The One That Got Away

By hrtbrkrtrblmkr

6.5K 212 20

"Perhaps it is the greatest grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone." - Madeline Miller More



431 12 1
By hrtbrkrtrblmkr

After the meal and having to sit through Mr Hargreeves asking me a bunch of questions and taking down notes, the adults had finally left the table leaving the siblings and I talking.  Allison had already invited me to go shopping with her and I agreed only on the terms that Vanya could come too and so it was a plan.  Next Tuesday we will have a girly day. 
"You could sleepover too!"  Allison squealed.
"I don't really do sleepovers."  I chuckled at her excitement.
"Fine, say we're having a sleepover and no sleeping.  That's okay!"  Vanya said and I agreed.
"So Y/N, why did you move here?"  Five questioned me, placing his hands on the table and twiddling his thumbs together.
"My Mom wanted a change of scenery I guess...  And it had something to do with the fact that my Dad was having an affair with his secretary.  They think I'm too young to know but I understand the little digs and arguments between them.  They think I don't notice...  But I do."  I confessed and everyone went quiet.
"Is that why you're always out?  To avoid your parents?"  He broke the silence and I nodded and then stopped.
"How do you know I'm always out?"  I asked him and he quickly turned away trying to avoid my gaze.
"I- I just, uh..."  He stuttered and Diego coughed up.
"I think he means that you're always in Griddy's...  Like everyday."
"Yeah, that's what I meant, totally that."  Five defended himself and I raised my eyebrow at him, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms.
"Why have you befriended our dear sister, Vanya?"  Klaus questioned, sitting cross legged on the table, rolling a cigarette and chucking one at me.
"I wanted to be her friend, and you guys weren't exactly welcoming her on your little adventures, now were you."  I placed the rolled cigarette behind my ear.
"We want to involve her but Father doesn't want us mingling."  Five said and I rolled my eyes at him, watching his eyes turn darker.
"Bullshit!  Luther and Allison are so obviously into one another, so don't give me that crap about how you're not allowed to mingle with her.  Just because she doesn't have powers.  I don't have powers and Allison has already invited me out shopping before her own sister."  I stood up, and Klaus followed after me.
"Y/N, follow me."  He said, heading up the stairs and I followed his lead . 
"This is where we come to get away from Dad, from all the superhero bullshit and in my case to smoke."  We were currently on the roof and the view looked over the city.
"Look how beautiful it is."  I couldn't get over the night sky, I sat on the edge of the roof and Klaus joined me.
"You know, sometimes at night I sneak into Vanya's room and we paint each other's nails.  I want to involve her more than anything but it's just our father doesn't approve."  He looked quite sad and I rubbed his back.
"Vanya's already explained everything to me and you're all lovely...  Even Five."  I smiled.
"He's just a dick sometimes, you gotta learn to ignore him."
"No, it's fine.  I have a thing for sarcastic people with high vocabularies anyway."  I giggled.
We sat for a couple more minutes when we heard the door open and several footsteps coming over to us.
"We were wondering where you guys had gone."  Allison spoke up.
"Yeah, when we saw Klaus leading you upstairs we thought that maybe you'd turned him straight."  Diego laughed and got a middle finger off Klaus.
"I'm sorry about before Y/N, I should have minded my own business."  Five approached me, sitting on the ledge next to me.
"Don't flatter yourself, you didn't upset me."  I smiled at him and he gave me a look.  "It's cool, I'm cool."  I said and he returned the smile, grabbing my hand and squeezing slightly.  "Anyway, I best be getting home before my parents go crazy."
"Let us call you a cab."  Luther offered and I shook my head.
"It's fine, I like the walk anyway."
"I'll walk you home."  Five stood up, making his way over to me.
"You don't have to-"
"Y/N please, I insist.  It's how I'll make up to me being a dick to you before."  I smirked at him and agreed.
"Fine, let's go."  I smiled.

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