Multiple Mates (Complete)

By ArdenTownsend

52.5K 1.5K 334

On the night of Meredith 16th birthday she shifted. When she came back from her birthday pack run and shifted... More

Reviews and Comments
Part 1 ✔️
Chapter Two- Double Mark ✔️
Chapter Three- The Doctor ✔️
Chapter Four- the mating ✔️
CHATER FIVE- the gift ✔️
CHAPTER SIX- pampering and celebration ✔️
CHAPTER SEVEN- Rogue and Travel ✔️
CHAPTER EIGHT- legend story ✔️
CHAPTER NINE- The mole ✔️
CHAPTER TEN- the trial ✔️
CHAPTER ELEVEN- Fighting werebears ✔️
CHAPTER TWELVE- the final goodbye ✔️
Author's note after chapter 12 ✔️
Part Two ✔️
CHAPTER THIRTEEN- the journals ✔️
CHAPTER FOURTEEN- the battle begins ✔️
CHAPTER FIFTEEN- saving the injured ✔️
CHAPTER SIXTEEN the fallen memorial ✔️
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN- their arrivals✔️
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN- the pups debut✔️
Part 3 ✔️
CHAPTER TWENTY Fighting the Fire ✔️
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE- house arrangements ✔️
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO royalty returns ✔️
Part 4 ✔️
Part 5 ✔️
Author's note after chapter 30 ✔️
CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE- the trial ✔️
Chapter Thirty-two: votings ✔️
THIRTY-THREE- the honeymoon ✔️
Author's note ✔️
The Pups✔️
Characters and Cast ✔️
Fyi ✔️

CHAPTER NINETEEN- the elemental returns ✔️

939 37 13
By ArdenTownsend

After the Leadership Blessing we all went to the buffet. Just as we finished up the meal I saw Jarrett and several other wolves jump up. They ran toward the door and shifted at the door and kept running until they presence disappeared off pack land.

The councilwoman spoke up, "We have Four packs in danger because of forest fire.

This mate celebration is officially closing down do to this fire emergency and will be rescheduled at a later.  Alpha Issac has agreed to still keep their homes and lands opened to anyone who needs it for their pack members. Alpha Issac please step up and take over."

Alpha Issac steps up, "My Phase "A" warriors get ready to leave in 2 hours with all fire equipment.  I request if other packs phase "A"wish to join us be ready to depart then.

Phase "B" warriors and support be prepared to leave with our Beta tomorrow.

Phase "C" we will turn the valley into temporary housing set up.

Phase "D" and "E" on up will cover patrols and other areas of this pack land. My third in command will be in charge of this.

Phase F, G, H, I you are on the sanctuary detail. Unfortunately we will have some of our dark packs try to take advantage of any packs who loose their lands and become displaced packs. They will try to label them rouges and attack them. Your job will be to head there with a letter from me and council giving them Sanctuary here in the valley. Your job will be to help protect them.

All other Phase groups your commander will be splitting you up by your squads to merge into other phases.

My dad and mom  will be staying here with the council and third in command. My parents will be acting Alpha in my absence. Elder Brett will be acting Beta.

My Elder third in command will be in charge of all training for all ages under the Good Samaritan Pack Law. The council will assist with and guide this. Seer cast what ever Samaritan Spell to make it so. What this law does is makes it that any packs who send their warriors to help during this crisis will be under a Good Samaritan. This means all packs will have a Samaritan Council Link and make it that all your packs will be able to link and communicate without having to deviate runners to communicate. The members who reject this council Good Samaritan law after the emergency will go before the council.

It is now 7:33. Anyone who does not have pups to watch report to the kitchen and start making sandwiches for our men who will be departing soon. Mom please show Lucinda where the cooler backpacks are for this. Then tomorrow we will work to break down the food prep area that were set up for this weeks event and move them to a safe area to prepare hot meals for the wolves battling the fire.

All who plan to leave with us tonight report here at 9:30 with your fire gear. Everyone else report to the various phases. My commanders will be in charge unless a stronger commander from various packs show up. Then under Good Samaritan it will automatically switch to them if that commander wants the leadership.

Those who are suppose to shift tonight the Seer and council has stated they will be there to assist. You report to the amphitheater. You future wolves we wish you well and once this emergency is over we will celebrate your change here with everyone who can attend.  There will be no pack celebration run tonight but the Seer promises it will be memorable. I ask all wolves on the count of three to do a best of luck one minute howl. 1, 2, 3 howl." Everyone joins in and at the one minute they abruptly stop. Then Issac states,

"9:30 phase "A" report back here. DISMISS"


I bring back all pups to my house. I give them all baths. After their baths I warm up bottles and give each pup a bottle. I put the twins in my bed. Then laid down the four other pups together all swaddled in their blankets in Bryant's crib. Which is currently in my room.

I was linked by Lucinda and Sophia after the pups were asleep. "Hey we just finished making the sandwiches."

Lucinda says, "We also are breaking down this temporary bivouac mess hall we set up for this weeks celebration and assisting in getting it ready to be moved. The food for this week are all kept in refrigerated trailers. We are moving 3/4 of these trailers to the safe zone and setting up a mess hall there. Will you be able to watch the pups until we return? Or should I contact the grandparents?"

""Yes, I can watch them. You go do your Luna duties."

"Ana and Izzy will be coming with us. They won't be able to assist you. We are for some reason feeling the need to have them help," Sophia says.

"We have had a few she-wolf omegas say they will be willing to assist you. They will show up tomorrow to help you. They are from the Mountain Pass Pack. They have seeked sanctuary from me." Lucinda says.

"Why do they need Santuary?" Meri asked.

"These four all found their mates when in route to the mate event and their Alpha refuses to release them to move to their mate's pack. He claims they are just omega and did not want to waste scent be gone on them since he has the strength to over ride their wants," Sophia said.

As soon as their Alpha and warriors from Mountain Pass Pack left to go fight the fire they came to me and requested sanctuary and when I heard their story I granted it. I am assigning them to you since you have double Alpha blood and had been a beta's mate. I know you could over ride his mental power. If need be cunningly defeat him if he tries to force them to return," Lucinda replies.

"The council has backed us up in this decision also," Sophia says.

"Have them bring over bags of clothes, diapers and formula from your homes. Tell them to also bring their clothes. Can you have them and their mates come to my house tonight? I want them all to go to the Ewok Village and clean and set it up. Tomorrow I am moving into the village full time. We will get each room winterized this spring and summer. I will officially accept them if they break contact and appear to be rogue to their current Alpha and immediately accept them into my pack.

"I am officially going to seek from the council permission to become the Alpha of the Ewok Village Pack. As Luna do you grant permission for us to travel your pack land?"

"They are on their way to your house," Sophia says.

Meri replies, "great, I am going to give each Omega their on room at the Ewok Village. Then tell them they got 3 days to get the Ewok village ready to be moved into and during this time it might be a good idea to have each mate mark each other by order of the council. Oh and send me 2 more unmated omegas to help me pack and get ready to move."

"Ok, but I am sending a few warriors with them whom will help guard them and you."

"It is now 9:25 and you need to sneak aboard the trucks so Issac and Jacob do not find you until after  your already established."

"Don't need to sneak. We are due to depart after their last truck departs which we think will be about 10:30 tonight." Meri hears knocking on the door.

"Ok they are here. Be careful and happy feeding."

Meri goes and answers the door. There are 10 omegas and the 11 warriors from the day we did the bus trip. Plus one of the council woman there.  I let them all in and  they sit in chairs and on the floor.  The council woman says, "I grant you all permission to form your own pack. Your pack will be known as Ewok Sky Pack. The base will start off here and will be moving to the mountain range on the other side of your valley. The Seer and his siblings who are spread across multiple packs will build a base camp which will start off as the Elemental School.

I grant Meri Timberwood the Alpha of this pack. The Beta of this group will be Maxwell Trail (bus driver). The third in command is..."

The door flies open and it is Missy standing there with Sunny and they shout out, "Missy and Sunny will be head nurse"

Tonight Missy, Maxwell and the four mates Omegas will take off to the Ewok village. But this pack will not have Omegas. You will be granted the strength of Deltas. This pack will be different than most packs. When a new member approaches they will all start as omegas until they prove their worth. Once their worth is manifested they will move up to that rank. Now it is getting late and you all have busy few days. One of the freezer trucks has been moved and currently being camouflage by the Wilson brothers for all your food to be hidden in. There are two trailers being moved. One is for refrigerated/freezer items and the other for pantry items."

Maxwell speaks up, "I am sorry but I am going to be heading toward the fire. I taught fire safety a few years back and my experience is being called into play." He points to two members and says, "have them take my place for now until I return. I am going with The Luna's and we depart soon."

The council woman says, "ok Now as stated before it is getting late. We will make the pack commitments easy, you all repeat this FOR THE STRENGTH OF THE WOLF IS THE PACK; THE STRENGTH OF THE PACK IS THE WOLF. WE COMMIT TO BE EACH OTHER'S STRENGTH AND HONOR OUR PACK HIERARCHY."

They all repeated it and they glowed and their bond was formed. "Now everyone go do your duties. They all left and only the council woman was still there, "Meri their Alpha has just felt the break and filed a grievance against what ever pack taken his Omegas. Plus the other Alphas also filing grievances against all the wolves who joined you tonight. No one knows whom their former members have gone. There will be council meeting one week after everyone gets back from the fire. The only one who did not file a formal complaint is your brothers. Though they are hurt you did not inform them first, but they can feel your power increasing as siblings even if not as a former member. They have requested the council check your safety as a sanction wolf." Then she walked out the door. The two single new Deltas said, "we are staying here Alpha to help you."

"I can offer you two toddler beds tonight to sleep in. Let me show you their beds and we all head to bed. It is now 10:25. I am going to warm up bottles and feed the pups before they actually wake up. Then head to bed."

"Let us help feed them. I see they are all on the same formula. How much do they need?"

"I warm up four 8 ounce bottles. Usually Felix and Bryant will drink 6-8 ounces. Then Farra drinks 5-6 ounces. Dagion will drink all his and finish off what the others don't take. They eat every 3-4 hours. If Serena and Selena wake up I will give them a bottle of regular milk. They drink just 4 ounces. I change them and then head back to bed. Now I cannot keep calling you former omega or Delta. What are your names."

"My name is Ryan." She head over to grab the formula and heat it up.

"My name is Sarah, but I need to talk to you. You may not want me around your pups. You see the Alpha and the lead warriors used me. I just found out when the Alpha and Beta were using me they announced they could hear other heartbeats. I am pregnant and no idea who the father is. I can understand if you do not wish me around the pups."

"It is not your fault. How long have they been using you? "

Since the night of my change over four years ago. I discovered the third in command was my mate and I hated it. You see the top three leaders when mates were found on the 16th birthday like to enact the ancient law where leaders got first sexual claim. They would do pack membership mark on our wrist. My mate got upset when the alpha and beta wanted to do that to me and started a fight. They killed him in front of me. Then blamed me for the third in command death. Then everyone who was in that room smelt the leaders arousal. I was group raped that night and been a sex slave since."

"It is not your fault. You know your carrying either an Alpha or Beta pup. You will be welcomed in Ewok Sky Pack until you find a second chance mate or you choose to leave on your own. I am ALPHA COMMANDING that none of you ladies ever speak of being unworthy again. It is not you all who should have that title. When we go to trial I am going to request those who abused their powers be stripped of all their powers. Now let us go help Ryan feed the pups. Sarah grabs the backpacks with the children's belongings and goes into where the pups are. I follow and help her change the pups into dry diapers. We fed them and climbed into our beds to sleep for the night.

At the stroke of midnight I get woke up with Dagion and Farra screaming. I go running to them. Their fever has spiked. I link to my parents. "Something is wrong with Farra and Dagion can you come here?"

Mom answers, "your dad and I are helping young wolves shift. We will be there as soon as possible."

All the sudden they scream and everyone is then awake in the house. Dad links, "I felt that I am on my way and your mom is assisting the female shifters. We have plenty of males assisting. She was the only elder female to come."

The pups scream again, "you two stay with the others. I will move these two to the living room. My dad will be here soon."

Dad burst through the door since I had not had a chance to unlock my front door yet. He looks at the pups and says, "they act as though they are shifting. This cannot be. Pups don't shift this young." The pups then scream and we hear a snap, "quick let us get them to the amphitheater with the other first time shifters."

I call out, "lock up in the bedroom with the other pups. My dad is sending someone over to fix the door." We each scoop up a baby and run to the amphitheater. All the way there we keep hearing their cries and the snaps.

We get there and dad lays them on the ground. He looks at the others who are there, "i think they are shifting. I have never known any pups this young to shift."

Adele shows up, "I did not know about this.  I have called my oldest brother who is over 800 years old."

Just then stand next to Adele is a stranger, "hey little brother. I am actually 802 years old. Now why did you call me out?"

Adele points to the two infants who are screamingly and could hear snaps. "What is going on here Oden? Since when do infants behave like this?"

Oden replies, "last time in ancient history there was a story that when a king will be needed the elementals will be called forth to prepare a kingdom for them. The king and queen will be born the same day and will be mates. These mates will shift the first full moon after they meet.  The last king and queen we had was recorded before I was even born. This family stopped having pups because king and queen were not needed any more.

Ancient stories said, "if another King and queen were ever needed they would be born the same night. Then the first full moon after their birth they would be together and shift. They would be the youngest shifters in history and up until their shift to adulthood they would shift on all full moons and be trained in an element. They would have one element they were level 10 and all other elements would be levels 7-9.  These royal shifters would be white. They would later even fly when they got their wings at adulthood.

There will be one elemental who would be born the same day and he would be the master of  all elements and guide them all. He will not shift until his 21st birthday.

Then there will be another wolf born that day. His training will begin on his 5th birthday.he will be sent to various warrior claims and become a strong warrior. He will guide and train all warriors in multiple ways."

There will be the conscious wolf. They will be like a yin/yan wolf

This means dark blood leaches are coming forth. This means the tides are shifting. It means that we must get all to prepare for war. But first we must help them shift. Who is their alpha. Ezra and Meri stood up an called out "I am." Ezra just then realized who the Alpha was and why he felt a pack break earlier. Ezra continued, "we are the acting alphas because their alpha is fighting the fire."

"Ezra you take him and Meri you take her. Place the pups between you so they touch each other. Transform into your wolves and curl around them to form a circle."

He looks at Adele and says, "this means all these pups were blessed with an elementals and will need immediate training. Yet we will have to keep hidden their talents. He looks around at the Elders who are here. Each pup who has been within 150 miles of here will have my sister show up to test for an elemental effective immediately on their coming of age party. If they have a talent they will automatically be given a scholarship to a private school. They will learn their element and trained to protect our kind.

Then the young pups started to transform and went and snuggled next to the Meri and Ezra instinctively. The circles help getting larger and larger. Their alphas then transform to wolf and snuggle next to their pack members. Soon every one in attendance but Adele and Odem were part of the circle. Adele and Oden floated above the infant pups. They reached down and touched the pups. As soon as they were touched by the brothers the pups changed.

These two wolves were white. The other wolves then stood up and bow to the pups. Then the various newly changed wolves started showing their element with the help of Adele and Oden.

Adele said, "I am lifting the forgot spell off those who are present. All you Elementals say goodbye to those who are present. My brother is going to take you to the ancient school. Once you have control of your elements we will work on building the permanent palace and school in the sky.

Then I am going to go collect my brothers and start visiting packs. It seems wolves who turned 16 this year have elementals that are in dormant. Only we who are here will know elementals have returned.

We will prepare for the day the king and queen take control.

We need to keep this hidden until they can take over their role.

As far as everyone else is concerned the party is planned for 2 weeks from now and the wolves in Meri's new pack came for sanctuary but found more. All the items for the party were diverted to feed the firefighters.

No one will remember anything that has happened.

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