Secret Vampire (Gackt X Femal...

By AmaRue7

8.7K 398 45

(GacktxFemaleReader) *currently going through heavy editing to improve the story Your friend from Japan invit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 35

157 7 0
By AmaRue7

"I would say get a room, but there seems to be plenty of room to go around" Yoshiki cracked a bad pun. "You're such an idiot" Kai had shook his head in disbelief. "At least it makes sense this time" Sakura said as she sat on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. Gackt had his arm around your waist as he and the other two teased Yoshiki about his lack luster pun. A loud notification rung from the able where everyone's phone was. "Food is here" Gackt made way to himself out of the pool. "About time. I'm starving" said Kai following him. The three boys all quickly dried themselves off. "Seems like nothing can get a man going than food" you joked. "At least the simple things make them happy" Sakura had agreed.  You sat on the edge of the pool with Sakura to dry off a little in the sunlight as you waited for the boy to get back with the food. It didn't take too long for the hungry boys to return. They laid out all the food on the table. It was almost like a small buffet. You were excited to try everything. "I never knew you had an appetite (Y\N)" comments Sakura as you put a little bit of everything on your plate. "Well I want to enjoy all the good Japanese food before summer is over" you said. There weren't many Japanese restaurants where you and your friends lived sadly. But to have it fresh and straight from the home country was the best ever. 

"Oh yea. What are you two going to do about that? Are you gonna come back on your next vacation?" asked Sakura. Oh crap you haven't even considered what would happen to the two of you in the future. This definitely needed to be thought out thoroughly. " I'm not really sure about anything but I at least want to finish school before moving out here permanently. I really do love it here" you thought of the first plan that came to mind. Now that you had Gackt as a boyfriend, shoot you had to move out here to be with him. For sure. Although that is a big change for you and your family.  You would consider it. "I'm sorry.I'm sure you need time to think about" Sakura apologized. "No. No its okay. It was going to come up eventually" you insisted a little awkwardly. "I don't think you ever mentioned what you were going to school for" adds Gackt. Really? Well there has been a lot going on lately. You explained your goals to the group and continued to talk about schooling. it made for a good conversation, although it did make you a bit anxious.

"How about we cut the serious talk and get back to the fun. I heard you were gonna put on a private concert, eh Gackt?" said Yoshiki lighting the mood.  You've been waiting practically all day for this. " You don't think it's too early?" said Gackt.  "It's never too early to listen to you" you said letting your inner fangirl take over. Then realizing what you said, made you blush. Gackt chuckled, making you blush more because you knew he was looking at you. "Alright. You've convinced me" he stood up from his seat. Yoshiki jumped up from his chair, "I'll help you" he said eagerly. Kai followed in silence. "Kai isn't much of a talker is he" you observed. Sakura shook her head, "Not really but he is quiet a sweetheart to be honest" she adds.

Kai had arranged the speakers and got them working. "Everything's set over here. What song are you singing so I get the track ready?" he asked. "Marmalade" Gackt replied as he and Yoshiki set up the mike. You could barely sit down, you were so excited. If only your friends knew about this, this would be awesome to enjoy together. That was also something to bring up about the future. Although there would be one hell of a lot of explaining to do. It almost gave you a headache just thinking about it. Just one day at a time, you guess.

After a few more minutes, everything was set. "Why don't you two come over here. You can get front row seats" Gackt winked at you. Say no more. "Come on Sakura" you pulled her out of her seat. "Is this what your inner Gackt fan girl looks like?" she joked.

Gackt gave Kai a ready to go. You heard the music start up. You almost wanted to scream in excitement. Then the best part happened. Gackt started singing.

"kono machi ni kite hajimete no nichiyoubi

wake mo nai noni dokidoki shite mado o aketa
tooku ni mieru niji no āchi ga mabushikute
temaneki o sareteiru you de"

You watched hypnotized as Gackt enjoyed himself on the small stage. He made movements with his body going along with the beat. He did look really hot as he did so.  You sang along to your hearts content since you knew the music was too loud for anyone else to hear you. Sakura was enjoying the music with you, dancing along.

One of the best four minutes of your life.

After begging for a few other songs, it was time to dive back into the pool for the rest of the day. Daichi and Rei, the other vampires, had arrived during the last song. You guessed the enjoyed the dark more since they were older vampires. While everyone enjoyed the pool before dark, Gackt had started to heat up the hot tub before joining everyone else. "You seem to enjoy yourself during the concert. I could see you singing along" Gackt was teasing you. "Not everyone can get front row seats to you shirtless now can they?" you blushed. "No they can't. But for you, I'll make an exception any time" he flirted. "Stop making me blush" you splashed water in his face. "Only if you come sit in the hot tub with me. I want you to myself before everyone joins" he said. Might as well. "Let's not waste any time" you agreed.

The two of you sat together alone in the hot tub. Gackt's arm resting over on your shoulder. The water had slowly heated up to a comfortable warm temperature. You noticed that everyone was here except for Ren. He was never to far from Gackt. "Hey I notice Ren isn't here" you said. "He said he had some business to take care off. Don't worry. He'll be back by midnight" Gackt replied not too worried. Slowly, all the other vampire decided to hop in. "While were all here, how about we discuss the plan to rid of that sick bastard" Kai was rather blunt. It was the first you heard him speak up about something. It was kind of sweet that he brought it up, but it could've been for other reasons as well. "Very well. Sakura, you said you were going to go with (Y\N) on her shopping trip?" clarified Daichi. "Yea that's the plan. I will be able to keep a close eye on her at all times" Sakura agreed. "Good. Now I also thought it would be better for Kai, and Yoshiki to watch from afar" Daichi added. "If that's so, I want to be there as well. If I go with (Y\N) then he'll likely not show up. But I want to be there in case he does decide to make a move" Gackt had established his position. Daichi had no say against it. "In the mean time, I will go with Daichi and Ren to scout out his house. Just so we can watch him after this. We already have his address. So if he is out that night, l likely be able to give you guy a warning" said Rei to the group. They were all so casual and serious about hunting this guy down. Yet, again it was to protect you and Gackt.

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