The Streetfighter and the Gan...

By Fallen_Wings8Tears

516K 12.2K 1.5K

---------------------------------- The Streetfighter and the Gang Lord. One would expect the guy was the gang... More

The Streetfighter and the Gang Lord
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 21

6.5K 194 15
By Fallen_Wings8Tears


That was the first thing Annalissa woke up to as she was tied– Wait, no chained to a sort of dungeon like place. Her hands and legs were tied to the wall as she was still trying to figure out how did she end up there? And where's Alec?

"Alec? Where are you?" she called out. She heard some shuffling and she saw Alec laying sideways facing her. But unlike her, his hands and legs were tied with a rope as he lay in the shadows.

"Lisa? Where are we?" he whispered as he opened his eyes groggily from pain and tiredness. Now that she remembered, she think she hit her head as she felt liquid running down the side of her head.. Now that explains why my head hurts. She thought bitterly.

"I think we got kidnapped after we got hit by that truck." she examined herself and Alec to check for any serious injuries but because it was dark out, she couldn't see well.

"Who was that truck driver? I think he's included in our kidnapping.." Alec tried to think but his throbbing headache was making it difficult since they just got out of an accident. Annalissa examined herself again and found out she had hit her head, some minor injuries and twisted her left ankle and had a broken wrist. Luckily, Alec only had a massive headache since she protected him from the crash.

"Let's get some sleep first.. I have a feeling we'll be waken up with a horrible way.." Alec nodded mutely since he planned to sleep off his headache. He hoped that the rest was safe as he fell asleep, but not before crawling towards Annalissa's lap.

Annalissa on the other hand, had tried to unbind Alec's hands and legs. She figured it was another person hired by Zachary or some other guy who wanted them for some unknown reason. She really hoped that it's the first.. When she finally did it, it took a while since it was an advanced type of binding so she knew it was no amateur that kidnapped them.

When she was done, she turned towards the closed doors and shouted, "It's rude to eavesdrop, you know." All she heard was muffled sounds as the doors to the cell opened. Revealing a man with messy blonde hair and Black eyes, she frowned.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"It's not important. What is is that how can you find me even though I didn't move at all? " Annalissa just gave a bored look as she looked at him, examining his weaponry. Only a semi auto gun.

"I've been trained for years. It's not the first time this happened, just in a dungeon. Though it's the first where Alec's involved though." she muttered the last part to herself as she looked down at the sleeping boy. The man had his usually straight look that made him a guard.

"So, will you wake us up nicely in the morning? I have a serious meeting to make on Wednesday, which means 4 more days." the guard contemplated a few moment and left, without giving her an answer.

"I take that as a Yes then.." she murmured as she leaned back against the cold brick wall, closing her eyes in fatigue as the pains from her injuries finally taking a toll on her.

I hope that these injuries won't bother me when we escape.. she thought as she exhaled, relaxing herself as sleep, completely took over.


"What?! " Henry bellowed as he received a call about 4 of his members were hospitalized and the boss and Alec was missing. "How did this happen?! "

-Sorry Henry, It took us all by surprise when the truck came in. The headlights weren't even on!-

"weren't even on? What kind of driver does that?! Anyway, you guys focus on getting better first. Are there anything serious?" He heard Jason shuffle some.

-No, We all got some bruises but not so serious that it might kill us.. Logan got some broken ribs but that's fine. Though I'm not sure about Alec and boss.-

"Alright. I guess I have to call help from the Cross Heart gang. Jason, you still got that tracking device planted in Alec's clothes?"

-Yeah... Why?-

"Can you track it? If we're lucky, they wouldn't be out of signal."

-Alright, I'll try. Wait, the scary nurse is looking at me now, Send my regards to the others, Bye!-

"Wha–" but he was cut off when Jason hung up on him. Was there really a scary nurses in the hospital? He thought but shrugged it off and dialed Nathaniel's number..

He'd have a lot of calls to make now...


The next time Annalissa woke up was when she was slapped by a man. She was rather calm for someone being kidnapped and that irked them. Alec was cowering behind her as he hid the fact that his ropes were undone. When she was finally fully awake, even with the stinging from the slap earlier, she looked up and faced the man she hated most.

"It's been months, little Annalissa. How're you been?" Zachary asked with a mocking tone that she didn't miss, but she was silently glad that it wasn't a random kidnapping too.

"Peachy, did you have to hit us with a truck though?" she retorted, irritation was clearly undertone. She could still feel the pains from her wounds though it had numbed overnight. Zachary gave a hearty laugh.

"It's more fun to see you in pain, Annalissa. After all you did.. Don't you deserve it?" he asked sarcastically as he turned and started to leave. "I wonder if that streetfighter of yours has endurance for my game?"

"Sick son of a– I'll kill you. Even if it's the last thing I do!" she yelled, struggling against the chains that pinned her to the ground. Zachary only laughed as he left. Leaving a fuming Annalissa and an agitated Alec behind her.

Behind closed doors, Zachary smiled to himself. "How's our spy coming along?" he asked one of the men by his side.

"Which? Farron is looking at the Cross Hearts but he suspects that Nathaniel Haynes is getting on his back while the other is secretive as always. No one suspects him to be one of us." he replied, his face Stoic as ever.

"Good. We'll see how it plays out, shall we?" then they left the place.

No one would suspect this place. Zachary thought as he exited the hideout. It's perfect. As he left, the sounds of leaves being stepped resounded. His grin never leaving his face.


Henry was finally able to contact Nathaniel after a few hours. It seemed he had a meeting with someone before, when he finally received news of Annalissa and Alec's capture he was furious. Nathaniel though couldn't leave since he was in a meeting so he sent Lydia (the hacker) with a few men for help. For one, Henry was grateful for the help. But he couldn't help but wondered how did they kidnapped her so soon?

When he showed Lydia and her gang members the room that Annalissa previously used to hack their database, their jaw dropped. Lydia for one was speechless. "What? How? This is state-of-the-art technology!" she exclaimed as she took a seat in the chair and switch on the computers.

Lydia was shocked that the ones who hacked their database was so close and the technology.. Oh the tech! But as fascinating as it is, she couldn't access the place and Henry was the one to access for safety measure Without anyone on her gang looking.

When she finally did it, she was shock to see the location Henry told her to track. "What is it?" Henry asked, noticing Lydia's silence. She pointed towards the outskirts of the city. Where a red dot that signaled that was Alec was shown. It was placed in the middle if the forest near the high cliffs where rock slides usually cause.

"It says that he's in the abandoned factory that was restricted to the public."

"Why? " Henry asked.

"because there rock slides are so frequent that the government stopped allowing people to even cross the place. It's also scheduled to be demolished at 3 in the afternoon tomorrow." Henry frowned at her exclamations.

"So that means that we have to sneak in without the authorities noticing. Man, this is such a pain. Lydia, can you see if you can hack into whatever available? " Henry asked as Lydia nodded. Henry sighed as he looked at the location screen.

You better find a way out boss. I seems that we can't enter where you are anytime soon. Henry thought as he rounded some of the guys to take turned in scouting the area.

What a messy thing this had become..

There's nothing to say here so bye!

Oh, and P.S. This is a special chapter for Peace-Out. I want to put a Mister/miss/Mrs but I Don't know what you are so Oh well..

*You could even be a robot..*

Comes from behind and smack the author upside the head.


Annalissa: Just get going and Don't. insult. Peace-Out. (Glares)


Alec: I think she turned to Happy #3

Xavier: Who's #1 and 2?

Sheila: Oh! I know! It's Happy and Natsu when Erza comes! In Fairy Tail!

Uhhhhh..... Okay..

So Bye bye!

Alec, Sheila, Xavier: Aye Sir!

Annalissa: Damn you author, you created 3 more Happys!

Teehee! What do you mean?

*That's for shooting me in the last chapter! Mwahahahaha! Hahahah–*

Alec & Sheila: Why is the author coughing?

Annalissa & Xavier: Because she's crazy. (Deadpanned )

Ahem. Anyway, Bye bye for real this time!

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