Town Witch

By Tasergirl

219K 6.6K 4.3K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

Dinner With The King

2.1K 80 20
By Tasergirl

"Crowley" Dean greeted as they came face to face with the King Of Hell. He simply wanted to get this dinner over with, hell he voted against coming in the first place, but Bonnie wanted to know what the demon had to say. Bonnie frowned when Crowley faced Dean, a small smirk on his face.

"Squirrel" Crowley greeted making Bonnie's eyebrows raise at him. She wondered why she was so comfortable with them, Dean simply said they'd had dealings before, she didn't know exactly how good. The witch narrowed her eyes as Crowleys attention shifted to her once more.

Bonnie took the man in. He was taller, not as tall as Dean or Sam but still much taller than  her. The candles around the restaurant gave a soft glow to the room, a very Victorian era ambience. Bonnie could only roll her eyes as she looked at the man, or demon, before her.

"My, you are beautiful" Crowley says, reminding her of when she met Meela. She supposed most evil people were more alike than they'd like to admit. Crowley smirked as she narrowed her eyes, walking forward.

"Save it" she says raising an eyebrow. She pulled out her chair, sitting in it as she looked at him. Dean pushed her chair in gently, keeping an eye on Crowley.

Castiel stood standing behind them while Dean took a seat next to Bonnie. Crowley snapped his fingers, plates appearing in front of them. Bonnie looked down at the steak before lifting her eyes to meet his, her eyebrow raised, not only unimpressed by his show but suspicious.

"How do I know you didn't do anything to this?" She asks making him smirk at her, he looked a bit, giddy. She never thought she would describe the King of Hell that way. Then again, she never thought she'd describe him any way.

"You don't" Crowley says before his smirk widened. "But that's part of the fun" he says making her roll her eyes, dropping the fork she once had.

"Look, I don't know what you want but I don't have time for this" she says feeling irritation rise in her. All she truly wanted was to get back to Zoe and her friends. Crowley raised an eyebrow at her slightly.

"You seem to have the same temperament as your husband" he says making Dean scowl at him, before he pretends to thing. "Or ex husband maybe, I'm not entirely sure how reincarnated god relationships work" he says waving his hand around.

"Alright Crowley look-" Dean begins making Crowley look at him cutting him off.

"You know squirrel it's very strange seeing you without mousse, where is the big lug" the demon said, his gaze now on Dean.

"What do you want?" Bonnie asks strongly cutting through his jokes, and comments, tired of them already. Crowley looks at her for a moment, assessing the small witch/goddess.

"Down to business, I can respect that" he says as Bonnie stares him down. Castiel moves to the other side of Bonnie making Crowley take them all in.

Bonnie was gorgeous as he'd said, her green eyes looking at him so intently he'd think she was looking into his soul. If he had one that is. Dean and Castiel were obviously protective.

"I want a trade" Crowley says making Bonnie narrow her eyes at him once more. It made amused him greatly, how suspicious she was of him. Dean shifted closer in his seat, not liking how Crowley was staring at her.

"What kind of trade?" He asks making Crowley look at him.

"The beneficial kind" Crowley says with a roll of his eyes. Bonnie narrows her eyes at the demon, making him sigh. All he wanted was to irritate the man a bit.

"See I have the same problem here as we had with Lucifer all those years ago" Crowley says making Bonnie's eyebrows raise. She wanted to turn to Dean but stopped herself, she'll ask later.

"Ra and Set will look at me and my kind as something to be destroyed, they want to obliterate half the world and while they won't mind humans so long as they worship them they'll think of Demons as scum of the earth" Crowley explains to them making Dean shrug, not caring a bit.

"So do we" Dean says making Crowley look at him, an eyebrow raised as he looked at the hunter that caused him so much trouble.

"Yes, I love you too, now the thing is you and I have shared common ground before and as I see it you need all the help you can get" Crowley says making Bonnie raise an eyebrow at him.

"No, you need our help, if we win you live to fight another day, if they win they'll decimate you all" Bonnie states with a raised eyebrow. Dean nods beside her, letting the witch take the lead. Crowley rolls his eyes.

"Yes, I need you to win and you need my help" he states making Bonnie narrow her eyes at him.

"And why would we need your help, I'm sure there are many things out in the world that would love to be on our side" Bonnie states making Crowley nod. "I could kill you and probably take control of Hell myself, I do have a special connection to the underworld if you know my story" she adds with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh everyone knows of Hathor" he says and Bonnie realizes there's something else in his eyes when he looks at her "and you would be right, but as Dean knows I keep my word when it comes to deals, you don't know about anyone else besides I am the King of Hell" he says waving his hands. "That means I have special powers and oh yes this" he says clapping his hand.

Bonnie blinks and a girls behind Crowley, she was beaten. Her face was bruised and bloodied. Her hair was matted and all in all she looked like she'd been held hostage for a long time.

"Meg" Castiel breathes out, his voice low. Bonnie's eyes narrow on Crowley as Dean stands.

"What the hell is this?" He asks angrily. The girl winces quickly before smirking at them, though Bonnie noticed her eyes soften as they land on Castiel.

"Hi boys" she greets in a husky voice.

"This is part of my deal" Crowley says with a large smirk on his face. At that moment, Bonnie wished that Klaus was with her.
Niklaus Mikaelson was a man that had seen many things. He was one of the first immortals. He was the first hybrid. Yet he never thought he'd see the say he would see the day his little sister called a child her niece.

"Did you call Zoe your niece?" He asked as they walked through the woods. Elijah was staying with Zoe in the hotel room and Maria was walking in front of them, leading the way to the wolves.

"Of course I did" Rebekah said with a flip of her hair. She wasn't sure why he was questioning her about it. It wasn't like he hadn't already been thinking of the girl as his.

"You do realize she's not ours, she hasn't even agreed to stay with us permanently" he says to his little sister who shrugged at him.

"Semantics" she says with a wave of her hand, not caring for his attitude. Maria raised an eyebrow as she looked over her shoulder at them.

"Not to mention, we don't even know if Bonnie's going back to your mansion" the witch says making Klaus growl at her angrily.

"Mind your business witch, this does not concern you" he tells her angrily, not wanting to dwell on the idea that Bonnie might not return to them.

"She's right you know" Rebekah says, her eyes narrowed at the hybrid. She was pissed, he could tell. He knew she'd been pissed since that night. Seems everyone had a problem with the hybrid but what else was new.

"Is there something you'd like to say Rebekah" he asked his sister, making her turn to him, her eyes narrowed.

"Bonnie is the best thing that's ever happened to you, to any of us, and you almost let her slip through your fingers" she says causing both Klaus and Maria to stop walking. The blonde walked forward poking her brother in the chest angrily.

"You're pride got the best of you once more and now she's across the damned country with our brothers, an angel and the damned Winchester's do you not realize what this could do?" She asked him making the blue eyed man fume angrily.

"Of course I understand what this could do! Do you think me to be a stupid man?" He asked angrily causing her to laugh humorlessly.

"Yes I do, you could not see past your pride so you could have very well cost us the best thing to happen to us in centuries" Rebekah says her eyes filling with tears. The man stopped and looked at his little sister in shock.

It was true, Rebekah was the most emotional of all the Mikaelson siblings but that didn't stop the pain that resonated in his chest whenever he had to see it. She was his little sister. His most beloved sibling.

"Do you not see how broken and beat down we are already if we lose Bonnie not only will we lose the one person who truly believes in us and makes us better we'd be signing our death certificates" she says making him freeze.

She would die. His sister would die. Elijah and Bonnie as well. Though he was sure Bonnie would be able to make it without them but his siblings, they wouldn't. If they lose Bonnie, if they're not a team, they die.

"I will not let you die Rebekah" he promises her, his voice so full of conviction Maria has to turn away. Feeling as if she was intruding on a private moment she began walking once more. She was never good at feelings, especially those that weren't hers.

"You're so afraid of being alone yet too paranoid to believe anyone could care for you, so you sabotage yourself" Rebekah says softly. "We are broken Niklaus, being held together by sheer power of will" she says softly, her voice breaking slightly.

"Rebekah" Niklaus whispers yet he's unsure what to say to his younger sister. She looked so fragile in that moment, more fragile than he'd seen her look in centuries. She looked so...human.

"You with your anger and paranoia, me with my fear of abandonment" she whispers her voice breaking once more. Klaus takes a step forward but she backs away. "And poor Elijah, dedicating himself to everyone but himself, did you know he was willing to let you have Bonnie?" She asked him making the hybrid freeze.

"He didn't say" Niklaus started before trailing off, realizing his brother had barely had interactions with Bonnie since the homecoming dance.

"Of course he didn't, because he wanted you to feel like you'd won!" She exclaimed throwing her hands up. "He was once again willing to throw away his happiness for you do you not understand?" She asked her voice dropping.

"We are the strongest creatures and yet we are damaged beyond repair. We live without hope and yet we will never die" she says chuckling darkly. She looks up and him and for a moment he can't reconcile the woman before him with his sister. She looked so broken.

"We are the definition of 'cursed' always and forever" she says tears rolling down her porcelain cheeks. Klaus shakes his head at her softly.

"But you have hope my sister" he says softly making her shake her head.

"Bonnie, she gave me hope, not only for myself but for you too" she says softly shaking her head.

"Keep that hope Rebekah, for we have not lost her yet" he says cause the female original to shrug. He shakes his head looking her in the eye.

"And you will not lose her at all, for even if she never wants to look at me again, she will never leave you, I won't let it get to that" Klaus promises and for a moment Rebekah can see her brother once more. Not Klaus Mikaelson the hybrid but Nik, her older brother who loved to paint and spend hours with her by the river.

Before either can say anything more they hear a ruffle in the bushes. Seconds later a scream sounds in the air. Looking at each other they nod. Maria.

Rushing to the scream they see a man with blonde hair and blue eyes holding the witch by her neck.

"State your business" the man asks angrily.
Zoe looked at Elijah with a frown marring her features. She knew something was happening with Bonnie and Klaus, that much was obvious. What she didn't know was what was going on between Bonnie and Elijah.

She'd seen the way they looked at each other. Elijah would sneak glances at her and Bonnie was always warm with him. She'd be stupid if she didn't think something was going on there. Yet it seemed like Bonnie had a connection with that hunter as well, Dean. Zoe wasn't sure why but the hunter felt familiar.

"What are you thinking of?" She heard Elijah ask. Zoe focused on the original in front of her, realizing that she'd been caught staring. The small girl blushed lightly.

"Just wondering about some things" she says softly. Elijah raises an eyebrow at the girl as he looked at her, wondering just what she was thinking of.

"How do you think Bonnie's doing?" Zoe asked suddenly, knowing the vampire would ask what she was wondering about next. Obviously she didn't want to answer that question.

Elijah sighed as he looked at the small girl, wondering how she got mixed up in all of it. Maria, apparently, knows now but refuses to say anything without Bonnie present. Zoe hasn't demanded an explanation so he's left it be.

"Bonnie Bennett's strong, she can handle Crowley" Elijah says causing Zoe to roll her eyes. She already knew that, she'd seen it first hand. Not only when she'd saved her, but the fact that Bonnie wasn't running from this challenge said more than enough in itself.

"I know that, it's just weird, I feel like I should be with her, you know?" Zoe replies causing the original to nod at her before he stands.

"I understand" Elijah admits as he moves to sit beside her on the couch. Zoe scoots over to give him room, oddly comforted by his presence. That didn't happen much these days, or ever really. Only after she'd met Bonnie.

"But remember, not only is Bonnie a goddess, but before she even knew that, she was a self taught witch who went up against the world's first hybrid and not only lived to tell the tale but got him closer to death than he'd ever been" Elijah says remembering how Bonnie looked that night. How she walked from the trees with power surging around her and steely determination in her very being.

"Bonnie Bennett is, and will always be, a force to be reckoned with and not even the King Of Hell can stand a chance"
"I'm bored" Kol muttered looking at Finn. His brother leaned against the wall as he looked back. Finn was suddenly reminded of their human years, Kol sitting in the grass whining as Rebekah and Mother washed the linens in the river.

"I'm sorry meeting with the King Of Hell is not entertaining you" Finn replied dryly, his eyebrow raised. Kol rolled his eyes at his elder brother..

"Well I'm not exactly meeting with the King Of Hell am I?" He asked with an eyebrow raised back at him. "I was told to wait outside like a child" he added with a small pout.

Finn had to admit he was amused by his brothers antics but more than that he was worried. He wanted to be inside just as much as Kol. Sam as well, but the younger Winchester made use of his restlessness and decided to scout the perimeter. Before either of them could respond a familiar face rounded the corner, along with a not so familiar face.

"Ahh Marcel" Kol greets, a smirk on his face as he greets his brothers childe. Though he'd admit the small brunette beside him had caught his attention. He could feel her power.

"Kol" Marcel greeted with a raised eyebrow. "Last I heard you were in a box" he says his voice showing that he was anything but happy to see the youngest original male. Kol simply shrugged.

"Who's in there?" The small girl beside him asked, her eyes staying on the building. Finn stood straight as he walked closer.

"Our acquaintances" Kol said simply, wondering who exactly the small girl was. She was pretty, and he could feel her power from where he stood. Marcel looked at him an eyebrow raised.

"Bonnie in there?" He asked making Finn nod at him. Marcel sighed, wondering if the small witch was getting into more trouble. Girl seemed to attract it like a magnet.

"Someone's angry, someone powerful" the girl says putting a hand on the building before jumping away. Almost looking as if she'd been burned.

"They're pissed" she whispered
Bonnie stared at the demon as Castiel stood and walked around the table to get close to the girl. As soon as he was a few feet away from her she was moved further by an invisible force, groaning as her back hit a wall.

"Jackass" Meg muttered as she leaned against the wall. Crowley simply smirked at her, he'd enjoyed her mouth of a sailor, it was entertaining to say the least. Especially when he tortured her. Such colorful language.

"Let her go" Castiel said wearing an expression Bonnie had never seen. He didn't just look angry, he looked absolutely lethal. Like he could kill the demon with just a look. Crowley shook a finger at him.

"No, see I'd like to think of this as a reassurance of sorts, see you two want to kill me and while this is my first meeting with Miss Bennett I'm sure I'm not exactly be her favorite person" Crowley says shrugging a shoulder as he began cutting into his steak.

"So you decide to piss off the angel that already wants to kill you" Bonnie asked incredulously. Crowley simply looked up with a smirk on his face.

"Well Bonnie, my mother was a witch, she taught me a few things that even demons can do and as such I had the ability to link my life to our dear Meg's, so anything happens to me the whore dies too" Crowley says before putting a piece in his mouth. Bonnie wants to stick him in the neck with the steak knife if her hand. Castiel growls moving foreword.

"You son of a-" he starts but Crowley raises a hand.

"Castiel please, there are ladies present" Crowley says with a smirk, looking in the direction of the women. Bonnie rolls her eyes at him.

"Well one" Meg says with a smirk, though her eyes stay trained on the angel. She almost couldn't believe he was in front of her but she had to be sure it didn't show on her face. Dean looked at Meg in exasperation before turning to Crowley.

"So what? If we take your deal you let her go?" Dean asks making Crowley chuckle.

"Oh no, she stays with me if you take the deal she won't be hurt" he says before his gaze lands on Meg. "Anymore" he adds with a smirk making the girl narrow her eyes at him.

Bonnie does the same as she takes him in. He must be desperate. Considering how Castiel reacted, and his growing anger, this girl means a lot to him. That could've been his trump card in any situation involving the angel but he pulled it now.

"Okay, we'll take the deal but there are conditions" Bonnie says making Crowley raise an eyebrow at her. Castiel and Dean whip there heads to the witch in surprise.

"Well this is a negotiation of course" He replies with a wave of his hand.

"First and foremost no demons killing unnecessarily, at the very least until we deal with this" Bonnie states making him shrug. He'd heard of the witch, knew the righteousness that flowed through her, he expected something like this.

"I need a contract, a real one that you can't break" she says making him frown.

"Demons kiss to seal a deal" he explains making Dean clench a fist under the table, but Bonnie simply shakes her head at him.

"So I've been told, but I'm going to need one that's written I need all the facts, you're not going to find a loophole with me" she says making him raise an eyebrow at her, though he nods nonetheless. She was just as smart in this lifetime as her previous one. He had to admit he was pleased, she would certainly need it.

"No souls, not ours or anyone else's" Dean adds, his eyes narrowed as he looks at the demon. His suspension of Crowley rising with every words he spoke.

"Anything else?" Crowley asks making Bonnie nod at him, a small smirk on her face.

"The girl comes with us" she says making Meg look at her, surprise written on her features. Crowley shakes his head at her, vehemently against the idea.

"No, she could be the only thing keeping me alive, if you find a way to unlink us you'll kill me" Crowley says his lips set in a firm line.

"I could do that regardless of wether she's with me or not, if you want this deal, she comes with us" Bonnie says strongly. Castiel looks at her gratefully. He doesn't think he would ever be able to repay Bonnie for getting Meg back.

"Besides" Bonnie adds with a smirk. "Think of this as a show of good faith, when you die, and you will die Crowley, everyone dies" Bonnie tells him with a raise of her eyebrow. "I could be the one walking you to wherever it is that demons go, now that could be a good experience or a miserable one" Bonnie says leaning in, her eyes flashing gold at him. Deans eyebrows raise as he realizes the feral smile on her face isn't Bonnie's, it's Hathor's.

Crowley looks shocked for a half a second but schools his features quickly. He didn't realize the girl could already tap into her goddess. He should have gotten to her sooner. He should have swayed her to his side years ago.

"Alright, then I have a condition myself" Crowley says making Bonnie nod for him to continue.

"No killing, maiming, or torturing me during or after this war" he says making Bonnie nod in agreement. She already figured that would go without saying, apparently demons were different.

"That's it?" She asked wondering if that was all he wanted. It couldn't be, not with what Dean and Sam told her. Her suspicions were confirmed when he smiled at her, a secret smile.

"And one wish" he said his eyes trained on her. Castiel looked at Bonnie wide eyed. It was true, as his favorite God gave her a special gift he didn't do with the others, God gave the goddess the power to grant wishes. Before the war at least. Any wish, as long as she deemed them worthy.

Bonnie for her part, was confused. A wish? She could grant wishes of all things. She wasn't a damned genie. Castiel nodded at her once, her silent question answered by him. She was able to grant wishes, any wish apparently. Even for demons.

"Alright 1 wish" Bonnie agreed her eyes trained on him. Goddess vs Demon. "On the condition I don't kill, torture or maim anyone for your wish" she tells him. Crowley nods, knowing that those terms were non negotiable. She'd had a strong moral compass in her last life as well. Dean sat back, nodding along with them with a soft sigh.

"Alright Bandia" Crowley says lifting his hand. A contract materializing in front of them both, long and boring. Laying it on the table Bonnie realizes that a pen materialized in front of her. "After you"

Bonnie takes the pen, looking to Dean who nods his head at her. They'd sign it together. He watched as she wrote her name on the paper before holding it out to him. He takes the pen and signs his name before holding it out to Castiel who does the same.

"Alright, it seems we have a deal" Crowley says the contract disappearing from before them. "Must say never thought I'd get a goddess and an angel to sign one of these" he says smirking.

"The girl Crowley" Bonnie says. Crowley rolls his eyes but snaps his fingers, Meg appearing beside Castiel unchained. Leaning against the angel she let out a breath.

"Thanks goddess" the demon woman says with a wink. Bonnie smiles quickly before turning to Cas.

"Why don't you take her to the Abattoir so she can heal up" Bonnie says softly making Castiel nod at her a second later they were gone.

"Now onto business" he says clapping his hands together. Bonnie shared a look with Dean, dark green meeting light. They both wondered exactly what Crowley would offer them, but knew it would be good. From everything they told her, she knew Crowley was smart.

"I have a few demons, ones that I actually trust" he begins before seeing the matching looks of suspicion on their faces. "Enough to monitor the area around your quaint little town, I've actually got some there at this moment" Crowley says with a smirk to them.

Bonnie raised an eyebrow at him as she looked at the demon before her. She didn't trust the British man for a moment and she knew Dean didn't either if the way he was clenching his jaw said anything.

"Let me guess, there for recon and protection if we agreed but if we didn't they had a kill order" Dean guesses causing Crowley to smirk at him.

"Ah you know me so well Squirrel" Crowley responds happily, making Bonnie roll her eyes at them.

"And what do you want?" Bonnie asked making Crowley smile at her, an almost soft look on his face. Well as soft as the King Of Hell's face could get.

"I want you to win Bonnie" he says making Bonnie frown.

"Because if we don't, if I die you don't get your wish and end up dead" she summarizes shaking her head. He nods at her before sighing.

"Yes, among other things" he mutters softly. Bonnie frowned at the comment but decided not to say anything about it. She was beginning to get tired. The events of the last few days catching up with her.

"Alright, What do you know about the people who wear this" Dean asks pulling out the necklace Klaus had ripped from the neck of the redhead witch that tried to kill her.

Crowley leaned to grab it, a small frown marring his features as he took the necklace from him. Holding it in his palm for a moment he knit his eyebrows together.

"They're an old coven, older than me, founded in the time Hathor actually roamed the earth" he says making their eyebrows raise in surprise. "It wouldn't surprise me if they're the ones who woke Ra" he says before handing it back to them.

Bonnie nodded at him, remembering the last time she was New Orleans. They needed her to wake him up. This was all happening because she couldn't control it. She couldn't keep them out of her head.

The internal war she was having must've been obvious, at least to Dean, for he put his hand on her leg and squeezed it lightly. Bonnie looked over at him to see him nod. It was nice, having someone who understood without her having to say a single word. She smiled at him softly before nodding back.

"Do you know anything about us?" He asked the demon as he pointed between the 2 of them. Crowley frowned.

"Well Dean as much as I make it a point to keep tabs on you I don't exactly care much if you're getting laid" Crowley says sarcastically. Bonnie rolls her eyes at him.

"Not that, he's talking about our past lives" Bonnie says with an annoyed look on her face. Crowley's frown deepened at her words.

"Did you not read the book I sent" He asks making Bonnie knit her eyebrows together in confusion. Then it hit her. The book she'd been putting off looking at, the one that popped up on her porch all those months ago.

"Wait you sent that?" She asked causing him to nod, a self satisfied smirk on his face as he looked at her. He caught her off guard. He surprised her. Finally.

"Yes, It has everything" he says with a wave of his hand. "Your past life, your old rituals, it has where you've buried your most powerful weapon" he says making Bonnie's eyebrows raise.

"My weapon?" She asked

"Yes your weapon, Hathor was not only the goddess of love but also Sekhmet, the goddess of war, of course as a war goddess she had a favorite weapon, one fabled could kill Ra" he says his eyes landing on Bonnie's. Bonnie for her part couldn't believe it. It had been with her the whole time, all in that book.

"We have to go home" Bonnie says quickly, excitement filling her as she realizes how close she was to getting the answers they all wanted. Standing as she tells Dean, the door behind them bursts open, a woman walking in.

"Oh" she says her smile wide, while something of it spoke unhinged to Bonnie. "You've started without me" she says with a mock pout before her eyes land on Bonnie.

The woman in the pantsuit narrowed her eyes at the small witch in the room, something between annoyance and hate flashing in her eyes as she looked at Bonnie.

"Hathor" she says making the witch frown at her.

"Bonnie actually" the witch stated making the woman frown slightly. She had been expecting the goddess to be as she had been before. Crowley for his part simply looked annoyed at the intrusion.

"What do you want Naomi" the King said as the woman stared down Bonnie. Naomi sighed as she walked further in, suddenly flanked by 2 men. Bonnie's magic flared as she felt them, shocked by what she found.

"You're angels?" Bonnie asked in surprise making Naomi smirk at her.

"Beautiful and powerful, seems you live up to your namesake" Naomi comments before Dean looks at her slightly, not wanting to take his eyes off of the angels.

"Bonnie something we haven't mentioned yet is not every angel is good" Dean comments making Bonnie frown up at him.

"What?" She asks in confusion. "That makes no sense at all" she says making the hunter sigh at her. Bonnie tried to force it to make sense in her head. How could angels not be good.

"Not now lovebirds, we have company" Crowley says stepping in, making Bonnie roll her eyes again. She felt like she rolled her eyes a hundred times since she met the demon. He was like the annoying family member your parents forced you to spend time with.

"You claim we're 'not good' but you're willingly consorting with a demon?" Naomi asked, her eyebrow raised at the pair. Crowley smirked, wiggling his fingers at her.

"Well see I like the earth how it is at the moment, it's something we agree on" Crowley says making Bonnie shrug a shoulder lightly, conceding the point.

"I'm here to negotiate with the 'goddess'" Naomi claims, spitting out the word goddess like a curse. Bonnie rolled her eyes at her obvious distain.

"We actually have just signed our contract and agreed to terms, seems you're too late" Crowley says making Naomi roll her eyes.

"Actually it doesn't matter to me wether you both have a contract or not, it'll work better if you do, for the first time since the beginning of time all of us, Angel, human, Demon and 'gods' need to work together" Naomi says as she sits at the table. Bonnie frowned as she watched the angel sit down.

Dean and Bonnie look at each other, silently asking if the other person agreed to listen to the angel. It would probably be best to hear her out, at least try. After a moment both nodded before turning to Crowley.

"Well King Of Hell, What do you say? We might as well see what they have to say" Dean asked Crowley. The demon grumbled slightly but sat, looking at Naomi who smirked at them.

"Well then, let the fun begin" she said clapping her hands together. Bonnie felt a pit in her stomach, knowing this would not be fun.
Meg groaned as Castiel sat her down on a couch gently. After being tortured for nearly a year she was understandably sore and pissed. Castiel looked at the demon softly as she frowned down at her hands.

"How long has he had you?" Castiel asked softly. Meg shrugged a shoulder at him before looking up.

"Since we all went up against Dick" she answered. Castiel frowned at the thought. That was a year ago, and she'd obviously been put through an ordeal with him.

"What did he do?" Castiel asked his voice gruff as he looked over her cuts and bruises. Meg frowned as she looked at him.

"You don't want to know" she muttered darkly, thinking of all the ways she'd been tortured. Not only physical. She'd had to endure so many different versions of Castiel it made her head spin. Shaking her head she smiled at him. "Now I can think of ways to send the demon back to hell" she says making Castiel sigh.

"If Crowley dies so do you" he muttered making her shrug.

"As long as he dies it doesn't matter" she says strongly as she grabs a bottle of vodka. Castiel frowns as he stands, grabbing a rag and wetting it lightly.

He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought of her. In fact he'd thought of her every day. She was the reason he'd had such a fascination with Rebekah and Maria. While Meg didn't love like Rebekah, or even Maria, they all had the same strong personality. They both fought for their cause. Meg, to kill Crowley, not to mention her devotion to Lucifer and Rebekah, her family.

As he sat in front of her, he couldn't help but frown. She'd been in Crowley's custody for so long, who knew what she'd gone through at his hand. There was a reason Crowley remained the King Of Hell for so long after all, and it wasn't because he was so good with deals.

"I won't let you die" Castiel says, his tone firm as he looked her in the eye. Meg stops herself from taking another swig midway, looking at Castiel with narrowed eyes.

"Why are you so sweet on me Clarence?" She asked him suddenly. Castiel looked at her, smiling softly as he did so.

"I still don't know who Clarence is" he says instead of answering her question. Meg chuckled as he deflected the question, not sure if she wanted to push it just yet.

"Would it kill you to read a book? Watch a movie?" She asked making him shrug at her as he began cleaning her cuts.

"A movie no, but depending on the book, it might" he said making her shake her head at him before looking around.

"Where are we anyway? This doesn't look like your usual hideouts" she says motioning to the room they were in. Castiel nodded at her as he looked around for a moment.

"It's Bonnie's, or well a friend of hers" Castiel explains softly. Meg frowned as she looked at him.

"So what's the story there? The goddess" Meg asks remembering the small caramel skinned girl who was supposed to save the world. She was definitely beautiful, she even looked strong, but she also looked very young.

"She's much stronger and much more mature than she looks" Castiel said as if reading Megs mind. It seemed to Castiel, she still hadn't realized that while she looked after him, he watched after her. His caretaker. Meg frowns at him, her face going serious.

"She better be, because if she's not, you're going to wish we were back in the apocalypse"
Bonnie watched as Naomi stared at them, her defenses rising as the angel watched her. The angel hadn't taken her eyes off Bonnie since she sat down. She didn't even bother to look at Dean, or even Crowley, and that pissed her off.

"What have you given Crowley?" Naomi asked her voice high as she stared down the reincarnated woman. Dean watched from beside Bonnie, watching as her back went even straighter than it had been before. He wasn't even sure how that's possible.

"That's none of your business" Bonnie told her, irritation bleeding into her voice as she looked at the angel. Dean looked at Naomi, who still payed no attention to anyone other than Bonnie, before sharing a look with Crowley.

"It is if we're to discuss terms" Naomi says, her tone hardening. The angel had seen many things in her lifetime, wars, famine, the apocalypse, not many things could shake her. Hathor, however, always got under her skin.

She remembered when God made her. He was so proud of his creation. The one of many faces. He even gave her the power to turn into Sekhmet. She never personally saw Gods absolute adoration of Hathor but she'd heard of it. They all did.

She would never forget the day the goddess died either. God had been upset with her. Turned his back on the goddess for years, supposedly no longer cared for her at all. Yet when she died the sky's opened up and rained down fire over Egypt. Rivers ran red. Herds of animals dead. All for this thing.

"No it's not, my deal with Crowley has nothing to do with you, you're not even supposed to be here" Bonnie said her anger palpable. She didn't like how the angel was talking. Like she had the right to everything in the world.

"I am an angel of the Lord, I control heaven-" Naomi starts, trying to shuffle the cards back in her favor.

"You're not in heaven" Dean said finally gaining the angels attention. Of course she knew who he was. Everyone knew of the Winchester's. He should have been Michael's vessel. Yet he threw it all away. Seemed he was selfish even in this life.

"You're here and you're not even supposed to be here so obviously you need something from us and this bitchy attitude isn't gonna get you anywhere" Bonnie said, piggybacking off of Deans statement.

Crowley simply looked on in amusement, wondering how long Naomi would keep this up. He would admit it was entertaining to see Dean and Bonnie team up on her. Always fun to see an angel knocked down.

Naomi held back her anger. Pushing it down inside her until it was locked up tight. She didn't appreciate being talked down to like this, and would find a way to pay them back, but for now she needed something.

"Alright" Naomi conceded, taking a breath. Bonnie shared a look with Dean, trying to calm herself as well. They both knew it wouldn't do well to try and kill the current leader of heaven.

"I can help you, the angels can and will help you but in return, I want a wish" she said, her tone flat as she asked Bonnie for what she wanted. Bonnie's eyebrows raised at this one.

"Why do angels need a wish?" She asked making Naomi sigh. Crowley looked at the woman for a moment, before a thought struck.

"The angel tablet" he said, his voice low as he realized what she was going after. Naomi's eyes snapped to his, anger showing in them brightly.

"There's an angel tablet?"Dean asked, sharing a confused look with Bonnie. The witch wasn't entirely sure what was going on but by Deans face it seemed he didn't either, which definitely made her feel better.

"One that could give her the powers of a god" Crowley added. He was impressed with the angel, that much was true. He didn't think she had it in her. Seems he should keep an eye on this angel of the Lord.

"What the hell do you need that for?" Dean asked, already knowing what the angels were capable of. They were the reason Sammy died, lost his soul, and Adam was still trapped in the cage with Lucifer and Michael.

"There is a war in heaven, we need to tip the scales" Naomi admitted, her voice low as she revealed the truth.

"Why should we tip the scales in your favor?" Bonnie asked, wondering where God was in all this but knowing better than to ask that question now.

"Better yet how do you plan on fighting 2 wars at once?" Dean asked, his voice low as he tried to see what the angel was playing at. Naomi sighed as she looked at him.

"All angels know that if Ra is put in power here on earth, he will attempt to conquer heaven next, none of the angels can let that happen" Naomi said Bonnie nodded at her explanation. Self preservation. She supposed it made sense.

"We will fight in your war, and with the angel tablet, restore order to heaven" Naomi said, her voice filled with conviction. She didn't want to rely on Hathor, but knew, at this moment she had no other choice.

Bonnie looked at Dean, her question clear. Should she agree. Dean squeezed her hand lightly under the table, before giving her a nod. It was barely visible but Bonnie saw.

"Alright, fine. We have a deal"
Klaus was lead into a rather large farmhouse. It was 2 stories high and wide as all hell. There were werewolves everywhere. Old, young, large, small.

He could feel Derek and Erica nearby. They were waiting on his signal to interfere, he could practically feel Erica's impatience from here. The thought of Derek dealing with her like that nearly made the hybrid chuckle.

"Niklaus Mikaelson" he heard. Turning he saw a large man descending the staircase. The man was obviously a hard worker, his large arms and broad shoulders were tanned, showing how much he worked in the sun. His shoulder length hair was pulled back into a bun.

"My name is Joseph, the Alpha of this pack and a direct descendant of Ansel" Joseph greeted, holding out a hand towards the hybrid. Rebekah looked at her brother in surprise, wondering how he would take this.

Klaus took a moment to look at the man. His father's descendant. His family. He could see the power radiating from him. He was a true alpha. One which commanded respect, authority. Klaus took his hand, firmly, finding a familial feeling flow through him at the contact.

"Welcome home"

Lol I said I was going to update again soon and yay I did. Lol the plot thickens. No seriously there's new players like this story is freaking expanding and I'm so excited. Starting from now though I'm back to my old thing, once a week, each story updated on a different day I'm back in the game lol.
The next chapter is going to be informative af we have more new players because when I say Bon Bon going to war these MF's going to WAR but no one I show u is there for no reason and everyone has a part to play wether it be for plot or character development
Please let me know how you're liking the Bonnie/Dean dynamic I always thought if there was a crossover or something they should get together or would be good together because they always sacrifice themselves for the people they love and can never get a damn happy ending and I will never not be mad about that
Elijah/Bonnie moments are coming up soon I'm talking about HEAVY moments thought because I've definitely been slacking on them and I love them together they would've been so freaking cute if they even had a damn scene together (fuck Julie Plec)
We won't be having Bonnie/Klaus scenes for a few chapters because he's been getting all the action but that doesn't mean we won't see their cuteness and he is going to be very busy with Zoe and his fathers pack
Omg this was a long authors note but I love u all thank you for the comments they keep me going I love them
Please stay safe out here and be kind❤️

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