Magnus Bane's sister

By ncis_4ever

64.5K 1.6K 36

Magnus the high warlock of Brooklyn has a very good hidden secret. A secret no one ever was able to reveal. T... More



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By ncis_4ever

Authors pov:
Ever since Alec's statement no one has said a word within the room. The two warlocks are still standing close together, as if they try to hide one another. Magnus has always felt responsible for his younger sister. He was the one that taught her everything! The moment he had held her as an infant he promised himself to not ever let any harm come upon her. That he would die himself before letting her get even a paper cut! So no, he had absolutely no problem with helping her find that ungrateful beings mothers whereabouts. If it is what his sister wishes to do, than he will help her with everything he possibly can. Even if it means that they will endanger themselves by doing so. What he however isn't so willing to risk is her safety. If he had to die than so be it, but letting his sister die is out of question!
The two male shadowhunters keep on looking the two with a mix of jealousy and happiness that their chosen other half is smiling so sweetly. Of course they would prefer to be the one they would smile so sweetly at, but as long as they are happy they would be fine with it. The night had been the best and worst all at once for them. They for the first time felt complete and completely relaxed, the nagging feeling though that their other half was and is with someone else however hurt them like hell. So when they headed that they weren't an item today, they felt over the moon happy. That was until the talk about risking their lives got brought up.
„We could erase their memory of how we found Jocelyn? That way no one even needs to know about our help. We simply tell them where she is and that's it?" Elisa whispers in an age old foreign language that neither of the other within the room would understand. Her brother was thinking about her idea before he sighed softly.
„It would only work on the two girls though. As you know, the second deep feelings are between them and us the memory erase won't work. At least not as easily. We could take their whole memory from us, as if the last few days hadn't happened or at least without us in it." her brother answers with furrowed brows and a heavy heart. He fell so deeply in love with this young shadowhunter that he doesn't know if he would be able to erase the memory from him. After all those years of loneliness, well apart from his sister, he finally found someone that he loves and maybe, maybe that someone is loving him back in a bit of time. Deep down in his heart thought he knows that if his sister asked him to forget about Alec that he would. With a heavy heart, but he would.
„Taking the girls memory will be enough, won't it? I don't think that Alec or Jace would betray us by informing anyone else of how we found the whereabouts. Or we go to one of our hideouts, track her and than give them the address?" she answers him, not liking for her brother to loose the one he lost his heart to. It has been so long since she saw him this happy, even though she is sure that the relationship between those two boys is the most precious thing she ever saw. Well and Jace, as annoying he might be at times, she loves how caring and sweet he is on the other side. Loves how safe she had felt in his warm arms this night.
„That might work." he answers her relieved that this might work out in the end.
Throughout their conversation the others keep on watching them with confusion on what they might be talking about.

Elisa's pov:
After Magnus and I made up our minds, we slightly turn back to the others. Magnus walks up to Alec and whispers something in his ear. He doesn't seem too happy about what he get told but than he simply nods in agreement. Jace looks at him, expecting an explanation as well, but that has to wait a little longer. We simple knew that Alec would go frantic if we take away his sisters memory from this morning, especially if he doesn't know what's going on. So after a nod from my brother, I walk to the girls who have taken a seat on the bed, far away from one another since they were mad at the others decision. Slowly I lift both of my hands, waving them two times side to side before snipping my fingers. They fall to the bed deeply asleep.
„The hell are you doing!" jace wants to know but he gets held back by the other two boys. Softly I lay a hand on each of their foreheads. Taking one more deep breath before I start to remove their memory from this morning. Careful to not damage any other memory nor take too much of it. When I finished, I add a block on their brain so the silent brothers won't be able to get their memories back.
„Done." i voice as i turn myself back towards Magnus who was standing in between the two shadowhunters.
„Is she going to be fine?" alec asks me afraid for his sisters wellbeing.
„She will wake up as if nothing had happened. I simply took their memory's from this morning. So the only thing they will think is that they had slept in today." I answer him softly, understanding his brotherly love and need to protection. He releases a breath with relief shining in his eyes.
„We should carry them to their rooms now, otherwise they will be confused on how they got into jaces room." I add with an afterthought. They quickly nod their heads and pick the two girls up carefully. While they carry them to their rooms I take a seat on the bed once again.
„Are we doing the right thing?" I ask slightly scared. Two strong arms engulf me into a tight embrace not even a second later.
„I think so." Magnus the always encouraging brother that he is answers reassuringly. The door once again opens up and the two shadowhunters appear again.
„We need to go somewhere safe to do the tracing. It's your decision if you want to come along or want to stay back." Magnus tells them as he pulls away from me after softly kissing my forehead again. Jace simply roles his eyes at his question.
„As if we would let you go without us." Alec says just as irritated that we even asked. Giggling slightly at that, I open up a new portal to go to my apartment.
„Well, let's head out than." Magnus states and walks through the portal, Alec right on his heels. When I start to walk towards it, a warm hand suddenly curls around mine. Shyly looking up, I see jace standing close to me ice again with his way larger hand curled around mine. His whole face smiling softly at me. Feeling a blush creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks, I quickly turn my face away from his observing eyes.
„You look so unbelievable stunning with that bright blush on your cheeks precious." he whispers in my ear. His breath tickling my neck and makes me shudder in awareness of the closeness we are currently in. Not able to answer without embarrassing myself even more, I simply start my way towards the portal. Hearing his amused chuckles makes me feel all funny inside but other than that he doesn't say anything, simply walking along with me.

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