Aphrodite (RDJ / Scar Jo)

By JustAlilfan

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When Isabelle Rivers accepts a irrefutable proposition to work as a receptionist at Paradise Island's resorts... More

Job offer
Starway to Hell
The nightclub
Day to day
Dear bottle
Solved riddles
The bounds of secrecy
I'm sorry
Plan B
Taking chances
Last door on the right
We are not safe in here
Uncertain Thoughts
The dance
Different ways
You know where to find me
Not an easy task
Twenty facts about me
The Larsons
Something for a start
Chad Williams
High voltage
A lot better
Ghosts of the past
The world
Ups and downs
Unknown fate
Picking sides?
Uncertain plans
It's time
Not yet
You found me
The truth
New Book


842 37 5
By JustAlilfan

Third Person’s POV

“I never got to ask you how this part year was, for you”

His calm voice startled her.

Belle was in his kitchen, calmly getting some breakfast ready, since it was still very early in the morning.

Truth was, she could not sleep, at all.

Seeing Robert in that state did not help at all.

“Please… Belle” he begged her, last night. “God… please…”

Shaking, sweaty and definitely, not sober.

It killed her to know he was not himself anymore, whether he was drunk or not. The abstinence of alcohol made him go delirious.

But when she turned around, that morning, to see him at the door of the kitchen, he seemed Robert again.

“Hey…” she softly spoke “Good morning”

He looked down, and slowly approached her “I’m sorry about last night. I… wasn’t myself I guess”

“It’s alright, Rob… I just…” she took a deep breath “I want to help you”

He showed her that gorgeous smile of his “Hey, you are here.” His fingers touched her chin, making her look up at him “What better help could there be?”

She looked away, but let her head fall into his chest softly. She could not help it anymore. It was as if his arms were the only place she wanted to be.

He smelled so good. Belle could feel that usual amazing scent of his. She bet he had just came out of the shower, his hair was still slightly wet.

“Are you feeling better?”

Robert smiled with his eyes closed “I feel good. I do not feel weird at the moment. Neither craving for… well… yeah”

She smiled “The year was… awkward”

The agent looked down at her, raising his eyebrows as she continued

“I don’t know. I felt amazing I was back home, with my family. I could not ask for anything else. I just… it became so monotonous, after a while. I was missing Claire… Zoe… you… so much. It was not the same anymore. After what happened, it would never be the same. And I just could not stand there and pretend to go back to normal. It killed me. I can never go back to normal”

He smiled “Normal is boring, anyway”

Belle looked up at him as he continued “You do not need to be stick to the past, either. You just... be where you feel comfortable and good. And you have to… create a new “normality” to you. Because normal is hard to define really. It’s just what you want it to be”

Belle smiled up at him. There he was. Robert.

Leaning up, she kissed his cheek “I am not stick to the past, either. Not so much, at least”

He smiled “Good”

“Feeling hungry?”

“I could use something to eat, yes” he whispered

“I invaded your kitchen, I’m sorry”

“Oh, it’s fine” he leaned against the kitchen counter, observing her cooking skills “I have thought of something”

Belle glanced at him “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing. I  just…” he took a deep breath “Let’s leave here today. Go to the new Interpol’s basement. I’ll talk to Emma, it should not be hard to get a few information on Claire’s family”

Belle looked at him, unsure “Do you feel ok to go? We can stay here for a while! I can stay here with you for as long as you need to…”

He smiled at her “It’s really overwhelming to hear you say that” his intense stare burned  her soul “But I guess that being out there, having something to do and focus on it… that will be good, right?”

Belle looked at him, still unsure

“Besides, you will be there” he smirked

Belle blushed “I just want you to be ok”

“I want to do this. Let’s go still today”

She smiled. His determination always amazed her.

“Let’s wait for the couple to wake up and ask them what they think”

Robert nodded “Deal”

*a few hours later*

Belle looked at the couple, worriedly, as the three waited for Robert, who went to make a phone call to Emma, before they left.

“Do you think this is a good idea?”

“If he feels good, Belle…” Claire commented “I don’t want him to do anything he doesn’t feel up to”

“Girls, easy, will you?” Tom smiled “Rob’s right. Going out there and having something to do is only good for him. And we will be there for those tough times.”

“You should have seen him last night, begging for me to give him the bottle…”

Claire held her hand “He could be dangerous”

Belle frowned “No…”

“It is possible. But… we are here not to let him do something crazy”

“Robert would not get aggressive towards any of us…” Belle insisted

“That’s not Robert, in those times” Claire whispered.

And she was right.

As to Robert, he was away from the living room, getting stunned with the millions of calls and messages he had on his phone from Interpool’s people.

Obviously, he could not read or listening to all the voice messages at the time, so he decided just to call Emma.

“I cannot believe this is happening” she immediately answered

“Hey, Emma”

“Robert… what the hell are you doing? Where are you?”

“I am thinking of going there, now.”

“Robert, what have you…”

Robert interrupted her “I want to go back to work.”

“Robert, you know I want to know your condition before letting you…”

“Emma… I need to help someone right now. You don’t need to give me any mission. Just… let me do something”

“And then what? You just disappear again? No, Robert. I will not let you do anything”

“Emma… I will not disappear. Please listen to me, Miss fresh director”

He could basically hear her smile on the other side “Come here, Rob. But this is not a yes”

“Yet” he completed

“Do not be so full of yourself”

“Could you get us a jet, at LAX?”

“30 minutes”

Robert smiled “Thank you, Emma”

Making his way back to the others, he quickly smiled “Hey, we have a plane waiting for us…”

Belle approached him, once again “Are you sure about this?” she asked as the others got their luggage.

“I am, Belle” he smiled, kissing her forehead “Let’s go?”

She watched him, still hesitating. She just hoped he was right.

And her doubts and fear grew even more when, after a few hours in the air, traveling.

“Rob, all good, mate?” Tom approached an isolating Rob.

“Yeah…” he breathed, constantly playing with his own hands.

Claire and Belle sat next to him, as Tom knelt in front of him

“It’s okay” Claire whispered “We are almost there according to the pilot”

Belle held his hand, softly, as he wiped the small drops of sweat in his forehead with his other hand.

“’m not gonna get in there like this.” He mumbled, getting agitated

It was useless to hide it, after all.

“Hey, it’s ok. We can stay here for a while” Belle kissed his hand

“I am going to get you some water, some food?” Tom quickly stood up

“I don’t want anything” he coldly whispered

Belle nodded at Tom, even with Robert declining everything.

Claire just stared at them, not able to say a word.

“Will you do something for me, Rob?” Belle whispered

Robert took his time answering “Anything”

“Eat something. Whatever Tom brings… I don’t know, maybe it will help?”

His eyes moved to stare at hers, then, he suddenly pushed himself into her arms, in a tight hug “I never wanted to be a disappointment to you…” his whisper was barely audible.

Belle bit her lip “Don’t say those things” she tightly hugged him back, as he hid his face in her  neck.

Claire nodded at her, trying to give Belle the strength she needed. All of them were there.

Fate had joined all of them, a long time ago. So, they would surely keep together, and be there for each other.

*Later, that day*

Belle was glad Robert actually took the sandwiches Tom had managed to get him. It was the only thing they got, given the fact they were in a private plane, alone with a single pilot.

After that, he fell into a deep sleep, for only a while.

But it was enough to actually make him better.

“Morning, laziness queen” Tom smiled

“Shut up” Robert mumbled, throwing him the coat that was above him.

“Better?” Tom asked

“Yes, I guess” he rubbed his face “Thanks”

“C’mon man, don’t even think about it”

Robert looked down, hesitating.

“We can leave whenever you want, we have landed already”

Robert nodded “where are the ladies?”

“Bathroom. You know how they are… they always go together to the bathroom”

Robert smiled at the younger man “So, how’s Zoe?”

“She’s ok. I don’t think she will ever get fully over what happened, but… at least I can manage to put a smile on her face”

The agent smiled as Tom continued “She asks for you every once in a while”


“I’m sorry, dude. I will never forget what you did for her. For Claire… for all those ladies” Tom looked away “I feel I was… so unfair to you”

Robert frowned “You had all the rights to be mad at me. Your sister was there when I got Belle out. I could have done more… better. I could have taken her out, on that day. And… maybe she would be better now, if I have”

“Hey, you got her out. And nothing else matters. I can never repay you for that” Tom patted his shoulder

“Oh, you are awake!” Belle smiled immediately, at the sight of Robert

“Yes” Robert smiled “I’m sorry. I feel better now”

“So, ready to go now?” Claire asked

“Yes, just… uhh” Robert raised his eyebrows “Emma is slightly pissed at me for leaving…”

Tom chuckled “Well, normal, I guess”

“Yeah, but… I will have to convince her to get back, so… I suggest we go directly to the lab, get them some of your hairs, Claire. I’ll tell them to analyze it and get me all info that they can, based on your DNA. They don’t have to know Emma doesn’t approve it, just yet.” Robert spoke

“Ok…” they agreed

“And then, I’ll go talk to her and convince her to get me, at least, means for the investigation. We might need that.”


Belle smiled “Always a good leader uh?” she looked at him as they all got ready to leave the private jet.

He looked away, slightly blushing “I don’t mean to be bossy”

They did as they planned, quickly leaving a few hairs of Claire at the laboratories, they made their way to meet Emma.

“Agent Reilly!”

Of course, it was just another one recognizing Robert, who had been absent for over a year.

But that time, it was Ed.

“Oh, hey there Ed” Robert smiled

“My gosh, are you back?!”

“Maybe, if the boss lets me”

“Man, you are needed here…” Ed quickly gave him a handshake

Robert smiled “And… well, actually, I might need you now”

“Of course!” Ed immediately showed disposal

“I just dropped a few hairs, for DNA analyzes” Robert whispered “I know they will get me a report on everyone we can get with similar DNA. You could get me information on that people?”  

“Of course, Sir!” Ed smiled “And welcome back!”

Robert looked at the three of them “Do you want to go with him. He might get information right away. I’ll just talk to Emma on my own and meet you soon”

“Ok” Claire smiled

“Be ok…” Belle whispered, worried

“I will.” He kissed her forehead, before leaving the three friends with Ed.

Walking to the President’s office, now Emma’s. He sadly smiled when he saw this huge picture framed in her wall, showing a very happy Gordon.

Gosh, he missed his friend.

“Welcome back, Agent Reilly”

Robert immediately smiled “Good to know you are having me back” he turned to Emma

“I did not mean it that way” she frowned

Robert smiled, he would not lose that argument. So he sat down, ready for the long conversation.

And, obviously, he needed to show himself in perfect conditions to go back to work.

Not far from there, Ed was furiously typing on the laptop, leaving everyone confused and lost, obviously having no idea what he was doing.

“There are a few people with similar DNA, Claire” he spoke “I am now trying to get more detailed information.”

“That would be useless, since we know nothing about her family” Tom spoke

“Yes, but we have to start somewhere” Ed smiled “And maybe… we can start by… similarities?” he turned his chair to stare at the three people “I can get pictures”

Claire bit her lip.

Now she was so close, she was not sure if she really wanted to know.

“Look at this”

Belle’s eyes widened at the picture Ed had just put on the screen “My gosh, who is that?”

“Look at those eyes and smile, it’s… it looks like yours, Claire” Tom glanced at Claire

“This is Joshua Larson. 37 years old. From Tennessee” Ed then showed them a couple of other people “There are his parents, also from Tennessee. And then, a few others, but different name and location. I don’t know, you can choose what to do now”

Tom and Belle looked at Claire, but it was Robert’s voice that surprised them all

“What are we waiting for then? Ed, could you get us a pilot for Tennessee?”

Ed smiled “Straight away, Sir”


I did not re read, I apologize for any English mistake!

What do you think?

Just so you know, a whole new wave of events and mysteries will be revealled. Any guesses?

Please comment and vote!

And, also, I have decided that, since I got a few minutes now, I will update the FIRST chapter of a new book - The Language of the Eyes - please check it out!



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