Rose Shadowmoon

By Brooke5310

483 29 3

This story is about a child of hades named rose Shadowmoon going to hogwarts with her boyfriend William skyli... More

Bad timing
Happy new year
The kidnapers
Dear bullys
The nightmare begins
Lerning about the parents
The meeting
Authors note

Meeting the rest of the order

57 4 1
By Brooke5310

Hey there, sorry if you've been waiting along time for me to update. I've had a long week.
Please tell me if you want updates more often, or if you want me to add something to the story, so I can try and make everyone happy.
Right, here's the story

Few hours later. rose's POV
Will moans a painful moan in his sleep, I need to wake him up. I start shaking him.
"Wake up. WAKE UP." I say more forcefully. I can't get him awake. He starts shaking as tears roll down my checks. Then I whisper in a pleading tone.
"Please wake up. It's ok. We're together, no one has hurt us yet. Please wake up, please" I whisper over and over again while tears are rolling down my face. Eventually he starts to calm down. When he finally wakes up he pulls me into a tight hug.
"It's ok" I whisper "it wasn't real, it wasn't real" by then the tears were off my face. I would not cry in front of him.
"I know" He whispers back. We sit like that for awhile, tight in each other's Embrace.
"What time is it?" I ask Once we've both clam down. He get up, pulling me with him, and goes to the window. I'm surprised to see that the sun has risen a quart way in the sky.
"I'ld say that's it 8'O clock" says will looking at the sky.
"I better change then" I say and lengthen my my blond hair and change it to brown. I also change my eyes to blue, and tan my skin.
"How do I look?" I ask when I'm done.
"Like no one I know. If it weren't for the clothes, then I would have know idea who you are." He says a bit worried. I'm Wearing my normal clothes, black jeans and a red top the goes to my elbows with a black waist coat over the top and my black leather jacket and black converts.
"Don't worry. They will find out I'm a Metamorphmagus sooner or later, but I want to have fun while they don't know." I say and smile mischievously.
"Hey rose?" Will asks in cautioned tone
"Yes" I say in a worried tone, why was he being cautious.
"Do you think you could hear what's going on down stairs?" He asks still cautious.
"I think so" I say then frown. "You know you can come to me with things like that. Do you not like what I am?" I say trying and failing the keep the hurt out of my voice.
"No, no, no I will alway love you no matter what you are it's just, I didn't want to upset you" he say pulling me into his embrace.
"Why would it upset me?" I ask.
"Where not close to nature and where near power lines." He say then looks me in the eyes.
"Why would your think that I would not love you, even with what you are?" He says holding my gaze. I can't look away, his eyes won't let me. I can't lie to him, he would see it in my eyes.
"I keep having a night mare that your repulsed by me, then leave me on the floor crying" I say in truth. "I keep waiting for it to happen" I say in truth again but this time, tears threaten to my eyes.
"Rose, you know that would never happen, it will never happen" he says then kisses me passionately. It was like every time we kissed, like fireworks are going off all around us. When were done I get into a crouch and use eyolas to listen.

I hear Alastor talking
"The order of the Phoenix meeting is now in session. First topic, weird girl and her friend." I narrate to will as there talking.
"Yes Tonks" said Alastor.
"I think that girl is a Metamorphmagus" she says and everybody gasps.
"What makes you think that?" Asks a new voice, it was a women's voice.
"The way her eyes changed from blue to black when we were in house 13 and she shifted her body the hold more muscle to lift the boy." Said Tonks.
"I didn't see the muscle Change but the eyes were strange" said Remus
"Then it's settle we agree. She is one" said Tonks
"No, I think we should watch her a bit more closely before we come to that conclusion" said Alastor.
"Ok then, what about her being a werewolf" said Remus.
"But someone so young?" Asks the women's voice.
"Well it would explain the growling and the yellow eyes." Said Remus.
"But that could be that she a Metamorphmagus" said Tonks.
"No. I don't think you could fake distress like that. She was fine if we went near her, She only got like that when we got near her friend." Said Alastor.
"Well, she must really like this boy then." Said the women's voice.
"I heard her crying this morning" said a new males voice.
"What do you mean?" Asked Tonks.
"What I mean is that I heard the guy moaning like he was in pain and the girl crying and telling him to wake up" said the male voice.
"That's horrible" said the female voice.
"Yes it is" said Tonks.
"Are you sure that's what you heard sirius?" Asked Alastor.
"Yes" yes said the male voice that we now have a name to. Sirius.
"So we've come to the conclusion that the girl is a werewolf and might be a Metamorphmagus. And the boy has seen things so that his subconscious reacts physically" concludes Alastor. There were muted yeses though out the room.
"Who are these strange people?" asks Remus. To this know one had an answer. "Meet over" said Alastor after 20 seconds of quiet.
"Good, I'll get the kids down for breakfast" said the women's voice.
I snap back into reality. I look at will to see his face distressed.
"How about you sing for me?" I ask will. Because of his father he Has a brilliant voice. He's the best male singer in cabin 7.
"Only if you sing with me" he says then reaches into his back pack and pull out a guitar.
"How did you fit that in there?" I ask astonished.
"Lou Ellen from cabin 20 charmed my bag" he says smiling
"Cool, what els do you have in there" I said reaching my hand in the bag.
"Beside the point, will you sing with me or not?" He asks smiling at my rummaging to find out what's in the bag.
"Fine" I say giving up "what song do you want to sing"
"How about impossible" says Will, properly think of the time I sang that to him. He thought I was good.
"Alright" I say and he starts playing.

Half way though the song I felt people at the door. I stopped singing. Will, noticing this stopped playing.
"What's wrong?" Asks Will.
"There's people out side the door" I say to him then say louder.
"What do you want". Remus, Tonks and Alastor came in.
"It's time for breakfast" said Tonks. Will put the guitar down and we get up off the floor. We stood there hand in hand for a while wile they just stood there staring at us.
"Is there something you want?" I ask getting annoyed.
"Where did you learn to sing?" Asks Tonks.
"My dad taught me and I taught her" he says pointing at me.
"It's ok, they know my name" I say needing to tell him because I don't want him to keep acting strange.
"But we don't know yours" says Alastor annoyed.
"Sorry, my name is Will. Did you not tell them Rose" he looks at me with a look of amusement.
"Well, I get protective" I say defending myself. Will just laughs.
"Alright let's just go" said Alastor and walked out. We followed him to a room like the one we were in before we were kidnaped, the difference is that this one is more homely. Sitting at an extended table were five red headed boys and one red headed girl. There was also a girl who had bushy brown hair, and a boy that had messy black hair that could rival Percy's. One of the red headed boys was a man I think was the father of the red headed kids, then some one who looks like the twins older brother, then there was the twins, and there younger brother, then the youngest was the girl. She looked about 14. Me and will sat down at the next available spot together, with me on his right. As soon as we sat down, a red headed women came in with food. The others ate while me and will just sat there with the food in front of us. We didn't want to eat because it was it could be poisoned.
No one talked. They were properly told not to talk to us.
After they were finished eating, the red headed women removed, and not without a lot of protests, the twins, there younger brother, there younger sister, the bushy brow haired girl and Percy's look a like.
They started the interrogation.
"Alright. Why were you 13 grimland place?"asked Alastor.
"Wait, can we a lest know our captors names?" Asked will. When he said that I flinched, he squeezed my hand.
"I'm Molly" Said a red headed women. She had the women's voice in the meeting this morning.
"I'm Arthur" said the red headed man. Molly and Arthur looked like the twins parents.
"I'm Sirius" said a man with shaggy black hair. They waited, like they were expecting a bad reaction when Sirius said his name. After they saw no reaction they moved on
"I'm bill" said the eldest red headed kid. He must be of age, I thought to myself.
"Alright, well we were in that house because we were being chased. Then rose past out. We needed a place to spend the night in shelter. The house looked abandoned, so we broke in. We were looking for flammable stuff to start a fire when you came in." Says will in a hard but polite voice.
"Well I'm off" said Alastor and walks out the room muttering about checking our things.
"Why didn't you eat the food" asks Molly.
"Well you kidnapped us, what's to make us think you haven't poisoned the food?" I snapped at her.
"Calm down rose. Did you taken you Meds last night?" Asks will in a calm voice and look me in the eyes.
"Yes I did. I remembered" I say proudly. Will smiled at me.
"What Medicine. Why do you need it?" Asked Remus with concern in his voice. "It isn't because your a werewolf is it?" He continued, still with concern.
"Gods no, I need to take Meds because of something I got from my mum, she was born with it and so was I." I say. We were really talking about the red paste blood substitute, but I had to cover it up. I wasn't about to tell them.
"If I don't get the right amount by the end of the month I get cranky. You can usually tell when I'm not getting enough when I get angry easily." Then I look pointedly at will. "But I'm being held captive against my will, I think I'm aloud to be angry." He flinched when I said captive against my will, a look of pain crossed his face.
"I'm sorry I went to far" I say then grab his other hand. He put on a fake smile.
"Any more question?" Asks will. He's alway so polite.
"Umm yes" say Tonks looking at us confused
"Well get on with it" I say to her frustrated.
"Why do you guys have to always be together?" She asks getting her thoughts together. For that we didn't have an answer. We couldn't tell them what we've been thought, it would basically give us away. They can't know. So instead of answering we stayed silent. They looked at us sceptically.
"Well if you wont tell us then you have no problem splitting up then" said Alastor as he came back in the room with our back pack.
"This is all confiscated" he says dumping the bag on the table.
"But what about roses Meds?" Asks will frantically.
"That's a lode of puking pastes. Bring them up to there now different rooms and interrogate the separately. Have alternating people watching them at all times, o and boy, I want you weapons." He said, Will handing his bow over. For good measure i re handed over my bracelet and smirked.
"But how....nerves mind" He finished as we were being hauled away. We struggled frantically, every one but Molly was helping. Then they shoved me in a room and locked the door. Only Tonks and Molly was in the room with me. As soon as they let go of me I frantically tried to find away out. I kicked the door and the walls and Tonks just held on to me again. When I calm down enough not to brake anything she let go of me and I went straight the the darkest corner and put my head in my lap.

After I don't know how long I was like that, I put my head put to see Molly has gone.
"Are you ok now?" Asks Tonks coming up to me carefully. I look for a marker. When I found one I grabbed her hand and tried to write 'I'm not talking to you' but I kept getting it wrong. I kept crossing it out and starting over. When her hand was black with scribbles I finally just rote it to the best of my abilities on her arm. She looked at it.
"You spelt talking wrong" she says and then asks "why not?" I didn't answer, I didn't even write on her hand. I just put my head in my lap.
"O come on" she says as she sits by me. "Tell me what's wrong. I might be able to help"
"What wrong is that I'm being held captive by captors who like seeing me and Will in the worst pain possible" I Finished and then calmed down.
"Sorry, I mean it could be worse. A least I have a bed this time." I walked over to it and sat on it "and pretty comfy to" I say as I stand up on it and jump. I continue to jump as Tonks laughs at me. Finally I stop and turn to her.
"What so funny?" I ask.
"It's just, your acting like a 5 year old" she says still giggling.
"Why can't I act like a 5 year old. I could be 5 if I really wanted to." I say, knowing what she's going to say next. Tonks gasps
"So you are a Metamorphmagus" she says staring at me
"Umm....yes?" I say not wanting her to think of me as a wizard. I change myself back to my normal pale skinned, short blond, choppy hair and black eyed self.
"Wow. You look creepy like that. Beautiful, but creepy" she says staring at me.
"Thanks" I say sarcastically. "It good to know that my normal self is so creepy" I hope I made her feel bad. I go back to my dark corner.
"No sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Please talk to me." She says and sits in front of me. She changes her body to my fake appearance.
"So your a Metamorpha-something to?" I ask her.
"Yes" she said and changed back to her self. After a bit of silence she speaks again.
"You know, Remus is a werewolf to" I think she's trying to make me feel better, so I make a joke.
"I thought he smelt funny" I say. She cracked a smile. And at that moment Molly came in with food. and I put my head back in my lap.
"Dinner" she Said ands tried to give me the food. I refused.
"Come on, you don't eat breakfast, you don't eat lunch, and now dinner. Nether does Will. Tut tut tut" she said and stormed out the room.
"Wait. When was lunch" I say to Tonks confused.
"It was a few Hours ago. You wouldn't put your head up." She explained
"Oops. Sorry, it must have been my ADHD." I say thinking.
"I guess that could explain it" she says giggling again. When she stopped she turned more serious.
"You should get some sleep. You look dead beat." She said. I turned to her.
"No. Not a good idea" I say in a dangerous tone.
"Why not?" she asks confused. I don't say anything.
"Look. I will be here the hole time" she said, I think trying to comfort me.
"That's a bad idea to but I will try. Just promise me if something goes wrong, you'll get Will. He'll know what to do" I say and put head on the pillow. I thought I herd Tonks say 'what do you mean by that' but I was to far under.

Thanks for reading, and remember to comment if you want something in the story!😈😈😈

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