Don't Mess With The Ghost Kid

By baby-dolly

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Senior year. It was supposed to be their best year. Everything was great for the trio. Team phantom was stron... More

Not an update


225 9 3
By baby-dolly

Danny's pov

"And the Spector deflector?"


"I think that settles it then," I said looking at the bags of equipment we had

"Good now can we please go to bed? I'm so tired and we have to be up early tomorrow," Tucker complained

"Fine." I said "are you two staying over?" I asked

"No," they said

"Wrong answer," I laughed "why go home when you could just stay here. You're gonna have to come here tomorrow morning anyways,"

"Fair point," Sam agreed

"If we're staying in sleeping in the couch," Tucker laughed "last time we all slept over it was before you two got together so I don't wanna be in a room with that romance,"

He caused us to laugh.

"Okay whatever,"

"Whatever lovebirds" Tucker emphasized lovebirds like everyone would before

"Tucker," Sam and I said in aggression causing him to bolt out of the room

"Oh Danny you pack your medicine right?" Sam asked

"Hm? Oh um yeah," I said from the other side of the room not hearing what she said

"Danny," I looked over at her "Z's I'd you even hear what I said?"

"No," I replied taking my shirt off

"Danny," she said I looked over at her again


"Did you pack your pills?"

"What pills?"



"Your anxiety pills? You put them in your bag right?"

"No, they're still in the bathroom. I'll pack them tomorrow,"

"Fine. But you better make sure you put them in the bag. But we should probably get some sleep. You really need sleep if you're going to have to take watch while we're in the ghost zone" Sam walked over to me

"You've got a point," I agreed before flopping down onto my bed

I sighed and sam laid down on the bed next to me

"Stop worrying Danny. It'll be fine."

"I know but I just feel like something might go wrong."

"Nothing wrong is going to happen Danny. We'll be fine."

"I'm just worried about everyone. I mean like what if my parents goof up or something. I don't want them to hurt you or the kids. Or what if everyone finds out about my identity? I mean what if my parents don't accept me? I know If it was Jazz they wouldn't have a problem with it but Jazz is their favorite child,"

"Danny your parents don't pick favorites"

"Yes they do Sam. They've said it right in front of me like I wasn't even there,"

"Danny just... let's get some sleep. We can't afford to be tired in the morning,"

"Yeah you're right," I sighed. Ironic how earlier I was the one telling her everything would be fine but now it's flipped.

"Good. We can get up early enough so we can make breakfast before the class gets here alright?" She have a soft smile

"I like that plan," I smiled back before leaning forward and planting a small kiss on her lips.

Same wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer. For being how little she is she's very strong. I set my head on-top of hers as she continued to hug me while we're were laying down. That's when she started rapping on my back

• — •• — — — •••— •
— • — — — — — •• —

"Sam?" I laughed lightly

"Hm?" She hummed

"Did you just sign Morse code on my back?"


I snickered "I love you too,"


I woke up early to the sun just barley peeking into my room. I groaned and looked over at the clock that read 5:45 am. I tried to get up but was stopped by an extra weight. I looked and Sam was still attached to me like a koala. Her legs were intertangled with mine and her head was laying on my chest. I smiled at her before trying to get up. Her grip tightened on me.

"Sam you have to let me get up," I quietly giggled

"No," she said before pulling me back down

"Sam we have to get up so we can get ready before the class comes,"

"But it's cold and I'm tired and you're comfy," she said sounding drunk

"Sam come on," I tried lifting her up with me

She groaned trying to pull us back over and under the blanket.

"Sam come on please,"

"Only if you carry me,"

"I will for a little bit," I gave into her way

I stood up and she hung from my next like a toddler. Her legs were wrapped around my hips and her head on my shoulder trying to sleep still. I walked downstairs to find Tucker still asleep. I didn't bother to wake him Becuase I trusted him to get up soon. Sam I didn't trust to wake up. She is definitely not a morning person.

I walked into the kitchen still carrying Sam. I didn't know what to do because everyone was sleeping. I sat down in a chair and instead of holding her legs to keep her from falling I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her sighing trying to mentally prepare myself for the day.

"Come on Sam lets get up now. We have to get ready,"

"But whyyy," she complained which her voice muffled due to my shoulder

"Because we don't want to be wearing our pajamas when the class comes to our house. I also don't wanna let you go to the ghost zone hungry. So let's make food and get ready."

"Mmmm" she groaned again

"Sam I know you're not a morning person,"

"That's for sure," she laughed tiredly

I kissed her temple and running my hands up and down her back. She lifted her head off my shoulder and met my gaze

"Well good morning sleepy head," I laughed slightly

"If you were me you'd do the same thing,"

"Mhm sure," I smirked

"Stop that,"

"Stop what,"

"That smirk,"

"Oh? What about it,"

"I dunno. I just didn't like it," she giggled with no energy

She seemed really tired

Come on let's get some food alright?"

"Alright," she got off me and moved over to the other chair. Luckily Tucker has gotten up so we could get ready.

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