Take Me Back To Paddington (S...

By KimEdwood

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Bearing a famous resemblance of the modern Sherlock Holmes, Lisa Isaac never fails to uncover murder and suic... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - The Death
Chapter 13 - The Reports
Chapter 14 - The Interrogation
Chapter 15 - The Push
Chapter 16 - The Search
Chapter 17 - The Talk
Chapter 18 - The God She Loves
Chapter 19 - The Post Mortem of Chae R.
Chapter 20 - The Dark Fog
Chapter 21 - The Psychic
Chapter 22 - The Psychic 2
Chapter 23 - The Believers
Chapter 24 - The Soul Seller
Chapter 25 - The Soul Buyer
Chapter 26 - The Warnings
Chapter 27 - The First Night
Chapter 28 - The First Night 2
Chapter 29 - The Chae
Chapter 30 - The Opposite
Chapter 31 - The Opposite 2
Chapter 32 - The Date
Chapter 33 - The Date 2
Chapter 34 - The Night Stroll
Chapter 35 - The Glass Wall
Chapter 36 - The Notebook
Chapter 37 - The Seeker
Chapter 38 - The Encounter
Chapter 39 - The Lost Souls
Chapter 40 - The Sweats
Chapter 41 - The Chae
Chapter 42 - The Soul Travellers
Chapter 43 - The Lisa
Chapter 44 - The Plan
Chapter 45 - The Cross ✝️
Chapter 46 - The Cross II ✝️
Chapter 47 - The Church
Chapter 48 - The Angel's Grace
Chapter 49 - The Encounter II
Chapter 50 - EPILOGUE
BOOK TWO (Coming Soon)
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - The Heating
Chapter 3 - The Decision
Chapter 4 - The News
Chapter 5 - The Drink
Chapter 6 - The Options
Chapter 7 - The Takeaway
Chapter 8 - The Last Customer
Chapter 9 - The Last Customer II
Chapter 10 - The Way Back Home
Chapter 11 - The Way Back Home II
Chapter 12 - The Father
Chapter 13 - The Father II
Chapter 14 - The Child
Chapter 15 - The Jealousy
Chapter 16 - The New Deal
Chapter 17 - The New Journey
Chapter 18 - The Approaches
Chapter 19 - The Message
Chapter 20 - The Call
Chapter 21 - The Lunch
Chapter 22: The Lunch II
Chapter 23 - The Chase
Chapter 24 - The Ride
Chapter 25 - The Confessions
Chapter 26 - The Conditions
Chapter 27 - The Friends
Chapter 28 - The Friends II
Chapter 29 - The Request
Chapter 30 - The Breakfast
Chapter 32 - The Temptation
Chapter 33 - The Friday Night
Chapter 34 - The Fall
Chapter 35 - The Doe Eyes
Chapter 36 - The Shower ✝️
Chapter 37 - The Awakening
Chapter 38 - The Answers
Chapter 39 - The Journey I
Chapter 40 - The Journey II
Chapter 41 - The Last Fight
Chapter 42 - The Deceit
EPILOGUE - The Angel's Grace II

Chapter 31 - The Envelope

957 93 43
By KimEdwood

"Do you have everything with you?" Lisa asked as her hands were about to lock the door grill, eyes looking at me.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Please call me if you need anything, I can bring it to you."

"Thank you so much" I smiled, catching her empty hand since she insisted on carrying my backpack with her other one. "But you already gave half of your stuff to me" I chuckled as we were leaving her apartment unit. "I don't think I'd need anything else."

"But, you will certainly need my hug at 2 in the morning."

I slapped her arm playfully, pressing my chest against it right after.

"I'll be fine, Lisa."

"Without me?" She scoffed as she brought me into the elevator. "I don't think so."

I refused to argue about that because Lisa was right. Even though I only spent time at her apartment on weekends, I had been attached to my girlfriend in that short amount of time. Sometimes I would give her a call at odd hours, disturbing her sleep just because I couldn't have one and Lisa never got mad at me. She would talk and entertain my stories as if she wasn't sleepy.

Sighing, I rested my chin on her shoulder after she pressed the G button.

"I'm sorry I can't be with you this weekend."

"Hey, that's alright" I could feel her head turning to me as I had my eyes closed. "Your dad needs you."

"He didn't even tell me he fainted at church" I complained. "If I didn't call to check on him, I wouldn't have known."

"He probably didn't want to make you worried, honey."

"He's my father" I sighed again, also thinking about the movie night I had with Lisa that had to be cancelled in the last minute. "I should worry about him, he's on his own"

Lisa laughed a little, causing me to open my eyes.

"Now you know how I feel whenever you're alone at your house" She sounded like she was teasing me. "You're my baby girlfriend, I should worry about you."

"I'm sorry I make you worried."

I gave Lisa a few strokes along her arm, hoping that she would feel better because I knew she had something in her mind right now. She was feeling uneasy about letting me go alone at night.

"Maybe if you move in with me, I wouldn't worry that much"

"Love, you know I can't just leave Natalie."

Lisa didn't get to continue the conversation as the elevator stopped. The door opened to reveal the 7th floor marking on the wall. We were both quiet for a moment before Lisa pressed the closed button, and we were descending again without anyone stepped in.

"Baby, would you mind if I go up again?" She asked after pecking the side of my head. "Please wait for me at the lobby, I won't be long."

Smiling, I tilted my head to look at her. "You have locked the door, Lisa."

"Did I?"

"Yes, and the grill as well."

"What about the iron?"

"I unplugged it for you."

"Are you sure?"

It was me who giggled this time, failed to fight the urge not to as my eyes squeezed shut, lips kissing her shoulder for a couple of times before responding.

"One hundred percent!"

"So...I don't need to recheck everything?"

"Absolutely yes, my darling" I looked at her again, appreciating the view of the side of her lips. "You can trust me, please trust me."

"Alright" She blew a heavy breath out. "Thank you, baby."

I couldn't be more proud of Lisa. She had changed a lot compared to the early stage of our relationship, where she had taken time to recheck everything before leaving. She even allowed me to clean together with her just like she did with Jisoo, teaching me how to do stuff on the ways that she approved. It didn't happen overnight, of course, she took it slow, but her improvements said a lot about her effort; she willed to try to fight her OCD habits and get better.

And I couldn't be happier to witness and be part of her journey. Because for me, when you love someone, you shouldn't only love the beautiful sides of her. The dark shadows that follow her are also yours to learn and deal with. That was what I had been doing ever since I was with the first Lisa. The only difference was, I lost on that journey, and there was no way I would fail in this one.

This Lisa deserved the best of me and nothing less.

The train station was crowded for some reason, and I struggled to keep up with Lisa. She must be very good at this since she managed to weave through the people, dragging me with her around my waist and stopping people from hitting my body. I started thinking if she could just do that whenever she pleased, considering she was a woman who walked the town with a badge. What an intimidating lady I got with me!

She stopped her steps when we had reached the platform and looked at the arriving signboard at the top.

"Oh, thank God we didn't miss your train!"

"We still have 2 minutes left," I said, chuckling and gasping for air at the same time after the run I took with my girlfriend once we were out from the taxi.

"I see..." She brought her eyes down, glancing at me with a mischievous look in them. "I still have 2 minutes to buy a ticket."

"Lisa!" I poked her stomach, but she didn't even dodge. "Please don't, love."

"I really want to go with you. I can take time off work and meet your dad."

I sighed, noticing her face that changed from being playful into serious in a blink of an eye. So I decided to give her my opinion that was far more relevant than it isn't the right time yet.

"You're still in the middle of a case, Lisa. You can't get away right now."

She pulled me closer with her arm around my back, caressing a little.

"How long that's going to take? 3 months? 8 months for a case?" Lisa tried to negotiate while we were waiting for the train to arrive. "And in the meantime, I'll get another call out."

"Sweetheart, I know" I cupped her face this time, having all her attention on me as a small smile formed on her pretty lips. "We can plan for it later, a decent one" I continued. "Not in rush like this"

"How decent are we talking about?"

I was relieved when I finally got her interest in my suggestion.

"2 to 3 days..." I took one step forward, letting my smile showed on my face since I couldn't hold the happiness I was feeling just by talking to the woman I loved. "I'll show you around, take you to beautiful spots there."

"Meet your dad?"

I laughed instantly, leaning towards Lisa until my forehead found hers.

"Of course, my love" I was amused by her response when I tried my best to highlight the best holiday plan I had in mind for the two of us in my hometown, but all she cared about was meeting my father. "I'll introduce you to him"

"As your girlfriend, right?"

My chest was hammered by the weight of sadness as soon as I heard her, thinking of Lisa as the half of my heart which was made in this universe to fulfil everything I dreamed of. Her voice stood out the most among the noises of the crowd, sounding like it was her pure soul who asked that question instead of her mind. So I took a few takes of breath before widening the distance between us and my gaze looked for hers in a heartbeat.

"Yes," I could feel the stammering along my jaw, followed by a layer of tears that just formed in my eyes. "I'll let him know that you're the love of my life. How's that sound, darling?"

"Am I?"

Her cheeks flushed soft red while the shine in her eyes sparked, sending chills to my entire body when I got to view her sincerity.

Getting shy, I just reassured her fast enough. "Yes, Lisa, you're my only one."

"Then I like that, Chae. I like that a lot."

Her wide smile distracted me when she took it away, glancing at the signboard again.

"The train is 5 minutes late" She read the announcement, slightly frowning. "They got technical problems" Lisa lifted her hand and checked the time around her wrist. "It's already been more than 5 minutes, though. It should be here at any time."

"That's fine, I have extra time with you."

My arms waited for no second as I wrapped them around Lisa's neck, pulling her to me before the train arrived.

"Take care, baby..." She whispered, pressing her lips on my temple and going down to my cheek gently. "Please be safe always."

"Sure I will, Lisa. You too"

"Don't forget to text me the taxi's plate number later, okay?" She kept me safe in her embrace that I wished would last for the entire night, but both of us had to let go of each other. "And call me when you've arrived."

"I'll call you every day, love."

"Doesn't matter what time, call me if you need anything."


"Attention, maybe? Or care"

She made me laugh again, so I tightened the hug as if it was her who was about to leave and I didn't want to let her go.

Lisa continued. "Love, affection."


"Concern, presence."

"It's just for two days, my love" I spoke against her skin, pressing my lips on her neck as I was actually reminding myself about the amount of time I'd spend away from my girlfriend. "I'll be back in London on Monday, alright?"

"Monday better be fast" She chuckled, and the wind that came with the train hit our bodies. "I'd kiss your lips but people might get jealous, so I should let you go now."

I gave her a soft slap on her back, signalling that she should stop teasing me by now or I would start crying. I knew I wouldn't be able to leave if she kept giving me reasons to stay. But as I was about to part the hug, I felt her resistance towards my gesture, and she hugged me tighter instead.

"Chae, baby?"

"My love?"

Lisa waited for a moment, building suspense in me until she continued her sentence with a whisper.

"There's an envelope in your bag, I put it in earlier."

"What?" I was struck by surprise. "What envelope?"

"Since you'd never give me your account number" Lisa explained. "So I put some cash for you, please be careful with it."

"Lisa, what are you doing?"

"Give half of it to your dad. For the rest, buy groceries and cook good food for him, please?" She requested. "Use it if you need anything as well."

Tears filled my eyes so fast that I didn't even get to hold them. I was already choked up by concern for my dad and the cancelled weekend routine with my girlfriend. And the fact that Lisa actually knew how I financially struggled in this city, her loving and kind gesture to help me with anything pushed me over the edge even more.

Smiling, I looked at the only one who made everything better when she finally freed me from her arms.

"Thank you so much, Lisa."

Her hand came up and gently brushed my left cheek. "Anything for you, honey."

I sniffled. "I'm going to miss you."

"Awww, baby..." She pulled me once again, stealing time for a quick peck on my lips before our chests met. She was aware that I wasn't comfortable kissing her in public, having lots of reasons to consider behind the wall of my mind, but I guessed she had failed to hold the temptation to. So I let it past. "Call me, alright? I'll come to you."

"I love you so much, Lisa."

"I love you too, baby. I swear I love you as much."

Lisa gently stroked my back as emotions still swirled inside of me. I was worried about my dad, not expecting him to get sick or anything since my father in the universe I was born into rarely to even catch a cold. I wanted to be with him, but I didn't want to be away from Lisa either. Weekends were the only time my girlfriend and I would have enough time to be together. I wished I could be in two places at once.

She carefully parted the hug after a moment, probably realising that the crowds had disappeared and it was time for me to leave the platform as well. I saw my backpack glided down her arm, having the straps on my shoulders right after as Lisa returned it for me to carry. Her loving eyes then gazed at me, and her lips whispered. "You better get out from here now, or you won't be able to."

That sentence was delivered with the sweet smile of Lisa Isaac, bringing the intention of teasing along each word. Knowing her for some time now had taught me about her; she would joke around to hide her sadness each time I was leaving. But that phrase hit me differently as it carried its own weight that weakened every bone in my body.

I already did, Lisa. I can't get out anymore.

Nodding, I squeezed her hand that was in mine and walked away.

It only took a few steps to bring my feet on the train floor, but I never knew it was going to be this hard to do. A window seat waited for me, offering companionship for at least an hour and 10 minutes of journey to Northampton station. Yet, Lisa's beautiful face behind the thick glass brought loneliness into my heart.

She stayed on the platform and waved at me, offering comfort with her smile that remained in my memory forever. I might not always be able to see it, especially when the train had pulled out of the station, but her beauty and honesty had locked their own parts in my dreams at night. Even in my sleep, her love existed.

As I was about to take my phone out from the pocket of my jeans, I caught a glimpse of a figure moving along the aisle from the corner of my eye. But I had no reason to give my attention to it, thinking that someone was probably walking around or heading towards another car of the train until that figure settled on the empty seat next to mine.


My heart drummed fast once I saw someone...something that wore the same attractiveness as my Lisa.

"You're having a lot of time here until you forgot about me" She stated a point with her wicked smile when our eyes found each other. "I don't like how this is going"

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