Purple Flowers of Spring [Hai...

By HiroshiYukimura

701 63 346

Yaku and Yachi are best friends, but little did they know; one, or the two of them were starting to develop f... More

Bloom Pt 2
Reproduction Part 2
Presentation Time with Daishou Suguru on Why YakuChi His OTP (Oneshot)
Withering Part 2
YakuChi oneshot


78 7 43
By HiroshiYukimura

A/N: I am sorry for not updating this story earlier. I kinda lost motivation to continue it. So i come back with more YakuChi!

*EHEM* ⁱ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'ˢ ᵒⁿˡʸ ᵃ ᶠᵉʷ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˡⁱᵏᵉˢ ᵗʰᵉ ˢʰⁱᵖ. ᵐᵃʲᵒʳⁱᵗʸ ⁱˢ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵒᵘʳ ᵍᶜ ʰᵃʰᵃʰᵃʰᵃʰ *EHEM*

"Hey, Yaku. You okay? Earth to Yaku" Yachi said as she waved her hand infront of Yaku's face. She did that for a couple of seconds before putting her face literally inches close to Yaku's.  Which snapped him back into earth and was literally blushing hard

"You alright? You don't look so good. Did Daishou's cooking make you like this?" Yachi asked followed by Daishou saying "I heard that, Yachi!" Then everyone put their attention to the two who were literally inches away from each other.

A bunch of whispers came from the others. Then Yaku said "i-im f-fine, abs-olutely f-fine" as he took one hand and covered his face.

"Ohh,okay if you say so." Yachi stepped back as Yaku gave 2 if his cookied to Hinata which made him so excited, he was jumping up and down while munching on the cookies he has. Everyone ate, they all finished their food.

Everyone was talking to each other Asahi even asked Daishou if " Yaku and Yachi were dating" being the best and all knowing senpai of all the school, he said "Drop it" as he glared at Asahi. After that they went to their classes.


It was a normal and strssful day for them. Yaku and Yachi planned to hang out after class.

Yaku was walking towards Yachi's class when he saw Hinata already with her. He approached them and simply said "Yo!" as he leaned on the wall.

"Hey Yakkun~" Yachi said while she was looking and amiling at Yaku

"Yakkun? Where'd you get nickname that from?"

"Just something I thought of while in class. And i thought it was cute."

As he heared this gis mind immediately went to "Wait, she thought of me? While busy and stressed in class." Which made him blush again.

To get his mind off of it, he spoke to Hinata who was just staring at him.

"Hey Hinata, how are ya'?" Yaku asked while waving his hand towards Hinata.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking" Hinata replied with a big wide smile that complimented his cute face and vibrant colored hair

Yaku looks outside and notices the sky being gray and gloomy. " I think it's gonna rain" Yaku said to the two in which Yachi replied with "nice going, Sherlock. You've solved another case!" Which made the three laugh.

"So Yachi, shall we go now?" Yaku asked Yachi which made Hinata wonder what he was talking about.

Hinata looked at Yaku then Yachi. "Oooh~ where are you two going?" Hinata asked Yachi as he smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, We're just gonna hangout, wanna come?" Yachi asked Hinata making his eyes sparkle and saying "REALLY?!?!"

"Yes, you can come, Hinata" Yachi replied meanwhile Yaku was frowning for he thought it could be just the two of them alone. Yaku didn't say anything and just agreed to Hinata coming with them.

"Okee~ Ikou!" Yachi yelled as she stood up from her chair and started walking out of the classroom.

"SO CUTE!" Yaku thought said in his mind as he followed after her, and shortly after, Hinata did also.

The three were walking in the hallway as they heard familiar yelling. It was someone they'd talked to earlier. They looked around then they saw a boy running away from someone.

"Daishou-Senpai?" Yaku said and he waved at Yaku while running after the boy.

"IWAAA!" He yelled before he tackled the boy named Iwa. After he had successfully caught him, Daishou did an 'UwU' face at Iwa.

"You better say this line!" Daishou exclaimed as pointed to her phone which had a the voice recorder app on screen which had  "Ara Ara~ I didn't think i'd see you here at this time of day" in the notes portion.

Iwa scoffed at Daishou and tries to get the boy off of him. "Why do you even want me to say 'Ara Ara~?" Iwa asked as he tried to wiggle his way out of the grasp of Daishou.

"It's because I like you, you mowon." Daishou replied to Iwa's question as he got off of Iwa.

"You always say that." Iwa said as he laughed and got up. "Could you quit joking around like that?" Iwa said after he got up from the floor.

Daishou looked at them and said "Yo! Looks like you three are going somewhere".

Yachi then replied with "Yep~ we're gonna hang out. Wanna join in?" In her usual cheerful tone of voice as she looked at Yaku asking for confirmation to which Yaku gave her a hesitant nod.

"Ooh- a hangout, you say? I'm in!" Daishou said as he nudged Iwa and said "Wanna come, Iwa?" In a cool tone

Iwa squinted his eyes and looked at the dark green haired boy before saying "Sure. I'm free, you Imbecile".

Daishou shifted his gaze to the three and said "Where to tho?"

"I-... Uhmm... I actually don't kno—" Yaku was saying before a voice came from behind him said "There's this ramen shop that recently opened nearby. Wanna go?"

Yaku tilted his head and looked behind him; Hinata and Yachi also did the same and they saw Asahi who just got out from class.

"Where you eavesdropping on us?" Hinata asked as he made a '•∆•' which made Yachi giggle at the sight of seeing it.

"S-SORRY!" Asahi exclaimed accidentally raising the tone of his voice. "Yeah, I overheard you five talking about hanging out so i decided to recommend the new ramen shop".

"It's fine, dude. Don't worry" Iwa interjected as he put an elbow on Daishou's shoulder.

"Alright, everyone's here. Let's go!!" Yachi said as she started walking, but stopped due to the sudden realization that she doesn't know where the shop was. "I… uhmm, dunno where the shop is-"

Yaku looked at Yachi and smiled at her and looked at Asahi. "You lead the way, Asahi" Yaku said as he walked over to Yachi's side and gave her a head pat. "Don't worry, Yachi. He'll lead the way" Yaku said before smiling sweetly at Yachi.

Asahi looked at Yaku and said "Owkie" then started walking to which everyone started to follow. Yachi and Hinata where talking about something, Daishou and Iwa were whispering something to each other l, while Yaku was just walking while staring at the ground and occasionally glances at Yachi who was laughing and giggling while talking with Hinata.

'How I wish I was the one she was talking to"

"Please notice me"

These were the things Yaku thought of while walking. He was overthinking and was so deep in thought, he didn't even realize he was coughing until Yachi held his shoulder and stopped him from walking and said "Hey Yaku, you okay? We're here at the ramen shop" before Yachi grabbed Yaku's hand which made Yaku blush. Yachi pulled him into the shop where everyone was near the entrance looking at the interior of the shop

A waitress approached them and asked "Which table?"

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