MELODY ❨ iwaizumi hajime ❩

By shinoscafe

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"you are my melody," iwaizumi hajime had always known that between him and oikawa tooru, girls flocked to his... More

intro ✯ melody
prologue ✯ you are a melody
first melody ✯ chocolates
second melody ✯ beginner
third melody ✯ no way
fourth melody ✯ sugar rush
fifth melody ✯ fortune cookie
sixth melody ✯ everyday
seventh melody ✯ ponytails and shirts
eighth melody ✯ my heart's placard
ninth melody ✯ maybe
tenth melody ✯ i wanted to see you
eleventh melody ✯ heavy rotation
twelfth melody ✯ the wind blows
thirteenth melody ✯ because i love you
fifteenth melody ✯ diamond
sixteenth melody ✯ paper airplanes
seventeenth melody ✯ petals of sakura
eighteenth melody ✯ years
ninteenth melody ✯ river of dreams
twentieth melody ✯ sustainable
epilogue ✯ you are my melody

fourteenth melody ✯ sakura tree

540 31 17
By shinoscafe


✯ ✯ ✯

Yua breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm down her nerves. It was time to finally go to the interview with the company that scouted her yesterday, and she was still so nervous because of what Aika have said. What if the staff from Uta Labels actually believed what Aika said? What if they don't accept her?

"You can do this, Yua. It's your dream, isn't it?" The peach haired female reassured herself as she went to the entrance of the building.

After showing the card to the person in front of the building, she was led inside by a young woman who had a bright smile on her face. The woman looked like she was in her mid 20s, enjoying her job in the company.

Yua started to wonder, were the employees at Uta Labels nice? Were they all as nice as this woman?

"You must be Matsui Yua," said the woman, "There are two other girls in the room, we were waiting for you. The interview is about to start."

Yua bowed at the woman, and muttered an apology for making them wait. After the woman brushed it off, she started thinking about the two girls that were mentioned. As much as she didn't want to think that Aika was one of them, there was a really high chance that she was there. Although they weren't in the same school, Yua could feel that Aika still hated her guts.

Once they stopped in front of glass doors, the woman opened it and led Yua inside where two other girls sat down in front of who Yua thought as the CEO. She felt her heart stop as she looked around.

The other girl was Aika, and the other one was a girl she recognized from her years in Yume. It was a girl from their unit as well, someone she didn't spend much time with to actually remember the name of. 

"Huh, she had the nerve to appear," Aika muttered under her breath, but Yua heard it anyway.

The other girl stayed silent, and the CEO ignored Aika's remarks and instead started talking to Yua.

"Good afternoon, Matsui-san," said the man in front of them all, gesturing for Yua to sit down next to the two other girls. "I am Ito Hiroki, the CEO of Uta Labels. You may all call me CEO Ito. Let's start with the interview. Please introduce yourselves, tell us your name, which school you are from, what made you like music, why it is important to you, and why you think Uta Labels should take you in."

Yua sat down next to the other girl, relieved that the girl was in between her and Aika. She couldn't stand the presence of the said blonde female, knowing how much Aika hated her. It wasn't like she did anything wrong to the girl, and as much as she wanted to be nice, she felt like Iwaizumi was right— Aika was envious of Yua.

Seeing that the CEO first looked at Aika, she introduced herself with a proud and arrogant smile. She flicked her hair to the side, giving a short glare at Yua before speaking. Yua shrugged it off, not wanting to cause any problems with Aika inside the company.

"I'm Saito Aika, third year from Yume Idol Academy— the top idol school in Japan. When I was young, everyone in my school praised me for my singing so sooner I decided to practice music more and more. I love it, because I always notice that people think I'm good at it. It gives me confidence. As to why Uta should take me in, it's quite obvious. It's because of my talent. You need me, and I need you." Aika said, smiling confidently at the CEO.

He huffed, and then looked at the girl next to Aika. CEO Ito gestured for the girl to speak, so she nervously did.

"My name is Hinata Sayaka, I'm from Karasuno High School. I started loving music because my parents were musicians when they met. I grew up in a household full of music lovers and eventually fell in love with it, too. Through music, I am connected more with them and myself. I think that Uta Labels should take me in because I can contribute to the company, I will try my best to offer as much help as I can through singing." Sayaka introduced herself, earning a nod from the CEO.

"And you?"

Aika and Sayaka looked at Yua, as the CEO pierced his gaze at her. It was pretty obvious that Aika was infuriated that Sayaka got more reaction from the CEO than her, that's why she was waiting for Yua to mess up.

"I'm Matsui Yua, from Aoba Johsai of Miyagi. I've always been in love with music since I was young, and performing in front of an audience is my passion. At first I only loved singing and dancing, but throughout the years, I also fell in love with composing as well as producing music. Because I never really had much friends in the beginning, music became my best friend, my diary when I wanted to let out my feelings. The smiles and excitement on people's faces when I perform makes my heart beat faster and feel the warmest, and that makes me so happy,"

Yua smiled, as she described how she fell in love with music from her younger years. It felt more like she was the only person in the room as she was speaking, with how her eyes sparkled while talking about music. Anyone could see just how much she loved it with her whole heart.

"Through music, I also would want to make other people happy and feel all sorts of emotions. When they're too afraid to show what they feel, music can be there to help them release their feelings. Uta Labels might be the way for me to help reach out to more people, and inspire them to see what it's like to live with music. For people to see that when there is no one by your side, music can be your companion."

Everyone fell silent as she finished speaking. When she realized that she spoke way longer than the other two ever did, she felt her cheeks get warmer so she covered her face.

"I-I'm sorry! I got carried away, sir." She apologized, earning her a chuckle from the CEO which surprised the three girls.

"No worries, child. Out of you three, I liked your answer the best. You made me realize your love for music, and why we should be taking you in. You seemed so invested in it, and through your files that we have gathered, you have the potential to be a star," CEO Ito replied, making Yua sheepishly smile and thank the man.

"Thank you, CEO." She said, smiling as she calmed herself down.

She was getting excited! It seemed like  the CEO was happy with her answer, and it gave her confidence seeing that her answer was actually from her heart. As the CEO was going to speak, everyone was surprised when Aika cut him off.

"What the heck?! Matsui?! There's no way you'd accept a girl like Matsui in your label, Sir Ito! This girl love stealing the works of others, and that's her stair to success! You're a fool if you're going to accept—" Aika burst out, but Sayaka cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

"N-No! As far as I can remember, Aika, you were the one who always stole Yua's works! We're in the same unit, the three of us, and you were the leader. Before the monthly assessments, you would always sneak in her workspace and take her songs, files and videos so you could present it before she could!" Sayaka exclaimed, surprising Yua.

So... Sayaka saw it when Aika would steal her works?! Was she actually just too afraid to speak up that's why she never told anyone of what she saw?

"Excuse me. Is this true?" CEO Ito asked, as he noticed Yua's starting to breathe heavily.

She was once again reminded of the days she spent in Yume, and how Aika and her friends would make fun of Yua whenever she looked like a fool because she couldn't perform anything. Truthfully, though, she was only not able to perform anything because Aika already stole her works.

Yua felt so voiceless, mute, during her time in Yume. As much as she wanted to sing and express herself and her feelings through her songs, Aika would steal it as if it was made just for her. Slowly, that time, Yua almost couldn't even bring herself to speak back in Yume. The anger and pain of getting your work and your voice stolen from you ate her up, and she promised herself never to let it happen again.

After all, meeting Iwaizumi that day felt like a switch. It was like his presence was enough to wipe all her worries away and give her a new voice and songs to sing. She would forever be grateful for how he had always supported and believed her.

"Aika never sang anything that she wrote. Because she never actually wrote anything. After Yua transferred out of Yume, Aika was really nervous because she didn't have anyone to steal from. She loved Yua's works so she stole everything from her. When Yua left, s-she started stealing mine, too." Sayaka explained, now shaking terribly as she started crying.

Yua widened her eyes. If Aika also stole Sayaka's works, Yua could only imagine the pain that the girl went through. She started hugging Sayaka, comforting her while the CEO just watched everything unfold in front of him.

He was so disappointed with Saito Aika. As far as he knew, Aika was the top student of Yume, ever since Yua left. Aika, as much as she wanted to stay on top while Yua was around, always became second. Yua was passionate with music, while Aika was all for the glory.

"I'm sorry, but Saito Aika, can you please leave my company? I do not tolerate any thieves in my label. Izuki-san, please escort Saito-san out," CEO Ito said, ignoring Aika's protests.

As the blonde was being led out of the office and the building, CEO Ito approached the two girls and tried to calm them down. He knew the pain of getting your work stolen, because countless of his artists also went through the same thing during their early years.

When Yua finally calmed Sayaka down, in which the girl thanked her, both girls were surprised when the CEO handed them papers.

"Read over the contract, ladies, because starting today, you are a part of Uta Labels. We are creating the perfect artists with this project, you two will be a duo. For a span of half a year, we will be training you two and enhance your talents, as well as help in improving your skills. We will shape the both of you into the best idols of the generation," CEO Ito said with a smile, making both Yua and Sayaka's eyes widen.

"R-Really?! We are accepted?!" Sayaka and Yua exclaimed, sharing looks after realizing that they said the same thing.

Chuckling, CEO Ito nodded his head and gestured for them to read the contract. Yua and Sayaka excitedly skimmed through what was written down, excited for the journey ahead of them.

"There are only a few rules that we will have you both follow strictly. Respect the company and its employees, respect your contract, respect each other, come on time when you are summoned, uphold a good reputation in public, and most of all, a dating ban."

Yua and Sayaka were smiling and nodded as they listened, but once the peach haired female heard the final part, she tried hard not to let her shock and sadness show.

A dating ban? A dating ban...? Then that means...?

"Yes, a dating ban. Dating can be a distraction to your work, so we strongly prohibit the both of you to be involved with dating. Having crushes are fine, but that is the boundary. Do not entertain suitors nor go on dates, because it will affect your reputation as an artist part of Uta Labels. Starting tomorrow, we will provide a manager that will be by your side even at your schools to help make sure you follow the rules."

"What if we're in a relationship already?"

"It's either your dream or the guy, Yua. You can only choose one."

Yua didn't know what to feel now that she was on her way home. She was on the bridge by the Sakura tree where she and Iwaizumi met, contemplating whether to call him and tell him about the interview. The CEO gave her the rest of the day to decide about choosing her dream or her boyfriend, and the manager that will be sent to her tomorrow will deliver her answer.

If she does not make the manager go away, then that just meant she was choosing music over Iwaizumi Hajime.

"Aaah, I'm just going to call him," Yua said, feeling her heart clench at the thought of possibly having to break up with the love of her life.

She fished out her phone and was about to call Iwaizumi, but she was surprised when she heard his voice call her from behind.

"Yua," he called, making her turn her attention to him. "I figured your interview was going to finish around this hour, then I waited so I could walk you home. Is something wrong?"

His voice was so melodic to her ears, as if he was singing her a love song already. But it pained her when she realized what they were going to talk about.

"I... The interview just ended a few minutes ago," she said, "I was accepted to the label."

"Woah, congratulations, Yua! That's amazing! I knew you could do it. You're the best singer I've ever heard, so I really expected that you will be accepted into that company. Why do you look sad, though?" Iwaizumi congratulated her, engulfing her in a hug in which she hugged back.

This might be the last time I can feel the warmth of his hugs, if I truly have to break it up with him. I have to leave him if I will follow my dream, right? But will there still be other opportunities to get signed with a label?

Slowly, Yua didn't notice that she started sobbing. Even Iwaizumi was surprised, but he started caressing her back and kissing the top of his girlfriend's head. The moment was sweet, but she could tell that it might be the most bittersweet moment she could ever share with him.

"Why are you crying, love? Too happy? Or did anyone look down on you there?" He asked, his voice gentle so she would be comforted.

However, he felt his heart shatter as he heard what the girl said.

"They're making me choose between my dream and you."

Silence. Iwaizumi held the girl closer to him, feeling his eyes sting with tears as well. He didn't know that as fast as his heart would beat around the girl, it was the same speed that she would slip down his fingertips.

If he only knew that this was the day she could slip away from him, he would have held on to her hand tighter and spent more time with her. He could have reminded her he loved her for more times, or treated her to dates more if they were going to end just like that.

Then again, as much as he wanted to stay by her side and love her closely, there was something he believed the most when it came to Yua.

"Yua, I love you. I really do," he started, hugging the girl closer. "I want you to remember that, always, okay? I always will. Forever will."

"H-Hajime. I love you, too. So much. So so much. You're my melody, my inspiration. The music I've longed for in so long." She replied, hugging him and feeling his warmth knowing that it might be the last.

"Yua, you have to choose your dream. Please, no matter what happens, choose your dream over me." Iwaizumi said, making Yua stop crying. She was speechless.

She expected that Iwaizumi would say it, but now that he really did, she didn't know what to feel. It felt like her heart was being torn, her emotion being all over the place.

"But Hajime..."

"Don't worry, Yua. I will always love you. Just remember that. I will always be here, waiting for you,"


"Like this Sakura tree, Yua, I won't move. When the time comes that you and I can love each other freely again, you can always find me right here. Waiting for you. Loving you always."

"Hajime, I—"

"Please, choose your dream. For me. For yourself."

author's note
I'm sorry if this chapter took a while to publish. Anyway, breakups hurt. It's like giving your heart to someone when you're in love, and once you break up, you'll find yourself with only half a heart. Enough with that, it hurts as it is. ;-;

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Always remember to stay safe, healthy, and hydrated! Smile always, because smiles look the best on you. Love lots! <3  

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