A game, or real life? (Ezio x...

By BlueAngel161

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You've been having weird dreams of him. He's always been on your mind, even though you've never seen him befo... More

the Beginning of a long Journey
Requiescat in Pace, Giovanni
A tense confession
It's me, Mario!
Back to Firenze
I'm so confused...
Actions speak louder than words
The truth comes forth
Special preparations
A bright future filled with setbacks
Nature's way of unfolding
We are Assassins
Fabled security
The end of our journey?
Farewell, Monteriggioni...
A Teacher? Me?
Tumultuous years
Mentor, Master Assassin, responsibilities
Long-deserved peace
A journey back to what once was
All set for travelling
A perilous homecoming
Troubled winds; Resilient eagle
Friends far from home
New weapons; New friends; New clues
Familiar faces, familiar sights
Unsolved mysteries; Untold secrets
Hate can only last so long
The price of truth
The end of our journey
Life moves on
There cannot be happiness without grief
Don't leave me...
Even roses wither away...

New beginnings...

1K 31 90
By BlueAngel161

A/N: OMGOMG GUYS!!!! At long last, I vanquished this terrible writer's block!!! And so, here it is! The last chapter of A Game, or Real Life!!! Jesus, what a journey this fanfic was...! I loved how challenging it was to write, and yes, there was dialogue in this fanfic that came straight from the games. I can't even tell you how many times I had to pause walkthroughs on YouTube so I could write down the dialogues. XD But hey, I don't regret it! Why? Because it allowed me to fall in love with AC 1, 2, Brotherhood and Revelations all over again. These games will forever hold a dear place in my heart because of its masterfully-written plot and intriguing moral and philosophical paradoxes. I will never grow tired of reading the novels or replaying the games. 

Now....will there be a sequel? Who the hell knows!! XDD I certainly have new ideas for one, based on the new canon I introduced in this last chapter. If I write a sequel though, it'll most likely be fully Modern Era with a few flashbacks to the life (y/n) once had. But yeah, lemme know what you guys think in the comments down below!!

I'd like to thank each and every one of you who have read this fanfic. You gave it a chance, you urged me to keep writing! Knowing that there were people out there eager and willing to read more was an extremely humbling experience, and I can't thank you guys enough. You're amazing. 

Remember! Nulla è reale, tutto è lecito. I love you guys. ^3^ Until next time!!


I didn't know where I was. I wasn't even sure what was happening. I felt so numb, yet...so present. I was shrouded in darkness. At first, at least. Then, all of a sudden, a digital, golden network that I recognized as First Civilization technology began to line what appeared to be walls, illuminating the space I was in. This looked just like the Vault beneath Il Vaticano. Only....bigger. Emptier. There were no pillars holding the roof up, no defined corners. Only a vast chamber of blinding light, so brightly so that I had to shield my eyes. But soon enough, my eyes got used to it, and I found myself surrounded in a vast chamber of golden light. And right before me stood Minerva, a soft smile painting her lips.

"Minerva...!" I called out in surprise. But I hadn't expected the almost foreign voice that escaped from my parted lips. It was far from being the hoarse, old voice I had gotten used to over the last couple of years. Instead, it was as if I had just been sent back in time, back into my former body. And looking down at my hands, I watched in awe as my fingers caressed soft skin. I could still see callouses from years of climbing, and the brand of the Assassin Brotherhood still clung to my ring finger, but the wrinkles were all gone. Just as I looked back at her in surprise, her soft laughter reached my ears.

"I see you have many questions, child." she said, her voice filled with amusement. "Ask away."

"I-I...how?" I managed to ask, looking down at my young body. "What is this place? What's going on?"

"It is much easier to create a human body than it is to create a human mind. Think of it as a vessel. A temporary vessel." she explained. "Alas, we didn't build you humans to live for long. And now, it appears your time has come, dear." An image popped up to my left. Looking over, I couldn't help but gulp as I watched my old self suffer in my bed, letting out shallow breaths as she barely clung to life. I couldn't prevent a soft sigh from escaping my lips.

"It's really time, isn't it...?" I breathed out, forcing myself to tear my gaze away from my dying self. "Minerva, I-I... I need to know. Why me? Why did you choose me?"

"Like I said, it is easier to create a human body than it is to create a human mind. We needed you to go through these events, these experiences. There was no way we could have done differently."

"You needed my memories..." I nodded in realization. "Is that why you let me stay back at the Library of Altaïr? Because you needed me to write my journal?"

"Yes, and no." Her gaze softened. "I was not lying when I told you that it would all be of your choosing, child. From the beginning, I had planned on letting you decide which route to take. But I still had not completely expected you to ask me to stay. But then, Altaïr made me realize something. By letting you stay, the future would be altered even more. Perhaps, to our advantage, even. And he was right. With your journal, the cross might not be as dangerous of a threat as it used to be." Another image popped up in my peripheral vision. It was a memory, I realized, as I saw myself writing that very same letter I left to my children. My gaze softened at the sight.

"You had expected me to write that letter. You had expected me to ask for the journal to be passed down." I nodded in realization.

"People need to know, child. And the more people are aware of this, the less dangerous she'll be." Minerva nodded, making me furrow my brows in confusion. She?

"She? Who's "She"?" I decided to ask. And just as she parted her lips to reply, another voice reached my ears. One I immediately recognized.

"Juno." I immediately turned around, facing a young face I hadn't seen in years. Not since the Library of Altaïr. Not since I last played the Assassin's Creed games. "She's one of The Ones Who Came Before. You met her, she was the entity in Ezio's Apple of Eden before he left it beneath the Colosseum."

"Desmond..." I breathed out, reaching forth to place my hand on his shoulder. My relative...my descendant... "H-How...how are you here as well...?" I hesitantly asked, already dreading the answer I might receive.

"It didn't work, (y/n)..." he shook his head, looking down at his feet. "At least...not the way it was supposed to work... Juno had been stuck in the only artifact capable of saving the world from the solar flares. In order to save the world...I'd have to release her...and die in the process... that's why I'm here..." my eyes widened at the news. Oh, god no... "This war, (y/n)...it's all her doing... She's been using the Pieces of Eden to pull the strings. All along, it was her. Just to bring me to the Grand Temple and set her free..."

".....why weren't we told of Juno before, Minerva? Why?" I focused my attention on her. God, I could already feel tears threatening to run down her cheeks. "Centuries of war, Minerva! Centuries of war that could've been avoided."

"Yes, but the world had yet to be saved." She shook her head. "There was nothing I could have done that would have changed the outcome."

"At the cost of how many lives, Minerva?!" I angrily wiped a tear away. "How many?! How many more people need to suffer because of that bitch?!"

"(y/n)..." I felt Desmond's reassuring hand on my shoulder, holding me back. "There was nothing she could've done. Her hands were tied, just like ours were."

"....but you died... you died, Desmond. Because of her, you died. Because of this forsaken war, you..." I managed to say, but it was already too late. Emotion was already making my body shake. I could no longer prevent tears from rolling down my cheeks. And when I was pulled into his embrace, I desperately clung to his white hoodie.

"It was my choice...it was that, or let the world burn..." he replied softly. "But now, things might be different. With your journal, things might be different, (y/n). You might still be able to save me. My younger self, at least. Not all hope is lost. Not yet, at least..."

"But how...? I'm just a normal person..." I shook my head.

"Not anymore." Minerva decided to reply, causing me to shift my gaze to her. "Maria Thorpe. Templar. Married to Altaïr Ibn-la'Ahad, Assassin. Mother of two, Darim and Sef Ibn-la'Ahad." As she said those names, two images popped up to my left. And there they were, just as I remembered them...Darim's piercing blue eyes gazed back into my own. But the worst was seeing Sef's smile. A smile I had never gotten the chance of seeing ever again as his life was mercilessly stripped away from Altaïr and I... Sooner than I expected, those images changed, revealing the oh so familiar faces of Aurora and Leandro. "(y/n) Auditore. Assassin. Married to Ezio Auditore. Mother of twins, Aurora and Leandro Auditore."

"You hold your memories with Altaïr as Maria Thorpe, with Ezio as (y/n) Auditore. They will guide you on the next stage of your journey. But you won't be alone. You never were..." Desmond smiled softly.

"Minerva..." I began. "I only have one final question." Before her curious glance, I continued. "Sometimes, I'd see a strange vision. One of Altaïr and Ezio sitting side by side on the rooftop of the villa Auditore, like brothers or best friends. What does it mean...?"

Minerva didn't reply for a few moments. She only smiled. "You will find the one you seek where your journey first began." I wanted to ask more, but before I could so, she began to walk away. "I will keep your Apple within reach, and away from Juno's hold. When the time comes, use it to open the Vault. It'll wait for you right where you left it."

"Resting with my corpse in my tomb, just like I asked my children..." I nodded in realization. I gave Desmond a soft smile, and after a tender hug, I walked towards Minerva. "Minerva...how can you be so sure that my journal will change everything?"

"Because it already is." At that, an image popped up to my right. Two men stood in an office, and from the looks of things, they didn't get along. I watched as the older of the two, who wore blue robes, proceeded to place his hat down in a mild exasperation. The other man, whom I quickly recognized as an Assassin from his robes, never stopped gazing at the man as he leaned against a wall, his arms crossed.

"I know you hate me. I know you refuse to hear my words. Then please, listen to hers." There was the sudden, but recognizable thud of a book landing on the wooden table of his desk. Silence settled between the two men as the Assassin focused his attention on the item the older man had placed down on his desk.

"And why should I?" he coldly asked, grabbing the old journal. His deep brown eyes remained focused on it while the older man began to speak, his tone calm regardless of the former's cold demeanor.

"This Codex was written by an Assassin in her dying years, passed down from generation to generation since she first passed it down to her own children, in 1527. It was passed down to me by my father, your grandfather. After a lifetime of fighting for the Assassins, she decided to recollect her life's events into a single journal. This journal." The younger man's fingers began to caress the old leather cover. "This journal has travelled a long way to be now in your hands, son. You should read her words, listen to her teachings. Just like I did."

"And why would a Templar be interested in an Assassin's words?"

"Because she saw the truth of this harsh world. She died believing that her cause was right. And often, you'll see that she writes about the importance of liberty and free will. She states that it's those concepts themselves that make us human. In a way, she might be right. But she also realizes that there cannot be liberty without order. Otherwise, it would just be chaos." Silence settled between the two for a few short moments before he continued. "She spoke of Altaïr. She spoke through the words of his spouse, Maria, a former Templar. Altaïr once spoke of the chaotic beauty of free will. Perhaps....perhaps this journal is the answer to this forsaken war..."

"....this war has been going on for centuries already, father." he shook his head. "Why would you think that Templars and Assassins would suddenly be willing to put down their weapons now? They'd never do that. Most wouldn't, at least."

"Yes, there will be stubborn souls who will refuse such thing." he nodded. "But someone needs to take the first step, don't you think? Too many families have been torn apart by this wretched war. Perhaps...we could be that first step." the younger man was about to say something, but was interrupted as the man continued to speak. "I know what you're going to say. But you must understand...I loved your mother. I loved her so...it was torture having to stay away from her because of my duties. If I had known, I.... things might've been different..."

"....you weren't there...when she needed you most, you weren't there..." The young man's voice echoed throughout the room softly, but I could see just how much those words impacted his father.

"I know...and not a day goes by that I do not regret it..." the older man's hand rested on his shoulder. "Can we perhaps....start anew...? Please, Connor..."

"....there's been too much bloodshed...too much pain...this war needs to come to an end." he looked back to his father. They didn't say anything for a few moments, until, at last, the older man decided to speak.

"....you told me earlier that your mother died. How did she...pass away, exactly....?" he hesitantly asked, lightly squeezing his shoulder in reassurance.

"....the village was attacked. There was fire everywhere." he began, his gaze dropping down to his boots. "I found her pinned beneath burning rubble. I tried to get her out, but...I wasn't strong enough. I'll never forget her face..." he breathed out. Suddenly, he was pulled into a hug by his father, and surprisingly, he didn't hesitate to hug back, as strong calloused hands clung to the navy-blue robes and cape.

"I'm so sorry, son...I'm so sorry..." he breathed out over and over again, and with that, the vision faded away. I...I didn't know what to say. A single journal left behind did this. Like ripples in a lake, this small gesture left a big dent. Things would never be the same again. The future would never be the same.

"Was this what you meant by facing the consequences, Minerva?" I decided to ask then. "Back at the Library of Altaïr, you asked me whether I was willing to assume the consequences of my actions. Are these the consequences you mentioned?"

"One cannot know for sure. Like you said, life is filled with uncertainties and variables. Who knows what will happen now. Only tread carefully. This is the future you created, child. I hope... I hope things will be different now."

"I hope so too..." I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing... "I'm ready, Minerva."

"Be careful, child..." She gave me a soft smile, and after gazing one last time at Desmond, I began to walk away. But then... "(y/n)!" Minerva called out suddenly, causing me to freeze in my tracks as surprise shook my very core. Has she ever called me by my name before...? I looked back to her just as she stopped before me. "I have one final question to you, dear. Something I never quite understood...." She paused for a short moment. There was something in her gaze. Something I...couldn't quite read. Confusion? Uncertainty...? "Why did you choose to stay with the Prophet, back at the Vault?" she finally asked, causing my gaze to soften.

"Simple. He was too important for me to live on without him. He was...my second chance." I replied simply and with a soft smile before I turned around, and walked away into the darkness as numbness washed over me. He was my second chance...

I came to my senses, slowly but surely. This body felt...foreign, almost like it weren't my own. Yet, I could feel strong muscles tensing up as I slowly but surely regained consciousness. Beneath my fingers, I felt the softness of silk sheets. Beneath my body, I felt the comfort of a soft mattress. Harder than the one I grew used to sleeping on, but...but oh so comfortable. And finally, weighting upon my body, I felt the warmth of blankets. I finally dared to open my eyes, and oh, I could only let out a shaky breath at what I saw.

The room looked so very familiar... from the vintage furniture decorating the room down to the wallpaper and curtains. Yet... there was technology I hadn't seen since...well, since before I came across the Apple in my parents' basement. On my nightstand, I could see a digital alarm, along with a few bottles of pills. And right in front of the bed, I could see a TV hung on the wall. Jesus, I could barely describe what it made me feel. They looked so foreign, so...so out of place. Yet, seeing a freaking TV again made me feel nostalgic. It...it made me feel like I was home.

Just as I began to sit up on the bed, I heard a knock on the door. I snapped my head towards the noise in surprise. "C-Come in!" I called out, resting back against the headboard. In came a man wearing a black suit, carrying a silver tray. His gaze softened upon seeing that I was awake.

"Ahh, miss. I am glad to see you awake." He said softly as he walked towards me, proceeding to place the tray down on the nightstand. It was empty, much to my disappointment. But my focus was quickly snapped back to him as he continued to talk. "The messeri (misters) will be pleased to know that you are faring well."

"Your accent...you're italian." I guessed, quickly receiving a nod of approval.

"I grew up here, in this palazzo." He smiled softly. "My mother was a maid, and now I am a butler."

"Where...where am I...? What is this place?" I finally asked, frowning in confusion as I looked out to the closed curtains.

"....maestro (master) did tell me you might be...disoriented upon waking up. Perdonemi (Forgive me)." he smiled softly. "You are at the Palazzo Auditore, miss. My young maestro (master) found you unconscious and brought you inside. You have been asleep for quite some time."

.......ohh... I never quite expected my heart to clench so... Eyes widened, I took in the room once more. And ohh, of course I were here....every wall felt so...familiar. This used to be Ezio's room... "I have some clothes prepared for you." he said, causing me to snap back to him. "The young maestro asked me to have these prepared just in case." I watched as he walked to a corner of the room, towards a neat pile of clothes. Black leggings and a shirt, it'd seem. Jesus...

"T-Thank you, sir..." I finally managed to say, snapping out of my stupor just as he placed the clothes down on the bed. He bowed, and just as he was about to leave the room, I decided to ask. "Wait, sir!" I called out. "What...what day is this...?"

"....Wednesday, miss. September 16th, 2012." He replied with a soft smile, before he turned around and walked out of the room to let me change clothes. Finally, I was able to breathe. I was in Firenze...I was in the same room I had died in, centuries earlier. Only about a month after I had left in the first place, chronologically speaking. I took a deep breath. What was I supposed to do...? My mind was filled with questions as I finally got dressed. Mainly, regarding my appearance. Nothing had changed. It was still the same body, the same face. Minerva told me to consider it a vessel, of sorts, but...the scars were still there. They were but pale lines on my body, but still...I even had the brand of the Assassins upon my ring finger as well. But why?, I wondered as I tried to get used to the tightness of the leggings I was given. But among all those questions, my mind settled on one alone. Who was this young maestro (master) who found me...?

I expected to see that butler upon leaving my bedroom, but apparently, he had left. I looked around. A lot had changed, I could tell. Some areas of the palazzo looked better, as if they had been rebuilt. But overall, the original Renaissance aesthetic was preserved. From the extensive library to the paintings on the walls. Modern technology such as TVs and computers looked so out of place, but... I liked it. It created a chaotic beauty that I personally found charming. I found myself wandering through the corridors, catching glimpses of a few pictures as I walked past the living room. But before I realized it, I was entering what used to be Giovanni's office. I gulped. Beyond that fireplace...I'd see Ezio's tomb...and mine... I looked back to see if the butler was watching before I walked in, closing the door behind me.

I still remembered that day so clearly...that cursed day when we had to lay Ezio to rest here, in his tomb... did this young maestro (master) even know that one of the greatest Mentors of the Assassin Brotherhood was resting right beneath his feet? With some luck, probably not. We had made doubly sure that his resting place remained hidden, but...so much could've happened since my passing...

Before I knew it, I had reached the old, dark tomb. I had expected to see two ivory coffins resting right next to each other, but...that was not what I found. The coffins were still there, but I realized with shaky hands that they were both empty. Everything was gone...h-he was gone...

"They were moved long ago, I'm afraid." The butler's voice echoed throughout the dark chamber. I looked back at him in surprise. I hadn't even realized that my cheeks were wet.

"....when were they taken...?" I softly asked, looking back at the coffin where my beloved husband once rested in. "Who dared to disturb their slumber...?" Oh god, the Apple...The Sword of Altaïr....

"They were moved away over 50 years ago, I'm afraid, during World War 2." he explained. "The Germans invaded Firenze in 1943. In 1944, the Assassins decided to move the bodies away to a safer location in hopes that they'd resist the Ally bombing. Many houses were destroyed that day. Even this poor palazzo did not make it out unscathed."

"And did they-?" I was quick to ask. But with his nod, I was able to relax.

"Come, we should get out of here." He urged. "There is yet much to tell."

"A-Actually...would you mind if I went out to the courtyard for a few moments...? I...I need some air..."

"......of course, miss." he nodded, and with that, he proceeded to lead me out of the dark room. I looked back to the empty coffins one last time just as the secret door closed right before my eyes. I sighed. Of course things aren't gonna be so easy...

Silently, I was escorted out to the courtyard in the company of the young butler. I gave him a few glances as we walked. I could tell he had questions to ask, but...he seemed apprehensive, somehow. Like he didn't know whether he should ask.

"...(y/n)." I finally broke the silence just as he opened the doors leading to the courtyard, catching him off-guard. Upon feeling his gaze on me, I continued. "I'm (y/n). I....I had relatives in this palazzo, many years ago."

"....you are related to the Auditores, miss?" He asked. "Well...that would explain how the maestri seemed to know you."

"They know about me...?" I tilted my head. "And who might they be?"

"They will be arriving shortly. You can ask themdirectly then." he gave me a curt smile. "Now, miss (y/n)... please call if youneed anything." with one final bow, he invited me to sit on one of the stonebenches lining the walls before he left, closing the door behind him. Like Idid before my passing, I sat down with a soft sigh, and looked up at the sky.

It was a beautiful day out. Judging by how high the sun was, it was probably early in the afternoon. There were only a few clouds covering the skies. I watched with a soft smile as a butterfly came down to land on the bright red petals of a climbing rose, seeking nourishment from its yellow core before flying away once more. I was snapped out of my peaceful trance, however, upon hearing footsteps up on the rooftop. Looking up in curiosity, I watched as a young man in a white t-shirt came to a stop at the edge of the roof, his broad back facing me for only a few moments before he disappeared from my sight. Now, curiosity had me. I began to climb the façade of the courtyard as silently as I could, freezing in surprise as I heard voices. Oh, so familiar voices...

"Marcello called. I came as fast as I could." I heard one of them say, lightly panting. Ohhh, I had to bite my lip in hopes of preventing tears from running down my cheeks. E-Ezio...?

"Yes. The girl is awake, at last." I heard another voice then, much lower in pitch. My body trembled before it. A-Altaïr...? "Apparently, she woke up a few moments ago and went straight to our office."

"....there is something about her, I... w-who is she, brother...? Ever since I saw her that day, I-I..." Ezio managed to say, his voice wavering. Wait...he couldn't remember me...? I pushed myself up, managing to sneak a peek at the two men. And ohhh, I couldn't help but let out a shaky breath at what I saw. It was just like in my dream...Altaïr and Ezio, in modern clothing, sitting side by side like brothers...Oh god, my heart ached so...I hid once more, using a free hand to cover my quivering mouth.

"....you have been having dreams again, haven't you...?" Altaïr's voice breached the silence. I couldn't see Ezio, but his silence was enough of a reply.

"It was...so different..." he managed to say. "I wasn't in Firenze. I-I...I was old. She was old. I saw myself hurry down narrow streets, and then I entered a book shop. It was completely turned upside down, with dead bodies everywhere. A-And then, I saw her, in a courtyard, barely clinging to life with an Assassin in her arms. She pleaded for me to save him. A certain... Yusuf." I let out a shaky breath. He couldn't remember...h-he couldn't remember... "I had her in my arms when she went limp. I remember feeling such...anguish."

".....Constantinople." Altaïr finally said. "You were away to Cappadocia for over a month, while she stayed in Constantinople to watch over Sofia, the owner of that book shop. She had become a good friend over the course of your stay, and you felt worry over leaving her to fend for herself while you were away. So, (y/n) offered to stay. But the book shop was attacked. (Y/n) and your friend Yusuf tried to fend off the Byzantine soldiers for as long as they could, but they were too numerous. They were both stabbed, while Sofia was taken away. When you got there, they were both barely clinging to life, as you said."

"....did they-" Ezio began, but Altaïr interrupted him once more.

"No. It was a true miracle, but...no. They survived." I could hear a soft smile in Altaïr's voice. "You got there in time."

"I-I....I feel so confused...all these dreams....everything feels so foggy..." I could barely hear Ezio as he breathed out those words. He was going through the exact same thing as I was...E-Ezio...

"Things will be alright, I promise." Altaïr's voice was soothing, reassuring, steady, contrasting with Ezio's shaky one.

"I-I... I think I should go back to my room...the Confederation called, and they need a team to assure Desmond's safe arrival to Monteriggioni. The villa should be safe, but...they want me to go with the back-up team." I furrowed my brows. The Confederation...?

"Do you need help, brother? You could always use the company, at the very least." I heard Ezio rise to his feet while Altaïr spoke. But he seemed to refuse, as he began to climb down the outer façade ofthe building. Silence filled the air like a heavy blanket. And before I couldprocess the situation, I was caught off-guard by a large, outstretched handright above my face. "Are you going to stay there all afternoon?" I looked up,quickly meeting Altaïr's soft, amused gaze. I was caught so off-guard that I nearly slipped. But with his help, I climbed up and sat beside him right whereEzio once sat, wiping my tears away. 

"T-This....I-I can't believe this..." I breathed out, looking over at Altaïr. He hadn't changed one bit. His brown hair still looked short, his piercing golden eyes, his defined jaw, his full lips... "I-Is it...is it truly you...?"

"In the flesh, (y/n)..." Altaïr smiled softly. "I did not expect you to be up and climbing so soon. But then again, I should have known, given how active you were right after the twins were born."

"A-And Ezio....? What happened to him? Why can't he remember...?" I shook my head.

"He's going through the same you went through. He started remembering about 5 years ago." he shrugged, looking away and out towards the city. "His memory is still very muddled, however. He remembers you vaguely, but enough to know that he was married to you at some point in his life. Enough to prevent him from falling in love with anyone else." he smiled softly.

"A-And you....do you remember? Everything?" I finally asked, looking up at his face. He didn't say anything for a few moments, but ended up replying.

"Everything." he nodded. "And much more than you know." noticing my questioning gaze, he began to explain as he laid back, lying down on the warm tiles. "I remember everything about my former life. When I woke up, I was looking at you. You looked so different, yet...so familiar, as you played the first Assassin's Creed game. As nightmares about us plagued you." he sighed. "I followed you in your journey, manifesting myself through the visions that plagued your mind. As the years went by, and the more you remembered, the more I could show you. And when you finally decided to travel to Masyaf with Ezio, you were finally able to see me."

"S-So...all this time...it was you...?" I breathed out. "All along, you've been guiding me...?"

"It was far from easy." he shrugged. "Minerva wanted me to stay away until the time was right, but...I couldn't very well do nothing. And especially not after your twins were born."

"You wanted me to remember...you wanted me to remember who I used to be..." I finally said, looking down to my dangling feet. "Even though I was already living a new life with another man..."

"Yes. I was selfish, I know..." he nodded. "But you needed to remember. Otherwise, things would not be as they are now."

"You needed me to remember the key to the Vault..." I realized. "...Minerva told me you convinced her to let me stay...why?"

"...because I knew you were happy." he shrugged. "September 16th 2012 has always been your final destination, (y/n). I wanted you to enjoy some peace and quiet with your family before you were eventually brought back to this era. You deserved that much, at least."

"....w-when I died...I saw someone by my side." I began as I looked down into his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Was it you...?"

"I was there, but...no." he shook his head. A soft smile painted his lips as he reached forth, and I couldn't help but close my eyes as I felt him brush my tears away with a handkerchief. "It was Ezio. He wanted to be there by your side before we were sent back here."...at that point, I couldn't hold back anymore. Knowing that Ezio was so close, yet...so far, I... tears ran down my cheeks freely. Even Altaïr's comforting hold couldn't snap me away from the harsh reality that I was in. We'd probably all die in little over 3 months, and Ezio wouldn't remember me. He wouldn't remember our life, our hardships....h-he wouldn't remember his little Aurora, Leandro, Diana....little Flavio, little Mariana.... h-he wouldn't remember us...

"Come, let us go inside..." Altaïr's soft voice broke me out of my trance as I felt him brush away my tears. "There is a lot you have to know..."

Before I realized it, I was sitting in the library, a cup of coffee waiting invitingly on the table. He was looking over some records, when I heard a knock on the door. It was the butler, I realized. "Maestro (Master) Ibn-la'Ahad, your brother is about to leave."

"Grazie, Marcello. I will be right there." Altaïr nodded, and with that, the butler left. "Ezio's leaving to Monteriggioni." He explained.

"I know..." I nodded. "B-But...the prophec-"

"You will find the one you seek where your journey first began." he smiled. "Minerva gave Ezio that same prophecy." he explained as he took a seat beside me. "For the past 3 years, he's been going to the Piazza della Signoria every day in hopes of meeting you. And at long last, you have arrived. But I doubt it to be the right answer."

"B-But....that's where I saved him." I shook my head, confused. "That's where our paths crossed."

"Yes... but in my opinion, your journey began up on the roof of the Villa Auditore, when you and Ezio became friends." he smiled. "That night sealed your fates, (y/n). I was there. I saw everything. The moment you opened up to him, and him to you, your fates were already decided."

"That's why you say it's Monteriggioni..." I began to nod. I mean, true, that night was one I'd never forget, but...was it really that important...?

"I must go. I never let Ezio leave without saying goodbye." Altaïr rose to his feet. "There is a book on the table. It is a general record of the Auditore family. Take a look, I will be right back." and with that, he walked out of the room. I gazed at the book intently as I took a sip from my coffee. Should I take a look...? Or should I just stay here and let Altaïr explain everything to me? I finally decided to take a quick peek. And by the time Altaïr returned, there was a lot I had already learned, noticeably about the two Assassins.

They were brothers, but...not really. There were two files. Adoption files. Altaïr was adopted by the Auditores at the age of 3, while Ezio, the younger of the two, was adopted when he was only a few months old. When Altaïr turned 18, he asked for his last name to be changed back to Ibn-la'Ahad, while Ezio kept his last name. Now, Altaïr was 26, while Ezio was 23. Groomed to be businessmen so they could take over their family's company, the two excelled in accountability, laws and management. And, unsurprisingly, the two were top of their classes in PE, taking numerous extracurricular activities such as fencing and rock climbing.

"Glad to see you two haven't changed." I told Altaïr with a soft, amused smile as he walked back in, closing the book.

"Were you expecting us to?" He let out a soft chuckle. Taking a seat beside me once more, he decided to ask. "So, got any questions for me?"

"...I have many, actually, but let's start small. What's the Confederation?" I began. "Ezio mentioned the Confederation during his conversation up on the roof. What is it? Does the Brotherhood no longer exist in our time?"

"....that is not starting small at all." he shook his head, an amused smile painting his lips. "The Confederation is the union between Templars and Assassins. It's been a thing since the American Revolution. The Confederation gathers representatives from both Orders, and no decision is made without the approval of the other. It's based on the reality that absolute freedom and order cannot exist independently of each other. It's all about balance. Too much freedom causes anarchy, while too much control causes tyranny. By creating a counsel where all voices bear the same weight, we come to balanced decisions. It's....easier said than done, of course, but it works." he shrugged, smiling.

"So...Assassins and Templars finally found common ground?" my eyes widened. "So that vision Minerva showed me did happen..."

"What vision?" he furrowed his brows.

"Before I was brought back, Minerva showed me a conversation between two men. Father and son, it seemed. A Templar and an Assassin. He gave him my journal. He spoke of making peace." I explained.

"Ahhh. She showed you the creation of the Confederation." he nodded. "Haytham Kenway, Templar Grandmaster, and his son Connor Kenway, Master Assassin. Somewhere around 1778, they decided to put their hatred aside and began to work together. They decided to put a stop to the war by creating the Confederation, but many Assassins and Templars stood against it. Even now, there are extremist groups on both sides, alas."

"Extremist groups..." I frowned. "Assassins too?"

"Unfortunately, yes." he sighed. "They believe that there cannot be peace with those 'conniving Templar bastards', as they say. A couple of weeks ago, Desmond was kidnapped. He's gone into hiding with his group, under the Confederation's protection, but his kidnapper is still out there. Warren Vidic. He's currently a wanted man for breaking the Accords and kidnapping an Assassin." he explained.

"Is that why Ezio's going to Monteriggioni?" I tilted my head.

"Absolutely. Because the Villa Auditore is our best safehouse in Italy. Rooms have already been prepared for them. They will arrive tonight." There was a heavy moment of silence afterwards, marked by my confusion. Rooms...? "....you never found out, did you...?" his soft question reached my ears.

"Found out what?"

"Leandro rebuilt the Villa. The construction was under way for years before you died, I'm surprised they never told you." I frowned.

"No...no, they never told me...." I shook my head. Leandro rebuilt the Villa...? God, I couldn't help but remember a long-past conversation he and I had...back then, he was still so young...

"Mother, do you....ever plan on returning to Monteriggioni...?" his soft question reached my ears.

"Someday. If not, just to go and retrieve whatever weaponry and armory that can be saved. Altaïr's armor got stuck beneath rubble back in my bedroom, but I'm hoping we can retrieve it." I shrugged. "I doubt that the Villa Auditore can ever be rebuilt though, sfortunatamente (unfortunately). I fear it received too much damage."

"One day, I will try." He said then, much to my surprise. "I will gather the best architects of Italia, and we will rebuild the Villa Auditore back to its former glory." He said with a determined tone.

"Spoken like a true Auditore..." I replied tenderly, proudly. My poor baby grew up so much in such a short time. It hurt as much as it brought me pride. "If that day ever comes, I will be in the front row to see it." I said tenderly, leaving a soft kiss on his forehead. "I love you, son..."

"I love you too, Mamma (Mommy)..."

"H-He did it....my babyboy really did it...." I breathed out, cracking a smile. "All those years ago, he promised me he'd try to rebuild it. And he did it..."

"The construction lasted several years. It was far from easy, but...he never gave up." Altaïr smiled softly.

"Take me to Monteriggioni, Altaïr..." I pleaded, looking up at him with eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Please, I need to see it...!"

"We will leave tonight." he assured me. "There is still a lot I need to take care of before we go, but...I promise. Tonight."

Time flew by way faster than I expected as I buried myself in books, trying to catch up on nearly 5 centuries of history. And though there wasn't much I was able to pick up before we left, there WAS something I discovered. The Villa Auditore and the Palazzo Auditore had once been homes to the Assassin Archives, detailing the main events, travels and feats of the Assassins throughout history. However, the main archives once stored in the Palazzo were moved away, probably at around the same time the tombs were moved. Nowadays, the Assassin Archives remained hidden in a secret location known only to what appeared to be the men of higher hierarchy within the Confederation. No doubt Master Assassins, Templar Masters, and Grandmasters from both sides. Who these men actually were, however...that, I could only assume I'd get those answers by asking Altaïr. And even then, I might find myself without answers. No doubt, those info were left secret for a very specific reason.

But before I realized it, I was led to an inconspicuous car. A car which, I could only assume given that it's been so damn long, appeared to be a pretty affordable model. Getting on it was...weird. It was more comfortable than a saddle, and the enclosed space felt nostalgic, yet...it felt so wrong. No more horses, no more dirt roads...there no longer was that deep connection to the ride. From the way the horse moved, breathed...now all there was were padded seats and a wheel. Even as we began to drive away from Firenze, even as the window was rolled down...it still felt so wrong...

"You will get used to it." Altaïr's voice snapped me back to reality as parted my gaze away from the rural landscape, and back to his gentle smile. "I know I have."

"Was it hard for you...?" I asked, shifting in my seat. "To get used to all of this, I mean."

"At first, yes." He nodded. "You should have seen me as a child, I hated cars." He let out a small chuckle. "But these days, you cannot just take a horse and ride to your destination. Owning a car is just...more discreet."

"And you drive often?" I tilted my head.

"More often that I personally would have liked." He admitted. "Life is just more exciting when you're running through rooftops instead of sitting behind a wheel. But that is modern life to you." He shrugged. "I still do horse-riding though. Occasionally. Over the centuries, Monteriggioni did not change. Surrounding the citadel are mostly fields and small farms. We own a small farm not far from the citadel where we raise horses. You could say it's our...country-side house." A soft smile began to paint his lips. "Ezio loves riding. Sometimes, even more than I do. His memories resurface every time he's on the back of a horse. Either then, or whenever he spends his afternoons at the Piazza della Signoria."

"That talk, earlier today..." I began. "He had come back from the Piazza, hadn't he?" Altaïr didn't reply, but his silence was a greater answer than words. "Does he remember what happened there?" I decided to ask, looking forward at the road. "Does he remember his family's execution? Cristina? His speech after Savonarola's death?....the strolls we'd take there after our retirement?....his passing...?" My voice gave up on me the more and more I spoke. It was...it was like those words were choking me. Like I was being stabbed over and over by those innocent syllables. I took a deep breath to steady my emotions. No more tears. No more...

"....they come and go through flashing images." Altaïr finally replied after whet felt like hours of heavy silence. "At least, that is how he explains it. He remembers the execution. He remembers several of your earlier missions, before Rodrigo Borgia became Pope. Back when Lorenzo was still in power. But after that...his mind grows muddled. Most of his memories still confuse him. Especially..." he sighed. "Especially those of his passing."

"....when did he remember those...?" I breathed out, gulping.

"....5 years ago. He woke up in the middle of the night screaming, clutching his chest as if his heart was about to fail him. He...he was screaming your name, (y/n)." I could only watch as his grip on the wheel tighten, grimacing when his knuckles turned white. "He told me that he could barely remember what happened. He could only describe the pain he felt, where he was, and your name. I immediately knew what he was talking about. That was when I knew that...that he was the real Ezio. When he started remembering, I finally understood that we were here for a reason. That Minerva sent us here for a reason." I could feel his gaze on me then. Heavy, intense. "This is more than a second chance, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so." I reluctantly nodded. "All I know is that I need to find Ezio. I need to find him, then find the contents of my tomb, then save Desmond."

"Desmond?" he asked.

"I met him. Before Minerva sent me back, she allowed me to meet him. He...he failed in his first attempt, Altaïr. Juno tricked him." I sighed. "I need my Apple to open the Grand Temple. Only Desmond can access it. But it cannot be with Ezio's Apple. Juno's got a hold of it. Whatever's in that Grand Temple will release Juno and kill Desmond. I cannot let that happen, Altaïr." I shook my head. "He's family. And I protect my own."

"....are you certain that you need that Apple?" he asked with a serious tone, alternating glances from the road to me.

"I asked to be buried with it so I could use it again....... You know where it is, don't you?" I finally asked, and much to my relief, he nodded.

"It will not be easy to get there, however. The contents of your tombs are preserved and locked away in a high security vault within the Assassin Archives. 4 men are required to open that vault. You are looking at one of them." He explained.

"And the other 3?"

"Our Mentor, William Miles, my brother Ezio...and the Templar Grandmaster." He revealed. "The last one will be difficult to convince. He likes to play things safe, and will have a hard time trusting you. But that's how the Confederation works. Those are the rules. Two Master Assassins, the Mentor of the Assassins, and the Templar Grandmaster."

"Why is the Grandmaster concerned when this is clearly Assassin affairs? I don't get it." I frowned.

"Because those are the Confederation rules. Especially when it comes to the Apple of Eden. No side can make a decision without the other's approval. To make a decision that big, we'd have to call in a private meeting with all 4 members so you can convince him that this is what needs to be done."

"....merda (crap)..." I softly cursed as I looked out the window. "He's never gonna believe me..."

"But Ezio and I do and will." He shrugged. "We can vouch for you."

"I doubt it might help, but...I appreciate it." I cracked a smile, before looking out the window once more. I thought the conversation was over, but then...a sudden question popped into my mind. A simple question that made me shiver at the thought of pronouncing it. "What happened...after my passing...?" I decided to ask after a few moments of silence, my gaze meeting his for a spit second before he focused his attention back to the road. He didn't say anything at first, but eventually replied.

"I'm not sure." He sighed. "The records past 1527 are quite blurry. But there are certain records that may interest you." I was all ears now. "In 1531, Leandro resigned from his duty as Mentor while Aurora left with her husband and daughter, moving back to the Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni. There are records indicating that towards 1533, Leandro left Rome and travelled to Alexandria."

"Alexandria?" My eyes widened in surprise. "Why Alexandria?"

"The answer isn't black and white, I'm afraid. Leandro did not write anything about his voyage. But Aurora did. She wrote about not seeing her brother for 5 years, and that upon asking him why he was leaving, he replied to her "in another time, we would have been brothers". Aurora wrote that she did not understand his brother then, but he was determined to go there. It's also said that he travelled to Istanbul before he returned to Italy, and settled down at the Palazzo Auditore with his wife and son."

"....he went to search for Darim's grave..." my eyes widened in realization. "He knew about my past as Maria Thorpe. He knew about Darim and Sef. Do you think...do you think he would've gone out to search for him?"

"You knew him better than anyone, (y/n)." he shrugged, though I could tell that this revelation had disturbed him as well. "Do you think him crazy enough to do it?"

"He was the spitting image of his father." Was all I could say, my lips curling into a soft, nostalgic smile as I turned my attention out to the landscape. "God, so much has changed..." I sighed out. "I can barely recognize Tuscany anymore..."

"I can imagine." Altaïr gave me a soft smile. "But you will get used to it. Eventually." I'll get used to it...eventually. Oooof boy, if that wasn't the overstatement of the century...

Looking at the clock, I noticed it had only taken us about an hour and half to reach Monteriggioni. But honestly, it had honestly felt like such a long trip. One long enough to make me think. And oh, troubling thoughts, they were.

Ezio undoubtedly was no longer the same man. I knew that. But....how different would he be in a modern society? And how would he react upon seeing me...? God, I was terrified of the answer. And then, there was Altaïr. He was still the same on so many aspects, yet...this Altaïr could smile so easily... His childhood wasn't the best, that much, I knew. But I could tell he had had a joyful childhood with the Auditores. He smiled like his hands had never been stained in blood. And with him being a Master Assassin, I knew that hadn't been the case. But....he was happier here. Happier than he had ever been back in Masyaf. To see him so peaceful...I'd be willing to die over and over again just to see that. Before I knew it, though, I was snapped out of my thoughts by the unexpected feeling of slowing down. I watched as Altaïr stopped on the side of the road, the car's lights barely illuminating a great stone wall. Ohhhh, I breathed out.

"Here we are." Altaïr said as he shut the car down. "Monteriggioni."

"Wow...." I managed to say, and before I could think twice, my hands were already on the door handle. It was already quite dark, but streetlights from within enabled me to see the outline of Monteriggioni's citadel walls. Walls that had once been destroyed by Borgia soldiers. Walls I hadn't seen since 1507...

"Knowing Ezio, he is probably at the Villa right now." Altaïr's voice snapped me out of my reverie. I gazed back to him just as he continued. "But he also likes to take a stroll around the citadel at night. So, you might not see him at the Villa. But he will show up."

"....I'm scared, Altaïr." I managed to say as I looked away, my gaze fixated onto the citadel's gate. "What if.... W-what if he-"

"Doesn't remember you?" I let out a shaky breath as I felt a familiar, large hand make contact with my shoulder. "Preposterous. You are all he ever dreams about. Trust me." I could hear Altaïr smile as he spoke. Could he truly be right...? "And if he doesn't? Well...make him remember." He winked.

"I-I....I will." I nodded. "But...what about you...?"

"Ezio needs you." His gaze softened. "I love my little brother. And though I will not deny that Maria Thorpe still haunts my thoughts, it is long time I accept the fact that she is gone." A soft thumb gently grazed my cheek. "Ezio needs you, (y/n). I could not be there for you when you had those same visions. But now, you can be there for him. Go...make him happy."

"Altaïr..." I breathed out. God, I could feel tears prickling at my eyes. Was that how our story ended...? With him moving on, and letting me move on? Was this closure? To either of us....? Ohhh, who knew. Who knew what the future had in store for us. All I knew, for now, was that I was thankful. Standing on my tiptoes, I left a soft, gentle kiss upon his cheek. My lips lingered, I'll admit, but...Ezio was the one I wanted. And he was so, so close... I finally parted from Altaïr, giving him my biggest smile ever despite my unshed tears. "Thank you...for everything..."

"For you...anything." He smiled tenderly. "Now go...he is waiting."

I didn't need to be told twice, as I began to sprint towards the citadel's gate. I ran, and I ran...and I only allowed myself to stop upon reaching the citadel's gate. I turned around one final time, meeting Altaïr's soft gaze. He gave me an encouraging nod in return, and then and there, I knew this was a decision I wouldn't regret. I smiled back before I breached the gate, and felt my breath hitch as I took in the beauty of Monteriggioni. God, this brought back so many memories... Monteriggioni was different. That much, I could see. Electrical cables ran throughout the entire citadel. There were fences on top of the citadel walls. The streets that had once been made of dirt were now paved with sett, and I could tell that a proper sewer system had been implemented as well from the way the streets looked. But this was still Monteriggioni. The buildings were still the same, the layout was still the same. And I realized, as I froze in place, that the Villa Auditore was still there, just as Altaïr had told me. Putting my hood on, I made my way through the empty street towards the Villa. And every step I took towards it was torture. With every step, haunting voices echoed in my head. Voices I hadn't heard in ages, silhouettes I thought I'd never see again. I could still see my twins wobbling out of the Villa, calling out my name through joyous laughter. I could still hear Mario's booming laughter as I walked past the training arena. And I...I could still see Ezio's silhouette up on the roof of the Villa Auditore. So many memories...so...so many memories...

I didn't even hesitate as I began to climb the side of the Villa, noticing, much to my relief, that all lights were out inside. With a practiced ease, I hoisted myself up onto the roof, and towards the tower that had once been mine and Ezio's room. A window was opened, I noticed, and before my mind could protest, I was already climbing. The room was completely dark, but...the lights outside allowed me to see enough. Enough to see what the room looked like. And I could only feel my heart clench at the sight. The bed was still in the same place, against a corner of the room. There were paintings covering the walls, but I couldn't see them properly. I could also make out a desk facing the stairs, some canvasses in a corner, and some swords. Honestly, it was as if this room hadn't been affected by time. My fingers grazed the silk sheets of the bed before I looked out the window I had come through, admiring – like I had so many times in the past – the wonderful view that was Monteriggioni. Everything was perfect, until...

"Don't. Move." I felt something press against the back of my head. Something hard, cold. And even though this was a warm September evening, the sheer coldness of that voice made me shiver. "Turn around slowly...and lower the hood..." I heard that voice once more, and ohhh, that voice...It could only be him...

Fighting back tears, I slowly raised my hands. "I-I'm not your enemy..." I softly said, my voice trembling.

"Then who are you?" his voice was so cold, it hurt. "The Villa Auditore is a restricted area."

"I lived here...just like you did..." my jaw clenched, trying to hold back a sob. "Do you even remember...?"

A heavy silence filled the room for a few moments. But then... "Turn around. Slowly." Ezio ordered once more. Ohh, I had heard that tone so many times...but it had never once been addressed to me. Only to his enemies before they'd fall victim to his blade. In my stupor, I even considered running. But that gun would've fired way faster than I could escape, much likely. So instead, I turned around. And ohh god, that face... That beautiful face that was now contorted in anger...

He was still wearing his afternoon clothes, I noted. He was still wearing that same plain white t-shirt and jeans. That beautiful brown hair was still in a ponytail, his bangs perfectly framing his face. But there was no warmth in those eyes. There was no confusion, no doubt. It was him...and I had almost forgotten how truly terrifying that piercing gaze could be. My gaze met the gun barrel pointed at my forehead for a few moments, before I lowered it down to my feet. I took one final deep breath, before I finally lowered my hood. "E-Ezio...my Ezio..." I breathed out. Looking at him, I noticed his hold on the gun faltering, his now troubled eyes locked onto my features.

"N-No...it's impossible..." he said over and over again, shaking his head.

"You will find the one you seek where your journey first began." I quoted, letting out a shaky breath. "I-It's really me, Ezio...it's (y/n)...I'm here, I'm finally here..." my body yearned to hold him, to comfort him, to tell him over and over again that things would be alright... but that'd have to wait, as shock was replaced by fury, and I felt the coldness of the gun barrel once more against my forehead.

"How can I know it is really you...?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I-I was found by Paola when I first arrived to Firenze. We met during your family's execution. I tried to stop it, but...I couldn't. Y-You cremated your family's bodies before we left Firenze. Claudia wouldn't stop asking questions during our way there, to which you'd always reply that you didn't know..." He didn't say anything, so I continued. "We spent two years training here in Monteriggioni, and I'd often share a bed with you to help you cope with nightmares. We...we started dating in 1481, the day you left to Venezia..." I cracked a smile. "I had the Sword of Altaïr made for you for your birthday. W-We...took a break from Barbarigo to look for Codex pages and hidden tombs in Firenze and San Gimignano. We ended up celebrating your birthday here..." He still didn't say anything, but I could see uncertainty shining in his eyes. Keep talking, my thoughts urged. And so I did, as I took a hesitant step forward. "W-We spent years working in Venezia. But then, I got pregnant in 1486, and gave birth to twins..."

"A-Aurora...and Leandro..." Ezio replied hesitantly.

"Y-Yes...exactly..." a small tear ran down my cheek despite my growing smile. "D-Do you remember them...?"

"....n-not as much as I would have liked. But...I do remember their voices..." he gulped. I thought I had earned his trust, but then, I felt him push me back against the wall. Strong arms prevented me from escaping as I was forced to look deep into his brown eyes. He didn't say anything at first, but then... "I-I...I had a dream today. You were older...much older..." he began, furrowing his brows. "I found you injured. What...what happened afterwards...?" 

"Ohh, Ezio..." I sighed out. "Do you even remember why we were there...?" I softly asked, and upon seeing him shake his head, I began to explain. Everything. From me finding his father's letter in 1509, all the way to when we reached Altaïr's Library in 1512. "A-After Altaïr made you promise to take care of me, we...we went back to Constantinopoli, to cut off loose ends. Yusuf wanted to say goodbye, and also to ensure that Dogan, his pupil, would be able to take care of the Brotherhood in his stead. After that, we...we went back to Roma. Yusuf fell in love with our daughter, while we fulfilled our dream of settling down in a quiet little Villa where we grew our own wine." I cracked a smile at the fond memories that invaded me upon mentioning that Villa. But soon enough, I sighed. "We spent ten years in that house. A-And then, the past caught up to us... a sister from the Chinese branch of the Brotherhood, Shao Jun, came to request our aid, just as her Brotherhood was on the brink of collapse. She needed our advice on how to lead her brothers and sisters. We helped her, but Templars followed. I even had to leave the house with our grand-daughter for a few nights." I shrugged. "But when she left, the threat followed. But we couldn't really rest. Not at first, at least. Then November came, a-and..." My voice cracked. God, I couldn't even look at him... 

"And...?" he asked expectantly, and I could tell that he was trying to meet my gaze. But I couldn't. Not...not when that chapter of my life was next in my tale... I pulled myself away from him so I could face the window, sighing softly as I wrapped my arms around myself.

"What is wrong...?" his soft voice reached my ears.

  "...j-just, to see you like this..." I began, sighing as I shook my head. "You died, Ezio... y-you died in my arms. Going to your funeral, having to live 3 years without you...a-and now, I come back, and you barely remember...." I absent-mindedly wiped a tear away. "I was told to move on so many times, but...I-I couldn't... I can't move on..."

"(y/n)..."I heard Ezio's soft voice against my ear, just as I felt the weight of his head upon my shoulder. I immediately leaned into his warmth, and I...I just couldn't hold back anymore. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his body, burying my head against his chest. "Tutto andrà bene (Everything will be alright)..." I heard him whisper as his fingers caressed my hair. God...how many times he had comforted me like this... it only made me cry more... 

I can't remember how long I stayed there, in his arms, but...we broke the hug to the sound of an engine roaring outside. Ezio led the way outside, and I realized, as we walked down the outer staircase, that people were standing in front of a white van. I didn't quite recognize two of them, but the man standing in the middle... 

"Holy shit..." I heard him mutter out in surprise, his widened eyes locked onto our approaching forms. I couldn't help but crack a smile. Desmond... 

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