
By Jeomsii_1

119 13 1

Arthur is a curious teenage boy. He wakes up one day to find out his parents are gone... Only leaving him a t... More

Gone.... Am I all alone?
What did they leave me with?
Can't wait to be at home!
Author's note 📝
Crazy boy
Weird Kid
Where am I?
Author's note 📝
Alice or Alicia?! [APOV]
Dungeon Raid [APOV]
Alice's weird friends [APOV]

A silly Old Video game?!

10 3 0
By Jeomsii_1

The ride home was really fun, Aunt Mattie discussed about her rules. She stated no throwing a party in the house without inviting her. No sneaking in home after 11pm. If you have to invite your friends you have to do that with her permission. No playing pranks on her, she says they are horrible. No getting in trouble in school, and so many other rules. Arthur couldn't help it, he napped when she was stating her rules, it was so boring. He was lucky enough that she didn't notice it, or dinner tonight will be cancelled. That is the last thing he wants to happen!

They finally arrived at Arthur's house. It was a Skye blue duplex, it wasn't particularly a mansion but it looked homely and comfortable.
Arthur was finally home, his heart was racing so fast. 'Ooh I can't wait to see what they left me' he thought. He was so engrossed in his thought that he didn't hear his aunt calling his name.
"Aurthy, Aurthy... are you okay? " asked his aunt curriosly.
"Yeah, I'm fine" replied Arthur
"It looks like I lost you for a second there"
"I'm fine just that coming back to the house brings a lot of memories" said sobbing Arthur.
"I'm sorry Aurthy, don't cry I'm here for you" said Aunt Mattie.
Aunt Mattie is a really sweet person. She is in her prime, so she is hot and knows about the current happenings, that's why she stated lots of rules.
After the little chit chat with Aunt Mattie, Arthur went to his room upstairs so he can get ready for dinner. When he went to the bathroom he was too deep in thought that he stared at his mirror for about 30 minutes. When he realized him self he quickly ran out from the bathroom. He dressed up in a yellow shirt and black short, with his favourite black and white sneakers. He gelled his black straight hair, it made him look like Dracula with a beach outfit. With Arthur's mind still racing a gazillion miles, he dashed out from his room and ran to the basement. They said that curiosity kills the cat but Arthur was no cat. So him being anxious fuels his life. When he arrived at the basement, it was quite dusty and dark. The basement bulb was dead, so Arthur had to put on his phone flashlight. Taking more steps into the basement, he finally found a black pod, it looked like those ships aliens use in alien movies. Moving closer to the black pod Arthur found a note that read:
"This is our surprise, hope you love it"
                   -with love Annie and Jay
Reading the note made Arthur sick, he held back his tears because he didn't want to destroy a wonderful surprise with tears. Opening the black pod and entering inside, the door immediately closed up on him. Immediately the door closed, he heard a monotone female voice.
Arthur sighed in his mind, he couldn't imagine that his parents couldn't come up with a good name. He always knew his parents were terrible at naming things, like when they named his pet gold fish AURUM H514. It was so terrible.
The monotone voice spoke again
'Input your username'
Arthur was wondering where exactly this was heading to, he couldn't think of any good name so he imputed:
'Username registered. Select a character'
Arthur didn't know what exactly was going on but he couldn't help but scroll through the characters catalogue until he stumbled into a character that got his attention.
[Name: Silver Slicer]
[Skills: Good with a sword
Elemental Magic
The character was a light skinned person with sliver hair, blue eyes, quite tall, and black clothing that was actually an armour. Surprisingly, every thing about the character was a level one and he was an F rank mage. After being satisfied with the character he finally picked it.
'Character picked, now transfering you to level one, details about the game would be told to you on your mission'
Arthur cursed the game in his head, before he knew what was happening a strange google covered his eyes. He immediately was transported into the game world.
[level one: rendezvous with Angel League guild. Fight them off before they seize Limp ville, reward a fragment of a key, failure to do so death]
"What?!" Arthur yelled back.
Suddenly a screen popped up in front of his eyes.
[Quest: Run 100 miles 0/100 miles]
'Is it just me or is this game sick! Who the heck runs 100 miles?'
Immediately he thought that, he heard a baby girl's voice in his head
#I'm Lexi and I'm here to guide you on your journey through out this game. You can ask me any question.#
'what?!  Lexi how do I complete my current mission?'
#with the state you are in now, I don't think you can complete your mission.#
#You would need to improve personally, find allies, get better weapons and improve your skill. The only way to do so is by completing quests and getting coins as a reward.#
'That sounds terrible.'
#And so does your voice.#
'what did you say?'
Arthur immediately remembered that he had dinner with his aunt and he doesn't know how long he had been playing the game. He immediately yelled "pause" to the game, next thing that happened was that he could see himself back in the pod. He opened the door and stepped out, as soon as he did he felt part of his energy taken from him. He just shrugged his shoulder as if nothing happened.

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