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By Sharyn_Jael

655K 21.6K 21.1K

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Character Aesthetics, Warning, Copyrights
Final Note


13K 477 407
By Sharyn_Jael

5.3k words. As in two chapters. 400 comments and I'll update immediately lol?


Katrina Diaz

Since it was a Saturday, Hayden took me out to show me around the city. We visited a few art galleries, one of which featured sculptors. On spotting a sculptor of a man, I stood beside him and urged Hayden to take photos. The gallerist placed a thick book in his hand so that his hand, which was a foot away from his chest, as if showing the sculptor, was indeed holding a book. Overly excited, I plucked the book out, placed it on the ground and slid into the gap in a way that my back was to his chest and his arm was around me.

"Take the picture. Quick!" I prompted Hayden.

"With the hand on your chest?" He arched a dark brow.

Confused, I gazed down at the palm which rested exactly over my left boob. I shrugged. "It's really not inconvenient."

"It will be when I break that sculptor." Sheer possessiveness underlined his words, sending a jolt of joy through my blood. The fact that Hayden Evans burned with jealousy just as much as I did for him spoke volumes.

And I wondered what I had done to deserve Hayden.

Followed by that threat, Hayden dragged me out of the gallery, reasoning, "You're dodgy enough to stand beside some sculptor and shove your nostril down its held-up pinkie finger."

"Is that your attempt at jokes, Arsewipe? You should take notes from Nick." I gave him a look. "If possible, take notes on how to please a woman, too"

"I didn't hear you complaining last night in bed," he retorted, the reminders of his words sending a thrill down my spine.

Swallowing, I walked ahead of him. "That's what we women do; we never complain."

"I'm giving you ten seconds to rectify those words, Spitfire." Velvet and chaos followed me to the car in the parking.

"If not?" I challenged him.

Warm breath caressed the nape of my neck as he whispered, "Then I'll take things in my hands."

"But I'm in charge for today," I argued, reminding him of our deal that I would be the one doing all the work in the bedroom today. Pressing on the car lock, I grinned, "So no touching me. Get in the car."

As if to make a statement, he opened the door, and I opened my mouth to verbally fight with him for the driver's seat. My words morphed into a shriek as he picked me up and discarded me into the seat. Leaning over me, bringing in the familiar scent of Cedar Wood and White Pepper, he strapped my seat belt, which, by the way, had become a ritual of his. When I had asked why he was doing it, his answer was he was careful like that and I was a chaotic driver. He never bothered with putting on his own seat belt though, as if he didn't care what could happen to him if we met with an accident.

"Don't try me." His words pulled me back from my reverie and my nipples hardened from the memory of me riding Hayden in the middle of the woods in his car.

As he rounded the car, I attempted to calm down the flush covering my body. The litheness and the ease with how Hayden could throw me around in and out of bed and the training room would never not surprise me.

Arkney City was bisected by the Dexter River, which streamed from the north down to the south of the Island. While the University of Arkney resided on the west side of river Dexter, the Dexter Park, the Dexter Beach and many other ancient, artistic monuments were on the west side of the river. The Dexter Bridge, which sat high above the river Dexter, was one of Arkney's most iconic landmarks that offered panoramic skyline views of the city.

When we made our way around the Dexter park, where I saw the incredible views of the Arkney University skyline as I strolled in a walking lane on a rented electric bicycle. Hayden simply stayed on a bench behind because he was too much of a macho man to ride bicycles.

After my ride, he let me soak up in the sun and then we hit the cobblestone streets to shop for a few Japanese antique paintings and a few clothes. By the time it was four-thirty in the afternoon, Hayden dragged me to Dexter Beach so we could witness the sunset.

The huge golden ball bleed into the firmament, lighting up the sky in magnificent colours before going down as I stood ahead of Hayden, drinking in the surrounding serenity with pure wonder. A gust of November wind blew my wild red hair onto my face, flapping my flimsy top against my chest. The urge to snap perfect panoramic photographs that included the soaring spires of the Arkney University skyline and the shimmering river below the bridges burgeoned deep within me.

"It's beautiful." My words carried over the wind. Hayden only squeezed my shoulder in silent agreement.

It was when he was standing at a higher altitude, which added another foot to his already ridiculous height. With his head in his clouds, he gave me an amused look. "How is the weather down there?"

"Dry as a desert. You're doing little to nothing to arouse me. Time to take notes."

My response made him kiss the shell of my ear, mumbling a promise. "Remember your words tonight". It was quite fascinating to think Hayden Evans, the sexiest man on the planet, cared about my sexual arousal.

Pressing my lips to stop myself from smiling, I arched my brow. "Where to now?"

"McLean Cliff."

"No." A meek groan escaped my throat. "I can't walk anymore. Let's sit down somewhere."

He scanned our surroundings. "Let's get you something to eat first."

He twined our fingers and shuffled us through the swarms of tourists scattered along the pavement along the beach to stop at a restaurant whose driveway was lined by neatly trimmed lush green hedges and lampposts.

Ten minutes later, I was sitting opposite Hayden in an upscale restaurant to have our dinner while an annoying waitress wouldn't stop giving me that look because I was undressed. So, I simply asked her what was the best thing on the menu, made her repeat her answer thrice, then further asked her about the dressings and complimentary dishes, and prompted her to answer it three more times before ordering a completely different thing. Nostrils flaring, she strutted away from us.

"What if she spits in your food?" Hayden arched a brow.

I narrowed my eyes. "Are you giving her ideas?"

"Hardly. I'm being purely logical."

"So you would do that if you were in her shoes."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I would do so much worse."

"Right chaos theory rubbish." I leaned forward and whispered, "How will I know she didn't do that? Hayden, I'm so hungry and if I have a slight hint that she spit in my food, I'll take a breath, and start counting to ten."


"Then throw a punch at seven because she won't see it coming."

"She can't. She is under surveillance. If you still insist, I'll ask for a new waitress and you can give a new order." Hayden's lips twitched into a smile. The fact that he cared sent a smile to my face, and I refused silently with a shake of my head.

Some things in life were worth dressing up for, and when it involved having dinner with Hayden Evans and live piano and Italian cuisine, it was not just worthy, but mandatory too. I was criminally underdressed; however, savouring the taste of Fiorentina Steak, I couldn't care less.

Snapping Hayden out of his phone, I complained, "Seems like I broke my spinal cord because of walking all day; thanks to you."

"So you could spam your Instagram feed with 246,906,427,904 posts. You're welcome." He countered, making my cheeks burn.

My eyes drifted over to the skyline view of the city visible through the floor-to-ceiling window. "You know what? Call someone and send the car back. We will walk on the Dexter bridge."

"I thought you broke off your spine already." His brows furrowed.

"Nonsense. I'm as good as new." I assured him. he looked like he was about to reject but didn't utter a word. The rest of our dinner went in silence, excluding the noise of knives clinking and crockery rattling.

After half an hour, we were strolling on the deck.

My eyes scanned every little detail of the bridge, from the towers to the deck panels to the walls of the bridge. To say that stretched out across the violent currents of the River Dexter, the suspending structure loomed majestically would be an understatement.

"I want to click a picture." At my words, Hayden's steps halted, and he pulled out his phone, gesturing to the bridge wall.

One strange fear that followed me after my fall was the fear of heights. I had talked to Wren about it, too. To climb the bridge wall wasn't easy, not when I could fall accidentally from a blood pressure crash or Diaval's prompting. Yet, I climbed even as my heart galloped in my chest and nerves jittered in my stomach, surprising Hayden and myself.

"What pray are you doing?"

"Waiting for Jeff Bezos to announce I'm his long-lost sibling," I grinned, slightly relieved to keep my voice collected and very much sarcastic, even if my insides were turbulent at best.

"Why are you always sarcastic?" inquired Hayden, reaching forward to catch me and pull me down.

Slapping his hand away, I replied, "Because murder is wrong."

"Is it now?"

"Quick. Take the picture," I urged him, surprised to find the panic in his eyes. The look in his eyes was my harsh reminder that my fall had taken a toll on him, too.

With a sigh of disapproval, he moved back to make sure I fit properly into the frame while I tried not to freak out as my heart thundered in my chest from the sound of waves beneath the bridge. Quickly snapping a few pictures, he demanded,

"Get down. Now."

"I want to walk on the wall." I shook my head, deciding to push my limits and crush this fear. This fear was ridiculous.

"Katrina," he warned, eyes surveying the thickness of the wall and my feet. The former is wider; he had nothing to worry about. "Get down,"

"Please," I drawled, looking at the golden hue emitting from the University structure, which was far away, over my shoulder.


I sneaked a look at the river. "I don't know, but I want to walk - not to live under the fear that I'll fall."

I expected Hayden to ridicule me like Cain would have done, but Hayden, all that logic and reasoning, shook his head. "It's risky, Katrina."

"I swear, I'll incline towards the deck." I pleaded with him.

"Catch it," he muttered reluctantly, offering his left hand for me to catch it. Grateful for his hand, I gripped it tightly, twining my fingers with his so he could catch me if I were to fall.

Heart pulsing in my throat, my eyes wandered over to the swirling water underneath the bridge, the yellow light rays from the city were shimmering and shining on its surface, creating a surreal view. A chill raked through my spine when I noticed the way the currents threatened to whip away anything that dared to touch it.

Swallowing, I looked back at Hayden, who looked like he would catch me before I could trip. The November breeze swept my hair onto my face, obscuring my view. The noise from the traffic farther away from the bridge did very little to calm my nerves. Tucking my hair strands behind my ear with my left hand, I took a brave step with my shaky right leg.

Don't fall, Kate!

Don't fall!

Chanting the command in my mind, I took another step, and Hayden did the same to catch up with me.

"I don't want to fall." I peered down at Hayden, his eyes were on me, and I could see the concern in his eyes; he was silently urging me to get down.

Still, his words betrayed the emotion in his eyes.

"You won't."

He hadn't said that he would catch. He had said I wouldn't fall. It spoke of his faith in me. Faith in me to find the strength to push myself past my fears. Faith in me to not fall.

Tearing my eyes away from him, I glanced at the stunning views of the city at the other end of the bridge. Determined to reach it, I took another step. My pace became normal with a few more steps, and my face lit up, lips curling into a victorious smile.

"Leave my hand, Hayden. The heights aren't scary," I mused, releasing Hayden's hand, training my eyes back to the huge gothic structures illuminated by bright lights and boasting an iconic skyline view as they protruded proudly from the ground.

"Hayden, You're the literal definition of down to earth," I repeated his words from the morning when he was teasing me. Literally. I would've never pegged a billionaire to be my anchor through and through when he could be doing so much better things with his life.

And so I walked on the narrow wall with a frenzy in my veins while the cool air sent goosebumps down my open-sleeved arms. "I did it, Hayden." Screaming, I jumped down off the wall.

Hayden was quick to loop an arm around me and pulled me into his chest, wrapping another arm before I fell on the deck, grumbling, "That's enough adventure for a night."

Rolling my eyes, I looked down at him. Only after locking eyes with his jade eyes, it dawned on me that the position was so romantic. My heart fluttered at the thought, and I dipped my head down, wrapping my hands around his neck while his arms were still around my waist like a vise.

"Kiss me, hubs," I pleaded, brushing my thumbs on his neck as the warmth from him seeped into me.

He pressed his lips against mine, kissing me like never before. If I hadn't already fallen so hopelessly and irredeemably in love with him, I would have now. Despite my fear of rejection, I poured my heart into the kiss, hoping he wouldn't break it.

The chilly air swooned past me, causing the hair on my exposed arms and neck to stand up. As chills skated down my skin, I frowned, teeth chattering. I should have chosen an appropriate outfit, instead of a black crop top, a grey skirt, a pair of black sheer tights and a pair of black trainers. Not my best outfit, but it was all about comfort.

And well did that work for you?

"I'm a clown."

"Pardon?" Hayden arched a brow.

"It's cool," I whined, burying my head into his shoulder as another chill raked down my spine, borrowing myself into the warmth from his body, palms rubbing against each other for heat. He set me down, and I dipped my head down, causing my wavy hair to fall over my cheeks and momentarily blanket my face and my neck from the chilly air.

"What are you doing?" It was the weight of a thick garment on my shoulders that snapped my attention to Hayden, who was setting his jacket over my shoulders.

"Zip it up," he ordered, his tone leaving no space for argument. Butterflies swirling in the pit of my stomach, I hesitantly pushed my hands into the jacket and pulled the zipper up. My chest warmed from his gesture. Literally and figuratively.

"Don't you feel cool?"

"I'm fine." He shrugged, eyes drifting over to the path in front of us. His warm hand found mine, and he brushed my skin in a soft caress.

And I did. It was hard to keep up with his pace since he had longer legs and my exhaustion had returned in full force, but I followed him, as I would do anywhere he would ask me to.

His thumb occasionally stroked the back of my hand, causing me to smile. Since the bridge was fairly quiet at this hour, every time I leaned into him, I could hear the sound of his breathing over the sound of our footsteps. Can he be any more beautiful?

I had to be creepy to think the sound of his breathing was surreal.

After what seemed like an hour, my steps faltered. I pulled my hand back from his and rested my hands on my kneecaps, panting and squatting. "How much more?"

"I'm as good as new." He mimicked my tone.

"Well, Arsewipe, now I'm as bad as old." I countered, looking up at him. "Can we rest? Or ride something?"

"We can't. In case you forgot, we are on the pedestrian bridge," he huffed. Walking back over to me, he looked down at his watch.

"Let's stop for a while," I begged, standing up normally as pain speared through my calves. "For ten minutes."

My eyes widened when he dropped to his knees and adjusted his stance. "Climb. Quick."

"You're kidding," I uttered, disbelief coating my words. Was this the same man who refused to go down on his knee while proposing to Kendra?

"Yeah, definitely. I'll make a show out of myself in the middle of the bridge." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm heavy." I shuffled on my feet.

His eyes scanned the nearly empty bridge. "No one is impressed by your theatrics, Katrina. Hop on. Now."

Scowling at him, I trudged towards him from behind. Placing my arms on either side of his shoulders, I bent a little over my feet while he interlocked his hands behind my knees, slowly rising back to his feet. After we adjusted our stance, he started walking.

God, did I love him.

"Aren't I heavy?"

"It's too late for self-pity."

"Asswipe," I muttered, resting my chin against his head. "Your head can absolutely be an armrest," I repeated one of his taunts from earlier.

"And yet your arms can't reach my head," he retorted, walking just as quickly as before like he didn't have a weight on his shoulders.

It was a good thing that we had sent our shopping bags with Hayden's chauffeur back home.

Gently letting my hand fly into his hair, I raked my fingers through it, unable to express my love for this man who could do so much better than me. The rest of our ride back to the city was short and calm. However, my eyes stretched as far as they could and my lips parted as I took in the panoramic views.

After we reached the end of the bridge, we were welcomed by the busy roads of Arkney City, and he put me down before booking a ride to our place.


By the time we reached home, my exhaustion pulverised and my hoe-mood was full on. So, tonight, as per Hayden's and my deal from the morning, I took things into my control. To ratchet up Hayden's misery, I had even proposed undressing him at my pace.

Kneeling in front of him, I started to undo his belt before zipping down his trousers and pushing them down his legs along with his pants, releasing his cock. Locking my eyes with him, I grabbed his throbbing cock and pressed my lips against the head.

Desire wove through me, primal, potent, profane in its sensuality. He fisted my wild red hair in his hand, eyes searing my lips with their gaze. I worked my way down the underside, and his fingers combed through my hair as I kissed him until I had covered the top part of the shaft as well as his balls.

Only then did I open my mouth and sucked on his head.

"Spitfire," he hissed, shoving his hips forward. I let him slide in as far as I could before he pulled back, permitting me to work around the tip. His fingers tangled in my hair, holding me still. "Take me in as far as you can, then let me fuck your throat." I groaned, so turned on by the idea.

My eyes closed as he slid in and out, pumping a few times before it dawned on me that I had already given him the reins. Taking a deep breath, I swatted at his hand, freeing his cock, mumbling, "I'm in control for tonight."

He scoffed.

Ignoring his arse, I took him in again, working him deeper. I wasn't ready to show off my newfound skills but contented myself to plunge him in and out of my mouth. Hayden's hips moved with me as I worked my mouth on him, lips stretched tight around his girth and jaws aching as I fellated my husband. Finally, it was time to show off.

As I bobbed my lips on his cock, I worked him deeper and deeper into my mouth. Willing my throat to relax, I took him even further in before coming up for air one last time.

"You like this?" I asked him hoarsely before licking a dollop of pre-cum and saliva from my lips.

"You're taking it so deep."

Was his only response, as if he was more worried about me struggling to breathe than his release. That was Hayden Evans for me - so unbelievably caring and unrealistically warm.

Taking him back to my lips, I plunged him deep into my mouth, listening to him gasp. "Fuck."

His hands fisted by his sides, and I glanced at them with satisfaction, knowing I was pleasing my husband. Determined, I worked his cock even deeper into my mouth, coughed once as his cockhead reached past my gag reflex, then began bobbing him fully into the back of my throat.

"Look at me," he demanded. Moaning, I worked him in and out of my mouth, taking him to the hilt about every third or fourth stroke. Hayden's hips moved faster, and I struggled to stay with him while timing my breathing with his cock lunging into my throat, which was becoming raw. When his back arched and his cock began to throb in my mouth as I sucked him, his salty taste intensified.

He was close.

Then, I pulled back and pushed him onto the bed, surprising him and incensing him in equal measure.

"Katrina," alarming green eyes flashed with a warning. "Don't test me."

Flopping on his lap, I began to work with the buttons of his shirt, slowly and teasingly, pulling my lower lip in between my teeth. Shoving the shirt down his shoulders, I drank in the sight of pure sensuality in front of me. Trailing my soft fingertips at an unhurried pace, I felt the undeniably hard muscles and their concealed power under my touch.


I kissed the corner of his mouth. "Patience, hubs. Let me take care of you."

The impatient scowl on his face became more prominent.

Climbing down off of his lap, I walked back a few feet away from the edge of the bed, the taunting smile on my face widening.

"Take off everything." His eyes trailed down my frame, sending heat to pool low in my belly.

"I believe you're asked to be patient, Hayden." I reprimanded, sinking to my knees on the floor. Performing a practised move of flopping onto my back like an exotic dancer, I raised my legs high in the air, pulling the sheer tights, spreading my legs, giving him a peek of my lacy black panties while my skirt hung inside out from my position.

Expression that of a man driven to ecstasy, he patted his thigh, cajoling me. "Come here, my sweet, sweet Spitfire."

Planting my feet back on the ground, I opened the fly and zipper of my skirt before divesting the skirt of myself, showing off my arse cheeks this time.

"Come here," he insisted softly.

Flexing my hips, I shifted back onto my knees; the motion making the contours of my curves maddeningly erotic like that of a dancer's; I ran the tip of my tongue before dragging the crop top over my head, exposing my lacy bra, unashamed of the evidence of my hardening nipples.

"Come," commanding, he made a come hither motion with his fingers.

A furore of lust crashed through me from the way his gaze burned and devoured my body all at once.

"Patience," I taunted him, sauntering over to him, eyes flicking to his hard cock. "I should take care of — blimey!"

Exhilaration raced through my nerves as Hayden's hands clutched my hips, dragging me onto his lap, my wet panties nuzzling against his hard, maddening heat.

"Hey, I'm — what!!"

A scream tore through me as he tossed me onto my back before mounting me. His fingers tugged at my g-string panties with brute force, snapping them into two. His hand came down hard on the side of my ass cheek, making me shriek and almost cum.

I opened my mouth to ask him, but he cut me off yet again. "I told you not to test me."

"But I—"

"Three times." He spanked hard. "And you still have to be defiant."

"Fuck!" I fell back onto my chest, resting my left cheek on the soft blanket.

"Open your legs." He demanded, running the head of his cock between the lips of my pussy. I pushed backwards when he lined himself up with my entrance and slammed himself into my wet core. As soon as he was inside me, I clamped down around him, crying out with pleasure. He slapped my ass right after I made the noise. He withdrew slowly, wrapped my hair around his hand and wrist, and yanked my head violently back as he thrust roughly to the hilt. I gasped for air since all of it had seemed to vacate my body all at once.

He began thrusting against me rhythmically, his thighs slapping against my ass, while he intermittently spanked me for the noises I was making.

This wasn't romantic, and it wasn't just sex or making love. He was fucking the hell out of me, claiming me for those couple of moments that we were sharing. He was using his cock as a sweet, pleasurable punishment, bludgeoning my pussy into submission. I have to admit that I was completely okay with it. Because as much as this seemed like aggression and dominance, this was also a silent reiteration that Hayden was not in control of.

Not like his usual controlled strokes. This was Hayden ravaging me, possessing me in ways that he had done never before. At one point, he stopped moving, his hips resting tightly against my ass as he leaned forward to speak in my ear, which only made him go deeper.

"Ahh... fuck!"

"What was it about taking notes?" he asked, his breath puffing against my ear. I nodded my head, pulling my own hair because it was still fisted in his hand, making my eyes water a little.


"It surely wasn't nothing in the morning," he muttered, then continued to fuck me into oblivion, grunting and groaning behind me, his sexuality a primal force slapping onto my skin.

My walls rippled around him, wanting to force him over the edge. Hayden smacked my ass, and I tightened even more around him. "Fuck!"

He slapped my ass again before a freight train of expletives left his mouth, fully aware that the rest of the night would be a fury of possessive confessions, devouring kisses and cries of pleasure and pain interspersed by moans.


I hadn't fully cut ties with my father. He didn't let me. He would call me once in a while to check on me. Hayden had told me my dad had offered to pay my tuition fees, too, which, by the way, Hayden had declined. Miguel Diaz was an absent parent, but he wasn't an abusive one like Matilda. And I could never hate him. When I had started updating him about my mental health, he had been apologising for being an absent parent. He had hated his wife and he had distanced himself from our house, moving closer to Gladys Lee and becoming an absent parent in my life. For that, he would apologise every time we talked. Even though I wanted to be resentful, the fact that he had always been the one person that I could trust soothed my anger.

"How are you, Kate? Are you happy?" he asked, a note of regret underlining his voice.

"Yes, Hayden is amazing and I'm happy, dad," I assured him, biting on the inside of my cheek.

"Do you need anything? Any way I could make up for you?" he inquired, and my heart swelled with the genuine regret in his words. Instead of expecting me to forgive him, he would ask how he could make things better.

"Nought," I uttered, "But there is one thing. I want you to tell me the truth. Am I your illegitimate child?" Who is my biological mother?

"No, you're not. Neither you nor Kendra," he answered, and shock slammed through me. "Shortly after our marriage, Matilda cheated on me and Kendra happened. Back then, when we were in Frostburgh, due to our family conditions, we couldn't part ways. And I never truly accepted Kendra as my daughter."

No wonder he was never the warmest to Kendra.

"And who am I?" I felt my eyes burn.

I wanted to belong, to find one person that was truly related to me through blood, to have one person who I could share my roots with. Given how much my dad favoured me over Kendra, and how highly he valued me over his wife, I had assumed I was his. But I wasn't.

"I don't know, sweet child. It was when we were in our penury. One morning Matilda came to the cottage we lived in with a doctor and a wealthy couple. They offered to give us 20 million back in those days if we adopted and took care of you..." he trailed off.

"And she adopted me for that money," I surmised, knowing Matilda Diaz would do anything and everything for money. Tears filled my eyes at the strange thought of my biological family wanting to give me away like I was a piece of cattle.

"I had no say in the matter. And I never saw the couple again. I just loved you more than Kendra because I know how the mother and daughter would make you feel like an outsider when, in reality, every penny in the household was yours." He laughed ruefully. "You have a huge, old money inheritance in your name, Kate. You'll inherit it on your twenty-first birthday. As far as I know, she is trying to find a loophole to acquire all that wealth. She doesn't realise you were her golden goose and killed parts of you out of greed."

My chest tightened. I didn't know why someone who would give me away would want to give me wealth. And I wanted to know. But my dad had no answer and my mother wouldn't give me answers.

Cutting the call, I tossed my phone on the bed, gazing down at the Anchor Tattoo on my wrist, unable to make sense of the tears forming behind my eyes. I was a nobody!

"You're worthy." Wren's words from one of our therapy sessions rang in my head.

Taking a breath to calm myself, I exited the building, searching for Hayden wordlessly. I found him at the garage conversing with someone on the phone. Unwilling to disturb him, I moved away from the doorframe, leaning my head against the wall as guilt resurfaced, bringing back painful memories of my tragic existence.

"Do what you've got to do." The voice of velvet and chaos became rigid. "But Katrina shouldn't know the truth."

I stilled, everything inside me going alert at once.

"It's not lying if she is in the dark. Besides, since when does how I deal with my wife concern you?" He sounded irritated, and I furrowed my brows, unable to piece things together.

Katrina shouldn't know the truth. It's not lying if she is in the dark, he had said. Which meant he was lying, but about what?

"Mislead them," he ordered. "Call me back when you've got an update."

My heart thundered in my chest, hearing his approaching footsteps.


This is my favourite chapter in the entire book LOL and I hope you liked it too.

What do you think Hayden is lying about?

400 comments lmao

Stay safe ❤️

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