
By kylateljeur

358K 16.5K 4.6K

A mysterious job interview. A shady looking warehouse. Aliens. Emily Cartell is in the for the ride of her li... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Six

5.4K 303 80
By kylateljeur

Kade led me to their in-ship hospital and I followed behind slowly. If I was being honest, I was scared to see the condition Connor may be in. The first day was terrifying for me, and I was having trouble imagining anything different for him.

I took a deep breath as we walked through the door into the brightly lit room. Despite being a hospital, the Naurian facility didn't feel... insidious like the hellhole I had been trapped in.

It felt like there was a good energy in the air.

My eyes searched the room, noticing for the first time the amount of plants that covered every spot of unused space. I didn't recognize the type, although I didn't exactly have a green thumb. I pondered whether or not they had brought them from their home planet.

My eyes fell on Connor at the back of the room, sitting up unassisted in bed. Conscious. Unshackled.

Jade sat nearby, reading a magazine. I walked up to them slowly, still cautious about what to expect. He looked fine.

He noticed us then, his eyes flicking up to meet mine. I froze, shocked that his eyes now matched mine completely. How had they made this happen so quickly? And he looked like he was in... good spirits.

I relaxed a little, approaching the two of them slowly. I remembered the rage that had coursed through my body when I attacked Kyle at the facility after putting me through that torture. I didn't feel like having that happen to me today.

Although, I was pretty sure I could take him if it really came down to it. Not that Kade would let him get anywhere near me, that is.

"Hey Connor," I said softly, now standing beside his bed. "How are you doing?"

He snorted. "Well, last night wasn't much fun. I felt like I had the worst flu of my life. But today I'm feeling a lot better, better than I ever have actually. My heart condition is even gone. I've had heart problems since I was a baby... genetics." He rolled his eyes, as if he were exasperated.

My eyes widened in surprise at his good spirits. "Wow, that's great Connor. I'm glad to hear you're feeling alright. So, are you a full fledged Naurian now?" A smile tugged at my lips. "Cause' I'm pretty sure I still get that one free punch for shooting me." I winked playfully. But oh, he was still totally going to get it.

His eyes widened and he looked a little nervous. "Yeah, I haven't forgotten my massive lapse in judgement, don't worry. I feel differently about the Naurians now." He stole an appreciative look at Jade, who was staring just as longingly at him. Maybe they would be alright after all.

I laughed, "Well I'm glad it only took a little for you to overcome your hatred for us." The sarcasm coated my words heavily and he visibly winced. It only took shooting me and finding out Jade also was also partly Naurian to take away the string of disgust he felt towards the alien people.

Although... I wasn't sure if they knew Jade's mutation hadn't completely worked. I'd have to talk to the doctors to see if there was something more that could be done to save the bond between them, or if it was at risk like Kade really suspected.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He was apologizing to everyone. I eyed the doctors subtly, trying to see what their feelings towards Connor were. I was shocked to see that they were regarding him with open friendliness. None of them seemed to resent him for what he had done.

A doctor approached me. One I hadn't met before. She was a beautiful blonde and her eyes twinkled with something I couldn't quite place.

"I believe you were inquiring whether or not Connor has completed the gene mutation?" Her voice was as sweet as honey. Kade seemed to stiffen next to me.

I resisted the urge to narrow my eyes suspiciously at her and gave her a bright smile instead.

"Yes, thank you. I would like to know the details on Connor and the methods that you used. It seems like he has progressed a lot faster than I did, is there a reason for it?" I tilted my head to the side, crossing my arms as I waited her response.

I may not quite be able to accept I was the future Queen of Nauria, but I sure as hell could accept I was the Queen of petty.

She seemed to sense my attitude and her eyes flashed dangerously.

"I will debrief the King and if he so chooses, he will let you know." She moved to turn her back on me but a strange emotion overcame me, and I moved quickly. My hand latched onto her shoulder and she whirled around, the hatred she had managed to conceal before now shining in her eyes unabashedly. I could sense Kade's surprise, but he didn't move to stop me.

I stepped closer to her, knowing my eyes were probably telling her exactly how I was feeling in this very moment.

"I don't think you understand your place here." My voice was sickly sweet. "This is my business. These people and their well being are my business. I am the head of this department now, as appointed by the King himself and the President of this country. So I think you're mistaken when you think you will be reporting to anyone but me about this." I was nearly shaking with rage that begged for me to release it. I could feel the heat at the tips of my fingers, a chaotic energy I hadn't felt since Kade had marked me.

Her eyes had bulged, looking almost afraid of me now. "I'm sorry, your Highness."

I nearly blinked in shock at the title, but I held my stony expression. "You will be relieved of your position here by a doctor that I can trust to tell me the truth when I ask for it."

The feigned terror she had splayed across her face only moments before evaporated so quickly that I swear I had imagined it in the first place. Before I could blink, she had launched herself at me, snarling and ready to tear out my throat.

Somehow my body had anticipated her attack, because my hands flew up in defense, shoving her back roughly. As my hands made contact with her body, a sickening crack exploded in the room as my powers were unleashed. The air crackled with electricity and I could feel the tendrils slithering through my fingers lovingly as they awaited my direction. My finger twitched and I felt the urge deep within me to finish what I had started.

My mouth went dry as I realized I was contemplating murder. As soon as my sense came back to me, the electricity diminished immediately. I slumped into Kade with a groan, feeling tired from the energy that my body had used.

I stared at the woman on the ground as she began to move again. No one, including the other doctors moved to assist her.

My eyes flicked to Connor who was staring at me with an ear splitting grin on his face and then to Jade who could seem to do nothing but gawk. I turned towards the woman.

"Get up." I snarled at her, walking around her until I was standing in front of her face.

She glared at me from the floor but did as I said. I could smell her burnt blonde hair and noticed I had singed off a good portion of it. My lip twitched. Damn, I was turning into a stone cold bitch.

Once she was standing in front of me, I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "What's your name?" My voice was hard.

"Aurra, your Highness." She spat the words at me like a venomous snake. I pursed my lips at her.

It was then that Kade stepped in. "Aurra, you realize what kind of crime you just committed here, don't you? I suggest you start showing some respect." His voice was unwavering as he stared her down. She returned the glare and smiled slowly, looking back to me.

"I'm glad you have helped Connor to get to where he is now. However, if this program is going to succeed in the right way I need to have people I trust here. Unfortunately, you proved just now that I have no desire to work alongside you." I spoke to her, feeling Kade's calm presence wash over me.

She lunged for me once more but Kade sent her a look so hostile she stopped dead in her tracks. "If you make one more move towards my mate I will slice your neck wide open for everyone to witness."

She snarled in response. Jesus, this woman was part wild animal.

I rolled my eyes. "I suggest you run along, before something worse happens and I end up frying your hair completely off this time." I grinned at her impishly.

She all but spluttered in response, stalking out of the room angrily. She stopped at the door and sent me a look that promised revenge.

Well, she could get in line at this point.

I sighed. "All I wanted to know is what is going on with Connor. Can anyone else explain?"

A noise behind me caused me to turn around. Doctor Ama had just walked through the door with a smile.

"I see Aurra wasn't too happy on her way out of here. I must have details later." She winked. "In the meantime, I believe you wanted some questions answered."

I could have sunk into the floor with relief. "Yes, thank you. Have you perfected the serum? It seemed to have worked much faster on him." I looked back over to Connor who still looked shocked over everything that had just happened. I could still smell the burnt hair in the air. I wrinkled my nose and tried to ignore it.

Ama walked over to us with some charts. "Yes, our scientists have created a serum we believe to be almost perfect. Although, this program is still new so there will be more adjustments as we go on." She flipped through the pages as she paused to study them.

"As for the amount of time, yes you are correct. Connor completed the change within twenty four hours. However, this is mainly because he is a man. Their bodies are less complicated and require a lower dosage. There is a different strain for men versus women. His DNA is coming back completely Naurian. It was a success."

I nodded, happy to hear that things went smoothly for him. I turned to Connor. "So how was the process? The only side effects you experienced were regular flu like symptoms? You were treated humanely?"

I needed this information in order to come up with a plan to move forward. At this point I was sure we couldn't do that without the people of Earth knowing about the Naurians and Selarians exist. But that would cause another million problems on its own.

Connor shrugged. "I felt pretty crappy but the doctors gave me some stuff to help me sleep through most of it. I woke up looking and feeling like a million bucks."

I blinked in shock. "Wow. That actually doesn't sound terrible. I'm glad to hear it."

I felt Kade touch the back of my elbow lightly.

"Well, I've got to get going. I'm glad you're doing well Connor. Jade, make sure you look after him." I gave her a not so subtle wink and couldn't help but laugh as I hurried out of the room. I felt a pillow hit the back of my head and turned around with a huge grin on my face. Jade was looking at me with a sheepish grin.

"Enjoy your night!" My voice oozed sexual innuendo. laughed again and followed Kade out of the room who was shaking his head at me with his own small smile.

"Ive been informed that Magda has time now to begin your training. We were thinking we can get you started on some basic exercises to help control your powers. Would you like to meet her there now?" Kade's voice was somewhat strained.

I raised an eyebrow. "Sure, that's fine with me. Is there something you want to tell me?"

I could sense nervousness and a little anger in his emotions.

Kade sighed. "I didn't realize that they had Aurra working at the hospital again. It's just weird timing with everything else going on. She and my mother were... not close, and that is putting it mildly. When she was killed, Aurra moved in on my father. She threw herself at him any chance that she could, hoping to be my father's reclaimed mate."

He paused, shaking his head as we continued to walk.

"What's a reclaimed mate?" I asked, never having heard the term before.

"Its when someone that was previously mated completes the rite with someone else also previously mated. It is usually unheard of for mates to separate. It's usually only by tragedy that it happens."

I nodded, squeezing his hand tightly as I felt the devastation he was feeling course through my mind.

"I caught them together once." He muttered angrily. My eyes snapped up to meet his in surprise and disgust.

"Not together, together." He corrected himself quickly, shuddering. But they looked intimate in that moment they shared. "I lost it. I called my father a traitor for his reaction to Aurra, a woman that my mother believed to be a snake. I told him I would renounce my title if he were to ever see her again."

I looked up at him with wide eyes as he continued. I was shocked that he had been willing to walk away from his throne.

"My father told me that she meant nothing to him. He even banished her for a short time before we left for Earth. He allowed her to come because she begged him. She had trained as a doctor and would be useful to us on our mission. He agreed. I was against it of course... but she had nothing back home. Now to find she had volunteered for a project that she knew my mate was running makes me uneasy. My mother never trusted her, and neither do I."

We entered the elevator that would bring us down to the arena below where the radiation from our powers couldn't be detected by the humans. Being able to teleport was handy, but this allowed us to continue our conversation. Plus, I still got a little woozy afterwards.

When we got inside he stopped, pulling my hands into the center of his chest. "I sure did enjoy the little shock you gave her." Kade's lips twitched up as he smirked at me. "I have a feisty one, don't I?" His eyes trailed down to my waiting lips. I stood on the tips of my toes as I leaned up to meet him. He captured my mouth in his and brought his hand under my ear, kissing me so hard that when he pulled back my breath caught.

"You sure do." I answered, breathless. God, he was hot.

"I'm glad to hear it. I need to go speak with my father. Magda is inside and I've assigned you a guard for while I'm gone. Wherever you go, he goes. Do you hear me? Now make sure you can put me on my ass when I come back." He winked. "It's the only way you'll be able to get away from me." His voice caressed my fantasies that played out in my mind.

As if he could sense them himself, he spun me around, smacked me hard on my ass and vanished with a wicked grin still on his face.

I stood for a moment to gather myself, trying to cool down from the kiss and the smile that promised mischief later.

When I felt I wasn't as red as a tomato, I walked through the doors to the arena.

Magda stood in the center of the room with an enormous gym. "It feels like it's been a millennia since I've seen you, Emily. Are you ready to begin?"

"It's good to see you. Yes, I think I could use a little time to blow off some steam." I laughed.

"I'll be sure to tell Kade he's just not doing the job properly for you then." A familiar voice behind me snickered.

I spun around in surprise. "Darius!" I cried excitedly. "Are you who Kade is forcing to babysit me?"

The gorgeous blonde grinned lazily at me. "That would be I. It's been a while! I thought he'd keep you hidden from us for all of eternity."

I laughed. "Yeah, when I got shot he kind of got even more protective than before. Plus the other issue." I blushed. Heat. I guessed Kade trusted Darius even more than I had originally thought.

Darius's face changed. "Yeah, we wanted to visit but didn't want to overwhelm you. The bastard that shot you is lucky he chose to honour Aitera and face his fear or I would have been second in line to kill him myself."

"And for your other issue, don't worry. I know my death would not be worth touching a hair on your pretty head." He winked.

Magda clapped her hands together.

"Alright, well we know you like lighting things on fire. Shall we start with that? Target is right there." She pointed straight at Darius.

I snorted at his facial expression as he slowly backed away.

This was going to be interesting.

Thank you so much for reading!!!
I'm going to be trying my very best to finish this story in time to enter the wattys.

If you have enjoyed it so far please don't forget to give it a vote and leave a comment especially!!

What do you think is going to happen next?!

Love Kyla <3

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