Chapter 34

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3 years later..

Xavier Collins was now in college along with his best friend Sam. It was three years since that day and he had never heard of Annalissa again. And yet he kept his promise, he had tried dating again, even got a few fucks (thank God he hadn't been a virgin!) but none of them were like the feelings he had with her. So he stayed on waiting for her to return since Annalissa was one who doesn't spew empty words and promises.

Alec and Sheila were now 12 and on their last year of primary school. They stuck together like glue and somehow Alec wasn't as affected on Annalissa's disappearance as he thought. What he asked, Alec had simply answered. "Lisa said this would happen and she promised to come back."

Alec had lived in his family's home now that his mom got divorced with his father, the downside is that he had to deal with his mom's gushing about he and Sheila being a cute couple. Bah! She's only to date when she's 16! And that's only to that boy! He only trusted Alec because he knew him and he was Annalissa's brother!

The Black Bloods were still active in the shadows and still well known, hell no one even noticed Annalissa's disappearance unless they knew themselves. When he had asked Henry about why they haven't been arrested yet he had explained throughly about the Black Bloods status I the area.

"We are the most famous, feared and respected gang in the underground world, the next is lil' boss' uncle but we're also a special police force that only the CIA, FBI and the above knows. We are to see the underworld doesn't become too out of control ever since Alejandro's reign. But because the local police doesn't know that, they will suspect us so lil boss went and took the dive. That way we could move around freely even after that full scale war."

Nathaniel Haynes, the Winters siblings uncle had help with Alec's guardianship since he was alone without a blood relative present. He had helped the Black Bloods with making an alliance with them too. He had ever pleasantly brought gifts to Alec and Sheila, sometimes even him whenever it's a holiday or their birthday. The relationship between him and Alec were closer now than before.

Wayne, the special officer had been nice to him and they occasionally talked but never had they talked about Annalissa's disappearance. Alejandro, Milliana and Maria had came over every school break as the three children would stick together as the adults talk. They had been worried but confident that she would return.

Xavier sighed as he walked into his next class. History. He had taken a bisiness major since he wanted to get a stable job. Just as he started to daydream the door opened again revealing a familiar brown haired girl with dark highlights. Xavier gaped wide eyed as her familiar eye met his. "Ahem! Today a new accelerated transfer student will be joining us today! Let's give her a warm welcome!" The teacher said as the class clapped. Xavier took the opportunity to look her over.

Her hair had grown down to her lower back and her bangs had covered her red eye, one would noticed the skull printed eyepatch if they looked closely. She was dressed in an all black dress and ankle length combat boots. The only thought Xavier had was how the hell did she accelerated again?! Next to his happiness that she returned.

Before he could interrogate her the teacher had started the class and she was seated the other side of the room. Before he knew it, his classes were finished and he had finally found her at the school's courtyard.

"Annalissa!" She turned at the call of her name, halting in her steps. He had caught up with her and grabbed her arm, dragging her up to his car, ignoring the looks he received from others. She had a frown on her face when he turned to her. "So. .."

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