don't need your love ° jeno

By sweatershit

414 1 0

"if i had known heartbreak would hurt this much, i wouldn't have fallen in love." yang yura finds herself cry... More

seventeen right here
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two


14 0 0
By sweatershit


"hey." yura smiled up at him, lighting up a cigarette as she watched him plop onto the seat across from her, as per usual. she had her bag on the seat next to her, along with her opened laptop, which was in front of her.

with his usual can of beer in his hand, he nodded at her, giving a small smile as well. "hey."

"how are you?" it was a rather cheesy and awkward way to open a conversation, but she still went that way, and turned back to her laptop.

he shrugged, sipping his beer. "well i finally got a job other than this convenience store, so that's eventful."

she chuckled, rolling her eyes. "lucky you." she joked a bit, typing on her laptop. "where is it?"

"a photoshoot studio. they usually work with families and babies and it's annoying because they're constantly crying." he told a bit, sighing dramatically making her chuckle.

she took a hit from her cigarette. releasing the smoke, she smiled to herself in amusement. "that reminds me. today there was a guy who came in and ordered eight shots americano, and when i asked why he just said crying babies." she laughed to herself at the memory.

he chuckled also, sipping. "that's familiar. does he, by any chance, have blue hair?" he half joked, knowing the low chances.

she paused, letting her cigarette hang in between her fingers. "now that you mention it, yeah he does. how did you know?"

jeno paused before bursting out into laughter, making her turn to him curiously. "that must be my friend, jaemin. he works in the same studio and he drinks eight shots coffee on the daily. i thought he stopped though.."

seeing jeno's furrowed face in confusion, yura guffawed in amusement. "well that's interesting." she commented before going back to her laptop. "you should stop by our café sometimes, ask your friend if you don't know where it is."

"i'll keep that noted." he smiled in response.

the two sat in silence, one scrolling for job offers while the other zones out on the concrete sidewalk, thinking of nothing in particular.

"did you break up yet?"

the question made her hand pause while scrolling, and she focused too deeply into the screen. it made her remember the events of last night, the hug, the touch, the sincerity in his voice.

she was sure that what she saw that day was mistaken, she was sure that her eyes were only fooling her. maybe it was his friend, who borrowed his bed. maybe they were only watching a movie?

but there was still a tug in her chest.


her answer was short, simple, and clear. she avoided his eyes, still focusing on the screen, and purposefully lowered her body to hide behind the laptop screen.

"why not?" his tone was calm, but the rough undertone said otherwise.

"look, i think i was mistaken. i think it wasn't him. maybe his friend-"

"what?" he asked, a bit astonished of her forced thinking. "what are you saying? a friend borrowed the bed so he can fuck somebody? you think anyone's gonna allow that?"


"you said it was your anniversary right? did he say anything about that?" he asked, tone getting a bit rough.

"well no, but-"

he scoffed. "of course. and you're still defending him?"

"i know him." she said sternly, glaring a bit at him. "i know him, i've been with him for five years. and i'm sure it's not him."

he turned to her. "even you don't trust yourself." he simply stated.


"you're sure it's not him, but you don't know if it's him." he pointed out, frowning with a hard gaze at her. "just accept it. he doesn't love you anymore and you just-"

"NO!" her outburst surprised him, making him flinch back a bit. she stood up as she yelled, and even he could see the sign of tears in her eyes. "you don't know me, and you don't know him. don't you dare tell me he doesn't love me when i know he does. you have no place in deciding what i should do when i don't even know what."

with a last breath, she bit her lip, tears finally running down. "he loves me."

closing her laptop, she slung her bag over her shoulder and left the store, throwing away the cigarette into a nearby bin.

jeno sighed, rubbing his temple in frustration, knowing he just messed up bad.

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