirt and hugged him in a big bear hug.

"I'm sure he'll get the trick right next time." Jay told her, "now let go of me."

"Okay!" Bree let him go and grinned, "It was kinda funny, though! Cause, Ben and I were just watching a movie... hi Holly! ...And I was sitting on the couch while Ben was drooling... hey, Paige! ...On my shoulder, because he was out somewhere all night... hi, Leon! ...So he was asleep and Jake tried to dive bomb us... Hi, Cindy! ...but missed... Hello, Fin! Hey, Isa! ... and got his beak stuck in the couch... Hi, Finli! ... below the cushions and was stuck! Hi, Haliah! Want a candy bar?!"

"Sure, Bree," Haliah laughed, breaking away from her sisters, Leon, and Brendon to come over. "Got any Kit-Kats?

"I should!" Bree chirped happily, "I refilled my dispenser over the weekend! Go ahead and pick one! I think I have a few sodas in there as well!" Haliah chose a Kit-kat and Bree grinned, "Well what does it say on it?"

Haliah smiled and read the cheerful message on the candy bar aloud, "Just like kitty cats this candy had two sides, a kit side, and a kat side, be a cheerful and gentle kit rather than a hissing cat!" She laughed, "good one Bree, thanks for the chocolate."

"No problem!" Bree grinned happily, "Chocolate makes people happy!" As she cheered up the rest of the student population her jealousy of Hadara was forgotten and her resolution to be happy when Jay was happy with Hadara was strengthened.

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