Don't Leave Me

By allergic_to_bs

255K 5.1K 1.2K

Audrey and Matt have been dating for almost two years. Everybody envies their relationship as they have been... More

Don't Leave Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Matt's P.O.V
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - Matt's P.O.V
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 12

7.5K 184 32
By allergic_to_bs

"I'll get it," I offered, standing up from the couch as I heard the doorbell.

"Who is it?" Brandy asked from her place on the family room floor, playing Uno with the boys.

"No clue," I shrugged, walking towards the door and answering it.

I swung it open, it revealing a figure I haven't seen in, like, forever.

"Oh my gosh!" I screeched, throwing myself into the arms of my beloved sister. 

"Audrey I've missed you!" She giggled, tightly hugging me by my waist. "How are you?"

"Oh my gosh, I'm great! How are you?" I squealed, practically dragging her into the house.


Her long blonde hair is much shorter than I remeber and she looks more built than before. She isn't wearing her galsses anymore either, she must have traded them in for contacts like I did a few years ago.

"Boys look who's here!" I boasted.

Tyler and Kyler booked over to Kylee, throwing themselves at her. 

"Hi Kylee!" Kyler laughed, hugging her one leg while Tyler hugged the other.

"Hey guys," Kylee smiled, kneeling down to their level, talking and giggling. 

Brandy and I smiled at each other as we watched them interact. She hasn't really spent a whole lot of time with them since they were like two years old. Shorty after they turned two, Kylee went off to college at U Penn.

"What brings you back, Kylee?" Brandy asked, giving her a tight hug once they boys' turn was over. "You still have a year left of college yet." 

"Yeah, but I've come with exciting news."

Me too. If Mom or Tom hasn't told her anything yet.

"What's that?" Brandy asked her, leading her into the kitchen.

I followed, sitting at the island. 

"Well I've been dating a really nice guy now, Blake, for almost three years." She smiled, sitting on a stool and folding her hands in her lap.

I remember, he's the one she would always send me pictures of when we still talked everyday. 

"I remember him," I nodded. "Wow it's been three years already?"

"Almost," she corrected. "Three years in December, next month."

I nodded again, indicating for her to go on.

"He has asked me to marry him!" She squealed, clapping obnoxiously. 

Marry him?

"Oh my Ky," I giggled, standing up to hug her again. "Congratulations."

"Thanks sis," She smiled, flashing me her rock on her ring finger.

It was gorgeous.

"That's great honey," Brandy smiled, kissing her cheek. "Do mom and dad know you're down from college yet?"

"No," she shook her head. "Mom and I talked about planning a trip for me to come home but nothing was set in stone yet. I wanted to surprise her."

Surprised all of us. 

"Is mom or dad home?"

"No they're both at work right now." Brandy informed her with a shake of her head.

"On a Saturday?" She cocked her head to the side in confusion. "I know mom is at the office 24/7 but dad?"

"They have both been spending a lot of time focusing on their jobs lately." I shrugged.

Ever since I told them I was pregnant.

Kylee and Tom have a closer relationship than Tom and I do, so she calls him dad. I don't.

"So when are we meeting this fiance of yours?" I asked. 

"He is planned to fly up here on Monday if all goes well with mom and dad." She informed us. "Are you still with Matt?" 

"Of course." I nodded. "Two years going strong."

"Good," she giggled. "Have you guys had sex yet? I remember a previous conversation we shared about a year ago about Matt and you deciding the right time to have sex and whatnot,"

"Yes," I muttered, looking down at my white Converse shoes. 

The red lining matched my red and black checkered flannel I was currently wearing. 

"What's that look for?" She raised her eyebrows, "Oh was it bad sex?"

"No it wasn't bad." I declined. "He gave me a promise ring," I stated, flashing her my ring.

"Oh my gosh..." She stared at it for a few moments, "It's beautiful, better than mine."

"Yours is an engagement ring, mine is a promise ring," I said, slipping it off to show her. "There's a difference."

We sat there a moment, comparing the two rings. But no offense, Ky, mine is better.

"Are you going to tell her?" Brandy asked, bracing her arms on the island. 

I'm really not ready to tell her.

"When the time is right." I spoke, just above a whisper.

"Tell me what?" Kylee asked, still the perky Kylee I remember from almost three years ago.

"Nothing important," I lied, covering it up with a fake smile.

"You sure?"

"Mhm," I nodded.

"Okay, but you know you can talk to me whenever you need to about anything, right?"

I nodded again, "Of course."

"Good," she reached over, wrapping her arms around me. "I love you baby sis."

"Love you too," 

We held on for a few more moment than necessary but it was wanted. I've missed my sister.

"When is Matt coming over?" She asked, excited. "He was over here like all day, every day before I left for U Penn. Does he not come over as often anymore?"

"Oh he does," Brandy agreed.

"Yes, but we're in high school now so we're not always together." I shrugged. "He's at some football thing with a bunch of jock-football buddies. He'll probably be here later though."

"Oo, how's it like dating the star quarterback and team captain while you're the cheerleading captain?" She asked, eyes wide.

"Wonderful," I smiled. "But it's not like I would love him any less just because he's a football player and I'm a cheerleader for the team he plays for."

"True I guess." She shrugged. "I heard you won Homecoming Princess a few weeks back,"

"Yup," I agreed with a nod. "And Matt won Homcoming Prince."

"Of course he did, that's the way it goes. You guys have always been the perfect couple of RHS. That's what I hear anyway." she shrugged, turning her attention to Brandy. "Brandy I'm starving. I've had a long flight and I'm kind of tired."

Typical Kylee. Some things just don't change.

"What would you like?" Brandy asked her.

"Um," She pondered for a minute. "Just some soup and a glass of cold milk please?"

"Coming right up," Brandy nodded, turning away to fulfill her duties. 

Kylee and I went and sat in the family room with the boys until Matt arrived.

"Oh no," Kylee rolled her eyes once she saw Matt walk in through the back door.

"Excuse me?" I giggled, standing up to greet him. 

"You are not that couple,"

What couple?

Then it hit me.

Matt and I are wearing red and black checkered flannels with matching white Converse. My flannel was unbuttoned with a black cami underneath and Matt's was buttoned up, of course. We even had the matching skinny jeans too. The only difference is that Matt's jeans were khakis and mine were dark-washed.

I giggled and buried my face in Matt's chest, "I guess we are that couple."

"I don't mind it." He shrugged, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"You didn't plan that did you?" Kylee asked, looking over at Matt.

"No Kylee, we didn't." He chuckled, letting go of me to greet Ky. "Hey, how have you been? It's been a while." 

He have her a quick hug and we sat on the couch together with Kylee sitting on the carpet with the twins.

"I've been great." She nodded. "School is great, Blake is wonderful, he even proposed to me," she informed him, holding up her left hand to show him her ring. "How are you Matt?"

"I'm absolutely wonderful." He nodded, slipping his fingers between mine. "I'm madly in love with your sister and I've even given her a promise ring."

I felt my cheeks heat up with a blush and I'm certain they're as red as can be right now.

"I know!" She boasted, "I saw it, it's beautiful."

"I will marry her one day." He stated with confidence. "It's just a matter of time before we're paren-"

"-Matt!" I boasted, interrupting him before he could speak another word out of his mouth.

"You haven't told her yet?"

I shook my head and took a long, heavy sigh.

"Tell me what?" Kylee asked, looking between Matt and I with a suspicious glance.

"Nothing," I told her. I glanced at Matt and spoke quietly, "I'll tell her when I'm ready."

"What's going on?" She raised her voice, standing up. "What do you have to tell me?"

"Kylee, please." I begged. "This isn't easy for me," 

"What are you talking-" She began, but was cut off. 

"-Kylee?" Mom stepped into the room and wrapped her arms around Kylee.

"Mama!" Ky squaked, tightly hugging Mom.

Thank the Lord Mom interupted that. 

"What are you doing here?" Mom asked her, letting go of their embrace.

"I wanted to surprise you," she giggled. "I have some news that can only be shared face-to-face."

"News?" Mom asked in confusion. "Oh please don't be pregnant. One grandchild is enough for a while."

Oh shit.

"No mom, I'm not pregnant but Blake, he-" She stopped, turning to face me. "Wait a minute Audrey, are you.."

So much for telling her when I'm ready. 

I slowly nodded and her jaw fell wide open in disbelief.

"By Matt?"

"Yes it's mine." Matt nodded.

"When?" She asked. 

"Our anniversary, two months ago," Matt answered sheepishly.

"How?" Another question. 

She and Tom are very much a like.

Did I mentioned she's going to school to study law to be a lawyer like Tom? Well she is.

"Sex?" I shrugged. 

"Oh my gosh." she whispered, pulling me into a hug. "Are you keeping it?"

"We want to but nothing major has been planned." I shrugged. "I'm barely pregnant, I'm not even really showing." 

I pulled up my cami, revealing my bare stomach that hasn't changed too much. 

"You still have your belly button ring in?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Are you going to keep it in?" She asked yet another question.

I shrugged, "The doctor said it would be fine."

She nodded and took a seat on the couch. 

"Daddy must be pissed," She shook her head and sighed.

"He'll get over it and he's not even our real dad." I rolled my eyes.

"He's the closest thing we have to a father," She defended. "Where is our sperm owner Joe, huh?"

I shook my head taking a deep, deep breath. I bit my lower lip, refraining from saying something I'd regret.

"What's a sperm owner?" Tyler asked, looking up from the Dr. Seuss book he was reading.

"Nothing honey," My Mom told him and he went back to his book. "Please don't talk like that in front of the twins,"

Silence stretched between all of us. Mom, Matt, Kylee, the twins and myself.

"Kylee your soup is ready, it's a bit warm yet so-" Brandy said, appearing into the family room. She stopped short, noticing the tention between us, "Everything alright in here?"

I slightly nodded, standing between Matt and Brandy. 

"Audrey how stupid are you?" Kylee asked, looking up at me. 

I tried to contain myself as I stormed off and trailed my way up the steps and to my room. She will not get the best of me.


"Okay but you have to talk to them sometime," Matt sighed.

"I don't want to right now." I demanded. 

I slipped off my neon pink colored PINK flip flops, setting them on the rack next to the other gazillion pairs. 

Today is Monday; aka lazy day.

All I am wearing is a simple PINK tee-shirt with sparkles up the side with matching PINK yoga pants. To top it off, I wore my PINK flip flops with a PINK headband. It's a PINK day.

Though it's a lazy day, I still have to dress accordingly. 

"Blake is landing in a few hours and you promised Ky you would go with her to pick him up." I heard Matt's seriousness through my iPhone. 

"Only if you go," I negotiated, looking at him through the screen.

"Fine, I'll text Ky." He sighed. "Love you, bye."

"Bye," I hung up the FaceTime call, hooking up my iPhone to the Auxiliary cord connected to my stereo.

Music is perfect for a time like this. Me Time.

It's currently 2:26 pm, I just got out of school about a half hour ago.

I set it on shuffle and organized my school books, preparing for the crap load of homework I have to complete.

It's pretty hard and time-consuming now. I just can't imagine what it's going to be like when the baby arrives.

I pulled out my Pre-Calculus homework sheet and started the first problem.

My absolute favorite song began, blasting through the stereo. I ran over to it, cranking up the volume and I immediately jumped up to dance around. 

"This hit that ice cold,
 Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold,
This one for them hood girls,
Them good girls straight masterpiece,
Stylin', whilen, livin' it up in the city,
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent,
Got kiss myself, I'm so pretty," 

I sung to the beginning, dancing around my room. 

It never gets old. 

"I'm too hot (hot damn),
Called a police and a fireman,
I'm too hot (hot damn),
Make a dragon wanna retire-"

"Bravo! Bravo!" 

I whipped around to see Kylee laughing and clapping at me.

So embarrassing. 

"Do you know how to knock?" I retorted. 

"Do you know how to listen?" She spat back. "I was calling your name."

I certainly don't miss the sisterly arguments.

"I didn't hear you," I admitted, turning off the music. I folded my arms across my chest, "What do you want?"

"Are you ready to go pick up Blake?" She asked in all seriousness. "You said you would go,"

"Yeah that was before you called me stupid."

"I didn't call you stupid, I asked if you were stupid." She rolled her eyes, "There's a difference."

"Not really," I shook my head. "But I guess I'll go."

"Good because Matt just text me and said he'll be here in about ten minutes to go with, so be ready." She said and left my room.

Yes ma'am. 

I sighed as I slipped my PINK flip flops back on and unplugged my iPhone.

I met Kylee down stairs as she and Mom worked out the details for tonight's dinner with Blake.

"If I'm going to this dinner, I'm not changing." I muttered, sitting next to mom.

"Oh yes you are," She demanded, staring at me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, opening a Snapchat from Kimmy and checking stories as we waited for Matt.

"You should go change now because you guys are going straight to the restaurant after the airport." Mom suggested, "No time to come back and get ready. Reservations are for 8:45."

"Fine," I sighed, walking back to my bedroom to change. 

"You have five minutes!" Kylee called after me.


I picked out a white jean jacket from Old Navy with a pink floral printed tank top for underneath along with dark-washed skinny jeans from American Eagle.

To go with, I slipped into a pair of pink strappy sandals and looped a long necklace with a diamond bejeweled elephant around my neck and plain stud earrings in my ears.

For my blonde hair, I just French braided my bangs and gathered the rest into a long ponytail. Simple but cute, I think.

I made it back down stairs in six minutes. That has got to be a record.

"Okay I'm ready." I sighed, plopping down next to Mom and scrolled hrough Facebook while we waited for Matt.

"You look nice honey." Mom complimented, giving me a once-over.

"Thank you," I simply said. "Where did Kylee go?"

"She's on the phone with Blake, she'll be back."

Kylee came back in a few minutes later, "Blake's plane is landing in about an hour and a half so we need to leave soon."

"Who's car are we taking?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," She smiled, a fake smile. "Can we take your truck?"

"Because..?" I trailed off, waiting for her to answer.

"Because I flew here and took a cab to the house from the airport? Therefore, I don't have my car." 

"Yeah then I guess so." I sighed. "What choice do I have?"

"You don't,"

Of course not.

"Thanks sis, I'll drive to the airport then." She informed me as Matt walked through the back door, entering through the kitchen.

"Oh no you won't," I declined, fishing my keys out of my small purse. "It is my truck, therefore I will drive." 

"It's a three and a half hour drive to the Orlando airport." She tried, "Just let me drive."

"Like I said, it's my truck."

Matt walked up to me and gave me a quick kiss. 

I found my keys and made my way out to my truck, unlocking it and slipping in the driver's seat then starting it.

I set my phone in one of the cup holders as I set my truck's GPS to navigate us to the Orlando International Airport; 3 hours and 24 minutes away. 

Time of arrival: 5:10 pm.

The time is currently 2:46 pm according to my truck's clock.

That means we won't make it to the restaurant until about 8:30 tonight. 

It's a school night, let me remind you. And I still have a crap ton of homework to do.

Kylee climbed into the passenger's seat, leaving the backseat to Matt.

"All set?" I asked, clicking my seat belt on and checking my mirrors.

"All set," Ky confirmed, relaxing in her seat. 

I shifted into reverse and slowly backed out of the driveway. 

"Let's listen to some music," Matt suggested as we were about half way down the street. "Hand me the Aux cord."

I passed the long cord back to him as I flipped on my blinker to make a left-hand turn out of my neighborhood.

He picked Jealous by Nick Jonas to begin with but of course, Ky had to disagree.

Same old Kylee Brooklyn Dawson.

"Oh no, no." She declined, reaching into the back for the cord. "That song is so annoying."

"I like that song," Matt defended. 

"Well I don't," She scoffed, plugging the cord into her phone.

She picked Midnight Memories by One Direction.

How is this any better than Nick Jonas?

I'm not really a fan of either. I just listen to whatever I like, nothing really specific.

"And this isn't annoying?"

This is going to be one long car ride.


So?! Tell me what you think!

What did you think of the surprise visitor? Kylee was mention breifly in previous chapters, but not much. What did you think of the big bomb? Kylee is pretty cool for the most part. Did you like the twisted way Ky found out about Matt getting Audrey pregnant? Why was she so pissed? Read on and find out.

Next chapter will consist of picking up and meeting Blake as well as the dinner. Things may not go as well as hoped, but we'll see!

No, last chapter did not get 50 votes nor 50 comments but I'm feeling really happy today becuase 1) it's Friday and 2) it's the first day of spring break!

Anyone have big plans for break?

Not me- I'm going to stay home and watch Netflix, eat junk food and update more for Wattpad. Sound good?

Sounds good.

Anyway, the pitcure off to the right (or at the top at the beginning of the chapter if you're on a mobile device) is just a banner I've made. If you'd like to make one, feel free. Just message me and we can work out the details.

Have a great spring break! (*If you're on spring break*)

Love you all,

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