Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

Believe Me

2.5K 89 73
By Tasergirl

Okay usually I leave my notes for the end but I just wanted to quickly say how much I appreciate and love you all. The amount of support you've all shown me is incredible and I'm not even gonna lie made me cry (in a good way❤️). I can't thank you guys enough I love you all so much.
There's another authors note at the end I just needed to say that real quick❤️

Bonnie looked on from the porch as Dean and Sam began packing everything in the back of the Impala. Instead of getting on a plane like Finn and Kol they wanted to use the car, said they were just used to the road. Bonnie thought Dean was just scared of flying. It was pretty ironic actually, considering he's the reincarnation of a sky god.

Bonnie sighed as Zoe came out to stand beside her, the small girl crossing her arms over her chest. Looking up at her Zoe narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I still don't get why I can't go with you" Zoe says, a hint of an attitude in her voice as she looked up at Bonnie. The older witch just raised an eyebrow at her.

"Because I'm going to meet the King Of Hell, we don't need him learning about you" Bonnie says with an air of finality that had Zoe pressing her lips together.

"Besides you'll be going with Klaus to meet the Northeast Atlantic pack" Bonnie says looking at Zoe softly. The younger girl nodded, a small smile on her face.

"King Of Hell still would've been cooler" Zoe muttered as she headed back inside. Bonnie chuckled at the girl lightly, shaking her head.

From the driveway Dean looked up as he heard Bonnie's quiet laughter. He had to say he missed it. The real laughter that is. The one that lit up her entire face, not the one she'd been putting on for people. He was glad Zoe could get her to laugh even a little.

Noticing his brothers attention had shifted, Sam took a minute to watch them. When Bonnie noticed Dean looking at her she stopped for a moment, as if she was surprised. It only took her a few seconds to raise an eyebrow at him, a small smirk on her lips.

"What?" She asked him, making Dean shake his head, a small smirk on his own face.

"Nothing at all, just missed that" Dean tells her putting his hands up in surrender. Bonnie looked at him in confusion.

"Missed what?" She asks making his smile grow softer as he thought about whatever it is he had missed. Sam wanted to know too.

"You're laugh" he responds before putting something else in the trunk. Sam looks at the small witch, noticing a light blush dusting her cheeks.

He can't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight. Maybe his brother wasn't the only one with a small crush. The thought worried him though, the hybrid was no joke. They'd be idiots if they thought he wouldn't be a problem.

"Bonnie will never let anything happen to him"

Castiel told him that. He was so sure when he told Sam that, like he knew it in his gut. Whatever it was that was going on with all of them, apparently it was inevitable. Sam was sure Castiel wouldn't put Dean in any danger, hell he'd gone against heaven for them. Yet he couldn't help but worry about his older brother.

Dean clapped his brothers shoulder as he walked up behind him. Noticing the far off look on his brothers face. Bonnie had gone back inside to pack away food. He thinks he fell for her when she said she was making burgers before they left and fried chicken for the road.

"You okay Sammy?" He asks. Sam looks at him for a moment but nodded, he wouldn't comment on anything unless he was sure it'd be a problem. Bonnie walked back out holding two beers in her hands. By the look on his brothers face, Sam knew that whatever was going to happen was already in motion.

"You are amazing" Dean says before bringing the beer to his lips and taking a large gulp. Sam denied the offered beer, choosing to grab a bottle of water from his bag. Instead of looking put out Bonnie shrugs, taking some for herself.

"You guys realize we'll need to be sober to be on the road right?" Sam asks making Bonnie chuckle at him.

"Please you think this'll do anything to me" She asks with a raised eyebrow. "You have obviously never seen me at a party" she says with a playful smirk. Sam's eyebrows raised at her before laughing.

"Caroline's going to take Zoe to the Mikaelsons,  but her and Zoe are going to go out to eat first" Bonnie says as they turn to look at the house, making Dean smile.

"She's really gunning for that favorite Aunt position huh?" He asks making Bonnie laugh.

"Oh you have no idea, she's been planning it since we were 5, she'll die before she loses out to Rebekah" Bonnie says a smile on her face as she looked back at them. Dean found he'd do anything to keep that smile on her face.

"We should probably get going soon then" Sam tells them making Bonnie nod. As if on cue Caroline, Zoe and Elena walked out. Her best friends from childhood looking at her worriedly.

"I hate that you have to go" Caroline says, her voice soft as she looked at Bonnie. Elena nodded beside her, before looking at the hunters. She had no doubt in her mind that Dean would do anything to protect Bonnie.

Caroline on the other hand, would say something. Walking around Bonnie she looked up at the hunters, her face harder than either brother thought it could be.

"If anything, and I mean anything, bad happens to Bonnie I will personally rip out both of your throats and tear off the angels wings, we clear?" She asks. Dean and Sam look at each other in shock before nodding slowly at her. Happy with their reaction Caroline smiled, going back to Bonnie's side.

"Dude, did we just get threatened by a cheerleader" Dean asked making Sam nod hesitantly.

"Make sure she's okay" Zoe says suddenly, just appearing next to them. Deans eyes soften as he takes in the smallest witch. She was adorable really, almost reminded him of Bonnie.

"We will kid" he promises her softly. Zoe nods at him before heading over to Bonnie as well. Dean can't help but follow the young girl with his eyes, wondering how she fit into it all.

"I'll be back in a few days, it'll be fine" Bonnie assures them all softly. Elena raises an eyebrow while Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Last time you left town you were almost kidnapped and someone took over your mind" Caroline says her face serious. Elena nodded at the blondes assessment, while the Winchester's share of look of confusion.

"We just- we cant lose you Bon, we're sisters" Elena told her softly. Bonnie smiles at them gently, wondering how she got so lucky.

"She's right you know" they hear an accented voice say behind them. Rebekah stands beside Bonnie's tree, leaning on it.

"You're here" Bonnie says , letting out a small breath of relief as she walked over to her. Rebekah immediately pulled the witch in for a hug.

"Of course I am, I told you Always and Forever" Rebekah told her softly as they held onto each other. Bonnie pulled away slightly to glare at her.

"You didn't show up last night" The smaller witch accused making Rebekah frown. She'd waited up most of the night for the blonde to show, deeply disappointed when she realized Rebekah wasn't coming.

"I wasn't sure you wanted me" Rebekah admitted. Bonnie knit her eyebrows together before she sighed at the original.

"I was mad at Klaus, not you, you're as much my sister as they are" Bonnie promised her softly. Rebekah's eyes began to water a bit as she looked down at Bonnie, nodding softly.

"Always and forever?" Rebekah asked with a small smile making Bonnie nod at her. A reassuring smile pointed at the blonde.

"Always and forever" Bonnie agreed.
Klaus looked at the map in front of him in concentration. Costa Rica was big and if they were to find anything they'd need to bring the hunter along with his brother. Klaus rolled his eyes at the thought of them.

He knew it was more jealousy than anything. Here he was looking over a damn map while they galavanted across states with his witch. He wanted to rip someone's heart out at the mere thought of it.

"You're handling this better than I would have thought" Klaus heard behind him. Turning he saw his mother, her face serene.

"Well I always thought myself a god, I'm not surprised to find it to be true" he says with what he made sure looked to be a nonchalant shrug.

Esther raised an eyebrow at her child. He was once her greatest shame, something she felt she needed to hide. She'd done wrong by him in many ways, she knew that. She knew she could never truly make up what she'd done to him.

Yet as she looked at him she could only be proud. He'd come such a long way from what he'd once been, what he had been not so long ago. Now she was reminded of her long lost love. Ansel.

"I am speaking of your relationship with Bonnie" she said softly making him shake his head.

"If that was true I'd be beside her now, facing down the King Of Hell" Klaus says trying not to snap.

"It is the fact that you are not suffocating her that leads me to believe you are handling this well, witches do not react well to being caged, especially Bennett's" Esther told him a knowing smile on her lips. Klaus shrugged, knowing he had only taken Caroline's advice.

"It wasn't my first choice" he said to her honestly as he continued to look over the map.

"I know, I also know you went to the blonde vampire for words of wisdom" Esther says making him sigh. "It was a good move" she told him as she sat on a nearby couch.

"Yes well, if I am to win her back, I need something none of the others have" Klaus says making Esther nod.

"And Zoe?" She asks making him pause. He shook his head at her.

"I admit, at first I simply wanted to use her to get close to Bonnie, now I couldn't imagine using her in such a way. I will take care of her regardless of how Bonnie sees me" he tells his mother honestly. Esther smiles at him softly, truly seeing her son for the first time in hundreds of years.

"Good, then you will win the witch back my son" she says softly as she moves to his side. Klaus looked at his mother, feeling unsure of himself for the first time in many years.

"How can you be so certain?" He asked making Esther sigh. She put a hand to her sons cheek gently. The first time in centuries that she'd touched his face so softly.

"Because I believe in the forces that brought you all together again my son, magic and Fate" she says softly making Klaus nod, letting himself lean into his mothers hand a moment.

"Alright, now where are we on Costa Rica"
After making Rebekah promise to take care of Zoe, Dean and Sam finally dragged her into the Impala. It was easier once Bonnie got a hug from Zoe herself, the tiny witch had been too shocked to fight back.

Now Bonnie was laying in the back, her eyes closed as AC/DC played through the speakers. Sam had no idea how the girl could sleep through it but there she was.It wasn't much farther to New Orleans, a few hours and they'd be there.

"How is she fairing?" They heard, turning to see Castiel in the back seat. Bonnie merely turned in her sleep, groaning in annoyance.

"She's fine, can you call next time you do that?" Dean asked before looking at him in confusion.
"How the hell did you find us anyway, I thought we were still hidden?" He asked making Castiel sigh.

"You are, she however is not" Castiel says softly pointing the to Witch/goddess next to him. Sam raised an eyebrow before sighing.

"Is that dangerous?" He asks looking at the angel who shrugged.

"No, not necessarily" Castiel says before pausing. "Unless someone knows how to track her" he finished. Before either brother can respond Bonnie groans.

"Well how do I fix that?" She asks making them all look at her. Sitting up she scratches her head frowning at them all.

"Someone doesn't like being woken up" Dean says with a small smirk. Bonnie rolled her eyes at him but looks at Castiel.

"What did you mean before? How could you find me?" She asked him making the angel sigh at her softly.

"As an angel I can see where you are at all times, your soul in particular glows bright" he explained softly making Bonnie knit her eyebrows together.

"I'm not sure how I feel about that" she told him with a frown. Castiel gave her a soft smile as he looked down at her.

"It is not a bad thing, you have a good soul but since you are not only a witch of nature but a goddess as well, yours soul is more alluring" he said making Bonnie nod in understanding.

"But that can be dangerous right? If the wrong person knew how to look?" She asked making him nod at her.

"It's possible" he says making Bonnie frown. She thought back on what happened in New Orleans last time. How they found her before, it would explain that.

"So what would you do?" She asks making him frown at her softly.

"I would hide your soul" he said, Bonnie looked at the blue eyed angel in worry.

"It's going to hurt isn't it?" She asked him softly. Castiel nods while Sam looks at her sympathetically. Dean could only continue looking forward at the road.

"We don't have to" Castiel tells her softly making the witch shake her head at him.

"Yes we do, can't have my soul calling out to the wrong people" she says trying to smile, though it comes out more as a grimace than anything.

"Okay maybe we should pull over" Castiel says, his voice deep and laced with concern, making Dean sigh. As he does Bonnie gets out, more than happy to stretch her legs for a bit.

"What exactly is this going to do?" She asks Dean as he gets out of the car.

"He's going to burn Enochian symbols onto your ribs" He tells her with a grimace, rubbing his own ribs as he remembered the feeling. Bonnie's eyebrows raise at the explanation.

"Fuck" she mutters before turning to the angel. "Let's get it over with" she says closing her eyes tightly. Castiel shares a look with Dean.

Moving to stand behind her Dean takes her hand in one of his, putting his other hand on her waist lightly. Bonnie takes a breath to steady herself, squeezing his hand in thanks.

Swiftly Castiel puts his hand on her chest, a light emanating from it. Bonnie grunts falling into Dean as the pain fills her. The hunter holds onto her strongly as she lets out a painful moan, squeezing her eyes shut.

Sam raises his eyebrows as he takes in the scene before him. When Castiel put the symbols on him and Dean they almost passed out from the pain, Bonnie doesn't look like she's even remotely ready to pass out. Just how much pain can this small girl take?

As the light dies down, Bonnie let's her head fall back against Deans chest. She tried to get a hold of her breathing as she looked up at him.

"I've had worse" she jokes, her voice low as she begins to stand on her own feet. Dean raises an eyebrow but smiles wryly at her.

"Alright bionic woman, let's get you rested" he says throwing his keys to Sam as he helps Bonnie into the car. Silently he slides into the backseat with her, making Castiel and Sam look at each other in surprise.

"Let's go boys we don't have all day" Bonnie calls as she rests her head against Deans shoulder.
Before she even opened her eyes Bonnie knew she was in a dream, or a memory should she say. She could feel it now, how different she felt.

Bonnie sighed as she opened her eyes, she was facing Dean, or Horus. The sky god was sleeping, his face looked peaceful in a way Bonnie had never seen in Dean.

"Is there a reason my wife is staring at me while I sleep?" He asks making her smile. Hathor rolls her eyes as she sits up, completely undisturbed by the fact that she was completely naked aside from a blanket pooling around her waist.

"Do you not enjoy when my eyes are on you?" She asks with a raised eyebrow. Horus smirks at her but all Bonnie could see was Dean. His smirk never changed.

"I enjoy when you are on me much more" he says pulling Hathor down to his chest. Lying on top of him Hathor smiles, running a hand on his cheek.

"I have to train the new troops" she says softly as her husband begins to kiss her neck gently. Hathor moaned softly as he kissed a certain spot near her jaw.

"They can wait" he whispered before carefully sucking on that spot. Hathor's grin grows as she moves her hand down his chest, dragging her nails against him.

"And you can not?" She asks softly making him shake his head as he looks at her. Hathor gives her husband a smile as she rest her forehead against his.

"I have to my love, when the war is done we will spend our days making love endlessly" Hathor promises, making Horus sigh before nodding in agreement.

Bonnie's heart breaks in that moment. This was before Ra, this was while they were still in love and saw a future together. Bonnie could feel it, the love they felt for each other. It was in the air all around them.

Hathor rolled off of him, moving to put on a robe. Bonnie noticed they were in a tent, draped in reds and golds. There was a large mirror and the bed was pressed against one side.

"How am I so blessed to have been gifted with you?" Horus asked making Hathor look at him softly, her golden eyes staring at him with love.

"You saved me, my love, the only one in thousands of years to even notice me" she told him softly making the sky god shake his head.

"Others noticed" he said but she shook her head at him. Standing in front of him she sighed and put her hand to his cheek gently.

"They noticed, but you were the only one who cared" she said softly as he leaned into her touch.

"I always will" he promised.
Bonnie woke up slowly, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Feeling worn leather on her cheek she looked up, to once again see Deans face. His face in this time looked more haunted, even as he slept. It made her wonder what he'd gone through to make it like that.

She brought a hand up, gently caressing his cheek. As she brought her thumb to his eyebrow, smoothing it over softly, she was pleased to see his face relax. He looked almost as peaceful as he had in her memory.

"Bad dream?" She heard someone ask lowly. Bonnie turned away from Dean to Sam, who was looking at them through the rear view mirror. The small witch shook her head at him question.

"No, it wasn't a bad dream" she said softly glancing back at Dean for just a moment. Something that wasn't missed by Sam. "Beautiful memory" she admits softly.

Sam looks at her and sighs. Castiel had gone ahead to New Orleans, letting the Mikaelsons know they were near. Only about 2 hours out now. It was still crazy to him that they're working with vampires now. Then again, Hell on earth was as good a time as any.

"So how'd you get mixed up in this anyway?" Sam asked making Bonnie raise an eyebrow at him.

"You mean besides being a goddess reincarnated?" She retorted making him chuckle at her softly.

"Yea, I mean, it seems like you've been dealing with the supernatural before all this. You're a witch of nature though, you probably could've had a normal life" Sam said making Bonnie sigh at his words.

"Do you know anything about the Bennett line?" She asked making him shake his head. He knew it was familiar but he figured it was just because Sheila helped him with finding Jess's engagement ring.

"Well my line has been around for years, one of the first witch's, we've been around for all the major events. Our blood, our magic, is powerful. From what I've heard we're probably the witch equivalent of a Winchester" she said making him chuckle.

"So destiny and all that crap?" He asked making Bonnie breathe out a laugh. She nodded at him softly as she looks at the hunter through the rear view mirror.

"Well I'm a witch whose best friends with a doppelgänger when my ancestor helped create them in the first place, so yea I think so" she said making him chuckle back at her.

"Yea I can see how that'd be seen as destiny" Sam says. Dean groans as he wakes up looking at them.

"Well we beat the fates, how bad can destiny be?" Dean says blindly reaching for Bonnie. Instead of moving away like she normally would, Bonnie let's herself be pulled into Deans arms.

"You beat the fates? As in the mythical fates, the 3 sisters?" She asks her eyes widening as she realized what Dean said. Sam chuckled as she begins talking rapidly.

"Yes now shh, go back to sleep" Dean says wrapping his arms around her. Bonnie mutters about hunters secrets and bad husbands before closing her eyes, trying not to sigh happily when he presses a kiss to the top of her head.

Sam looked at them from the front seat, he knows Cass told him not to worry. He said Bonnie wouldn't let anything happen to Dean and he believes that. Bonnie cares about Dean a lot, even more so after the Bitter Ball. It looked like they were finally on even ground.
"So we're looking for some guy named Benny?" Tyler asks as he and Caroline follow behind Stefan and Damon. Caroline nods as she looks at the gps. It wouldn't be long now. Luckily for them Benny didn't seem too far away.

After the brunch date with Zoe, she let the girl go off with Rebekah. She was a little closed off at first but Caroline got her talking. Even learned that she had a little crush on the hybrid kid, Jaden. It was cute really.

"Yea, he's supposed to be some friend of Deans" Caroline says making Tyler look at her in confusion.

"I thought Sam and Dean were like the worlds greatest hunters, what's he doing hanging out with vampires?" Tyler asked. Caroline shrugged not knowing the whole story herself. In all honesty she really didn't care. She just knew she needed to help Bonnie.

"Care?" Tyler says softly trying to get the blondes attention. Caroline looks at her boyfriend and sighed, knowing she had been out of it lately.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm not fully here but..." she says trailing off. She looked to the side pursing her lips together.

"But you're worried about Bonnie" he says softly making Caroline nod. Sighing Tyler nodded in agreement, he was too. The King Of Hell wasn't something they were prepared for. Bonnie was strong and a literal goddess, but they grew up together, he needed her to be safe. They all did.

"She has to go through so much alone, she still can't get it through her head that she's not and now she's off with the Winchester's and more Mikaelsons" Caroline says lifting her hand for a moment before letting it fall to her lap.

"I just hate that I'm not there with her, I should be there with her, she's facing the King Of Hell" Caroline says in frustration making Tyler nod at her softly.

"I know, but we're doing something to help her and the Winchester's have dealt with him before right? She'll be fine" he says reassuringly before grabbing her hand, giving it a swift kiss.

"Yea I know, I can feel it, but I still don't like it" she says with a small pout. Tyler laughed at his girlfriend, kissing her quickly.

The blonde tried to continue pouting but with the extra kisses her boyfriend placed on her face she admits defeat. Smiling at him she sighs.

"Ugh I'm being a downer aren't I?" She asks leaning over to wrap her arms around his bicep. Tyler smiles at her softly before kissing the top of her head.

"You're being a good friend, it's one of the reasons I love you, I wouldn't expect any less of you" he says making her kiss him.

"How did I get so lucky?" She asks as she pulls away. He smirks at her and Caroline recognizes the mischievous look on his eye.

"Well if you really want to show me how happy you are, we have our own room" he says winking at her. Caroline laughs, nodding at him happily.

"Anything you want baby"
As Bonnie got out of the Impala she looked up at the Abattoir. It felt like years since the last time she was at the Mikaelsons home in New Orleans. Yet knew it'd only been about a month at most.

As she grabbed her duffle bag from the trunk she sighed. At least now she knew why those people were after her, she knew what she was. She was a fucking goddess.

"You alright?" Dean asked as she sighed once more. He noticed she'd had a far off look on her face as she looked at the place they were staying.

"Yea I'm fine just, not the happiest memories of this place you know" she says softly, making him frown.

"What happened?" He asked making her sigh as she looked up at him. Bonnie grimaced quickly before shrugging.

"I was mind controlled and almost wiped out all the Mikaelsons" she says making him look at her wide eyed.

"You alright staying here? We could always grab a hotel room" Dean offers making Bonnie smile at him softly.

"No it's okay, the point of being here was to stay together and stay safe" Bonnie tells him with a smile. Dean nods at her but can't help the grimace as he looked at the place. He was going to be in a place full of vampires that probably hated his guts. Fun.

They walk in, after Dean and Bonnie argue over her bringing in her own bags, Bonnie losing this round. As she walks to the sittting area Bonnie smiles at Marcel, who's already sitting on the couch. The vampire stands as he smiles back at the girl, taking her in. She looked much better, healthier too.

"Bonnie, you look great" he says as he gives her a hug. She hugs him back, happy that they have reinforcements. Granted how they met wasn't the best but he did help save her life.

"Thanks so do you" she says softly as they pull apart, his gaze landing on the Winchester's. Marcel's eyes narrow as he lands on Dean.

"You're Dean Winchester" he says his easy going nature faltering for a moment. Dean tenses immediately, ready for a fight.

"I am" he says, Bonnie has to stop herself from snapping her head to look at him. She forgets how gentle he is with her sometimes. How even though his voice is soft with her, it's hard with others.

"You going to be killing any of my men?" Marcel asks making Bonnie roll her eyes at the vampire. Definitely Klaus Mikaelsons son.

"Not as long as they don't kill anyone or hurt these two" Dean says pointing to Sam and Bonnie. Marcel nods tersely before a smile splits his face and he holds out a hand.

"Welcome to New Orleans" Marcel says happily, grinning when Deans hand meet his. "I heard you met Benny out in purgatory" Marcel comments and soon enough they get into a discussion on how Dean and Benny became friends.

Instead of staying behind to hear that pleasant story, Bonnie picks up her bag and begins to walk to the room she used last. Sighing she sets her bag on the bed.

Last time she was here she wanted to explore everything, now she's not even sure if she wants to step outside. She doesn't have Klaus here to protect her this time.

Not Khonsu, but you have him

Bonnie rolls her eyes at the sound of Hathor's voice in her head. She was getting used to the goddesses presence in her mind, she wasn't sure how to feel about that. Either way she ignored it, unsure of what the goddess wanted her to do with the men in her life.

"Are you alright?" She hears and turns swiftly to see Finn standing in the doorway, a small smile on her usually stoic face.


Bonnie frowns at the name Hathor says, instead focusing on Finn. She nods at the eldest Mikaelson son and smiles. The smile was supposed to set him at ease, instead she could see his curiosity grow.

"Yea I'm okay, just a little uneasy" Bonnie says softly making him frown slightly. His brown eyes focusing on her.

"Because of your previous visit?" He asks making her nod. The witch nods back at him as she sits on the bed, leaning an elbow on her bag.

"I caused so much crap the last time I was here" Bonnie mutters. Finn shakes his head at her as he comes further into the room.

"You caused nothing Bonnie, they did that" Finn assures her softly but Bonnie just shakes her head at him.

"I remember Finn, I remember how it felt, I was power hungry and mad" she admits making Finn raise an eyebrow at her.

"I think my family knows how to deal with that better than most" he says with a small smirk making Bonnie laugh. Finn sat beside her on the bed, looking at her softly.

"We've all done things we wish we didn't do, that we could take back I've done more than my fair share" he says his voice low as she looked up at him.

"But you carry things which aren't your burden to carry Bonnie, things that were out of our control, you are too good" he says as he brings his hand up to touch her cheek. Bonnie smiles up at him, leaning into his touch slightly. She couldn't help but take comfort in the fact that he still thought she was a good person.

"Much too good for us" he says making her shake her head.

"You're so much more than you think you are Finn" she tells him softly. He feels a warmth in his chest at the honesty she says the words with. She was just so genuine, he could not help but to be amazed by the woman before him.
Klaus frowned as Maria Griffith looked over Zoe. She'd come with them to meet with the wolves. As a form of backup but also to help with the young witch's memories.

Klaus would have rather waited for Bonnie to be present but the small witch insisted, something about not needing someone to hold her hand. Klaus would have been proud had he not been so worried.

"I'm going to give you a drink now" Maria says softly handing her a mug. The private plane they were on wasn't their largest or most extravagant but for this it didn't need to be.

"It will help you relax, you need to relax for this" Maria explains when she sees Zoe's frown. The hybrid sat next to her, looking down at her gently.

"I'm right here if anything" he tells her reassuringly. Zoe nods at him softly before looking at the cup in her hands. Quickly she downs it's contents.

"Alright now what?" She asked. Before either witch nor hybrid could say anything Zoe's eyes closed, falling into Klaus's chest.

"Lay her down" Maria instructs as she begins to remove her rings. Klaus does as she asks, laying the small witch on the settee.

"You're more gentle with her than I've seen you with anyone, including Rebekah" Maria states raising an eyebrow. "I always thought she was the only thing in this world you truly loved" Maria finished as she began to take her necklace off.

Klaus didn't say anything but his silence was enough. She knew him well enough to know that this girl was one of the things he cared about most. Sighing she sat beside the girl, readying herself to go into her mind.

"If anything happens to her, I shall rip your head from your shoulders, and deposit it on a stake" Klaus warns the witch. Maria rolls her eyes ignoring him. She was more than used to this behavior from him.

She settles herself next to Zoe, placing her hands on the girls. As she does so she feels herself go into the girls subconscious, Klaus can only see her white eyes. He can't help but be reminded of another witch.
Bonnie laughed from the couch beside Finn as Sam and Dean argued over what Hogwarts house they were in. Bonnie made the mistake of mentioning that she thought she was Hufflepuff, she couldn't remember why, which prompted both of the brothers to claim she was Gryffindor.

They'd figured out Finn was Ravenclaw, even though he was adorably confused, and Cass was definitely Hufflepuff. Bonnie laughed as Dean grabbed Sam and put him in a headlock.

"Say I'm Gryffindor, say I'm Gryffindor" Dean repeated as Sam tried to escape from the headlock. Bonnie shook her head as she watched them, Finn looking on with a raised eyebrow, though she could see the amusement in his eyes.

"You're Hufflepuff" Sam tells him instead, Bonnie rolled her eyes before getting up and walking over to them.

"Alright, let him go before you make him pass out" Bonnie says grabbing Sams arm. Sam narrows his eyes at his brother playfully.

"This isn't over" he says with his finger pointed at Dean. Bonnie chuckles turning to Sam.

"You, Sammy, are a Ravenclaw with Gryffindor tendencies" she claims making him nod in acceptance. Turning to Dean she points. "And you are Gryffindor with Hufflepuff tendencies" she says before thinking about it for a moment.

"And a Ravenclaw brain" she adds nonchalantly before sitting on the couch beside Finn again. Finn notices that the Winchester looks surprised for a moment before he preens.

Sam notices as well, except unlike Finn, he knows why. Sam knows Dean spent his whole life believing he was a grunt, Hell he told him that very thing not too long ago. Yet here Bonnie was, she knew him a little over a week and she completely crushed that belief in a few seconds without even meaning to.

"Alright Little Witch, get dressed" Kol says swaggering in. Bonnie raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"For what?" She asked the vampire making him smirk at her, mischief in his eyes.

"We're going to have fun, so go get dressed, put on something sexy and you will have the most handsome vampire here show you the city" he says with a challenging smirk. Bonnie stares at him for a moment wondering if he was serious, before realizing, he was.

"Really?" She asked him making him nod at her as he leaned on the back of the couch. He smiled down at her as she looked up at him.

"Yes, we have a big day tomorrow, why not have fun tonight" he says raising an eyebrow at her before lowering his voice slightly. "Besides, you need it Bonnie" he says gently.

Bonnie's eyes soften as she looked up at Kol, realizing that this was his way of taking care of her. He was giving her an out. A distraction. He was giving her a night to forget everything and just be.

"Alright" Bonnie says softly. It takes a second for him to realize she agreed but once he does, he gives her a blinding smile.

"Wait what?" Dean asks in confusion making Bonnie turn to him with a small smile. She shrugs a shoulder at him.

"Time to have a night on the town boys" Bonnie says with a wink, before hurrying up the stairs to get ready.

As Bonnie swiped on a generous amount of lipgloss she heard a knock on her door. Turning she saw Finn looking at her from the doorway.

"Oh hi Finn" she greets happily, smoothing down her skirt. "How do I look?" She asks nervously. She wasn't sure how to look when going out on the town in New Orleans.

"Beautiful" he says softly making Bonnie grin at him brightly. There was just something about the original that made her happy, and put her at ease.

"Thank you" she says genuinely pleased. "Are you ready?" She asks but is disappointed when he shakes his head at her.

"No, I won't be going tonight, I'm afraid I'm no fun, as Kol likes to put it" Finn says. Bonnie chuckled at the way he said it before sighing softly.

"Well I think you're great" Bonnie says honestly. Finn's eyes soften as he looks at her making Bonnie smile once more. Before anything else, he pulls out a small talisman.

"While I'm sure you will be fine with my brother and the hunters, I've had this made for you" he says holding it out to her. Bonnie's eyes widen as she looks at it in awe.

"Finn, it's beautiful" she says in shock as she takes it. He smiles at the praise, knowing that coming from her it can only be genuine.

"I'm glad you think so, it will let me know if you are ever in danger, I put the amber in for extra protection" he says softly making her look up at him in shock.

"You made this?" She asks him. The original simply nods at her. Before either could say anything else, Bonnie threw her arms around him.

"Thank you" she says softly, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. After a moment of shock, Finn finally hugs her back.

"Of course, Bonnie" he says softly.

"You think this is a good idea?" Sam asks his older brother who simply shrugs. In all honesty Dean wasn't sure.

"I don't know man" Dean says before sighing. "But I think she needs this" he admits lowly. He didn't want the egotistical vampire to hear him.

Sam nods at Deans assessment. Maybe it wasn't the best idea but Dean was right. The fate of the world rested in Bonnie's hands, she may not have many more nights like this if any. She deserved it.

"Alright you boys ready?" They hear, turning to see Bonnie walking down the stairs in all white. Deans jaw drops as he sees her, in his eyes she looked like an angel. The white of her outfit made her skin glow and the simple makeup made her eyes pop. There was no mistake. She was truly the goddess of beauty and love.

"Uh yea of course" he says once Sam hits him. Shaking himself out of his stupor he smiles at her. "You look great" he adds, being rewarded with a large genuine smile.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" Bonnie says softly as she fixes his jacket. Sam looks on with his eyebrows raised, wondering if they know how much of married couple they look like.

"Alright lets go then gorgeous" Dean says softly. Bonnie smiles as she takes his arm, beginning to walk out. Sighing, Sam looks up at the sky.

"What the hell is your plan?" He asks God, knowing damned well he wasn't up there. Bonnie calls out to the youngest Winchester, making Sam walk out as well.
About in hour into it all Kol, Sam and Dean all learned one very important thing about Bonnie Bennett, she was a very fun drunk.

As the girl stood on bar, dancing with a blonde she'd met earlier that evening she earned a roar from the crowd. The girls, whom she wasn't dancing with, envied her and the men envied them. All in all it was turning out to be a good night in Deans opinion.

"Catch me" Bonnie yelled out giving everyone a split second before falling backwards. Dean rushed forward to catch her. As she landed in his arms he realized the small witch fit perfectly.

As she looked up at him she felt herself fade for a moment. At that same moment he realized her eyes bled gold.

"shukraan lak ya 'iilhi aldhahabiu" she told him her voice hypnotizing. The hunters eyes widened as her eyes went back to their natural green.

"Oh crap, I think I've had too much to drink" she says as he lets her down gently. He smirks at her softly, trying to get the golden eyes from his head.

"Maybe a little" he says playfully before shrugging. "But this is your night, go ahead, I've got the perfect thing for your head in the morning" he says making her smile.

Before she could stop herself Bonnie threw her arms around the man, quickly kissing his cheek lightly. Shocked he simply puts his hands on her waist to steady her. He felt his cheeks grow warm as he looked at the witch in his arms.

As she moves back to start dancing once more he can't help but watch her. She went back to dancing, as if she'd been this free all her life. As if she hadn't had him hooked from the beginning, wondering how a small witch could flip his world upside down.

After a few more hours of dancing, drinking and general happiness, they finally were able to drag Bonnie home. The small witch sang Don't Rain On My Parade the whole way home making the men around her smile.

"Sammy" she sings going over to the man who towered over her. The tall man smiled down at the small witch, more than a bit tipsy himself.

"Bonnie" he sang back terribly making her laugh as she leaned against him, causing them to start to go to the side. Dean stops them, rolling his eyes fondly at the pair.

"You know, I kind of love you guys right" she says looking up at him with wide eyes. Dean raises an eyebrow at the girl before turning to Kol. He was an egomaniac but he'd been looking after Bonnie all night, he was also the only one who was sober enough to hold a conversation with Dean.

"It seems we've cut the cheerleader off just a bit too late" Kol comments taking a swig off his beer once more. Dean rolled his eyes before looking back at Sam and Bonnie.

"Oh gimme a piggyback ride" she says excitedly making Sam look at her.

"What? Why?" He asked making the tiny witch look up at him with wide green eyes.

"I want to be tall" she tells him lowly so the others cant hear her. Sam chuckles but bends down so she could hop up on his back.

"Yay" she says going to hop on him. Deans eyes widen before he grabs her by the arm.

"Oh no, Sammy will fall over with you on top of him" Dean explains making Bonnie pout at the hunter. He has to stop himself from laughing at her look. Before she can open her mouth he sighs.

"Here, come on, get on my back" Dean says bending down slightly. Bonnie's eyes widen a moment before she smiles.

She jumps on his back happily, wrapping her legs around his waist. Dean grabs her legs lightly, hoisting her up higher. As he begins to walk she sighs happily.

"Thanks Dean" she says softly, kissing his cheek lightly before she lays her head down on his back. Dean smiles gently as he continued walking.

Neither of them noticing the dark eyes that followed them.
Dean finally made it up to Bonnie's room, plopping her on the bed gently. The feel of falling making the witch laugh lightly.

Bonnie smiled as she felt the world around her spin. Closing her eyes she focused on the soft sheets of the bed, shimmying further into them with a soft sigh. Dean simply raised an eyebrow at her, a small smile on his lips as he watched her get comfortable. The small witch turned, looking up at him with large green eyes.

"Dean" she says softly making him nod.

"Yea" he responds, wondering what the witch was going to say. She smiles at him as she leans up, bringing her hand to grab his and pulling him down onto the bed.

As he falls next to her she chuckles softly, looking down at him. Dean looks at her a moment before smiling up at the small witch. Putting a hand on her cheek he sighs.

"You" he starts softly making her tilt her head, the soft look on her face has the hunter ready to spill his guts. Instead he sighs, before giving her a smirk. "You are some kinda crazy" he says.

The comment has her throwing her head back with a laugh. Bonnie smiled at him as he sat up, earning a smile back.

"Come on, lay down, time to go to sleep" Dean says as he stands, beginning to move the blanket. Bonnie rolled her eyes but laid down, smiling when he pulled the blanket up to cover her.

"Dean" she says softly making him look down at her. Bonnie puts a hand on his cheek gently, her smile warm and glowing.

"Yea" he says his voice low.

"I'm really glad I met you" she whispers to him, shocking the hunter. Dean can only look at her for a minute, into her honest eyes, wondering how she came to be in his life.

"Me too" he says softly. Before he can change his mind he leans down, kissing her forehead softly. "Goodnight Bonnie"
The next morning was mostly a blur. She could barely remember getting ready, let alone how she managed to get through her hangover. Sam had a good laugh telling her how much he loved her back.

Even though she made faces and sarcastic comments, Bonnie was glad. She truly cared about Sam and wanted them to be close. She knew she cared about Dean and she knew they had a special connection, both with and without the god/goddess thing going on.

They were kindred spirits. Both willing to sacrifice their lives for the people they care about. He made her feel safe. Now they remembered how in love they once were.

Bonnie frowned as she looked down at herself, she looked good. The witch/goddess wore a jumpsuit that had a plunging neckline and more than enough lace. She tied her hair back, leaving a few strands in her face. Taking what she wore into consideration she barely wore any makeup, leaving it mostly natural. All in all she was happy Rebekah talked her into buying it, it made her feel powerful.

They had stopped in front of a restaurant and sighed. Dean and Castiel were at her side, while Finn, Kol and Sam walked around the perimeter to be sure everything was alright.

"Ready?" Dean asked as he looked at her. He wouldn't forget how she looked walking down the stairs. The night before she looked like an angel, now she looked ready to tear apart hell. It was hot.

"As I'll ever be" Bonnie said after a moment, taking Deans arm. Castiel looked on as he followed them, wondering if they even knew they were acting like their past selves.

They opened the door to the restaurant, finding it empty except for a single occupant. Crowley sat at the table, standing when they arrived.

"Hello boys" he greeted Dean and Castiel before his eyes landed on Bonnie.


Okay sooo more filler I already have the next chapter ready and boooyyyy when I tell you shit gets real SHIT GETS REAL omg I'm so excited to share this
The next chapter will be up soon the next installment for this one will be up within the next few days maybe even as soon as tomorrow morning just because I took such a long hiatus to come back with a filler chapter lol🤦🏻‍♀️
I love and appreciate you all so much again thank you so much for the support it means the world to me❤️

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