Annoying Love Lust (under hea...

By meow16_

729 218 32

This all started with my desperateness for a kiss. He brought the biggest turning point in my life. Is my lif... More

Chapter 1 Let's get Introduced
Chapter 3 Starting A New Life
chapter 4 Exploring Vampirism
Chapter 5 finding out big secrets
Chapter 6 Friendship and Confusion
Chapter 7 Increasing Blood Lust
Chapter 8 Hating Igniter
Chapter 9 Different allies
Chapter 10 Kidnapping Vampire Queen
Chapter 11 Coffee at the Café went Wrong
Chapter 12 Finding Powers and Phoenix
Chapter 13 The Day Of Promise
Chapter 14 Encounter with The Maker

chapter 2 Dark Things

80 28 6
By meow16_

Chapter 2

Jekaul's POV

As the song started, her body moved in perfect sync with the song. Her hair was flying in the air but she had too short hair. Her every step is perfect. She dances like a professional. Her body was moving perfectly with beats.
As the music stopped. She stopped but I wanna see more of her. She is breathing heavily. She is looking beautiful just like an angel...
"How was it?" - she asked. I smirked at her, and she blushed.
"What a wonderful partner I have for dance!" - I exclaimed clapping, all others who were present here started clapping.
After a few dances of others, our classes ended; I was not interested in any other dances only in Maril's. I was waiting outside the class for her to come out. She is talking to Ms.Green. I just can't wait like this for long but I have no other choice. She is so beautiful, so innocent.
Oh, she's coming. I quickly noticed it and greeted, "Hi" - She greeted back, "Hey."
"Will you like to join me for a coffee at a café nearby?" - I asked. Her cheeks turned red.
"Well, I will go for a coffee some other day. Today I am a little busy and I also have to get ready for the party." - she hesitantly answered. Why would she come with me? She might be hating me. I nodded and said, "bye, see ya soon babe" - she replied, "bye."
I drove home, the streets were filled with traffic and horns filling the air.
As I reached home, I saw my sister standing at the door eagerly waiting for me.
"Can I get your bike?" - she asked, making a very cute face. She is the only girl in the world I love for now...
"Lidya, where is your bike?" - I asked her, raising my brow. She has her own. Why does she need mine?
"I like yours more so please, please" - she said.
Her cuteness can kill anyone in this world. She is a little short girl, but she got the perfect curves at the perfect place. She looks sexy today with that red dress.
"Take it." - I said, handing my keys to her. "Don't forget the helmet" - I said with brotherly concern. She smiled and nodded.
I went to the kitchen wondering what to eat and saw a note on the fridge.

@Father: I will be out for today. Sorry can't come to the party.

He usually doesn't stay with us, he mostly spends his night in a hotel near his place where he is working. It's a little weird that they don't have a fixed time and a fixed place for work.
I ate a few snacks and then went to my bedroom. It's dark and I have a huge bed and a tv for entertainment. There is also a couch in my room set in front of my tv.
Before going to shower I checked my phone there was a message from Vallerie.

@Vallerie: Can't wait for the party to see ya there.

I don't want to reply. We have been dating for the last 5 months and she thinks that I am in love with her. Hell no. I don't know. Sometimes I want her to be in my arms and sometimes I just wanna push her away as she is annoying. She is a little weird girl compared to a normal girl.
After I took the shower, I opened the wardrobe and thought that I would wear a formal outfit.
I took out a white shirt, a royal blue blazer with jeans to go with it and then finally put my shoes on; then I applied gel on my hair and set them perfectly.
I went to my mansion for the party. As I entered the door I saw a girl wearing a sexy red dress that was perfectly revealing her curves.
I was staring at her like an idiot. She noticed me and blushed. She said, "Hi" - I came back to reality, blinking my eyes, and said, "Hey, Maril you look amazing" - she smiled.
"Wanna join me for a dance?" - I asked.
Before saying a word, she grabbed me to the dance floor and started dancing. My hands are on her waist and it feels so good, and her hands are wrapped around my neck and shoulder.
The music is slow and calm, perfect for a dance. Her body was moving perfectly against mine.
Now onwards I will never miss single dance class. We were standing close so that I could feel her breaths on my face and her mouth's minty smell. I just loved her touch on my body.
I hate to see her when my gang bullies her and I can't do anything to stop it. If I did try to stop them then they will make fun of me and bring on some crap out of it.
With the beat of the song, she came even closer. Our lips were just an inch away and I want to fill that inch. I wondered what she would taste like? Mmm. She definitely would be tasty... My gaze got lowered to her lips. Beautiful, her lips are beautiful.
Before I could fill the space, she pressed her lips to mine. She is so delicious, I then deepened the kiss. Her lips were moving with mine. I slide my hand from her waist to her butt. Our kiss became a little rough and then we broke apart. She is such a good kisser.
We both were breathing heavily. And then suddenly I felt like someone was watching us. Oh, leave it. It is a party so anyone can be looking at us.
She was blushing. As I smiled at her, she whispered in my ear, "See ya around." After saying this she disappeared in the crowd.
My stupid gang was dancing like drunken idiots. I went to get a drink at the counter and someone said, "Hi cool party."
As I heard the voice and opened my mouth to speak, the person was nowhere to be found. It was a male voice. I ignored it and went towards my gang; they were planning on playing a game that I was not interested in.
I saw Vallerie come towards me. She came to kiss me but I didn't want to kiss her as I didn't want to leave Maril's taste from my tongue. She frowned at me and said, "You are a mood spoiler." I ignored it, and then sat on the couch with Stefan.
"So what's your deal with Maril? For the first time, she came to your party" -said Stefan, with his brows raised.
I just gave him an 'I don't know' look. And said the same.
After a few hours, the party ended. It ended around 12. And now there were only a few people here. I went to the garden to sit beside the pool. It was dark here. The air was cold and the water in the pool was freezing. I removed my shoes and dug my legs inside.
"What are you doing here?" - Maril came and asked with a smile. I saw her drinking but she sounded so sober. She mostly drank a whole bottle. Something is very weird today.
"Nothing much" - I replied, looking towards her.
Standing beside me, I pulled her hand to signal her to sit down with me. She sat down and asked, "Why are you so different from those guys?" my heart started beating faster.
"I too don't know why but I just never wanted to bully you. I felt differently when you were near. I feel like I want to touch you and never stop."
"In what sense!?" - I stupidly asked. She replied with a smile, "Never mind" - I waved my head. She started laughing seeing me drunk like this, but seeing her laugh, I also started laughing and after that an awkward silence set in. She was staring at me. I saw her deep blue eyes having lust and telling a story.
We then stood up in that silence, I leaned forward and pressed my lips on hers. It was a rough kiss. She moaned against my lips and deepened the kiss, biting my lower lip and it started bleeding. Ouch! It hurt. It feels like something pointed pierced it.
We broke apart.
Wait .... what's wrong with her eyes. They are getting dark more like black.
She suddenly turned and faced the wall. I kept a hand on her shoulder and forced her to turn towards me. She turned and whispered in my ear, "bye see ya soon at the school!"
Maybe something is wrong with me, not with her eyes. I am out of my senses because of those drinks so that's why I am finding everything weird.
I replied, "bye, and your little secret is safe with me forever."
She smiled and then went.
I then went home and took a shower. As I wore the boxers, I laid on the bed.
I then checked my phone. What!? There was a message from Maril, but I don't remember giving her my number, and nor do I ask for it then how. Maybe she has taken my phone and added it when we were sitting out completely drunk. I opened the message

@Maril - Sry:(( for that bite. I just went a little too deep. And don't think much about tonight.

@Jekaul - Oh! it's OK, it just hurt a little but I will be fine soon. And I think I can't sleep thinking of tonight.

@Maril - Ohh then sry for that too:((

@Jekaul - You don't need to say sry to me for anything. It's just ok babe. I am just kidding:))

@Maril - Bye, see ya soon, good night!

@Jekaul - Can't wait for tomorrow:)) good night!

Then, I kept the phone on the bedside table and closed my eyes to sleep... to sink in my beautiful dreams, but I can only think about tonight.
Today there was a different kind of lust in her eyes. They were trying to tell me something.
I am having a lot of questions in my mind. I will find out about it tomorrow. And then I slept.
Suddenly I woke up breathing hard. I heard some vicious sound and that's why I woke up.
What is that thing there?? It has blood all over its lips, chin, and neck. Its eyes were dark and full of lust. They were blue eyes. It is slowly coming towards me. It is a terrific scene. I felt fear set in my body.
Is that a vampire?

[ A/N ]
Hey guys! After a lot of practice, I am writing my first book.
Should I continue this book or not? I have a lack of confidence, so please like it and write a review on it. If u guys like it then leave hearts in the review.
Love you all!!:)))
Proofreading by @FADL_Julie

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