Magnus Bane's sister

By ncis_4ever

67K 1.7K 36

Magnus the high warlock of Brooklyn has a very good hidden secret. A secret no one ever was able to reveal. T... More



1.2K 45 1
By ncis_4ever

Elisa's pov:
„So, how mad are you at me for running off without letting you know?" I ask quietly because I honestly am afraid of the answer. He sighs heavily which in turn makes me shudder since his warm breath fanns over my neck. His strong arms simply pull me even tighter back into himself before he answers.
„I was pretty mad, but I understand why you two needed to do this on your own." he says after my heart had started to beat extremely fast in fear that I have lost him.
„More than mad thought I was really worried. I don't like it if you are too far away from me, because than can't help you if you need me!" he adds after another deep breath.
„Sorry, i didn't meant to get you worried. But as warlocks it's easier to sneak into a building without getting noticed. And I am not sure if the little sweetheart would of trusted you back there." I answer him with a sigh of relief that he isn't mad any longer.
„Can I pretty please have some food?" My love asks a little afraid. Her tummy rumbling really loudly which shocks me. Haven't they given her any food back there?
„Of Course love! What would you like to eat? Mac and cheese? Or spaghetti? Whatever you like you can have." I softly reply and pick her right up into my arms.
„I am allowed to choose? Really?" her eyes have gotten really wide in excitement and total disbelief. So without any care I kiss her cheek lovingly before nodding at her yet again.
„Can I have some Mac and cheese please?" she asks cutely and how should I ever be able to resist her like that? She is simply too cute for words!
„Well! Mac and cheese it is then!" I say and wave my hand in front of us. A steaming plate of her chooses food is now sitting in my other hand.
„Let's get I to the kitchen to eat ok love?" I ask and get an excited nod from her in reply. With my cute little girl still in my arms I walk out towards the others. Jace has softly taken the plate out of my hand to carry it towards the small dining area next to my kitchen. When the others see us coming they smile softly at the cutie that looks at them a bit shy. Knowing however from where we got her out of, it's understandable that she is a bit uneasy towards new people.
„Here you go princess!" jace says and sets the plate in front of her with a soft smile in place to make sure she won't be afraid of him.
„Thank you!" she mumbles and right afterwards diggs into her food. Her eyes brighten the second the first forkful enters her mouth.
„That's really delicious Eli! Thank you very much!" she says with a happy giggle that warms my heart even more for that sweet girl!
„You are very welcome my love!" I say and kiss the top of her head. Her wide smiling face is the best thing I have ever seen. Thee others have been watching our encounter with smiles on their faces as well. Magnus has a certain glint in his eyes which tells me he already figured out that I adopted her already. And he is already eyeing everyone around her as if he needs to protect her from anyone near her.
„How do you like your new room Sweetpea?" he asks her softly from next to her. She smiles at him right away.
„It's absolutely incredible Magnus! I have a really comfy bed and lots of toys and Teddy's! And Eli has also gotten me tons of new dresses and so on!" she answers him with shining eyes. She even is clapping her hands in excitement and joy. Magnus sends me a really proud look that makes me feel like I have done something really right now.
„I am simply happy that you like your new things love!" I reassure her since she has looked at me with a slight unsure expression if she has done or said something wrong. Her face went back to a beaming smile, which I have fallen in love with throughout this day. Just like her giggles, I am completely hooked for those as well!
„I am afraid it is now time for the little cutie to brush her teeth and to go to sleep." Magnus says with a pout on his own lips. We however know it is getting late and my poor baby girl had a hard time leaving with those nasty beings!
„I am not tired yet though." she mumbles out. Her eyes have been getting tinker and tinier through she ate. I am sure she is seconds from falling asleep here on the barstool!
„Your Body seems to think differently love. You are yawing and your eyes are trying to fall shut." I softly explain since I see her eyes are welling up with tears. So instead on trying to keep on talking here in front of the others, I simply scoop her up in my arms and walk along with her into her room.
„Why don't you go and brush your teeth while I look for a cute pj?" I softly question. She doesn't seem happy about that, but at least she nods her head and walks into the small bathroom attached to her bedroom. After deciding on a cute unicorn pj, I knock softly on the bathroom door before I enter. Seeing her now standing completely naked in front of the mirror makes my blood run cold in pure hatred! How dare those monsters hurting MY baby!? Knowing that she needs me right now more than I need to revenge her, I swallow my murderous growl and softly kneel myself in front of her. Those sweet brown eyes of hers are now a pool of tears, her cheeks also wet from her tears.
„Let me help you love! I promise I will make it better." I whisper to not spook her anymore than she already is.
„That looks rather deep." I say with a sad frown. She only nods as if ashamed, but there is nothing she should be afraid off. Nothing she did was wrong.
„Give me a second love. I have a cream that can help with the healing." I softly say and kiss her forehead before quickly rushing to my living room where I keep all my creams and tinctures.
„Elisa? What do you need that for?" Magnus asks me. His eyes however widen even before I could answer him.
„They didn't!" he says, his eyes darken more and more.
„They Did." I say with tears in my eyes and hurry back to my baby. She still is standing in front of the mirror, her eyes now red from all the crying she has been doing.
„No need for any more tears baby girl. We will take care of those wounds and than we can cuddle. How does that sound love?" I say and start to softly yet carefully tend to her wounds. Firstly I added the cream to them to make the pain stop. My little love only watches me with curiosity that there is no pain left.
„The best thing is going to happen now." i tell her with a small wink which makes her giggle. Relieved that she still can giggle after all that she was put through is absolutely unbelievable!
Softly I lay my hand on top of her, my magic slowly starts to go around her small body and heals all those wounds she has.
„Wow!" she mumbles with wide eyes. She is watching the blue light flowing around her body with excitement and when it gets back to me, she sees that she now is completely healed up again.
„How is that possible?" she asks stunned. Instead of answering her right away though, I firstly help her dress I to the pj at which she had squealed in excitement.
„Warlocks can heal people, so of course I healed you up love!" I inform her after she finished with brushing her teeth.
„Thank you!" she says and cuddles me tightly. Once again I pick the small toddler up into my arms to carry her back into her room.
„So how about some cuddles till you fall asleep?" I ask her after tugging her in softly. Her excited nod makes me smile softly at her, she simply is perfect!
„Can we turn on a light?" she asks a bit embarrassed. Others may have laughed at her, but not me. She went through hell, so the least she wants to make sure is that she sees if someone gets close to her.
„I might have something better." I whisper to her. Waving my hand a little up and down until a small shine of light appears. It's glowing softly over the bed, this way it's not to bright but bright enough for her to see everything within this room.
„That's really cool." she whispers in astonishment. Cuddling myself closer to her, I kiss her forehead softly.
„Why don't you try to go to sleep now love? Beautiful little girls like you need their sleep." I softly ask her. Her small head nods now completely hidden under my neck and both of her tiny hands holding tightly onto my shirt. It doesn't even take her five minutes before she is out like a light, but since I don't want to wake her up again, I decide to sleep here with her. That way she hopefully won't panic when she wakes up tomorrow in a new environment. Looking once more at the small little angel now tucked into my side before I close my eyes as well. Happy to have that little girl safely in my arms.

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