Court Of Night

By the_rebellionxx

1.2M 47.5K 11K

The pack on the verge of collapse, Fie Wright watches as her Alpha falls into a downward spiral due to his dy... More

Love Drunk
Tick Tock
Kit Kat


17.2K 693 112
By the_rebellionxx

Fie Wright's P. O. V

The feeling is all too familiar as I get lowered to the ground, much closer to the muddy path than I was a few seconds ago as I transition from human to wolf. My brown paws huge and leaving prints in its wake as I lower my about to the ground and twitch my nose, inhaling the new scents that encapsulate me with my even better heightened senses. Twitching my droopy ears, I catch the sound of bones cracking and heating against each other as my mate too takes his true wild form.

My once tranquil state at being left free now turns into antsy expectations at the thought of catching sight of my mate in mere seconds. I'm so worked up I almost run towards the sound of gyrating bones but instead, dig my long claws into the ground to hold me steady. As much as my wolf would like to sneak up on my sexy beast of a mate in all his naked glory, I don't think I'll be able to live up to transforming back and holding eye contact at being caught eavesdropping on him being in an intimate position.

No! Naughty wolf.

'Have you shifted?' Comes Malleus' rough baritone, the voice deeper and almost a guttural growl even though our voices remain the same even through mindlink when we're shifted.

'Yes. Are you decent?' I question hesitantly, not even bothering to conceal the excitement in my tone at seeing my mate in his wolf form.

I'm not awarded with a verbal answer and instead, hear the sound of large paws thudding their way into the soft flesh of the ground, soil crumbling apart under foot as my mate's heavy limbs work their way towards me. Letting out a huff in protest at how slow he's walking, I too start in his direction, eager to cross the heavy foliage and lay eyes on my adored Malleus.

Milky strands of a white, almost blond shade of fur streaked with flecks of woody brown line the four appendages and underbelly of my towering mate. His stature dwarfing me in both human and animal form as he looms above me with his head raised high but tilted. Mimicking his movements, I rake my eyes further over the wolf's expanse, taking note of how his whiteish hair darkens in shades and tones till it goes from a light black and then darker to a smattering of black over the expanse of his spine and down to the wisp of his tail. The most intriguing pattern of my mate's fur has my tongue slipping out of my mouth and passed my canines as I let out a little laugh at how the black fur covers the top most part of his head and just near his snout, ending at the bit near his eyes where it fades to a light brown. Almost making the wolf look like some superhero in disguise with a bad eye covering mask.

'Yeah. Yeah. Laugh as much as you want.' Malleus grunts, stepping forward and nudging me with his slightly wet nose which I return with equal adoration.

'You look funny to say the least.' My laughter is apparent even via mindlink as I sit back onto my haunches, taking in every inch of my mate and loving how he does the same, the both of us enchanted by the other as we take our time simply watching the other. Craning my neck up as high as I possibly can, I rub the top of my head against the expanse of his exposed chest, trying to get as much as my scent onto him as I possible can. A temporary mark that will ward off all potential unmated wolves. Malleus seems to like the idea as much as I do since he copies my actions, the both of us accidentally butting heads much more than once.

With a final nudge of my body against his chest, I step back and sniff the air, completely satisfied as my own scent encompasses his own till you can barely differentiate one from the other. My face as smug as possibly can be in the form of a wolf, I take a step backwards while narrowing my eyes at him, Malleus himself tilting his head to the side as he tries to understand my intentions.

No one said we couldn't have a little fun now could they?

Lowering the front of my body till my chest is just hovering above the ground, I raise the apex of my butt and waggling tail high in the air as a low grumbling sound escapes me. Malleus appears even more confused at the growl that I'm releasing until it registers in his mind that my wolf and I are in a playful mood. Dropping his large head in recognition, Malleus places one large fluffy paw in a gait that lets me know he's ready to attack any moment. I try to make my movement as slow as possible so I can catch him off guard as I prowl towards him slowly, feigning left but onsite as jumping right as I twist my body and nip gently at the skin in front of me before turning around and flitting.

I squeal as humanly possible in such a form at the sound of a playful growl erupting behind me, the heavy thudding of galloping paws chasing after me while I run as fast as my stealthy limbs can take me. Dodging this way and that through the trees and broken stumps, I push myself as fast as possible with one set area in mind although I know Malleus is purposely slowing himself down, content with nipping at the back of my legs on warning but not catching me properly.

Pushing my body just a bit more, I pump my legs since I can smell and hear the difference in the topography, aiming my next few movements perfectly so that Malleus is caught unaware. My tongue pokes out between my teeth once more as the sight comes into view, counting down my seconds, I speed at the last moment before turning my body to the side, throwing myself against the bank of the river and getting a mouthful of mud. It's all definitely worth it as Malleus' eyes go comically wide, his front legs trying to stop himself from going into the water but it's too late due to the high speed he was chasing after me with.

A huge resounding splash takes up the otherwise quiet forest causing the animals and critters to monetarily stop in caution but then resuming their daily activities once they realise no such predator is on the prowl for them.

Throaty huffs escape me in the form of laughter while I continue to lay on the ground, turning onto my back and causing everything to appear upside down as Malleus doggy paddles in the middle of the lake. His huge alert ears now droopy and stuck to his head while the rest of his matted fur sticks to him.

I feel a twinge of regret and a hint of betrayal rock through my body as I stop rolling around on the muddy surface, straightening myself and composing my once amused face into one of pure somber. Maybe that was a cruel prank to play on him? He only wanted to chase after me and I ended up doing him dirty.

Glancing back to where I saw my mate last, my body tenses up when I catch no sight of him and a clear indication that he's gone underwater.

Okay he's definitely messing with me.

'Malleus?' I call out hesitantly but get no answer.

Sharpening my hearing, I let oh a breath of relief as I hear the faint sound of someone moving silently underwater. He's just messing with me. Although it's not like I can complain.

Relaxing my body, I sit up on my haunches once more while gently shaking my coat to make sure the fly bits of mud dislodge themselves from my fur. However, my ministrations cease immediately as the sound of my mate emerging from water grasps my attention instead. All rational thoughts evade me while my mouth runs dry but simultaneously salivating at my mate now in his human form, the weight of the water dragging him down but that doesn't stop him from breaking through the barrier in a way that I've only seen in movies with unbelievably hot characters.

Those were nothing compared to this.

Wet hair appearing darker as it sticks to the crown of his head, upper body appearing bit by bit as he pushes against the water and allowing me to take in every inch of his taut muscles that flex with each move. I shamelessly stare at the running water droplets tracing their way over the expanse of his chest and down over each chiselled ab till they vanish from sight as they trail down his v line and some dissolving into the little trail of hair that leads to a sight covered by water. Oh what I'd give to be a little drop of water grasping onto each piece of my mate's exposed body.

I probably look like the wolf out of the three little pigs story book that just wanted to gobble up those piggies. I wouldn't even bat an eye if someone told me I was smacking my lips in anticipation right now. This wolf needs some meat.

"Naughty little wolf." Comes Malleus' familiar voice, the playful tone allowing one part of me to be in relief that he's not upset with me but the other part of me does not give a single damn. Oh no. Not when he's near the shallow part of the water and every single surface of him is laid out to me like a feast for a starving man wandering lost for day's in a forest.

Werewolves don't mind nudity considering most of us slip up and have accidents when we change but that doesn't mean I go around traipsing in my birthday suit whenever I get the chance. Nor does it mean I like getting eyefuls of young and old people's intimate bodily parts, especially my fathers. But I have no qualms in simply clearing my schedule only to stare at the bare skin my mate presents me with. I'd like to call it sight seeing especially since I know I'll take my time with the rather hefty proportions that Malleus is blessed to have.

If I wasn't smacking my lips before, I certainly am now.

Even now I can practically hear my wolf purring at the image of my mate in front of us along with the words that leave his perfectly lips. I wouldn't be surprised if she edged me on to say just how naughty we could be but wolves don't talk and I'm sure more than half of these thoughts are actually mine but I'm just pretending for my own sanity's sake that my wolf is a little minx.

It appears that this time I'm the one caught off guard, too consumed in fantasising about things that could be an obvious reality when I feel the ground give into from under me, my body meeting nothing but air as my wolf starts to freak out and thrash about.

"Relax," Soothes Malleus from directly above and behind me, his body heat contrasting against the wetness that seeps into my fur. I let my body relax although feeling a bit uneasy since me being up in the air and held from behind in my wolf form is a foreign experience to the say least. I'd say I am thankful that the uneasiness is swept away once I realise Malleus' intentions as he puts one bare foot in front of the other, taking me closer with each step to the watery depths he just emerged from just a few moments ago.

'You know Malleus, I've never told you what an amazing mate you are.' I start off hesitantly, the high pitched not escaping Malleus as he lets out a short laugh. I don't even get a chance to finish my pleading when I'm thrown high into the other, my furry body twisting this way and that as I try to struggle mid air. Malleus finds my struggling all too amusing as he throws his head back and laughs, the last thing I see is his chest moving up and down with the force of his laughter before I plummet into the chilly lake and get a mouthful of water.

'Not cool.' I say with a grumble, not oblivious to a still laughing Malleus as I trudge my way out of the water. Of course I'm not really mad and I don't really have any reason to be since I did the exact same thing to him a few moments ago but, nonetheless, I take satisfaction in my payback as I walk up to him and ruffle out my fur like dogs wanting to get any and every trace of water off of them. I hear groans of complaints but that just makes me amused as I try to look anywhere but at my naked mate.

Once I'm satisfied that the majority of the water is out of my damp coat, I trudge over to a dry spot covered in leaves and deposit myself on there, staring up at Malleus as I lie down with my head situated on my front paws. I'm greeted with a soft tender smile in return as my mate walks over to where I am, his body morphing with each step as he turns back to his animistic form till he's lowered completely onto four legs. I move around in place, scooting a bit to the side to give him more space as he flops down onto the cleared space, his huge head turning in my direction as his tongue lolls out of his mouth and he gives me a wolffish grin, dark blue eyes shining down at me in happiness and the way only one mate looks at another.

A slow whine escapes me without my notice and I'm sure I would have blushed if not for being literally covered in fur. Malleus seems to get why I'm acting so needy as he lets out a loud huff, turning his body while I duck down so I'm perfectly in place underneath his body, the lower half of my body free along with my neck that pokes out from under his body which he promptly lays his head on, nuzzling into me. The sigh of content is one that comes from pure bliss as I share the calm moment with my mate, my eyes slowly closing from the attack of sleep even though I haven't done much the entire day. Maybe it's because the warmth from Malleus is making me a bit too comfortable after being thrown into freezing cold water.

No matter the reason, I can feel my eyes drooping closed as the peace that has been evading me for months finally settles around me. Life couldn't get any more perfect than this. I'm sure I'll have hurdles to overcome later on but right now snuggled up to my mate and my Luna finally out of harms way, I can't help but to rejoice in the only way I can right now.

Opening my muzzle just a bit, I let out a low pitched albeit loud howl which can be heard by every member of my Pack. The sound conveying the peace I feel along with the gratefulness at having our Luna back. Not even a second later, multiple howls echo all around the surrounding area as each and every wolf joins me in our song of praise, the voices merging together till they become one. All indicated to the one who healed our Luna. As our howl dies down, I can feel Malleus intertwined and nestled closer to me, my back and his chest vibrating by the soft yet rough purr that leaves him, his own thanks and content at me being happy as he rests his head atop mine while the both of us succumb to the awaited sleep.

I'm woken up by Malleus nipping gently at the thick skin on the back of my neck, his not so gentle love pecks rousing me while a distorted grunt leaves my lips at the not so hated disturbance.

'We should head back.' The sleep is thick in his voice even telepathically, signifying that my mate had just as much of a deep sleep as I myself had. My wolf chuffs in pride at the small fact that our mate is so at ease in both forms that he trusts us enough to fall into a deep sleep knowing that if anything does occur, we'll both be there to protect each other.

I swear, sometimes my wolf looks too deep into things that aren't even applicable majority of the time.

Deciding to stare at something other than my mate for once, I glance around at our woods surroundings while trying to figure out what possible time it is. Deducing we still have an hour or so to kill before the bonfire starts, I stretch out my languid body as a yelp leaves me when I stretch a bit too much. Malleus gets up and watches me with a keen eye as I ruffle out my fur for the final time before catching his gaze with my own.

'How about a little run before we have to head back and socialise with the rest of the pack,' stopping for a moment, I add in just at the end with a goofy grin, 'I won't be having any tricks up my sleeve this time.' I promise wholeheartedly while he merely rolls his eyes at me, nudging my side in a way that lets me know he's eager for a run just as much as I am.

The both of us end up chasing one another once more with it ending up in a little play fight. The fight term is put incredibly lost since Malleus did nothing more than nip at me while I fake lunged for his throat and even caught his neck in between my maw, all with him letting me of course because if this were a real fight, I would've ended up dead before I even batted an eyelash.

Covered in sweat and grime and partially naked isn't a way that I would like to attend a party. Malleus agreed with me when I suggested the two of us sneak into my house and take a quick shower, separately, before getting ready and going to the bonfire. Luckily our pack members were known for being late so we still had around a good forty five minutes to ourselves before we were considered being properly late. My shower was quick anyways and I got ready in my own room while Malleus was escorted begrudgingly on his side, to the guest room where he could get ready easily.

My outfit simple and consisting of a cute plain day dress. I'll ignore the fact that the bonfire is happening at night, I muse as I apply a pinkish nude lipstick to my face. My makeup nothing too extraordinary since it's a simple gathering but I apply enough concealer to hide my dark circles and the rest of my blemishes.

Yes even werewolves are prone to these things but oh how I wish we had the stereotypical model bodies and crystal clear skin. I'm sure it would make my life a tad bit easier.

Donning my shoes, I step outside my room and am greeted with the sight of Malleus clad in a light blue button up shirt with fitted jeans and his usual combat boots. His hair partially wet but ruffled up in that way that makes me want to attack his lips with my own. Just like before when we were appraising each other in our wolf forms, I can tell Malleus likes what he sees even though it's nothing too fancy. My reaction similar to his in many ways.

If this is what people call the honeymoon stage, I think we're going to be in it forever.

"Let's get this party started shall we?"


AN: Hi! Late chapter by a few days indeed but it's been more than a month and I still don't have WiFi so I'm surprised I'm even updating. I'm living off mobile data for the time being but let's keep our fingers crossed and hope I can get some actual internet. Also I don't usually like putting pictures in the middle of my chapters but I wasn't really able to explain the position of the wolves and that was somewhat it so yup.

Question: What sort of foods do you like? (Savoury, sweet, spicy, sour etc).

Please remember to:


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