De Rozy-Delle

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extract; " I love you, that is why i do all this ,I am in love with you.Everything I did, i did because I lov... Mai multe

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53

Part 6

204 7 0
De Rozy-Delle

Clara's P. O. V

The three of us bowed together and we stood quietly looking at him I think he felt shy, he flipped his hair backward and smiled

 "Well uhhm, Clara " he said

 "Well we were just leaving ", I sharply waved at him 

"Hey, we just came here ", Cindy shouted. I covered her mouth and dragged her shirt as well as that of Tyler I bowed again and we turned to leave **I don't deserve this kind of date. This guy is too high up for me. After all, I don't know anything about dates ******I'm so shy I feel like I should be buried ***Before we took a step I heard his voice again.

 "Clara I'm the one who came to meet you ", he said I turned 

"What!! I asked He smiled

"Maybe you didn't come to see me""Maybe you don't want to see me*"Maybe I am below your expectation""But since you are here, why don't you give me a chance because I really want to talk to you. ***Wow what a speech ***He waited for my reply for a while. It got awkward he scratched his hair and licked his lips

 "Soooo ", he said 

" oh well! I coughed twice and before I could talk, Tyler already gave him my hand

"You can have her for free"I kicked his leg. Tony smiled He held my hands Oh this feels awkward, I slowly withdrew my hands from his and walked into the restaurant with both hands on my purse

 "We should sit two rows after Clara "Cinderella said to Tyler I smiled Soon we got close Omg! Why is Ethan sitting with the cute guy I insulted. What is this guy doing here? I hide my face thinking we would pass by when Tony turned to me and said 

"That's where I'm sitting. Come I will introduce my friend to you. You know Ethan already right"? He asked me I smiled cunningly as I thought of what to do. This guy can't see me. He will find out from Ethan that I work in A. G. H. C and fire me. We got to the table Ethan shouted 

"Hey Clara", he said The cute guy I Insulted turned to look at me *Omg this is the moment of truth*I instantly turned my back in a haste so he wouldn't see my face He chuckled

 "Is she shy, he asked Tony Meanwhile I looked at Tyler and gave him sharp signals which he grabbed instantly. Cinderella laughed I covered my face with both hands then I turned to them and bowed down with both hands still on my face Tyler walked forward 

"Don't mind Clara, she is a shy type. She can't possibly sit with 3 guys. Tyler said this and I gave him a thumb up in my mind The cute guy I insulted stood up 

"Well I'm already done here. He looked at me for a while and then turned to Tony "Have fun" He said I watched him walk out and when he got to the door, his guards who acted as normal customers stood up and followed him. **Wow that was scary***Tyler and Cinderella walked to their seats. I turned to Tony, he still looked at me smiling Just then I realized my hands were still on my face so I removed them and bowed to him again. This time out of embarrassment *Omg he is gonna think I'm crazy*I was busy thinking I didn't know I had stayed like that bowing for a while without raising my head up. Just then he touched my hair which covered my face and opened my face. That was when I realized I was still bowing down 

"Are.... you okay? " he asked I instantly stood straight with high speed and my hair flew behind 

"Yes I'm fine, sorry sir, I said bowing again He smiled with his hands covering his lips that was cute. 

"May we ? " he asked directing me to the chair. We sat down beside Ethan who just stood up. 

"Clara you look beautiful ", he said I smiled He stood up and touched Tony

"Okay Man! Have fun ", he winked at me and walked out. Ouch! I'm so hungry I grabbed my tummy, just then I realized he could see my action from under the table I instantly removed my handAnd bowed again. He smiled.

Tony's P. O. V

Just looking at this girl is making my day. I swear she is indeed beautiful but clumsy too. I think she's hungry. Is she shy to talk? I took the menu and gave her one I opened mine but my attention was on her cute pink attractive lips Which she moved without saying any actual word. She just kept quiet scratching her hair and opened her mouth wide and covering it with her hand towel I wonder what's wrong with her. I looked down at the menu and the lowest price for any food there was 150, 000. I smiled. Is that why she's acting up. I tried talking but finally she spoke up 

"But" she scratched her hair.

" Are these foods imported? How can people extort money from innocent citizens, 150, 000 what!!!!"

 "Well don't mind them that's just the price ", I said She moved her cute lips again without saying any word. Why does she mumble words to her lips. My heart just told me she was going to shout but before I could talk She already looked around the restaurant and then turned to me

 "But, Who is in charge of this place anyway?"Just then the manager noticed her and walked down. I guess she felt Clara wasn't relaxed Clara turned to her

 "Hey, are you the owner of this bank?" She shouted 

"Uhhm how can we help?" The manager asked 

"As a good citizen I can't ignore this, my mother cooks at home and...... I instantly covered Clara's sharp mouth with my hands

 "I am sorry she meant to say that her mother cooks at home but no food tastes like yours", I replied the manager The manager smiled. Clara tried shouting but I still held her mouth. She tried biting my hands. Not until the manager left, that when I removed my hands 

"Arrrgh she has luck", Clara replied as she folded her legs to the chair And started moving her lips again What kind of girl is this? I asked myself.

Clara's P. O. V

I am actually talking to myself but Diana already complained that my lips move when I do that so I am learning to control it I raised my face up and looked at him. He placed the menu on the table. 

"Clara I am the one paying" he said calmly. Don't you like anything? 

"Well", am allergic to expensive food, I replied.

 "I heard you like chicken ", he asked He collected my menu from me and ticked it with the pen. He wanted to give it to the waiter when I took it from him and what!!! 160. 000 for fried chicken and salad. I placed my hands on my heart 

"Clara are you okay? ", he asked

 "No! Ever since I entered here chicken is not my best food anymore. Please let's just go, i said

"But we just got here and you are obviously starving " he said How did he know I'm starving, well i better eat this

 "How can you use my salary for 7 months to eat one food" I asked him and he chuckled while handing the menu to the waiter.

Anastasia's P.. O. V

Every part of my body is still too heavy to lift but my sight is better now I don't know when my eyes will shut but before they do I want to see 5 people

Ryan : my boyfriend/fiance

Crisella : my girlfriend

Clara : my bestie

Tony : my immediate ex

And my parents : Mr and Mrs Grande

Can this wish ever be granted? I don't know why but I feel like Doc Tim shouldn't find out that I am awake Oh no it's just my imagination, I trust Doc Tim. He is my main doctor after Ryan left me He has been treating me and awaiting my wake upHe reports directly to my dadAll reports on me goes to him first He walks closely with Mrs Annabel DelveliaresMy personal nurse She loves me so muchShe treats me like her child Even when she dresses me up She does it with so much care and love She also sings lullabies for me Maybe she doesn't know But I hear and I hear her very well and very clearly. I tried moving my leg it was a bit difficult I shifted it a bit and closed my eyesIf only I can see my Ryan when I open them again. 

Tony's P..O. V

She carefully ate everything in the plate and before I could take my 5th spoon she was done. I also got filled up so I dropped my spoon, so I won't be the only one eating.I just enjoy observing this girl quietly The waiter removed the plates on the table

"Arrrgh I overate" she said smiling.

"You were really hungry right?", I asked

"Yes I had not eaten since morning ", she said with a gossipful face.

"Really?" i asked with my hands under my jaw

"Yes , you won't believe my mom asked me to sweep the yard and I sneaked out so I wouldn't sweep it. That's why I didn't eat I., she said smiling

"Oh you must be very lazy ", i added She smiled

"So tell me Clara how old are you, if you don't mind ", i asked

"I'm 30 " She said laughing

"serious?", She suddenly hit me laughing Ouch that hurt

"Just kidding I'm 21. ", she said.This gesture made me smile

" nice meeting you Clara ", I said Oh thanks, she replied

"So eehhm can I call you, that's if you don't mind. I asked.

"Oh I don't mind but where will i write my number.She carried her bag up and started searching through it First she dropped two small toys on the table. This made me smile

"Oh this is Tom " she said She pointed one of the toys to my face

"Really ", i asked.

"Yes and this is pretty ", she added.I smiled 

"This is Diana, Dickson and the others are at home" she said smiling with satisfaction while clapping her hands together.

"Oh that's nice ", i replied her She brought out her diary and flipped it back and front then she scratched her hair and formed a very attractive cute face

"I dunno where I wrote my number. This is so embarrassing", she said almost crying.

"it's ok i can give you my card ", i replied

"No my cousin said only prostitu......" She covered her mouth with her hands and started coughing**Lols she thinks only prostitutes take cards from men **

"What were  you saying?", i asked her She removed her hands from her mouth and took the card from my hands 

"I smiled while looking at her cute self She put the card in her purse .

"So where is your phone, I asked her

"Oh it's in the kids' section, a kid was playing games with it when I left. She said smiling happily

"But what if you miss an important call", i asked

"No, no, that's not possible only 7 people call me Mom Dad Diana Ethan Cinderella Tyler And the matron She said this while counting her fingers

"Oh that's nice, I replied Just then the guy at the counter signaled me for my credit card since I didn't have cash i already told him i would pay with my card, so I tried standing up.Clara looked at me with a confused face"But where are you going to? Clara asked me.

Clara's P.O.V

Oh that's why he hadn't paid since he wants to use his card He tried standing up and I stood up to help him

"No I'm not going far. Just there ", he said

"No I want to go" I replied, don't stress yourself"

"Oh ok ", he said. He sat back and gave me the card

"Uuhm code is Anna.", he said***Wow same name with my sleeping beauty ***

"ok sir ", i replied as I bowed and rushed out carrying my bag.I got to the counter just then I saw Abigail waving at me through the door. I ran to her

"Hey Clara you look good", She said

"Thank you ", i said Abigail is my nurse friend in the same rank

"what are you doing here", i asked her.

"I am waiting for the free bus " She said

"is the free bus coming this way ", i asked,

"Yes it is coming", She said.***omg I don't have t.fare.***Before I could turn the bus came out. Everybody rushed while Abigail dragged me by my hand

"Come on Clara ", she said I ran out with her till we got a seat In the bus. I forgot I was with Tony's card.

Tony's P. O. V

Oh no where did she go to? She entered the free bus in such a haste. Didn't she know I had plans of taking her home? What a girl! Just then the waiter came to me

"Sir the machine is ok now ", he said***Omg Clara is with my card ***I took my phone and sent him the money through transfer.

"Thank you ", he said I walked to the door and my guards joined me I entered my white car and my driver drove off. I called my personal assistant

"Hey Kiki ", I said

"Yes sir ", she said

"Get me a new card I think I lost the other one", I said

."should I block the other one sir?", she asked

" no it's ok, leave it ", I said

"Ok sir as long as they don't know your password your money is safe ", She said

"Yes just get me another one today ", i said

"Ok sir no problem sir ", She replied.I dropped the call If Clara stole the card then it must be really important to her Also if she forgot then she might return it.I told my driver to drive off. This was my best date ever.

Ryan's P. O. V

What a funny date Tony had but I must confess the girl is pretty. Though I didn't see her face. Her skin and figure are already perfect.I'm glad this equipment issue has been solved.I feel like visiting Anna but my maids just started arranging my stuffs for the trip And I don't want to forget anything so I better monitor them.I wonder who passed the exam, I look forward to meeting the girl who can be so smart.They organised my clothes well and I watched them and also directed them.

Clara's P. O. V

Oh I'm home. No place like home. I forgot to call Diana. I hope she passed the exam I tried taking my phone then I remembered that child in the children's section is with my phone. I opened my purse and saw a credit card Omg I left with his card. How could I leave with his card? Arrrgh I'm so crazy. He is going to think that I'm a thief. How will he buy things? What do I do now? I am so confused I dropped my purse on the bed and scratched my head in confusion. What do I do?The next day

Diana's P. O. V

The results are out, omg I'm so nervous I rushed into the hospital. All the nurses where already rushing up to the 10th floor I ran up too and I looked for Clara with my eyes Where is she? Abigail tapped me

"Diana you passed the exam go to the notice board ", she said

" Really? I shouted I ran up fast till I got to the board. I saw the results, it was only me, I was the only one who passed. I jumped up and hugged Abigail.Just then Matron Linda as well as 2 other matrons tapped me. I turned

"Good day Madam ", i said

"Come with us Diana, to the conference room. ", Matron Linda said.

" ok ", I replied and followed them.I hope I'm safe.

Clara's P. O. V

I was in the kids section. I have been here all morning. Where is the kid I gave my phone to? This is so embarrassing I need to call Tony and tell him I'm not a thief What is this? Arrrgh so bad I scratched my hair as I searched all the kids around I even forgot the particular kid with my phone.

Nurse Delvaliares' P. O. V

I walked into Anna's room this morning I touched her hair and she opened her eyes smiling. I just got shocked Anna can you see me? She smiled She tried talking but I think her mouth was to heavy. She just smiled Omg I'm so happy finally Anna can go and look for her mother I instantly placed a call to Anna's doctor Doctor Tim

Doctor Tim's P. O. V

I was organising some stuffs in my office when Nurse Delveliares called me Tell me, I said I think 

"Anna is waking up ", She said 

"How do you mean?", I asked 

"She opened her eye, She opened her eyes right now", She said 

"I'm coming over ", I replied. I dropped the call How can Anna wake up? Did someone change her drip? The only person who knows that I am killing Anna's system with (hyemaclux) is Daniela I need to call her I placed a call to Daniella

"Anastasia Grande just woke up ", i said

"What do you mean Anna is awake ", she asked

"Did you change her drip Daniela?, i asked

"No no I didn't ", she said

"Well this means someone else is unto us, I hope it's not Ryan ", I said and dropped the call.I ran out of my office with my kit I ran into Anna's room. The nurse already left Anna 

", I called her. She opened her eye I got shocked

"I'm glad you are waking up, it means your drugs are working, I said. She smiled.I touched her drip, hmmm someone very smart changed this drip and mixed exactly the perfect solution that kills hyemaclux Who is that person? I instantly brought out the hyemaclux in my kit I injected it into her drip and instantly hide it in my kit I looked around then I used my hands to close her eyes.I walked out of the room I called Daniela on phone.

"I have sent her back to coma ", I said That's nice ", She said 

"We need to find out the person who changed that drip as soon as possible ", I said 

"Don't worry I will find out who it is", She said

" We need to implant a C.C.T. V camera and once we find out who it is we have to kill her or him ", I said

"Of course, I already asked mother and she doesn't have a hand in it ", she replied

"Ok it's all good no problem " i replied.I dropped the call.

Anastasia's P. O. V

I can't open my eye again. What's wrong? I told my nurse to call Ryan for me, she's not back. I'm so sad I won't see him when he comes I think Doctor Tim has a hand in this What did i ever do wrong? One minute I was happy. Now I'm in tears Why are they doing this to me? If they want the shares they can take it I just want to wake up and look for my mother Dad has not visited either. I need to wake up and know how my dad is doing Please someone should just wake me up Ryan please wake me up Tears streamed down both my closed eyes.

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