Promise You'll Never Forget

By lucy_230603

455 34 2

A Draco Malfoy FanFiction story. Nobody expected a mudblood to fall for Draco Malfoy, what's worse? Nobody ex... More

Please Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 7

18 1 0
By lucy_230603

*Analia's POV*

The rest of the day went beyond slowly, it felt like a long car journey when your mum says "it's just around the corner" or "it's the next roundabout" but the corner goes on forever and the roundabout is still miles away.

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss, it replayed in my mind again and again, like clockwork, so much so I couldn't concentrate in any of my classes because of it.

It was quite obviously a spur of the moment, irrational kiss and I really shouldn't think too much of it. Who knows if it would've happened if I hadn't have shed a tear, or kept walking when he called me back. It made me consider whether Draco was beginning to regret his decision. Ugh can this day go any slower?

Hazed by the marathon of thoughts running in my mind, I didn't realise my final class of the day had ended and it was time for dinner.

I walked with Luna to the great hall, discussing the events of our day. I left out the part where Draco kissed me, I should tell her, and Cho too, I mean they're my best friends after all but I know how they'll react.

They'll disapprove instantly, not that there's much to disapprove of, it was just a kiss, however they will jump to unnecessary conclusions. I know they're just trying to protect my heart and look out for me and that's why I love them, they will always be there for support when it's needed, in this situation though, I need to discover all the answers myself before I tell them.

I sat between Luna and Cho, who had arrived at the great hall just moments before, facing the Slytherin table where Draco was sitting with his friends. His eyes didn't leave mine from the minute I sat down. He gave me a smirk and a wink that made my stomach erupt with butterflies. I smile back before he toe his gaze away to continue chatting with his friends.

To my surprise, when I looked away my friends were staring at me in utter confusion.

"Lia, what the hell was that?" Cho said while Luna sat with her mouth half open.

"What was what?" I respond trying to convince them I was oblivious to what they saw. I knew what what they were talking about. They saw me and Draco.

"Do you think we're idiots, what was that with Malfoy? Do you think you're being discrete or something?" They both look at me with wide eyes, waiting for whatever bullshit response they know is coming.

"It's really nothing I guess, he just asked if I wanted to meet him tonight." I say anxiously. They do not look happy.

"I overheard two girls mention Malfoy kissing a girl in the hallway today." Luna added, looking as if she was quickly piecing together a puzzle.

"Please tell me that wasn't you." Cho pleaded, figuring it out. I looked down, guiltily nodding my head.

"Malfoy? Analia! What the hell, anyone but Malfoy." Cho said a little too loudly making a few people look over, I shot my head over at Draco to see if he heard and sure enough he was staring right at me rolling his eyes with a sneaky smirk on his face.

"Guys, it was just a kiss, it didn't mean anything." I reassure them looking away from Draco.

"Are you still going to meet him tonight?" Luna asks curiously.

"I'll see what he wants, yeah." No matter how they reacted I was going to meet him tonight, as much as I love them and value their opinion, I had to understand what was happening here, why I liked the kiss so much, and why I wanted it to happen again.

Once I finished dinner, I rushed up to the common room and changed into something comfier. I opted for an emerald green hoodie and grey shorts since its still pretty warm. I caught up on some homework for the next couple hours before I left.

*Draco's POV*

For the whole day I was thinking about her, her hair, her eyes, her smell, everything. I had never been so excited to go to the astronomy tower in my life and yet I found myself counting down the minutes.

I had no idea why I was feeling like this, she wasn't special in any way, but despite that I felt drawn to her as if she was the answer to all my problems, or at least the distraction to all my problems.

I had taken a shower after dinner and thrown on grey joggers and a black t-shirt. I couldn't get the face Analia made when Cho said my name too loudly out my head, she froze when she figured I'd heard and it was too cute.

I made my way up to the astronomy tower 5 minutes early to set up a  blanket to sit on. I also brought a bottle of bourbon I stole from my father before I left for Hogwarts, I doubt he'll notice it's missing, it's one of his 'cheap' bottles.

I quickly noticed that it was 20 past 10 and she still wasn't here, was she gonna ditch me? I felt my hands going clammy as I opened the bottle and took a big swig, until I heard her voice;

"Starting without me Malfoy?" A wave of relief washed over me when I heard her sweet voice and turned around to saw her standing at the top of the stairs.

She showed up.

"Whats up loser, ever heard of a watch?" I joked around, hiding that I couldn't be happier to see her.

"I just wanted to make you sweat." She walked over to me wearing a hoodie that matches her eyes perfectly, even in lazy clothes she looked gorgeous. "What are we drinking then?"

"Here, take it easy." I passed over the bottle and knew as soon as the words escape me I knew she'd do the complete opposite.

Ugh it drives me crazy how she doesn't listen to me. I tell her to stay away, she doesn't, I tell her to shut up and she doesn't, she defies me at every turn and I think I like it.

As I suspected she looked me in the eyes as she took the biggest gulp of bourbon I've seen. She turned away trying to cover up how horrible it tasted in her mouth, it's cheap shit but it sure is strong.

"Easy there darling, don't wanna do something you regret now." I say with a smirk, taking back the bottle and sitting down on the blanket.

"Trust me Malfoy, I'd never let that happen."

*Analia's POV*

I tried my best to make it on time but Professor McGonagall caught me and I had to make up a web excuses which, after some convincing, she believed.

When I got up to the tower, Draco was stood at the railings, facing away from me, the moonlight was hitting his slightly wet hair perfectly and he looked very handsome. I think I startled him at first almost like he wasn't expecting me to show.

The bourbon burned the back of my throat as I gulped it down in spite of Draco's underwhelming estimations, turning away to disguise the sour face I made.

I sat down on a blanket Draco had set out and we ended up talking for hours, drinking and getting quite giggly.

Eventually I ended up with my head resting on his chest whilst I played with the rings on his hand, tracing his fingers with my own and interlocking them.

"Draco? Why don't you show this side of you to other people?" He looked at me confused, "The nice side, people would definitely like you way more if they were around this Draco."

"It's easier to get on with things when people don't like you." He said with a sigh as he lent his head back onto his arm. I turned myself around and lay facing him, looking up at him with my chin on his chest.

"You've done a pretty good job at making the entire student body dislike you then. Do you really want that though?" I asked, as he shrugged his shoulders.

I smiled at him as he placed a kiss on my lips, "You know there're rumours that you're one of them, a deatheater. Those are just rumours right?" I asked hoping I'd get the answer I wanted.

"Right, yeah, they're all just rumours, nothing to worry about." As soon as I heard that I planted a kiss on his forehead and rested my head in the crook of his neck as he held me in his arms tight.

*Draco's POV*

I couldn't tell her the truth, it would break her heart. I'll break her heart regardless, I mean she'll find out eventually and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

I didn't know what I was starting right now, but I know it will become a distraction, one of which I cannot have. This years it's too important, so why did I get this feeling that after tonight I wouldn't be able to leave her alone.

She deserves someone much better, someone that won't lie to her or use her as an escape from life, I wish I could be that person for her but I can't.

Then again, what do I care, I can't possibly like the girl, it was one kiss, it doesn't mean anything, unless of course it does in which case I'm fucked.

The sun started to rise and we realised we had been here all night, I walked her back to the Ravenclaw common room and held her face in my hands. She truly did look beautiful tonight.

She rolled her eyes and pulled my shirt, closing the gap between us, I lent down and kissed her slowly, she snaked one hand around my neck to play with my hair and let out a quiet moan. It drove me crazy and I pushed her up against the wall, she let her head fall back to let me kiss her neck as my rings heated up with the warmth of her skin.

She smelled intoxicating, with her apple scented shampoo, it filled the air as I tasted the faint essence of bourbon on her lips. Suddenly the kiss is broken when we hear someone come out of the common room, way to ruin the mood. She looked at me with flushed cheeks and bit her bottom lip slightly. Did she know what she was doing to me?

"So, umm... thanks for tonight, I had a good time. And god forbid get something better then bourbon next time." She said with a little tremble in her voice.

"Next time huh? If it's anything like the last few minutes then count me in."

"Watch it mister, I might not show up, ditch you so you're all alone." She giggled, filling the hall with innocent teasing.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me." And with that final whisper she disappeared into the common room leaving my heart beating twice as fast as it should. Man do I love the effect she has on me.

Word Count - 1879

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