My Forbidden Fruits (August...

By TheSilentGenie-Us

4.2M 173K 75.9K

Phe-Phe has a past that not much people know about , she becomes a Kindergarten teacher and catches the eye o... More

A Story, Simply.
1.[Where Not Only Her Students Find Her Likeable]
2.[Where She Finds Herself Soaked]
3.[Where She Is Unaware Of Whom and What]
4.[Where She Is Not Flattered]
5.[ Where She Finds Her Self Being Courted]
6.[Where She Loves Him Not]
7. [Where She Bonds With His Offspring]
8.[Where She Is Scared Straight]
9.[Where She Is Put in A Bad Position]
10.[Where She Is Convinced He is A Ho Ho Ho]
11. [Where She Is Told To Come]
12.[ Where She Is Between A Rock And A Hard Place]
13.[Where She Has Caught Something Other Than Feelings]
14.[Where She Opens Up]
15.[Where She Rants About How She Feels]
15. [Where She Was In The Right Place At the Wrong Time]
16.[Where She Pretends Not To Care]
17.[Where She Has To Inform]
17.[Where She Has A War In Her Mind]
18.[Where She Holds His Best Interest]
19.[Where She Is Bamboozled]
20.[Where She Tries To Make Amends]
21.[Where She Is Blindsided]
22.[Where She Has Hooked Two, Too Many Romeos]
23.[Where She Apparently Has A Get-Together]
24.[Where She Cleans Up And Clears the Air, Barely]
25.[Where She Meets Him Halfway, In the Field Of Likes]
26.[Where She Finds Comfort Though Stuck In A Rut]
27.[Where She Is Underwater, And Not At All Breathing Fine]
28.[Where She Is Busy Falling Apart]
29.[Where She Allows Him To Woo Her] Part I
30.[Where She Allows Him To Woo Her] Part II
31.[Where Her Heart Malfunctions,Slightly]
32.[Where She Is Compelled to Stare At A Brick Wall]
33.[Where She Acknowledges Her Fondness]
34.[Where She Contradicts With Her Lover...]
36.[Where She Becomes His Canvas]
37.[Where She Seems To Be Handcuffed To Turmoil]
38.[Where She Climbs Aboard The Pity Train]
39.[Where She Realizes The Tables Have Turned]
40.[Where Her Intentions Are Made Known]
41.[Where She Is Traumatized Into A Blur]
42.[Where She Concludes What Her Heart Desires]
43.[Where She Seems Relentless To His Rue]
44.[Where She Is His Punctured Canvas,Only For Now]
45.[Where She Is Somewhat Uncertain Towards His Affections]
46.[Where She Is Bound To Be Merely Devastated]
Part II [Indulgence]
47.[Where She Is Thrown With This Seeming Reverie]
48. [Where She Seems Lost Without Her Baybeh]
49.[Where She Is Mortified Though Such A Celebration ]
50.[Where She Tries to Burn Bridges, For Her Lover]
For The Unaware

35.[Where She Obliges To Let Him Adorn Her]

82.4K 3.2K 1.6K
By TheSilentGenie-Us

[Phoebe---At Parents House Hours Later]

"How's the water Kaitlyn? It is okay for you?" I asked her.

She nodded her head playing in the bubbles. I didn't want to intrude on her but she insisted on me staying in the bathroom with her. It was a rather large one and extremely quiet. Children, well they don't do quiet very well, so I suspected she felt lonely.

"Okay, Great and what would you like to eat? I can make something or we can order in. Your choice." I sat down on the floor near to the tub.

"Anythinggg, this your sleepova too teacha." She grinned plastering the soap unto her cheeks.

"I know but it's all about you sweetheart. You know what? How about we make a pizza, all by ourselves."

She looked over at me and smiled brightly. "Yeah!! then I can show daddy that I can cook!" She shook her head in agreement.

"Okay, when you finish up, we'll make it. Get behind those ears you know."

"I knoooow." She giggled.

"I knoooow." I mocked her playing with my hair.


A few Minutes later

"Becauseeee Imma Barbie girl, in a Barbie wooooorld ----

"Kaitlyn!" I folded over laughing.

"Kaitlyn, you're singing so loud darling. I can't even hear the music." I smiled at her.

"I'm sorry. I a' be softer." She assured me putting her finger over her lips.

"Ms.Phe Phe I don't want nem mushrooms things on my pizza." She turned up her lip shaking her head.

"That's okay sweetie I'll only put them on my side. And I promise to make it extra cheesy."

"Okay, I wanna do something Ms.Phe Phe." She stood next to me, standing on her tippy toes.

"You can, as soon as I roll out this dough." She nodded watching me open the Pillsbury Dough pop open can.

Mom entered the kitchen. "I don't mean to intrude on you guys' pizza party but I need to get some water, for Scott." She walked towards the fridge.

You're a chef?" She kindly teased Kaitlyn.

"Nooo." She grinned, shaking her head, before she edged her face into my side, hugging onto my hip.

I don't know why she was so shy around my parents. When she met them when we came over here, she seemed so much like a fish out of water. I don't think it's anything to do with their race because Justin her classmate is Caucasian as well. Maybe she just feels out of her element.

"A shy one huh?" Mom pointed to Kaitlyn holding the bottle of water.

"All of a sudden I see." I looked down at her.

"You look so much like your father." Mom eyed her.

"Mom you're making her nervous." I whispered.

"Okay Okay , I'm leaving. Your father and I wanted to watch a movie, so I'll see you guys later."She waved leaving the kitchen.

"You can open that bag of cheese for my Kaitlyn."

"Okay." She climbed onto the stool grabbing the bag.


"Yes Sweetie?" I continued even out the dough.

"You and Daddy go on dates?"She fumbled with the bag and my eyes gaped open my lips parted.

"W—Why you asked?"

She shrugged her shoulders."I don't know. That wa he say."

"Well yes we do."

"So what does that meaaan?" She finally got the bag open looking up at me.

"Well.....Hmm I guess it means we're dating."


"What do you mean why?"

"Well you say that I go on a date with Johnathan that that mean I like him. So that mean you like my daddy?"

I smiled at her memory, why did I have to tell her what a date was? Whyyyyy Phoebe?

"I---I don't know." I rolled the dough harder.

"Daddy loveee you. I know."

I dropped the rolling pin dusting off my hands. "What? Missy what do you know about love?"

"I don't knooow." She grinned. "Daddy say I can't think about love til' I 40. I think love when you care bout something. I don't know. That what Nana say."

"She did?"

"Mhmmm and Daddy care bout me and you."

"Why did you say that? He said that?"

"Mhmm. And he say he believe in you. I don't know what believe mean tho." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Wait Kaitlyn when did he say this." I stared at her.

"I caaaan memba. I don't know."

"Wow." I mumbled under my breath.

"Does that make you Daddy's girlfriend?" She stuck her finger in the bag, eating a few string of cheese.

"I don't know. I don't think so. No. Not at all Kaitlyn, but don't worry about you'r Daddy tonight. It's me and you having fun. Okay? Deal?"

"Mhmm Deal, I wanna watch power puff girls."

"So do I." I smiled.

"And I want buns like you Ms.Phe!"

"You like them? You actually approve i see."

"Mhmmm, you look like minnie mouse!" She giggled.

"At least minnie's cute girl." I rolled my neck and she roared in laughter.

[The Next Night At August's House]

"But teacher I not gon see you in since we aint got no school." She mumbled as I helped her get her stuff out the car.

"That's absolutely not true Sweetie. We just have to ask your daddy for another sleepover and plus you're coming to my Mom's Christmas Party and there's going to be other kids there. You'll see me. Promise."

"Okaaay. But Ms.Phe Phe how come we sleep at your Mommy's house? Why we didn't sleep at your house?" She curiously questioned, closing the car door.

"Well Ms.Phe Phe house is under maintenance. I got little bugs, crawling around... They can't seem to leave me alone."

"Ms.Phe Phe buggies like you!?" She giggled.

"I guess so."

"I hope they not roaches, ewwww I hate them!" She shrieked. "I like ladybugs. They pretty."

"You do?"


I turned around just before we were about to head up the cobblestone to her father who was already standing outside waiting on us. He had a look on his face I couldn't discern. It seemed to be Kaitlyn's grandmother.

She rolled down her window. "Hello Ms.Pheobe, how are you?" She waved.

"I'm fine, just coming back with Miss Kay here." I looked down at her.

"You guys have a lot of sleepover's eh?" She smiled opening the car door.

"I guess we do."


"Come on over here girl, you going with Nana, we gotta iron out your hair."

"Okay. Bye Teacher." She hugged onto my side and quickly ran over to the door opening it.

"August already knows dear. So you can just give him Kay's bags. Tell him imma bring her back sometime later."

"Okay. Sure."

"Have a good night sweetheart." She rolled up her window exiting the gate. I sighed turning up the dark cobblestone walking up to where he was standing. He was leaning in the door way.

"Hey...Kaitlyn's bags." I handed them to him seeing he obviously wasn't making any signs of replying of me. "Your mom said she'd be back with her sometime later on."

He nodded, giving me a look. Why was he angry? Oh dear ,maybe I was too much of a prune. I don't know what it is with me and men...

He began closing the door. Was he serious?

"But August wait!" I placed my hand on the doubled door he attempted to close.

"What mayne?"

"You don't have to yell at me I just want to talk.."

"Talk bout' what?"


"How you be frontin' all da damn time. How you be getting attitude for no reason??"

"That is true. And I am sorry, but you don't have to speak to me like that and it's kind of chilly out here."

He pulled a hand down his face and moved letting me walk inside. "Stop looking around, my bodyguards ain't hea' ta night." I nodded yet continued looking through his amazing home.

"Aight talk." He set Kaitlyn's bags down and began walking away from me.

"Well you're being very disrespful towards me. You want me to talk and you're walking away?" I trailed behind him.

"I was watchin' something. Chill." He continued until he arrived at the family room, sort of like a den. He sat down in the sofa, leaving me extremely uncomfortable like I was on stage, put on a pedestal proclaiming my feelings for him.

"Talk loud." He spoke looking at me.

"Well. I just want to say that I'm sorry. I know we've haven't really had the best interferences but I need to admit the I do, in fact like you." I gulped playing with my nails. "I'm attracted to you and yo---you excite me and I have this thing where I don't like to admit my feelings, but I have been thinking about us...."

"Is that right?" He picked up the remote, turning the channel.

I gritted my teeth in fury.

"Are you even listening to me??"

"You ain't telling me nothing I ain know already ma'. Try something new."

"You're so conceited; I don't even know why I'm here." I shook my head about to storm away but he hopped up aggressively tugging my arm.

"Is that what you teach your students Phe? To run away? "

I looked down at my arm and his finger print coated my skin. "You're grasp is a little too tigh----

"I bet you don't teach them that. But somebody needa teach you something cause you a lah' bitch." I snarled, and my gut curled up wanting to swing at him.

"A—aaa bitch? I'm no bitch! Let go of me!"

"I don't wantchu round' ma daughta no mo'."

"You can't do that! You're overreacting, I simply wanted your attention from the television."

"Whatever, get outta ma house." He let go of my arm, basically swatting me like a fly.

"Fine. I will but you know what you're such a punk . A little pussy, what will kaitlyn look for in a man? When her father is nothing but an egotistical, self-centered ,asshole, whose whiny voice is as masculine as a newborn pony."

Before I saw it coming he rammed me into the wall behind, and his breathing went rapid causing me too jump.

"Take that shit back!" His grasped around my arm was causing so much pain now I think it went numb.

"I don't want to."

"This why I don't fuck wit y'all females! You too damn disrespectful but I guess you wouldn't know any better seeing you ain't had no parents and all."

My lip quivered when his words found their way to my ears. How could he say something like that to me? Why was he so angry, his nostrils were flaring and his eyes were so dark. He was so angry over my words that he could try and hurt me like that? Imagine if we were to be together would he make me feel like this every day?

I sniffed , trying to prevent the tears that were clouding my eyes from falling.

"How dare you say that to me? You don't know shit about what I went through, I only told you what I wanted to." His face softened and he let go of my arm.

"Ayee ma I ain't mean to say that shit."

"No it's fine. I'll go be a bitch somewhere else." I wiped my face, stepping away from him, atleast trying. He held unto my wrist.

"Ma' Im sorry. I wrong fo' dat. But you be getting on my damn nerves pretending like you don't like me."

"I don't. Now."

"Stop that shit mayne. People say things they don't mean."

"You obviously meant what you said about me. You think you can just say meaning less things to people because you're a big time celebrity?" I jerked my hand away from him.

"You bitch!" I shoved his chest.

"Stop puttin' your hands on me Phe."

"Why? What you going to do? Hit me?" I shoved his chest again this time making him stumble a bit.

He poked his tongue into the side of his mouth, and his chest heaved.

"Do it!! DO IT!" I was about to shove him again but he grabbed both of my wrists.

"Phe Damn stop it! Ion wanna hit you." He pulled my hands into front of me , pulling me against his chest.

"Why you actin' like this?"

My eyes began to water again and I didn't even know why I was crying. Maybe I was really stressed out and these pill were just adding even more weight. Everything. But mostly the facts that my Dad had cancer and that August made me realize how I will probably never know who gave birth to me. She could be dead, happily married with another family and I'd never know. Why did she give me up? Was I not everything she wanted? It stung pretty badly to know I wasn't worthy of being love then, so why did this man want me now?

"Why you crying ma'?" He let go of my wrists wrapping his palms against my face.

The tears tasted pretty salty gliding into my mouth. "I—I don't know. I'm sorry, I—I just..." He wrapped his arms around me , forcing me into the crook of his neck.

"You good Ma'. Damn I ain't know what you be feelin' cause' you aint say nun'. I ain't mean to say that shit. For real. I'm sorry mayne."

"I—It's fine. It's me. Not you." He lifted my head and I looked at his shirt that I had gotten snot on.

"Your shirt. I'm sorry, I can clean that."

"Na' look at me."

I did and he looked into my eyes. "I'm hea' for you Ma' just like how you be dere for ma baybeh .Shid I can't belee I'm sayn' this. Phe you got a nigga whipped."

I small smiled.

"So damn beautiful."

He leaned in halfway, looking at my lips while his hands rose to creep up my sides. I guess I was supposed to meet him so I leaned in and his lips brushed against mine causing my skin to grow chills and my body to shudder.

He pecked me, sweetly and gently, almost eruptive how carefully sensitive his lips appreciated mine. But just as I thought he was about to kiss me, succulently. His lips moved down my jaw line and they were dainty.


"Let me take care a' you." He mumbled chasing his lips over my skin.

I was about to say something but it came out more like a grunt because he kneaded his lips in the trench of my neck that always made me melt.


My hands found their way around his back and he began suckling my spot, over and over .

"Whatchu say..."'


I felt him smile and I submitted to him, curling into a ringlet of need when he took my earlobe into his mouth.

Excuse my errors. Vote/Comment and I want to say thanks to all my readers who said they actually liked this book. I just overthink sometimes especially when it comes to my writing. I write for me, but I am keen on you guys enjoying it. So thank y'all made me realize.... hey why do you even care? Lol Thanks y'all. The reason August and Phoebe met the way they did was because this was INTIALLY a short story, so I couldn't change the plot enitrely though I decided to mae it a full book. Anyways, The next chapter will be private. Thans again y'all hope you like the chapter.

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