One Direction Sickfics (reque...

By Ghost_Of_C-Dizzle

4.7K 103 38

Just some short stories of when the boys aren't feeling so hot... Started: 31 July 2020 *I do not own any of... More

Intro and Requests
Niall Bussick
Liam Bussick
Louis Bussick
Harry Bussick
Zayn Bussick
You're Carsick (Liam)
He's Sick at Work (Niall)
He's Sick at Work (Zayn)
He's Sick at Work (Harry)
He's Sick at Work (Louis)
He's Sick at Work (Liam)
Niall Knee Surgery (Niam)

Stomach Bug (Harry)

474 8 6
By Ghost_Of_C-Dizzle

Dedicated to ilangel1. Thanks so much for the suggestion!


The lads had a few days off from their current tour and were all hanging out in the air bnb that they had rented for the weekend. They arrived on a Thursday night and we're planning on leaving the following Sunday afternoon.

Harry had had a bit of a headache that day after the concert, but he didn't really think anything of it, but when they had arrived at the house, it was when his head really started to bother him. "I think Imma turn in early tonight," he told the other lads as he headed towards his room. He was feeling extremely tired for some reason this particular evening apart from his growing headache and almost as soon as Harry's head hit the pillow, he fell right asleep.


The next morning Harry awoke to a strong smell of eggs in the air. This made his stomach do a little flip, though he wasn't sure why. He then proceeded to get up out of bed, get himself dressed, then he headed to the kitchen.

"Morning!" said Liam when Harry walked into the kitchen. The rest of the lads were sitting around the large table, while Liam was doing all the cooking. Harry just nodded at Liam and slumped down at the table. He couldn't understand why he was so tired since he was the first to go to bed and the last one to wake up.

"Ya alright mate?" Zayn noticed the dark bags under Harry's eyes.

"Mmm," was Harry's response.

Just then Niall jumped up and went over to Liam to ask for another plate of food.

"No Niall! That'll be like your third plate! Let Harry have some before you devour it all!"

"No, that's okay," mumbled Harry, "I'm not really that hungry this morning".

"But breakfast is the most important mean of the day!" Louis piped in. "You sure you're okay buddy?" he asked sort of going back to Zayn's question.

Harry just shrugged at this. "Just tired I guess," he mumbled once again. But not only was Harry 'just tired', he was beginning to feel a bit sick to his stomach as well.

Then, when all the lads, except Harry obviously, had finished eating, they decided to head outside to the pool in the backyard of the air bnb. Harry decided that he would get in the water so that the boys wouldn't think that anything was bothering him.

"Woo hoo!" Louis shouted as he went down the long water slide. Harry winced at this. His headache and stomach ache were starting to get worse by the minute and Louis' nonsense wasn't helping.

Soon Harry began to feel really hot on top of everything else, so he decided to get out of the pool and rest for a second or two. The boys did not notice him getting out of the pool since they were all too into the game of Marco Polo they were playing. Harry then proceeded to sit on one of the many recliners on the pool deck. He was getting quite dizzy now and eventually his body couldn't take it anymore.

Harry knew that he was about to get sick, but he didn't want the rest of his mates to know. He absolutely did not want to ruin the boys' weekend off. So he jumped up and ran inside to the small bathroom on the first floor.

As soon as Harry knelt over the toilet, his stomach was expelling its contents of Harry's last meal, which was his dinner from before the show the night before.

When he had finished getting sick, he was too weak to hold himself up anymore. Harry collapsed on the floor shaking. He was freezing and couldn't understand why because just a minute ago he was burning up.

Just then Harry herd the door open, but was too weak to even turn his head to see who it was. He was only capable of telling who it was when the person started speaking. "You okay buddy? What happened in here?" A soft voice spoke. It was Louis.

Harry couldn't answer this question because again he was shaking so terribly. "Ya alright Haz?" the voice came again and this time a little louder and in a more concered tone than before. Once more, Harry didn't answer. He only heard Louis run out of the bathroom.


When Louis returned to Harry's side, he was with another person whom Harry could not make out since his vision was blurring from the dizziness now. He felt something in his mouth and a few seconds later a *beep beeeep*. He heard some muffled talking. This was all that he was able to make out of it: "103... hospital... 911... ambulance..."

Soon after that, Harry felt himself being lifted up and carried somewhere. He also felt someone putting him in a pair of sweats and a warm hoodie. Then a few minutes later he was aware of someone lifting him onto a stretcher, but after that he had more more memory until waking up to a bright light.


"He's awake!" Harry heard a familiar Irish voice shout.

"How ya feeling?" another voice added.

"Umm, alright. What happened?" Harry asked sitting up in the hospital bed.

"I don't really know. We just noticed that you weren't anywhere in sight all of the sudden, so I went inside and found you laying on the bathroom floor. Then I went to get the others. Zayn then went to get a thermometer for you and when your temperature read '103.2' Niall and Liam went to call an ambulance for you. And next thing we know, we're here."

"103.2?!" Harry questioned. "Am I gonna be alright Lou?"

"Yes Hazza, you'll be fine." Louis held Harry's large hand. "The nurses and doctors gave ya some medicine to reduce your fever."

"Oh. You happen to know if I'll be able to go back to the house tonight?"

"I'm not sure. We're still waiting to hear from the doctor what the plan is." Liam answered Harry's question. Literally as soon as Liam said this the doctor came into the room. "It's good news," he said, "your fever has gone down a lot and you will be free to go in just a few hours Mr. Styles. I'm just going to have you fill out some more paper work and the nurses still need to give ya a bit more medicine, but you'll be fine."

"Thanks doc!" piped Niall.

"No problem."

After the nurses perfprmed their last checks on harry and when it was time for the lads to head home, the nurses informed them on how to take care of Harry and such.

Once back at the house, Louis and Zayn helped Harry lay down on the couch. "What do I have anyways?" the curly lad asked.

"Well the doctor said you have like a 24 to 72 hour bug," Louis informed Harry, "they just told us to keep an eye on you and if your fever ever got over 102.9, just to bring you back in, but they said that shouldn't be a problem if you take the medicine that they gave you." Louis then pulled a throw blanket over the two of them and turned on a movie for them and the rest of the boys.

With that, Harry was settled for the rest of the weekend. He didn't ever have to go back to the hospital at all and when he did throw up a couple more times again, his band mates were there to rub his back and comfort him.



Thank you again to @ilangel1 for suggesting this story! I hope you liked it. Sorry if it wasn't the best. I feel like it kinda fell apart there at the end. I'm still fairly new to writing all of this fanfiction stuff. Please continue to keep giving me more ideas, since I never really know what to wright about. This also goes to everyone else, please, please, please suggest/request ideas and prompts for me! And again please let me know who's point of view you would like the story to be in, the setting of the story, if you want y/n to be in it or not, or I guess if you want Zayn in it or not etc.

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