Peter Parker One Shots

By personwhoexcists

123K 2.3K 1K

Hi. I've been doing this long enough that im changing the old description of this story, so welcome! This is... More

On Their Knees
Bag Over Head
Jail Cell
Broken Bones
Not an update but still a story
Self Inflicted
Held at Gunpoint
Sleep Deprivation
Siblings *sigh*
Missions Don't Always Go Well (but this one does thank god)
Laser Tag
When Missions Go Wrong (but end right)
The Fight (ending 1)
The Fight (ending 2)
Field Trip
D.I.D 2
Flash is an Ass
Asthma's a Bitch
Um (a/n)
Identity Reveal!?
Torture/ WTAF
Beck is a Bitch🖒
The fam found out bout SM...eek.
Field Trips Suck Ass
A/N yet again (only titled like that cause it rhymes)
Random stuff but yes an A/N cause I can vent to you guys and not feel bad
Skating is Aweome
MJ wishes people would just listen to her
What Can Peter NOT Do?
When Buildings Burn and Peter's Gain Freedom
I Just Want Control
Secret (but not so secret) Agent
!!!!!PrIdE is hErE!!!!! aka: genderfluid Peter Parker
In Which MJ Plays Fastpitch
uuummmmmmmm i may have done something...
in which i kill my own ship, 'cause why not
my own request, parce que there isn't enough fics of this out there🖒
shapeshifting Peter cause I needed something semi-soft
Peter Parker Gets Annoyed and Kills Some People
Strawberry Poptarts
Peter Parker, the Magician!
I'm an assassin?
D.I.D pt 3 (pt1)
D.I.D pt 3 (pt 2)


3.3K 83 73
By personwhoexcists

Um, I'm skipping noose because 1, my idea was triggering and 2, I am a screwed up person and just thinking the word noose kinda triggers me so we're not doing that. 

Okay. Now that that is out of the way, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SCHOOL IS LITERAL HELL!!! I mean, it was fine for a few reasons (I wore a totally NOT appropriate outfit and didn't get dress coded and after school my crush texted me to let me know my outfit was cool, so that was awesome), but other than that, our school has no windows and I practically thrive off natural light so I was dying, as well as the fact that I literally have no friends and am not socializing to make any new ones anytime soon. A teacher was really weird too and idk how to feel about that.

People have also said he's been very homophobic in the past so I may or may not be plotting how to switch classes cause there is no way in hell (where I will be going when I die, fo sure, no questions asked) that I am willingly sitting in a class with someone who hates my guts for the people I love and who I am. I have had enough of that.

Kay, sorry for ranting, thank you for listening to my TedTalk, story time!

There is language (a lot. whoops) in this one sorry if I've forgotten to do that in the past I'll be better.

1,627 words


Peter was bored out of his mind.

Midtown had decided to go on a field trip, and of course Parker Luck decided to come along.

The trip was to Stark Tower.

Shit, Peter thought. (Maddison you mad as a hatter son take your medicine! Damn you in worse shape than the national debt is in! sitting there useless as two shits hey turn around bend over ill show you where my shoe fits!)(sorry not sorry)

Peter sighed as a wadded up paper hit his head. He turned to see Flash smirking at him, wadding up more paper to throw.

"You ready to be exposed, Penis?" he sneered.

Peter ignored him and faced the front of the bus, where the teacher Mr. Harrison was gathering everyones attention.

"As you all know, Stark Tower is a place full of secrets and possibly dangerous experiments. Therefore, they will have us sign NDAs, and you will stay close to the tour guide to avoid injury. Anyone caught failing to follow the rules will be sent to wait in the bus. Am I clear?"

Everyone nodded eagerly, excited to see the inside of the Tower.

"Okay! Here we go!"

Mr. Harrison led everyone off the bus, Peter being the last off. As he walked towards the building, his Spidy Sense warned him about the foot sticking out. Peter ignored it, walking right into the leg, pitching forwards. His hands caught him before his face could hit the floor. He stood up, looking at his scraped, bleeding hands.

His Spidy Sense went off again, but before he could even focus on what is was warning him of, a fist connected with his face. He could hear his nose crack, could feel it shift, could feel the warm blood start to leak down his face.

Flash laughed and rushed towards Mr. Harrison, who was opening the door. Peter sighed painfully, wiped the blood off, and walked towards the door, wishing that Ned and MJ hadn't left town, leaving him alone with a bastard like Eugene "Flash" Thompson.

When they were all in the lobby, Peter was pulled out of his thoughts by an incessant buzzing in the back of his mind. His Spidy Sense was warning him of danger, yet a quick scan showed no imminent threat. Peter shrugged it off, thinking it was just Flash thinking murderous thoughts about him.

Yet halfway through the tour, Peter knew that that was not the reason. Flash was avoiding Peter, as he had been proven wrong about Peter having a fake internship. Peter was starting to feel restless, bouncing on the heels of his feet. The class was on the third floor, looking at the many glass cases for the Avengers. Each one was dedicated to one Avenger, and held flash cards of facts as well as something unique to the Avenger. He couldn't help but notice that Flash had entered the room and went straight to the Spider-Man case and hadn't moved in the ten minutes they had been here.

Peter himself had walked up to look at his case, reading the flash card.

Spider-Man has arachnophobia. Spider-Man pours milk before his cereal, like a psychopath. Spider-Man goes to high school and is bullied relentlessly, yet doesn't beat up the asshole because he doesn't want them to be hurt by his super strength (Peter had snorted, making sure to tell Tony how Flash had looked furious when he read that fact). Spider-Man walks on ceilings and makes web hammocks when he is bored or stressed. Spider-Man is a HUGE nerd and quotes vine daily. Spider-Man is always grounded when Thor comes over because he has taught Point-Break vine and now we can't get him to shut up.

Peter had just shook his head and walked away, laughing to himself. The buzzing hadn't stopped yet, and Peter was starting to feel really paranoid.

Just then, the elevator dinged and out walked the one and only Tony Stark. He looked around the room, smiling when he saw Peter. The smile immediately turned into a frown when he saw the fading bruise on Peter's nose. As Tony walked over to him, Peter finally put the pieces together.

He could finally hear the ticking.

It was like time stopped.

Peter watched Tony, frozen mid stride, his face concerned, and Peter knows that Tony would do anything to keep him safe. But Peter also knows that he would do anything to keep Tony safe.

Peter looked over at Flash, who was staring at Tony, his mouth open and his eyes wide. Flash, the boy that had bullied him for years, who had told him that he was worthless and unneeded. That he was the reason his parents were dead, why his aunt and uncle were dead. The boy that had made him believe all of that, no matter how many times Cap had told him that he was so talented, no matter how many times Nat had told him he was loved, no matter how many times Bruce had proven to him that he could not have stopped their deaths, no matter how many times Tony had let him cry into his shoulder and told him that he was loved and needed and worth so much.

Peter looked at the closet in the corner of the room, where the ticking was coming from. Where the bomb sat, waiting to kill everyone in the room. 

Peter knew he didn't have enough time to deactivate it. He knew he didn't have time to get it somewhere where it could detonate and not injure anyone.

Peter however did know that there was a way that he could take the explosion himself. He would most likely die, and maybe a few would be injured, but not bad enough to have to go to a hospital.

Time sped up and Peter turned back to Tony. He guessed his face betrayed his thoughts, because Tony stopped walking to look at him in confusion. Peter felt tears welling in his eyes.

I'm sorry, he mouthed.

Peter ignored Tony's yell to stay where he was and launched himself towards the closet door, webbing the corners before whipping around and webbing everyone in the room onto the farthest wall before pushing himself against the closet door to prevent it from flying too close to his classmates, his friends, his family.

His dad.

Peter had been adopted by Tony a year ago, but had never thought himself a Stark. He had never thought he was worthy of the name, yet right as he could hear the bomb explode, he felt the happiest he ever had.

I am Peter Parker-Stark. And I am not afraid.

He could've sworn that he had seen his parents with his aunt and uncle, beckoning him towards them. Peter smiled softly, bracing himself for the pain.

Then everything went dark.


Flash could feel tears rolling down his cheeks. He stared at the TV, trying to control his sobs. Yet the news lady kept talking, the words ripping into Flash like a knife.

"Yesterday at Stark Tower, a terrorist planted a bomb in a supply closet. Later that day, a field trip from Midtown High School had shown up. The tour had continued as normal until they had reached the museum dedicated to the Avengers. The bomb detonated, yet thanks to one student, the building only suffered small damages. There were no injuries as a result of the bomb, yet there was one fatality. We ask the world to stop what they are doing and take a moment to honour Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark, our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, who passed away yesterday from the bomb. Peter took the full force of the bomb, knowingly sacrificing his life to save his classmates, teacher, and his adoptive dad, Tony Stark, from any injury. Peter Parker-Stark, we thank you for everything you have done for our city."

Flash remembered Tony Stark screaming Peter's name as the loud bang reverberated throughout the room, as Peter screamed in pain. He remembered Tony cutting them out of the webs, running over to Peter's body, tears running down his face and his body shaking uncontrollably. Flash remembers his classmates, unable to move, mouths open in shock, realizing that the boy they had bullied for so long was Spider-Man. That the boy they had bullied for so long had still died to protect them. Flash remembered the Avengers running into the room, looking ready to face a threat, yet losing their composure when they saw Peter. Captain America seemed to be the only one brave enough to walk over to Tony. He remembered Black Widow, falling to her knees with uncontrollable sobs and Dr. Banner putting a hand on her shoulder, too broken to turn green. He remembers everyone crying silently, the only noise being Tony telling Peter to come back, that he couldn't live without him.

The fact that Peter was dead hadn't set in at first, but everyone cried when they had finally realized he was really gone. That his curly, brown hair would never fall into his face again, that his glazed, unseeing eyes would never look at them again.

Flash had cried and cried. He couldn't seem to stop. He was mad, mad that Peter had revealed he was Spider-Man and then died before he could thank him. Peter hadn't realized it, but he had saved Flash's life so many times. Spider-Man had talked him down from the roof of that building, had saved his sister and mother from the drunken beatings of his dad, had even beat up his dad once, saving Flash himself from a beating.

Flash cried, hating himself for bullying Peter. God, hadn't he thought to himself just this week that if people had just known what happened in his house they wouldn't treat him like a royal bitch? He should have applied that same logic with Peter.

But, he told himself, that wouldn't have changed anything.

And now the world would have to learn how to live without Peter Parker-Stark, their Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.


Hi. How are you?

Sorry it was kinda sad lol but not really cause I was kinda in a bad mood and for some reason writing or reading something really sad makes me feel better. So I am v sorry for being mean, but I mean on the bright side I am actually willing to leave my room and continue with life!


I am really surprised at how many reads I have (it's only 7 but I mean that's 7 more than I thought I was gonna get).

I'm looking forward to comments lol. That sounds really lame, but I love when I get feedback on my work, I love hearing what people like and what people think I could do better or ideas and stuff like that, ya know?

Anyways lol I hope you guys, gals, and non binary pals are having a good day!

Peace out,


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