Satzu Collection

By AustinHaris2

107K 3.5K 474

A compilation of short stories More

For the last time
Be with me for a day
Be with me for a day 1
Be with me for a day 2
Be with me for a day 3
Be with me for a day 4
Be with me for a day 5
Be with me for a day 6
Afraid of Tomorrow
Afraid of Tomorrow 1
Afraid of Tomorrow 2
Afraid of Tomorrow 3
Afraid of Tomorrow 4
Afraid of Tomorrow 5
Afraid of Tomorrow 6
Afraid of Tomorrow 7
Afraid of Tomorrow 8
Afraid of Tomorrow 9
Sneak Peek
But Your heart say 1
But your heart say 2
But your heart say 3
But your heart say 4
But your heart say 5
But your heart say 6
Come inside of my heart
Why do I feel like
Why do I feel like 1
Why do I feel like 2
Why do I feel like 3
Why do I feel like 4
Why do I felt like 5
Why do I feel like 6
why do I feel like 7
With Chances or Not

Be with me for a day 7

2.2K 98 39
By AustinHaris2

Two people is strolling around the park while their hand is intertwined, people could mistaken them as a couple the way they looked at each other and smiled unconsciously.

"Tzuyu!" Sana called the latter's name and stopped from walking

"Hmm?" Tzuyu just hum in respond as she turn her head back to the latter

"Come with me! I've been dying to try this thing since we arrived here" Sana said excitedly and giggles after

She guided Tzuyu to the other direction.

"Shoot me?" Tzuyu read the lettering written on the woods that displayed on top of the tent and furrowed her eyebrows

The staff nodded his head to them, Tzuyu stared at Sana asking her to explain what are they in front of the place.

The staff noticed her and explained to them the mechanics of the game.

"As you can see we have different different colors and size of the balls displayed over there, the color doesn't matter but the size does."

"The balls will gaves you different point according to the size if you shoot it perfectly using this toy gun" the staff said and showed them the toy gun

"The smaller the size the higher the point" he added,

"The points that you've earned may traded to the different prizes, so I'll advice you must aimed to the smaller one if you want to win"

Sana nodded her head, she looked like a child while listening

"How many bullets there in one magazine?" Sana asked excitedly

"Well there are 12 bullets but don't worry it's not that hard, you can hit them with your eyes close if you're good at shooting"

the staff mock them as he was observing Sana with her little clumsy mannerisms, he smirked after he said that

Tzuyu is just observing him and she also saw him smirked but she shrugged it off.

"Can I asked?" Tzuyu said coldly

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can we add up our points if we want to proceeds more?" She asked

"Yes, your points may add up together" he said to Tzuyu still with his smirk plastered on his face

Tzuyu just nodded her head

"So how many bullets you want?" He asked

Tzuyu was about to answer him when Sana interrupted her

"Give me 2 magazine" Sana said excitedly

The guy handed her 2 guns equivalent to two magazine, Tzuyu was about to took the other one when Sana grabbed it from the staff

She glared at Tzuyu and Tzuyu just stared at her confusingly.

"If you wanted to play go grab your own gun, this is all mine" she said and stuck her tongue out just like a kid

Tzuyu sighed and just observed her. Sana position herself and aimed for her target, she closed her other eyes to get a proper sight, when she felt she's ready she pulled the trigger eagerly




She looked at her aim and furrowed her eyebrows in irritation, Tzuyu just smiled internally

"Stopped looking at me like that, I know what's on your mind" She blurted out to Tzuyu

"I didn't say anything" Tzuyu said

"Don't me Tzuyu-ah! I know you're judging me" she said and glared at Tzuyu

Tzuyu just shakes her head, Sana position herself again and aimed for her target


"Damm! I missed them all" Sana said in frustration and pouted her lips disappointedly

Tzuyu wanted to laughed at her but she saw the latter was about to cry, she stopped herself and approach her.

"Hey! It's just a game don't cry" Tzuyu said and patted her back to comfort her

Sana stared at her eyes and she wanted to cry,

"I just wanted to get that puppy plushie" she said sadly

"Oh! Minatozaki Sana you're so cute, how can I handle your cuteness?" Tzuyu thought and smiled to Sana wholeheartedly

"It's okay better luck next time" Tzuyu said

"Let's go now Tzuyu" she said and was about to dragged Tzuyu with her but Tzuyu stopped her

"Wait let me play also, I wanted to play" Tzuyu said and smiled to her cutely

"Huh?" Sana said

"Please sir can you give me one magazine" she asked 

The staff nodded her and gave her one gun.

Tzuyu straighten and position herself properly and aimed for her target she released a sighs before she pulled her trigger and the bullets released


Sana agape her mouth in awe as she saw Tzuyu shoots the smallest size, Tzuyu smiled proudly to herself and continuously shooting the ball

Hit! 2 hits in one bullets

Hit! 3 hits one one bullets

Hit after hit and after hit! The staff released a heavy sighs


"Wow! Tzuyu 35,000 points in one magazine, teach me! Teach me! Teach meeeeee!" Sana said cheerfully

"Ma'am do you want to exchange your points to prizes?" The woman asked her

"Hmmm, not yet!" Tzuyu said the and the lady nodded her head

"Yah! Tzuyu I said teach me to shoot that thing?" Sana said and pushed her slightly

"What? We can change the points we gathered to that plushie that you wanted" Tzuyu said

"No! I wanted you to teach me, pleaseeee"

"Why? You changed your mind already? You don't want that plushie anymore?" Tzuyu asked sadly

She hits the ball with the smallest size even it's a bit hard, she work hard to earn that points just for her, just for Sana.

But the latter suddenly changes her mind

"Nope, it's not liked that! I wanted to learn"

"Why?" She asked her while smiling

Sana sighs before she speaks again

"I wanted to learn, because who knows that maybe someday when Dahyun and I come here at least a can get her at least one plushie" Sana said shyly

"I wanted to get that plushie because it looks like Dahyun dog, I wanted to try to get it for her I'm sure she'll be happy" Sana added while smiling foolishly

Tzuyu smiles that painted on her face earlier slowly faded, Tzuyu felt her heart being crumpled and stabbed multiple times.

"So it's all for her! Dahyunie is such a lucky girl" Tzuyu thought

She smiled again to hides the pain in her eyes when she noticed Sana lifted her head and meet her eyes

"Is that so? Okay then asked for another magazine, I'll teach you" Tzuyu said

"Really?" Sana asked excitedly

Tzuyu nodded her head, she tried her best to look fine in front of Sana.

The staff handed them another magazine.

"Here stand up here" Tzuyu said and went behind Sana

"Make a good posture" she held Sana waist and straighten her

Sana felt her blood rushing up to her cheeks when she felt Tzuyu hand on her waist her face heat up.

"And held your gun like this" Tzuyu added and move closer to her closing their gap

Sana trying to calm herself when she felt Tzuyu's front pressed against her back, Tzuyu brought her hand to Sana and they held the toy gun together.

Sana hitch at her spot, Tzuyu is more like hugging her she thought.

"Relaxed Sana" Tzuyu whispered on her

Sana's find her voice sexy and alluring on ears.

"Now aimed for your target and focused" Tzuyu said and whispered again to her Sana close her eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to calmed herself

"Pulled the trigger when you're ready" Tzuyu added

She slowly loosen her hand on Sana and let her shoot her aims



Tzuyu loosen her grip totally on Sana and back away. Sana widen her eyes in excitement.

"Yaaaaaay! Yaaay! Yaay! We did it Tzu, we hit it!" Sana said happily and unconsciously hugged the latter out of her excitement.

Tzuyu just patted her back, she's happy when Sana is happy.

"Great job Sana" she said

When Sana realized their position she snapped her head back to Tzuyu and the latter is smiling on her.

She removed her arms on her waist and straighten up herself.

"I'm sorry for hugging you" Sana said awkwardly.

"Hahaha it's okay Sana, I've been hugging the entire time during our haunted house adventures" Tzuyu said

"Come let's continue playing" Tzuyu suggested Sana just nodded her head and continue playing.

"Why I'm feeling this thing towards her?" Sana asked herself

"Here's your squirrels plushie and bracelets Ma'am" the staff handed to Tzuyu the prizes she won

The plushie is actually 90 cm long, it's quite heavy.

"Are you done?" Sana asked her when she's done also changing her points to prizes

"Yeah!" Tzuyu respond shortly

"What you got there?" Sana asked

"Here, it's for you Sana" Tzuyu said and handed her the plushie

"Eh?" Sana said confusingly, but she's happy Tzuyu is giving her the plushie that she won.

"Yeah! It's for you because it's looks like you hahaha" Tzuyu laughed at her.

"You're mean" Sana said and slightly slap her arm but smiled after, she's not irritated or mad anymore when Tzuyu called her squirrel.

"At least when Tzuyu saw a squirrels, she will immediately think of me" Sana thought.

Tzuyu held her wristwatch and looked back to Sana

"Hmmm, it's getting late Sana, are you hungry?" Tzuyu asked

"Why? Are you gonna treat me?" Sana asked her while smiling like a child

"Haist!" Tzuyu said and grabbed her hand dragged her with her.

"Just tell me you're hungry, Of course it's my treat since I asked you out" Tzuyu said and giggles

Sana blushed at her statement and followed Tzuyu steps while smiling like a fool.


Tzuyu took a table napkin beside her and move closer to Sana and wipe her side lips.

Sana widen her eyes in surprise, it's simple gesture but it's sweet and romantic on Sana's eyes.

"Slowly Sana, you don't need to rush you might choked" Tzuyu said

They are currently eating their dessert after meals. Sana scoop another mouthful of ice cream not minding Tzuyu statement.

And there's another stink on her lips, she's quite messy eater.

"looked you like a child, it seems like I'm taking care a baby but stuck on fine woman body" Tzuyu said and laughed at her

Sana glared at her and continuously eating her ice creams.


"Uurrrgggh!" Sana groans

"I'm so tired and full Tzuyu-ah" Sana complain

"I'm glad that you are" Tzuyu said and chuckled

She's carrying her plushie while pouting her lips cutely

"Wait we've been walking for minutes already and our direction is different now to the amusement park, where are we heading?" Sana asked curiously

Tzuyu mentally slapped her for not telling the latter

Hehe We're heading to the bus stop

"Bus stop? Why?"

"We can't use the motorbike heading home it's not working, so we're going to use the bus" she said while smiling

Sana just stared at her and soon she averted her gaze and look down to hide her blushing face and continue to walked leaving Tzuyu's behind her.

"Damm! Everything I dreamed of on my first date is happening right now" Sana thought

"Walking down the street with full of street lights while the moonlight cover us both" she added

"Yah! Wait for me" Tzuyu shouted from behind and followed Sana from behind

The truth is her motorbike is totally fine, she texted cheayoung earlier to pick it up her motorbike.

She does not want this day to end but her time with Sana is slowly running out, she just wanted to spend more time with her.

As what the people say,

"Yesterday is history, Today is a gift and Tomorrow is mystery"

No one knows what awaits us tomorrow and she's afraid that this will be the last time she'll be spending a good time with the latter.

"Tzuyu-ah I'm tired" Sana complains

Tzuyu chuckled and went in front of her, she bent down in front of her.

Sana stared at her confusingly

"What are you doing?" Sana asked

"You said you're tired, now hop on, I'll piggy back you" Tzuyu uttered

She blushed so mad good thing the latter is not facing her.

"Eh? No I'm totally fine Tzuyu-ah, I can still walked" Sana said shyly

"Just hop on Sana,  I don't want you to get bruises" Tzuyu said and chuckle

Sana was about to protest but Tzuyu stopped her

"If you don't we're not leaving this place" Tzuyu insisted leaving Sana no choice and followed Tzuyu's order

"How about this plushie? We're I'm going to put this thing"? She asked Tzuyu

"Put it in front of me, and hold it while your other hand is on my shoulder" Tzuyu said

"Okay" Sana uttered

Sana's heart beats rapidly increase Tzuyu held her thigh to balance their weight and start walking. Sana is praying the latter won't her heartbeat thumping against her chest. Tzuyu chuckled so sudden.

"Don't worry Sana I won't harm you, so calmed down your heart" Tzuyu uttered and laughed cutely

"Damm! You're a dumb Sana she heard it" Sana mentally scolded herself, she snuggle her face to Tzuyu's nape in shyness.

"Cute" Tzuyu thought

"She smells so good and relaxing" Sana thought

After minutes of walking they finally arrived at the bus stopped and Tzuyu held her down.

"We're here the bus will arrived soon"  Tzuyu said And after few seconds she was right the bus is already arrived.

"Let's go now Sana" Tzuyu said and held the latters hand with her, she looked for a two vacant seat inside the bus and she found one at the back portion of the bus.

She guided Sana to seat on first and Sana took the seat near the mirror and Tzuyu seated beside her.

Tzuyu is just staring at her side profile and Sana yawned, shs chuckled

"The drive to our destination will took us an hour, you may used my shoulder if you're sleepy" Tzuyu said and stared at Sana

"I can't take this anymore, why does she always looked directly into my eyes, I might melt if she continue to do this" Sana thought

"I'm fine" Tzuyu Sana said

Tzuyu just nodded her head and averted her gaze to the front and the bus started to moved.

After mitunes she heard the latter slow and cute snore beside her, she chuckle

She held the latters head and placed it on her shoulder, she took also the plushie on Sana's hand and placed it on her lap

"Cute but stubborn" Tzuyu mumbles


"Sana wake up we're here" Tzuyu said and tapped the latter shoulder softly

Sana stirred on her sleep and open her eyes slowly, her eyes met Tzuyu eyes who's staring at her

"We're here now, let's go" Tzuyu said and stand up she offered her hand to to Sana to help her.

And Sana tooked her hand and followed her.

"Hahahaha you looked like a baby!" Sana said while laughing at Tzuyu

"Yah! Stopped laughing at me" Tzuyu complain

They are now heading to Sana's place walking side by side under the moonlight

"You also you said I'm Chou Tzuyu I'm not afraid of anything and if you get afraid later just hold onto my hand I'll protect you" Sana copied Tzuyu the way she uttered those words

She bursts into laughter after

"But when we went inside you kept on screaming liked a child HAHAHAHAAHA"

"YAH! Stopped now Sana it's embarrassing me" Tzuyu uttered

"I've never thought and imagined that you would looked like that" Sana uttere still laughing

"And you should be fluttered that I only showed it to you" Tzuyu uttered and smiled proudly

"There's no fluttering with that Tzuyu HAHAHAHA"

They didn't notice that they already arrived to Sana's place and when Tzuyu realized that they are standing in front of Sana'a house.

"The time haa finally come" she thought

"We're here" Tzuyu uttered sadly but Sana didn't notice the sadness on her voice since her mind is fully occupied with Tzuyu smiling face

She stopped herself from laughing and turn her back to her place. She smiled sadly also internally, they are now walking to her door She looked back to Tzuyu and smiled also

"Thank you Tzuyu-ah" Sana said

"Eh? It's nothing I just wanted you to be safe heading home" Tzuyu uttered and scratch the back of her head shyly

Sana inhaled deeply before she speak again

"No, I mean thank you for today, I mean I really had great time with you. I've never thought that this day would be one of the best day in my life" Sana said sincerely while staring at Tzuyu eyes

Tzuyu smiled to her genuinely showing her cute deeply how happy she is.

"It's my pleasure Sana" Tzuyu said

"I mean I'm glad that you've had a great time with me today, I thought we will end on up bickering with each other as usual but I'm pleased to know that you had great time"

They both laughed at each other after that and end up staring with each other eyes, silenced filled them and it's getting awkward as times passed by

"Hmm it's getting late, I'll head now Sana" Tzuyu said breaking the awkwardness

"Aaww is that so, okay" Sana said

"Yeah, I'll go now good night Sana" Tzuyu said and turned her back

Sana watched her back leaving the place.

Sana felt like she need to do something, but she's hesitating.

"Do it Sana, there's nothing wrong doing it!" Her minds told her

A few more step she will totally gone, do it!

"TZUYUUUUUUUU!" Sana shouted

And Tzuyu turned her back when she heard Sana calling her

But to her surprise the latter spring her body and wrapped her arms to Tzuyu waist and buried her face deeply to Tzuyu chest.

Tzuyu heartbeat rapidly increase at the sudden act of the latter. Sana creep smile on her face enjoying Tzuyu's warmth against her body

"I'm sorry but I really wanted to do this thing before you leave" Sana uttered

They stay still for few minutes with that position, and Sana pulled away when she's satisfied.

She stared and scanned Tzuyu stunning features before she moved her eyes to Tzuyu's eye, nose, down to her lips.

She gulped the invisible lump on her throat and bite her bottom lips before she looked back to Tzuyu eyes.

And it seems liked there's a magnet pulling her towards to Tzuyu, she closed her eyes while moving closer

When Tzuyu noticed the latter was about to do she closed her eyes also waiting for the next thing to happen

A few more inch the most awaited moment was about to happen, their heart is beating frantically.

"Sana" a soft voice was heard when their lips is about to meet

She got stopped on her trail and both of them opened their eyes and snapped their head to the owners voice

"Dahyun!" Sana said in shocked

A tears stream down from her eyes causing her to back away while shaking her head, she runs fast and away from them.

Sana pulled away from Tzuyu and chased after Dahyun.

"Dahyun! Dahyun! Let me explain" Sana said while chasing her

"There's no need for an explanation Sana, I'll saw it with both of my eyes!" Dahyun said angrily

"Please just hear me out Dahyun" Sana said and she's started to cry

Dahyun stopped from running, she's facing her car now.

"No, I don't need your explanation Sana!" Dahyun said furiously

She smiled bitterly on Sana

"It that's the reason why you cancelled our plans for today Sana huh?!" She asked madly

Sana flinch at her spot at the sudden outbursts of the latter, she started to sob

"Answer meeeeeeee!" Dahyun Shouted at her

"Y-yes Dahyun but let me explain first" Sana uttered and sobbed so hard

Dahyun laughed sarcastically

"That's all I need to hear Sana, you know what you hurted me A lot, Don't go after me from now on Sana" Dahyun uttered firmly and opened her car door and slammed it harshly. Sana fell down on her knees while sobbing so hard

"Dahyun! Dahyun! Dahyun!" She mumbles softly while burying her face to her palms

"Sana!" Tzuyu uttered while panting so hard

When she heard the latter voice she smiled bitterly.

"I knew it, I knew it's the worst decision I've ever come up and  agreeing with you" Sana uttered

"I shouldn't come and meet with you today Tzuyu, I shouldn't spend a day with."

"I'm so stupid, so stupid!"

I"'ve hurted her and now I'm hurt" Sana sobbed so hard

Tzuyu tears flows down from her eyes like a river when she heard Sana uttered that words, she tried so hard not to escape a sound of sob from her lips.

But her heart is shattered into pieces like a fine glass swiftly break down to the floor.


2 weeks after

"Sanaaaaa!" Mina greeted her happily and hugged her friend tightly, Sana reciprocated the hug

"How are you?" Mina asked

"I'm totally fine and still beautiful" she said jokingly

"Really, hmmm how about you and Dahyun?" She asked again

Sana inhaled deeply before she opened her mouth to speak

"Sana there's someone looking for you"  a student called her from the door

"Excuse me for awhil Minari" Sana said and went out

"Hey!" Sana said shyly to the person waiting for her

"Hey! I brought you food Sana" the girl said

"Aaaww, how sweet of you Dahyunie thank you" she said sweetly And the bell started to ring

"Aaww my class is starting in few minutes I'll go now babe" Dahyun said

"Okay, good luck I'll see you later" Sana said and kissed the latter cheeks causing for Dahyun to blush. Dahyun bid her goodbye and went to her room

Sana went back to Mina and showed her the food container.

"We're fine and getting stronger" she said happily

Mina giggles at her statement, they with thing that only the two of them could understand.

A few minutes someone's arrived in their room, Sana attention was captivated by the new comer.

It's been week since the incident and still they are not talking with each other.

Someone tapped her houlder from behind she glance back at her back

"Who's that?" Sana asked curiously to Mina when she saw the girl talking to Tzuyu

"Aww, that's Momo from class C" Mina said

"And why she's talking to Tzuyu?" she asked again

"Well, they are the school representative for the upcoming international quiz bee, I've heard they are working and studying late at night together"

"And it's seems liked they are getting closed, she's always with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu"

Sana furrowed her eyebrows and stared back to Tzuyu who's done talking with Momo.

Tzuyu went inside their class then their eyes met suddenly, Sana was about to smile to the latter but Tzuyu averted her gaze and took the seat beside her friend.

Sana smile faded, she's hurt when Tzuyu is acting liked that towards her and the latter also stopped annoying her every time she got a chance.

She misses her, She misses her Bully, She misses Chou Tzuyu

She wanted her back! She wanted the old Tzuyu back! The one who annoyed her. At least there's a little chance that she could hear the latter's voice again.

"You've been staring at her for minutes already Tzuyu" Chaeyoung uttered

"Why don't you just go and talked to her" Chaeyoung added

Tzuyu smiled sadly to her

"There's no need to talked about Chaeyoung" Tzuyu said

"But you're hurt, you loved her Tzuyu fight for your love unless you're love is not true" Chayoung Said

"Chae, it's doesn't mean when you didn't fight for you love and end up with each other that your love is not genuine and true."

"There are times that we better hold back what we truly feel to avoid hurting them and yourself than to express them that will only leave both of you miserable."

"She's happy with her and I''m happy seeing her happy with Dahyun."

Chaeyoung sighed and patted her back, she stared back to Sana.

"I'm genuinely happy that at least you let me to spend a day with you even it's a short time."

"Be happy with her Sana" Tzuyu thought


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