Good time lovin'- Dominic Fike

By richi3sm0m

36.2K 715 1.9K

"Talk to your man, tell him he's got bad news. comin', walk on the edge, wi... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 4

3.7K 91 208
By richi3sm0m

       Not sure if finishing this story is even worth it at this point:-/  anyways suggestive themes ahead pls comment if u read I feel so unmotivated lmao

       Dom pulled you into his chest as Kevin and his boyfriend continued to argue. He rest his head on top of yours, bringing his hand up to your head and holding you close.

       "I got you babydoll. You're safe," he whispered into your ear, and you felt him move his head off of you so he could listen in on Kevin's ongoing conversation. You looked up at him, and noticed a splatter of blood on his jaw. Had he hurt Peter that badly?

          "I don't like this," you said, getting nauseous. He looked down at you as your eyes shifted all over the room rapidly, you pushed off of him lightly.

          "What do you mean?" He questioned, still holding you to him, but loosening his grip so you had space to move if you wanted to.

            "All this. It's too much. I'm freaking out, maybe I'm just too drunk," your breathing started to pick up in pace again. Were you about to have another panic attack? Why? You were safe now, right?
              "You hurt him so bad. What if he gets angry. He's gonna come back for me. For you. You just kept hitting and hitting and hitting. There's so much blood. You have blood on you. What stops you from snapping and getting mad at me and hurting me?" The alcohol was getting to you. You wished you wouldn't have drank so much, because all you needed in this situation was a clear head. The circumstances were horrible at the moment. You flinched as soon as the words left your mouth, freaking out about the fact you just suggested Dom would abuse you. Your intoxicated brain was too confused to react accordingly, and instead you just panicked more, fearing you had made Dom upset.

        He wasn't upset, of course. That was a very valid concern you had, and he would never make you feel bad for having fears and anxieties, especially after all you had been through with your ex. Did it sting a little to think you didn't feel completely safe with him? Yes, but he knew that wasn't your fault, and if anything, it was his.

       "We have to talk," he meant to calm you down, but his words only stressed you more. He had to be mad now. Right? You began sobbing uncontrollably, your breath too far gone to catch.

       "Calm down mamas, you're okay. We're okay. Sit with me," he took a seat on the now empty couch. Everyone had been cleared out of the living room. You could hear some people outside and could hear what sounded like Peter angry crying nearby. You walked in front of  Dom and he patted his thigh, inviting you to sit on it. You did, but put your face in your hands and sobbed. He put one arm around your waist and pulled you close.

"I'm not here to argue with you princess, calm down. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done what I did. It was wrong. I'm not trying to excuse my actions, but I need you to know that I was just scared. I was so scared that he was gonna hurt you bro. I'm so sorry angel," Dominic stated at you and you began to calm down. You nodded your head and sniffled. You felt like this was all your fault in a sense. It was because of you that the whole scene had even happened in the first place right? Because you left Peter? Because you didn't stick by Dom's side? It was all your fault, right?

" It's not your fault babydoll, so I better not hear any of that. I would do it again ten times over if it meant I kept u safe," Dom whispered in ur ear. He had read your mind. It tickled, and filled you with a sense of warmth you hadn't felt in years. This was where you belonged. This was home. This was the place you could stay and never feel alone or lost. Right here in Dom's arms.

"You wouldn't hurt me right Dom?" You asked, and cringed as the words left your mouth. Maybe he would take offense to them. Peter would. He had. And then he had gone and hurt you. Maybe it was an insensitive question to ask somebody.

Dom didn't think so. He looked down at your shaking frame with puppy dog eyes, trying his best to keep his composure. He could've cried right then and there, just seeing how scared and helpless you look, how you relied on him to provide you a sense of safety right now. He would be dammed if anything was gonna stop him from giving you just that. He held back tears, fearing it would make you feel more guilty, and he wiped your own with his thumb.

"I'd rather die princess. Never in a million years."

Everything fell into place at that moment.

Dom slipped his arms under your knees and picked you up bridal style.

"I'm taking y/n home. Let me know what happens with Peters bitch ass. Tell him if he tries it again I'll beat him harder than he does his tiny pathetic dick every night. Stupid motherfucker." You giggled at Dom's cursing, which was aimed at your ex but unfortunately thrown at Abstract. Kevin just nodded and waved him away before turning back to his boyfriend. Now that you were sure Dom wouldn't take his anger out on you, you could cherish just how fine he looked and sounded being all protective over you. It wasn't any jealous shit either, just genuine care and compassion.

The alcohol in your system, although making you panic before, was not helping to lighten your mood, and before long you were all peppy again while Dom carried you to the car. You snuggled into his chest, smiling.

"You're so hot," you groaned, turning your head up to look at him.

"We've been knew. Tell me something I don't know," he replied, and you laughed at the seriousness with which he said it.

"Ummmm... I want to fuck," it slipped. You were too exhausted and intoxicated to care though.

"Also been known," he joked with a smile.

"No, like, for real," you got serious, hoping he would realize the severity of the situation. He looked down at you, his brows furrowing.

"You don't know what you're saying babydoll, just close your eyes and rest." He kissed your forehead before slipping you into the passenger seat of the car.

"I do. I've never wanted to do something with someone so much. You make me feel so safe," you slurred, your eyes closing.

"That's the bare minimum princess. Everyone you're friends with should make you feel saf-" you cut him off quickly.

"Are we just gonna pretend that kiss never happened?" You moved your head side to side in the seat, keeping your eyes closed as Dom turned on the car radio and a mellow tune started to play. It lulled you slowly in and out of sleep.

"No, but we can talk about it when you're sober." Dom tried to keep his tone calm, but his stomach was doing flips and he could feel his palms get sweaty. His anxiety over you confessing was driving him insane.

" I wanna kiss you again. Can we kiss again? Please. Let's kiss again," you giggled and tried reaching over to him, but he pushed you off lightly, keeping his eyes on the road. You pouted, but relaxed when you felt his hand on your thigh, just resting there, holding you back without using any force.

"Stay still baby doll," he chuckled, "gonna make me crash,"

You stayed quiet the rest of the drive, vibing out to the music. You only realized it was Dom's voice when you got back home.

"Holy fuck thats you!" You exclaimed, way too loud for the time of night that it was. Dom smiled and helped you out the car.

"Yeah, me and Kev have been working on some stuff," he stared down at you and you wrapped your arms around his neck, signaling him to pick you up. He did, and then walked inside with you. Your sleepyness hit you out of nowhere as soon as Dom plopped you down on the bed. You blinked at him with half lidded eyes as he left and came back with a cup of water, which he signaled at you to drink by extending his arm out. He rubbed his own eyes, and you could tell he was sleepy as well.

                  "So can we have sex now?" You said with a deadpan expression.

"Drink." He commanded, and you rolled your eyes and took a sip. You knew you were drunk, but you were still sober enough to know you didn't want to be treated like a baby right now. You still did as he said, hoping he would stop avoiding the conversation.

"Good girl," he murmured as he scratched the side of your head with his finger tips. Your heart did little flips in your chest, and you continued to stare at him, not letting go of the topic at hand.

Dominic stood still and stared at you, his eyes half lidded, an unamused expression on his face, and one corner of his lips turned up in defeat.

             He sat down next to you and patted his  thighs once with his hands.

"The kiss. Okay."

You turned to face him and forced a little smile despite your muscles feeling too tired to do anything.

"Did it mean anything to you?" You asked, jumping straight into it. You saw Dominic bite his lip, and you got a little nervous.

"Of course bro. I just, I don't know. Fuck. I don't want you to think I'm using you or some shit. I don't want you thinking this is all some stunt I'm pulling to get into your pants. Or that I'm taking advantage of you when you're all vulnerable after your last relationship. It just felt too soon, you know? I didn't wanna mention it again because I acted out on impulse and disregarded the fact that relationships were still a sore spot for you," he ranted, words spilling out his mouth quickly, so quickly that they even began to get jumbled together when his tongue would trip over himself. He ran his hands through his short shaved hair aggressively, as if trying to rub away some imaginary mark on his scalp, but it wouldn't budge.

"And and and, I think about it and, it was like, I don't want you to start liking me just because you're sad about your last relationship you know? I didn't want you like- fuckinnnnn ...I don't know bro, using me as a rebound or some shit, thinking you wanna be with me then a couple months pass and you realize your brain just needed somebody to help you get over him, you know?" You nodded along as Dom tried desperately to articulate all of his thoughts.

"Youre right. I understand how you would think that. I would feel that way too if I were you. I don't wanna be too persistent, but I just want you to know I like you a lot, for real. Not just because you helped me out of that whole situation. You make me feel safe, you make me feel valued, you make me feel like I can be myself. I could talk to you for hours and never get bored. You make me feel like what I think and feel actually matters. And it's not just that either, not just what you can offer me. I'm infatuated with all the little things about you. The way you give me that cheesy smile after saying some stupid shit, your pretty puppy eyes, the way you control your emotions and handle situations, your laugh makes my heart skip, every time I see your hands I just want to hold them in mine, and your voice makes me feel like I can see heaven. I know I like you, and I'm not trying to convince you of anything, but I had to let you know,"

You were surprised you managed to get so much out, especially in your drunken state. It hadn't even been hard. You said everything exactly how you wanted to. Exactly how you felt it. It wasn't hard because it was the complete, honest, bold truth. Dominic stared at you for a bit, taking in everything you said. It was only a couple of seconds before you both leaned in and your lips touched again. His lips were soft, and moved gently with yours. He held your face in his hands, cupping your cheeks like you were the most precious thing on earth. Your hands gathered some of his shirt into fists, and you held on for dear life. One of his hands made its way down to your lower back, where he pulled you closer. Your lips moved in perfect sync, like old lovers reuniting for one last dance.

You moved yourself closer to him, straddling his waist. You were cherishing the sweet moment, but suddenly your body wanted more. You needed to feel closer. You needed him to hold you in your most vulnerable state and make you feel like a queen. He put both his hands on your hips as you deepened the kiss. His hands held you down tightly, and that only spurred you on more. You pressed your hips down in his lap, grinding against him. That's when he pulled away.

"Woah mamas, calm down. We can't do that right now," he chuckled. You let out an annoyed whine and started grinding down a little more, feeling him grow aroused as well.

"Why not. I want to, you want to ," you rolled your eyes and tried to convince him by kissing his neck, sucking on the spots close to his jaw. He couldn't help but let his head fall back a little and let out a heavy sigh in pleasure.

"You're drunk babydoll, I can't take advantage of you like that. Now get off of me mamas I'm trying to control myself," he lifted you off his lap with minimal effort. You complied, but continued on kissing him. You couldn't help yourself, and your drunk brain told you it would be a good idea to trail your hand down to his pants. He grabbed it quickly, and whispered in your ear.

" Let's get some sleep babydoll,"

You gave up on trying, deciding that you actually would rather enjoy this sweet moment in the solely romantic way it happened. Dominic took off your shoes and clothes, throwing you one of his shirts to put on. He took off his own shirt and jeans, and slipped into bed. You cuddled up to his chest and held him tight. An out poor of emotions occurred in that moment. You began crying out of seemingly nowhere. Sobs racked your body and a confused Dominic rubbed your back and tried asking what was wrong. You had no words to explain, so you only hugged him tighter. The realization that everything Dom did was for your well being hit too hard and too fast. Even when he had wanted to do what you did too, he held himself back, for your well-being. It may have been the bare minimum, but it caught you off guard. It contrasted our previous situations so much that you simply didn't know how to handle everything being perfect. It was too much at once, and you broke down.

         "Don't let me go, please," You pleaded with him, hold on tightly to him, pulling him closer with your arms around his chest.

           "Don't worry baby, I'm here. You're okay, you're okay..."

          The reassurance sent you into a blissful state of dreaming.

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