The Yandere Cooks for the Vil...

By Desert_S

954K 51.8K 9.9K

After joining the Villain system, the Villain was forced to do world upon world growing emotionless from the... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 1
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 2
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 3
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 4
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 5
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 6
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 7
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 8
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 9
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 10
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 11
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 12
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 13
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 14
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 15
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 16
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 17
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 18
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 19
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 20
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 21
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 22
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 23
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 24
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 25
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 26
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 27 (End Of Arc 1)
Arc 2 Chapter 1: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 2: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 3: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 4: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 5: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 6: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 7: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 8: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 9: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 10: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 11: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 12: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 13: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 14: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 15: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 16: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 17: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 18: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 19: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 20: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 21: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 22: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 23: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 24: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 25: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 26: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 27: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 28 (End of Arc 2): The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 3 chapter 1: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 2: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 3: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 4: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 5: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 6: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 7: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 8: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 9: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 10: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 11: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 12: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 13: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 14: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 15: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 16: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 17: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 18: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 19: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 20: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 21: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 22: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 23: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 24: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 25: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 26: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 27: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 28: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 29 (End of Arc 3): Royal Knight
Arc 4 Chapter 2: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 3: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 4: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 5: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 6: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 7: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 8: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 9: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 10: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 11: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 12: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 13: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 14: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 15: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 16: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 17: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 18: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 19: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 20: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 21: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 22: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 23: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 24: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 25: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 26: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 27: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 28: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 29: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 30: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 31: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 32: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 33: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 34: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 35: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 36: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 37: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 38: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 39: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 40: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 41: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 42: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 43: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 44: (End Of Arc 4) Undying Love
Questions and Answers!

Arc 4 Chapter 1: Undying Love

6.5K 387 211
By Desert_S

(*Extra Warning: Like I already mentioned, from here on out the story will progressively become more mature as we are dealing with a yandere, an insane being who will stop at nothing to have the one he loves and will become insanely crazy. If that's not your slice of cake, all good everyone has different tastes, just don't continue reading further or complain about it later... )

The Villain opened her eyes.

The cloudy skies and smell of forest cedar greeted her. She was standing outside a large wooden hut with big words "Qiangda sect" written on it . The hut was large and sturdy as the surrounding area was either used as a training ground or covered in forest.

Without yet looking at her appearance she could feel the sensation of long silky robes dressed upon her delicate body while her hair was tightly tied up in a bun. Gazing down the robes were pitch black as a long sturdy sword was holstered to her waist.

From the feeling of strong Qi circulating throughout her body she could already sense what type of world she was in.


The Villain wasn't particularly fond of these types of worlds, they lacked a lot of amenities and usually required more work. Plus bathing was quite difficult and limited. The Villain sighed. 'My last world just had to be this type-'

"Hmmmm?" Suddenly the Villain darted her head up noticing a strong unpleasant stench hit her, the scent of fresh blood and death hung heavily in the air. It was piercing as it lingered with every breath. It seemed to have already been there for awhile but the Villain had only now just registered it.

"It's coming from inside..." She looked behind her towards the entrance of the wooden building her body was stationed to have just come out of. 

From that direction the stench of death was particularly strong...

The Villain knew she didn't even need to look to know at least a few dead bodies lay on the ground inside.

Still the Villain was long ago used to such things, she was the villain after all. Like this she decided to walk back in and see the mess that had been created.

Approaching the doorway it creaked open revealing a large training room, just like she had presumed multiple bodies lay littered on the ground with stab wounds, it was a catastrophe, not a single soul lay alive in sight except for the Villain.

The Villain didn't need to know what was going on to assume that she was probably the one responsible for this atrocity. After all, she was now the Villain of this story.

'Hmmm, I've only just arrived but it's already getting messy.' Although the Villain had picked a C level world this time, she didn't expect to already run into problems.

Like this she silently mused 'Wait... is this the predictable part where I get caught?' 

Just as she thought this, she actually felt the presence of another soul nearby!

Only the crisp sound of footsteps were heard in the quiet wind before the Villain turned around to see a tall dark figure appear at the entrance.

"I finally found you!" A man's voice coldly spat out as he began to fiercely walk forward.

Walking into the light the Villain noticed his features, he was tall with dark hair and sharp eyes, in his hands he carried a sharp longsword pointed towards the Villain!

Sensing blood the man swiftly shifted his gaze from the woman towards the scene before him, seeing the bodies littered on the ground his eyes widened, but not with surprise only with sadness. 

"How many will you kill until you're satisfied?! No... I suppose after being consumed by the dark arts you no longer have a conscience. Now that I have finally found you I will end your evil ways once and for all!"

Swiftly the man jumped forward as he swung his sword at her, unsure how to react the Villain simply swung her sword back to block and dodge. Slightly she looked up shifting her indifferent eyes towards the invisible monotone system. "Send me the info for this world system."


All was silent...

The Villain waited but heard no reply, she was slightly surprised. The system was always quick at replying... 

For the second time since forming the contract, the system lagged? Was that actually possible? (AN: the system lagged at the end of arc 3 too)

'Yes, considering it's only a computer, it makes sense that it would get laggy after so many worlds.' The Villain put the thought to the back of her head as she called out more firmly.

"Send me the info system." 

After a long pause, the lifeless computing system finally spoke up.

"This is an Xianxia world, or referred to as a cultivation world. It is called "Undying Love." In this world the Villain is S (you) a master of the dark arts. Long ago the Villain was once a well known cultivator who had a disciple. However after losing her entire family hundreds of years ago she became obsessed with resurrecting them and turned to the dark arts. A cultivation route deemed evil as it is thought to corrupt and swallow the soul, practitioners of it are never able to ascend to heaven after having deviated so far. With this cultivation path the Villain believed she could revive her family, however after turning to the dark arts her soul became twisted, thoughts of reviving her family became lost as she instead sought to destroy the whole world. With this deadly goal in mind she completely gave up her humanity and with it her name, preferring to only be called S. For hundreds of years the dark arts consumed her as she turned sadistic and cruel, only seeking other's demise in order to attain power. She even went as far as to massacre the "Qiangda" sect, a strong sect known far and wide for their strength, like this she slaughtered them before using a forbidden technique to absorb all their Qi. It was after this event that the ML, Liu Wei stepped in. He had been deep in the mountains meditating during the massacre, when he came back he only found the corpses of his fellow practitioners. Fueled with rage, he set off vowing to get stronger and one day destroy the vial woman who had killed his entire sect. Along the way he met Li-mei the FL and together they teamed up to stop S. In the end, three years passed before they were finally able to kill S for good. At the end they completely steal all of S's Qi rendering her powerless before she is completely burned in the blue flames of heaven, ending her existence and reign of terror. Afterwards Liu Wei and Li-mei are able to live a life of bliss living happily ever after for an eternity.''

"Tch, what a melodramatic story." The Villain sighed, she should have expected this much in a C level world. Her attention turned towards the man in front of her.

"Then who is he?"

"He is the 2MLof this world, Huizhen, he was once S's disciple, a devout cultivator who long ago studied under S and called her Sensei. After she turned rouge he was devastated. Hundreds of years passed and he worked hard in his cultivation to one day find his former Teacher and kill her. However each time he sought to kill S he was never able to. Towards the end of the story, he grew fond of the FL Li-mei, but seeing her love for Liu Wei he quickly gave up. Instead he ends up calling forth the technique heavenly blue flames to burn S's body. Ensuring that she doesn't escape he ends up holding S down as the blue flames consume them both."

"Ah, so right now he is attempting to kill me..." The Villain lightly mused.  

"Well too bad this isn't the end of the story." The Villain was ever calm, she was used to this type of plot, plus she knew she couldn't die till the end.

While checking over her body she also confirmed that she was at the sixth stage of cultivating, likely due to all Qi she absorbed from countless dead bodies. Sensing the man's Qi before her,  he had only just reached the Fourth stage, so even if he was the one to kill her in the end, he couldn't do so without the help of the FL and ML.

Knowing this she had nothing to worry about as her attention turned to other thoughts.

"It's good that I'm an immortal being in this world, it means I won't need to eat. There will be no reason to eat Jun's cooking or even find him in this life."

Everything was silent.

Still the Villain couldn't help but think of Jun.


She didn't want to get involved with him again, if she did it could ruin her mental resilience in this last world and threaten all she had worked for so far.

Still as she thought about it she sighed. "Things are going to be different in this world, if this time I act my part as the Villain and don't split up the FL or ML, then things will be different... Yes, as long as things are different things should be fine.'"

Like this she made up her mind.

This time she wouldn't interfere with the worlds plot, she would simply let it play out and in turn act her role, she would help Jun then allow the story to finally kill her off. Things would be different.

With silent resolve the Villain once again inwardly spoke. "System, Locate him."

"Yes Host. Initializing soul finder."

Knowing the state Jun was in each world, the Villain knew she didn't have much time, swiftly she got up and glided across the room as her long dark silky robes beautifully flowed behind her.

Just as she was about to exit the space, she heard a cold bitter voice yell out to her.

"Running away!?" Suddenly the man who was regarded as the 2ML bitterly spoke up.

In her hurry, the Villain had almost forgotten about him...

'Now how would the original S respond and act...?' The Villain thought it over and came to the conclusion that the original S was sadistic and demeaning, she had long since given up her humanity to the dark arts and turned into an evil cruel being. With that in mind the Villain lightly sighed before making her voice cruel and condescending.

"Ha you are simply too weak to bother fight, don't think just because you were once my student I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Ha, don't think just because you were once my Sensei I will go easy on y-"


Before Huizhen could finish speaking the Villain had already pulled out her own longsword and shoved the blunt end of it into the man's abdomen. (AN: the handle part)

The man crashed into the wooden wall as all his air was knocked out. With forced breath he angrily kneeled over in pain."-D-dirty tricks!"

S looked down cruelly at the man. "You aren't worth my time. Scram." With that she quickly darted outwards no longer paying attention to the man.

Huizhen looked angrily at her fleeting figure, he had missed his chance once again! He bitterly clenched his fists. 

His Sensei had long since been consumed by the dark arts, now she was simply the body of his Teacher, all that remained was a cruel and sadistic person he could no longer call Teacher. She was simply an empty shell of her former self filled with darkness, he had to destroy her! He knew this... he knew it, but every time he looked at her face he still hesitated, he hated himself for it.

"I can't-I can't give up..." With that simple thought he weakly stood before deciding to follow the woman.

Desert Note: Oof, this was a long chapter! Also sorry for the looooong delay! This was a hard arc to work on, I always knew it would be that's why I worked on other arcs and put this one on hold for so long, but finally it's done! Yatta "ヽ('▽`)ノ"

*(Not ;-;) Fun fact: I re-wrote this arc 5 times! This arc definitely took the most time editing by far! I probably have around 400-500 pages all together but narrowed it down to 130 pages, but it's still the longest arc right now, so I hope you enjoy! ('ヮ')

Also after editing and re-reading every chapter literally 20 times! I am no longer sure if this arc is great or trash... that's why it also took a long time to release, I was lacking confidence if you guys would like it (that's also why I re-edited a lot...) but finally I just decided it's good enough! So here we are, whether you like or hate, please go easy on me (*'Д') and I hope you continue reading (ಥ⌣ಥ)

This arc will have a more serious tone out of the three current ones, but after this most of the other arcs will still be dark but more comedic. (If that's reassuring... XD)

So now... welcome to the fourth arc... I'm sorry my dear readers, I'm very sorry ( 'థ_థ).  A lot is going to happen in this arc so hold onto your seatbelts and hang in there, yes... hang in there my dear readers. (Goodluck... ಠ_ಠ)

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