Putting Differences Aside

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Cynthia and Hannah looked at each other from where they both were kneeling next to Leon. Leon needed both of them to work together to help him, red was already welling between Cynthia's fingers where she was pressing firmly on Leon's thigh where some animal had bitten him, his amber eyes were rolled back, only the whites of his eyes visible. Reluctantly working together they lifted Leon up so his arms were around both of their shoulders and they started dragging him back to their small campsite. The school had decided that a trip to the forest was needed to get the over confident students a taste of danger so all of the students were dropped off in different areas of a forest with the promise they'd be recovered within a week. Despite Leon knowing a lot about survival something had managed to bite him.

Cynthia and Hannah were clearing the ground away so they could have a dry campsite, staying well away from each other until they both heard a shout of pain and surprise from where Leon had disappeared to. Running they ran to that area, kicking up snow as they went to find Leon sprawled on the ground his jeans ripped and torn, blood trickling down onto the grassy ground.

"I'm so going to smack him when he wakes up." Cynthia mutters.

Once they reached the campsite and lowered Leon to the ground Cynthia spoke up, "You stay here with him, do something about the campsite while I find something for his injury." Hannah nodded and started digging through one of the travel packs they'd been given, looking for something to make a shelter. Cynthia shrugged off her hoodie and-and t-shirt before taking out Leon's pocket knife and cutting a wide strip of fabric for a bandage then tying it around Leon's injury, moving quickly before standing up and pulling her hoodie back on over her head over her tank-top and strode off into the woods while Hannah got to work.

Leon opened his eyes a few hours later to the sounds of a small fire crackling, it's shadow's flickering on the wall. He sat up and pushed the blanket and jacket off him and got to his feet, nearly falling flat on his face in the process. He pushed the tarp out of the way so he could leave the tarp tent like thing and found Cynthia and Hannah getting along relatively well, laughing and messing around, Cynthia was tying what looked like sturdy vines together forming a net-like thing, while Hannah was keeping the fire going. Both girls looked up as he came out and smile at him.

"Leon!" Hannah chirped, "How are you feeling?"

"Do you know what bit you, Leo?" Cynthia asked him, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," He was confused on how and why they were getting along, "I think it was a wolf, I'm not quite sure." He settled down on one of the logs the girls had heaved into a triangular shape, scrutinizing both of them and noticing the strip of fabric wound around Hannah's ankle peeking out from under her tennis shoes, along with the thin scratches and tears along Cynthia's arms and jeans. "What happened to you guys?"

"Long story," Hannah smiled, "I sprained my ankle,"

"And I fought a wolf." Cynthia joked, "Nah, I just fell out of a tree getting the vines." She tightened a few knots on the mentioned vine net thing.

"What're you making?" Leon asked curiously.

"A hammock," Cynthia replied, getting to her feet and demonstrating by sliding a loop onto a branch and pulling on it to tighten all the square knots and give a demonstration of its strength. "I'm working on one more."

"Only two?" He asked a bit amused.

Cynthia gave him a funny look, "You wish. I already have one finished, it's just not hung up yet." He pouted slightly, a smile playing on his lips.

Hannah laughed, heather blue eyes twinkling with amusement, "I'm sure that if we only had two you'd flatten Cynthia in your sleep."

"I wouldn't doubt it, he's done it before during a sleepover with the whole basketball team." Cynthia snorts, taking the hammock back down. Leon was stunned, both of them were getting along without any issues at all, no fighting, arguing, or glaring at each other. "I heard a river near here, I think I'm going to try my luck," She continued, putting the vine hammock down next to another one that he hadn't noticed before. She pulled a switchblade from one of the packs along with some twine, throwing it into a small bag and slinging it over one shoulder before disappearing into the darkening forest.

Briarfeather and Cinderblaze - Complete 2017Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin